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Tahar Abdessalem 《Prospects》2011,41(1):135-155
Like other developing countries, Tunisia has allocated increasing levels of resources to education, particularly higher education, over the past few decades, mainly through public funding. From 2005 to 2008, public expenditure on education amounted to around 7.4% of GDP, with 2% allocated to higher education. Recently, however, budgetary constraints have increased, student enrollment is increasing rapidly, and the country needs to improve its higher education so that graduates are more employable. In this context, to enhance access and equity, public policy is required to define orientations and programmes to improve quality and efficiency while reducing costs. This article first assesses public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia, with respect to its adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and then explores the challenges posed to financing by demographic changes, the need for higher quality of education, and private provision. It also examines some strategies for reinforcing financing, and analyzes measures to increase private funding.  相似文献   

The equity effects of public subsidization of private schools in Côte d’Ivoire are analyzed. The subsidy per student in private (and public) schools increases as one goes to higher household per capita expenditure groups. Students from families in the highest expenditure quartile receive twice the subsidy received by students from families in the lowest quartile, compared to four times more in the case of students attending public schools. However, the subsidy system is relatively progressive in the case of private school attendance as there is a clear tendency for the share of family education expenditure covered by subsidies to decline as one goes to higher quartiles.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to analyse the present pattern of funding higher education in India and to discuss the desirability and feasibility of various alternative methods of funding the same. Higher education in India is basically a state funded sector. But as higher education benefits not only society at large, but also individuals specifically, and as it attracts relatively more privileged sections of the society, there is a rationale for shifting the financial burden to the individual domain from the social domain.It is argued here that given the resource constraints and equity considerations, financing higher education mostly from the general tax revenue may not be a desirable policy in the long run. Accordingly some of the alternative policy choices are discussed, including financing higher education from the public exchequer, student loans, graduate tax, student fees, and the role of the private sector. Among the available alternatives, it is argued that a discriminatory pricing mechanism would be relatively more efficient and equitable. While given the socioeconomic and political realities, the government has to continue to bear a large responsibility for funding higher education, instead of relying on a single form of funding, efforts should be made to evolve a model of funding that provides a mix of the various methods. It is also argued that fee and subsidy policies need to make distinctions across various layers and forms of higher education.  相似文献   

教育成本计量探讨   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
教育成本是为使受教育者接受教育所耗费的资源的价值, 教育成本数据是对有关各方都有重要价值的信息, 有必要进行计量。教育成本的计量方法有三类: 统计调查、利用现有会计资料转换计算和成本核算。从计量的主体看,教育成本有社会成本、学校成本和个人成本之分。学校的功能是提供教育服务, 所以学校教育成本就是提供教育服务的成本。只有与提供教育有关的支出才可以计入教育成本, 其他如学生的补贴、学校附属机构的支出等与教学无关的支出不能计入教育成本  相似文献   

From a financial perspective, the criteria for category distinction of higher education institutions should be based on the ownership of institution property and income for recurrent expenditure. The development of modern higher education witnessed the period wherein higher education institutions have both private property and private payment for recurrent expenditure. The development also saw the period wherein all the institution properties were owned by the state and all the recurrent expenditure were paid by the government. Accordingly, universities could be divided into two categories of “public” and “private” institutions until the 1970s. However, things have been changing greatly over the past 20 years. Property ownership and payment for recurrent expenditure have been separated. The public institutions appeal to more and more individuals sharing recurrent expenditure, while private institutions ask for more and more public financial support. Therefore, some financially mixed institutions came into being and “three categories with sub-groups” has become a new phenomenon. __________ Translated from Peking University Education Review, 2004 (2)  相似文献   

A recent shift in the allocation of public expenditure towards higher education prompts several questions: Is this allocation economically justified? Are these resources well utilized? Is there significant cost recovery of these expenditures? If not, who benefits from the subsidy these expenditures represent? Are there alternative means of financing higher education? This paper attempts to provide answers to these questions, which can be briefly summarized as follows: Estimates of social rates of returns do not support the reallocation of public expenditures away from primary towards higher education; low retention rates and high failure rates suggest that the internal efficiency in the utilization of these expenditures is low; currently, almost all public expenditures on higher education represent a subsidy; given the tax burden and enrollment ratios by income group, the lower income groups seem to be gaining most from these subsidies; a start has been made at private sector higher education with the opening of two professional universities, but the prospects of general universities currently opening appears to be dim. Pakistan has a well designed loan program in operation although its quantitative impact is currently limited.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

Because higher education serves both public and private interests, the way it is conceived and financed is contested politically, appearing in different forms in different societies. What is public and private in education is a political–social construct, subject to various political forces, primarily interpreted through the prism of the state. Mediated through the state, this construct can change over time as the economic and social context of higher education changes. In this paper, we analyze through the state’s financing of higher education how it changes as a public/private good and the forces that impinge on states to influence such changes. To illustrate our arguments, we discuss trends in higher education financing in the BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India, and China. We show that in addition to increased privatization of higher education financing, BRIC states are increasingly differentiating the financing of elite and non-elite institutions.  相似文献   

当前大多数学者认为只要达到了一定的规模,远程教育将能够实现以较低的生均成本让更多的学习者获得较高质量的教育。但是也有学者对这一观点持悲观或者质疑的态度。那么我国远程教育的学习者能否享受到低生均成本优势?如果能,又是否是以得到"低效廉价"的教育为代价呢?中国社会科学调查中心关于中国家庭动态跟踪调查数据显示:在控制了学历层次和专业后,与普通教育的学习者相比较,远程教育的学习者付出了显著更少的教育支出;在控制了私人教育支出等因素后,远程教育学习者和普通教育学习者的教育满意度基本持平,没有显著差异。这说明现阶段远程教育的学习者的确享受到了远程教育的成本优势,而且这种优势并不是以教育质量为代价的。同时,实证结果还显示普通教育学习者的教育满意度对"住宿费"和"交通费"具有显著的价格敏感度,而远程教育支出中的"其他费用"项目会显著拉低学习者的教育满意度,因而需要远程教育办学机构对这部分费用进行减免。  相似文献   

The relationship between key state policy variables — (1) relative (private–public) tuition prices, (2) state student-aid funding, and (3) public institution density — and the competitive position of private colleges and universities is examined. Elite private schools are found to be nearly impervious to state policy. Large and moderately selective private institutions are adversely affected by public institution density and low public prices. Such prices divert students who would otherwise prefer these private institutions to similar public schools. State student aid funding most affects the enrollment market shares of the small, low-selectivity private colleges enrolling the greatest proportions of minority and modest-income students. The findings suggest state policies in this era of strong demand for higher education and constrained public sector capacity should use price signals (student aid and public institution pricing) to encourage students to consider seriously whether private higher education might serve their needs as well as or better than public institutions.  相似文献   

This article provides insight into the state of higher education in Serbia, particularly in the context of reform processes based on European Higher Education Area principles. A multidimensional approach was taken, encompassing (a) a review and analysis of legal regulations relevant to the historical context of Serbia, (b) an examination of current working conditions at accredited state and private higher education institutions, (c) and a pilot survey of attitudes among the main participants in higher education teaching. The research gauged attitudes of university professors and students with work or study experiences, respectively, at both state and private higher education institutions. Specific instruments for measuring attitudes were constructed for this study. Professors' attitudes toward state and private higher education were compared through the assessment of aspects of organisational culture including work organisation, stimulating atmosphere, innovation, and creativity. Students expressed their attitudes toward state and private higher education in terms of general atmosphere, curricula, grading criteria, and student status. The results indicate that private higher education was appreciated slightly more than state higher education; both professors and students held more positive attitudes of private higher education for all dimensions investigated.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, there has been a significant change in the financing of higher education in the United States. A decrease in student and institutional support in real terms, tuition increases at all types of institutions, along with the view that students are the primary beneficiaries of higher education has resulted in policies that reduce the proportion of higher education costs borne by the federal and state governments. This paper will describe this financing shift in the United States, and analyse its impact on college participation with a particular focus on equity and opportunity. It will also provide an analysis of some questions that European countries should address as they implement their own policies that shift the burden of paying for college from the government to individuals, and as they consider various forms of financial assistance to help students pay for college.  相似文献   

广州市越来越多的非户籍少年儿童需要接受免费义务教育,而且新修订的义务教育法也规定,地方政府应当切实履行帮助他们接受免费义务教育的义务。在进行认真的数据计算之后,我们的研究发现:假如广州维持现有的公立中小学规模,政府以每年生均经费1,500元的标准资助就读私立初中、小学的非户籍儿童、少年,便可以基本解决他们接受义务教育的问题,而按这一标准补助的年总额均不会超过2010年前每年全市新增的教育投入额。因此,由私立学校为非户籍适龄少年儿童提供教育是经济可行的。  相似文献   


Over the last two decades, there has been a significant change in the financing of higher education in the United States. A decrease in student and institutional support in real terms, tuition increases at all types of institutions, along with the view that students are the primary beneficiaries of higher education has resulted in policies that reduce the proportion of higher education costs borne by the federal and state governments. This paper will describe this financing shift in the United States, and analyse its impact on college participation with a particular focus on equity and opportunity. It will also provide an analysis of some questions that European countries should address as they implement their own policies that shift the burden of paying for college from the government to individuals, and as they consider various forms of financial assistance to help students pay for college.  相似文献   

The development of higher education in the U.S. has been masked in recent years by a decline in the proportion of the whole provided by private institutions. Some of the less obvious and more speculative reasons for this decline are discussed and suggestions are made as to what kinds of private institution are likely to be more durable. The claim that the virtual disappearance of private colleges would be a calamity is examined. The notion of an Educational Opportunity Bank to provide student loans is discussed in the context of maintaining diversity, quality and freedom of student choice and movement in U.S. higher education.  相似文献   

The intent of the authors in preparing this paper is to compare and contrast the roles of Institutional Research in informing decision making and governance in higher education. Using a case study format the authors will provide an example of a research project conducted within each of the following sectors of United States higher education system: private 4-year not for profit, public major research institutions/private specialized institutions, and a pubic state university system. The first case study from the private sector will feature a mixed methodology study that used data from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and student focus groups to explore student engagement at this institution and inform faculty development. The second case study will compare the use of data for decision making from the standpoint of large public research institutions and private specialized institutions. The third case study from a state university system focuses on recent initiatives in the public sector to inform the public, the institutions, the State, and the federal government using data from institutional research offices, student engagement surveys, and student learning assessments shared through consortia and national associations. These examples will be discussed within the structure of decision making and governance in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper presents data relevant to discussions on the financing of secondary education in Tanzania. The issue of financing is important because expansion in public schools is severely limited by budgetary constraints, high unit costs, and the fact that no part of public expenditures is currently recovered through fees. Given the financing difficulties, it may now be appropriate to reconsider the role of fees as a means of mobilizing private resources to supplement government funds. A prior question, however, is whether or not households already incur a significant cost even in the absence of fees, and further, whether or not they are willing to bear additional charges. The empirical analysis for Tanzania shows that although students pay no fees, their school related expenditure is in fact quite substantial, amounting in 1981 to US$139 for state students, and US$439 (including US$242 for fees) for private students. The results also show that students' expenditures vary more by enrollment characteristics than by family background, suggesting that given the substantial expenses involved, students do not spend more or less than what is necessary, regardless of their background. The large proportion of privately enrolled students in Tanzania indicates, however, that wealthier parents are both willing and able to bear a substantial user charge. A possible implication of these results is that user charges for public secondary education could potentially play an important role in mobilizing private household resources for the sector. Their actual relevance in Tanzania needs, however, to be confirmed by additional research.  相似文献   

Investment in education is critical for economic growth and poverty alleviation. Such investment is typically being financed by the state. Yet in many countries families contribute privately to the education of their children. In an era of stagnating public budgets for education (and practically anything else), the private financing of education gains importance for a country's investment in human resources to be maintained. It is often claimed that private education is highly selective and afforded only by the rich. In this paper we examine the extent of private expenditure on education in a country that is among the poorest—Bolivia. In the empirical analysis we use data from both the 1990 and 1992 household surveys (Encuesta Intergrada de Hogares). The results show that there is a remarkable willingness of households in Bolivia to pay for private education for their children.  相似文献   

Private higher education in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the post World War Two era and prior to the mid 1980s Australia has been characterised by exclusive public provision, financing and regulation of higher education. The 1980s, however, have been marked by considerable turmoil which culminated in the 1988 White Paper. Circumstances provided by the reform of the higher education system, the booming overseas student market and unmet domestic demand have provided a window of opportunity for private providers. This paper charts the growth of private provision, federal and state government responses and the pressures for subsidy and regulation. The paper concludes that the policies of both levels of government are hastening the development of what Geiger (1988) defines as a peripheral private sector of higher education in Australia.  相似文献   

Private initiatives in higher education in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa's higher education crisis has prompted the growth of private institutions. Enrollments are very low and in most African countries do not account for a significant proportion of university enrollments. The largest number of private institutions are in Kenya which is the subject of a case study. Private institutions provide professional training in fields of employment opportunity but also offer an education that emphasizes character building functions of higher studies. Private higher education is expensive to provide and costly to attend. Many private institutions are caught in a dilemma. They can not achieve significant efficiencies by reducing instructional costs without damage to the quality of their programs, and they are reluctant to raise tuition and accommodation charges because of the distorting effects on student recruitment. As long as public higher education is provided at low or no cost and private higher education is entirely self-supporting, the private sector will have a peripheral role in higher education in Kenya and other African countries.  相似文献   

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