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本文针对网络化的城市交通控制系统,应用网络通信技术实现了交通数据在Internet中的通信功能,设计了通信中数据包的统一接口,为系统功能的扩展提供了极大的方便。论述了系统的网络通信实现过程,并对网络通信的可靠性和安全性进行了研究,应用Visua IC 6.0实现了其功能。  相似文献   

The adverse economic impacts of the 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act have transformed the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. The key elements of this transformation include declining rates of innovation, huge increases in R&D costs and risks, lowered profitability, and an erosion of U.S. technological leadership. U.S. pharmaceutical firms must develop new, creative R&D strategies in order to cope with this complex and demanding environment. U.S. firms have responded to more stringent domestic regulation by sharply increasing both foreign R&D expenditures and initial clinical testing of new chemical entities at foreign locations.New patterns of project selection strategies have begun to emerge in the 1970s. As the total number of R&D projects has been cut back, pharmaceutical firms have focused resources on those disease areas with the highest epidemiological importance. To cope with the increasing riskiness of drug R&D firms have shifted dollars from research to development. Pharmaceutical firms are also likely to alter their strategies for discovering new drugs. As firms reduce explorative, basic research, more structured, engineering approaches will receive increased emphasis. Because individual drug companies are likely to have reduced capacity for originating drugs within their own laboratories, competition among firms for access to new compounds and research ideas is likely to in tensify.  相似文献   

This paper examines the meaning of context in relation to ontology based query expansion and contains a review of query expansion approaches. The various query expansion approaches include relevance feedback, corpus dependent knowledge models and corpus independent knowledge models. Case studies detailing query expansion using domain-specific and domain-independent ontologies are also included. The penultimate section attempts to synthesise the information obtained from the review and provide success factors in using an ontology for query expansion. Finally the area of further research in applying context from an ontology to query expansion within a newswire domain is described.  相似文献   

Knut Holt 《Research Policy》1978,7(4):342-360
For more and more firms product innovation is becoming the key to survival and future growth. Successful product innovation cannot be based only upon inspiration, fantasy and random ideas; in most firms a purposeful and systematic approach also is required. Information is a key concept in this context. As product innovation activities are very different from day-to-day activities, a special information system is required.Based on an in-depth study of a large firm, it appears that systematic innovation requires: (a) a sound business concept with future oriented strategies and policies; (b) a competent staff who master the necessary tools; (c) an efficient organization with an appropriate information system; (d) relevant methods for diversification studies and product planning; and (e) development of individual products based on systematical provision of information about user needs and proper specification of requirements.In small firms innovations are based more on the entrepreneurial approach. Such firms often demonstrate a very innovative attitude, but many of them are hampered by lack of skills in marketing and management. They also lack supporting services which can provide information about the environment.Considering the importance of small firms in economic development and social progress, they should be given support in their innovative attempts. This can be done by organizing innovation centers which arrange studies, develop courses, and give practical assistance to firms engaged in innovative work. Governments should develop policies and provide information stimulating both small and large firms to innovations that are more desirable from a social point of view.  相似文献   

The importance and contribution of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) to long-term economic development is at the centre of a controversial debate. This paper provides an overview of the current status of research on various issues concerning NTBFs in Germany. The issues covered include the incidence of start-up firms in Germany's technology-intensive sectors and their regional clustering. The review also shows that NTBFs play an important role with regard to the transfer, adoption and diffusion of technology. The public support and policy initiatives for NTBFs in Germany are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the relationships between firms and communities in open source software (OSS). A particular feature of OSS is that important resources are not directly controlled by firms, but partly reside within communities that co-exist with the firms. Despite this, firms explicitly try to utilize the resources within these communities in order to create and appropriate value. Consequently, the relationships that firms have to these communities influence their way of doing business. Based on case studies of Nordic OSS firms, a typology consisting of symbiotic, commensalistic, and parasitic approaches to handle the firm-community relationship is developed. Depending on the chosen approach, firms encounter different managerial issues and also use different operational means of subtle control. While firms relying on a symbiotic approach have greater possibility to influence the community through subtle means of control, they are also confronted with more challenging managerial issues.  相似文献   

企业与政府的双轨博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从双轨制——计划轨与市场轨的视角运用动态的博弈过程模型对企业与政府关系进行剖析,认为政府干预经济的运行轨迹通常与企业的内在运行轨迹存在差异,而随着政府直接干预程度的减小,政府和企业的租金收益与成本差值将会增加,进而增加政府和企业的总收益。  相似文献   

This explorative paper investigates how firms in the global data-processing industry that seek patent protection for their innovations in Europe have coped with the patentability requirements of the European Patent Office. Starting from a continuous research spectrum with basic research on the one extreme and development on the other, the main hypothesis is as follows: firms that carry out more basic research are more successful in passing the patent office than firms that focus more on development. Basic research explores more novel and unknown technical paths, while development aims more at modifying and redesigning existing products. Therefore, the results from more basic-oriented research are expected to fulfill the patentability requirements relatively more often than the results from development. This hypothesis is tested and largely confirmed for the global data-processing industry (with a sample of 44 firms) in the period 1986–1990, using indirect variables for basic research and development.  相似文献   

企业网络结构的效率   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
企业是一个开放系统,必须通过与外界环境不断进行沟通和交互才能维持其生存和发展。企业的网络结构可以使企业获得知识和信息优势,网络中企业之间的互动可以使企业得到知识外部性的好处,同时企业之间的互动会产生系统性的网络效应,使得企业的价值创造行为在企业之间的联系更为紧密,从而增加了企业进行价值创造的机会。在知识和信息已经成为企业竞争优势的今天,企业与其合作之间可以通过网络关系的建立而获取持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

In the fall of 1945, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace handpicked Edward Condon, a respected theoretical physicist, to become director of the National Bureau of Standards. Already regarded by many academic and industrial scientists as a second-rate research institution, the Bureau had deteriorated further during the Great Depression. An ardent New Dealer who favored government action to prevent anticompetitive behavior in the marketplace, Wallace claimed that giant corporations leveraged their extensive patent holdings and research capabilities to manipulate markets and restrict competition at the expense of smaller firms without similar resources. Through a revitalized Bureau of Standards, Wallace intended to mitigate monopolistic behavior among large companies by transforming the Department of Commerce into an effective clearinghouse for scientific research that would stimulate technological innovation in small businesses. The Bureau's postwar expansion, however, foundered on congressional efforts to dismantle the legacies of the New Deal, Condon's lack of commitment to the technical requirements of the small business community, and the intense competition for resources within an institutionally pluralist federal research establishment dominated by the exigencies of the Cold War. Without sufficient financial support from congressional appropriations committees, Condon turned to the military to fund new research programs at the Bureau of Standards. These programs, however, owed their institutional growth to the demands of the national security state, not to the fading influence of Henry Wallace's New Deal liberalism.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104824
This article analyzes the impact of loans secured by patents (LSPs) on the intellectual property and innovation strategy of technological firms that benefit from them. The literature mostly emphasizes that LSPs, by reducing the risk taken by lenders in case of borrowers' default, facilitate the financing of technological firms. However, it remains silent on the impact of LSPs on the behavior and strategy of borrowers. With regard to this second point, our research suggests that LSPs are not neutral. In particular, we provide evidence that LSPs might induce technological firms to deviate from innovative activities toward more short-term strategies based on the monetization and litigation of their patents. We also show that financing groups might attempt to encourage this strategic change. Our research is based, first, on empirical insights provided by a qualitative analysis of publicly known LSPs offered by an international investment group and their consequences for four borrowers. Second, we propose a theoretical model that formally explores how LSPs might impact borrowers' strategies. Even though the welfare implications of these findings are difficult to evaluate, this research has likely important economic and managerial implications with regard to intellectual property management, the financing of innovation and the organization of the innovation process.  相似文献   

本文旨在阐述近期的一些关于经济系统中的知识与其重要性的讨论。这需要借助马歇尔与哈耶克的关于经济中知识的补充性质理论。这一性质一方面有利于对被称为企业资源基础理论的机会与局限进行讨论,从而对知识管理与企业创新行为问的关系予以改进;另一方面有利于坚持为市场动态所引导的、以及存在于市场动态之内的知识的重要性。因而,这两部分的结合使我们得以通过探索更深层次的知识特性、表达改进技术知识管理的需求,以及推广企业创新行为的本土化与辐射化等方法,为认识知识经济的重要性铺平道路。最终,得以推广基于企业创新行为的本土化特点而生成的创新系统路径,并将其用于描述企业关于知识生成、使用、分发与交易的合理应用。  相似文献   

论文基于2014年“一带一路”倡议实施,以我国2011—2017年进行对外直接投资的上市企业为样本,采用双重差分模型检验“一带一路”倡议对企业创新效率的影响及其动态演变过程,并基于风险容忍的视角分析具体作用机制。研究结果表明,“一带一路”倡议的实施短期来看显著提高了企业的创新投入;长期来看也显著提升了企业的创新产出和创新效率。在进一步分析该影响的动态演变过程后,研究发现,自2014年以来“一带一路”倡议对企业创新投入、创新产出和创新效率的边际动态影响整体呈逐年递增趋势。在控制行业因素和企业个体固定效应的影响后,结论保持不变。最后,论文基于风险容忍的视角,将东道国和企业因素纳入“一带一路”倡议影响企业创新效率的分析框架中。研究发现不同的宗教文化影响了东道国风险容忍度,伊斯兰宗教文化更加偏好金融风险规避,其风险容忍度较低,对“一带一路”倡议的作用产生显著差异;而多元化的经营战略决策提高了企业风险容忍度,更有利于发挥“一带一路”倡议的促进作用。本文不仅肯定了“一带一路”倡议实施对企业创新效率的促进作用,还拓展了“一带一路”倡议与企业创新的相关研究,对参与“一带一路”建设的企业如何以经济合作促进创新发展、进一步加快建设创新型国家具有重要的理论意义和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

As research organizations are asked to assess output and respond to environmental forces demanding productivity and responsiveness to established goals, research managers increasingly seek new approaches to improve overall R & D efficiency. Within pharmaceutical firms research planners and administrators have experimented with several means to generate new insights and techniques aimed at improving the intricate research process. These include such diverse approaches as programs for developing manager-scientists, arranging for technical audits, emphasizing forecasting perspectives, improving government/academic research interactions, seeking extramural new products and promising leads and revising organization and communication patterns.  相似文献   

针对传统应用模式下,因ERP与CRM相互独立导致的企业内外部信息交互脱节的应用现状,讨论了ERP与CRM的整合思想,并对两者的SM(销售管理)进行了功能分析,实现了包括系统网络结构、体系结构和框架结构的销售管理模块化体系设计,探讨了整合后的系统特色,为软件整合设计开发思路提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

数字经济背景下,人工智能(AI)技术的应用正在深入地影响着企业管理变革、业务边界的扩展和管理模式的改变。结合互补资产的观点和组织学习理论,本文提出了一个基于AI应用能力和AI管理能力的分析框架,强调人工智能与人类智慧结合的必要性,阐述了两种能力的功能和作用及其协同对企业效率和创新成本的影响。本文提出,企业必须具备管理AI的能力才能有效应对大数据、数字技术、AI的不断革新及技术带来的组织内部结构和外部环境变化以及风险;企业AI应用与管理能力的有效结合,有利于控制AI应用带来的成本和风险,增强企业在人工人力、协调沟通、和数据搜寻方面的效率,同时降低AI应用带来的数字基建、道德情感、数据安全、组织结构变革方面的成本,进而促进企业的组织学习、对内外部数字技术使能资源的获取和管理以及互补资产的形成,对企业创新绩效发挥正向作用。最后,本文为企业的数字化创新战略提供了新的发展思路。  相似文献   

The concept of the regional innovation system (RIS) has been developed into an important framework for evaluating innovation performance. The study reported in this paper explores the relationship between the RIS and the firm's innovation system (FIS) according to the basic premise that firms that better utilize sources of information (SI) available within their regional innovation system (RIS) perform better due effect this has in enhancing the firm's technological innovation capabilities (TICs). The different innovation capabilities of a firm are regarded as the key components of the firm's innovation system. The sources of information available within an RIS include external sources (EXT) and external expert organizations, the latter of which are referred to as knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). This study also explores the dual role of KIBS as both sources of and bridges for innovation in the RIS. Data were obtained through a mailed survey using a self-administered questionnaire. The utilization concept and the dual role of KIBS were verified. The results show that externally available information affects all innovation capabilities of the firm, while external expert organizations affect only the firm's R&D and resources allocation capabilities. This study contributes to the RIS literature by providing empirical evidence on how firms can interact with the RIS by utilizing SI to enhance their TICs and achieve global competitiveness.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104787
The ability to access specialized complementary assets has been key to explaining how firms benefit from their technological innovations. When firms lack complementary assets the more likely they have to rely on markets for technology to profit from their R&D investments. We extend this view documenting the emergence of a new type of industry intermediary, Contract Development & Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs), which provide access to complementary assets on a per-use basis. CDMOs allow firms to contract for complementary assets at variable costs without the need to invest in such assets internally. This opens up new product development paths, in which firms do not out-license their products to firms with complementary assets but sustain their development in-house using CDMOs. We highlight that the expansion of services offered by CDMOs changes the nature of the industry's source of competitive advantage and provide empirical evidence that the expansion of CDMOs is associated with a decline in the number of out-licensing deals among US biopharmaceutical firms. In so doing, the study explains how innovation intermediaries like CDMOs can have a profound effect on an industry's specialized complementary assets and the market for technology.  相似文献   

随着生物制药、纳米、新材料等领域的崛起,一种新的基于科学的创业企业随之诞生。这类企业与基础科学研究紧密相连,推动着科学的创新。本文以诺奖科学家参与创建,旨在商业化其研究成果的企业为案例,从管理团队、资金来源、企业合作及产品研发四个纬度研究了基于科学的创业企业发展与演化特征。通过分析此类企业管理团队发现,基于科学的创业企业管理层通常由“前沿科学家+商业人士”的组合,既能使企业处于科研前沿面,又有效地保障了企业资源获取及运营管理;从资金来源看,创业初期的资金来源主要有政府基金和风险投资,政府资助支持了企业早期研发并降低了私人投资的风险;企业发展阶段的主要资金来源主要有风险投资、公开募股、商业合作以及运营知识产权等,多元化的资金来源有效支撑了企业巨大的研发支出;企业合作主要有学术合作与商业合作两类,学术合作保持企业处于科学前沿同时获得最新专利;商业合作缩短了产品的研发周期,加快产品上市,巩固了市场地位;基于科学的创业企业其产品研发周期长,风险大;此外这类企业不仅研发面向消费者的商业产品,还研发商业技术,为科研机构或企业提供技术平台。  相似文献   

技术创新责任是创新驱动战略背景下的企业社会责任新形式,是企业实现可持续发展的必然选择。针对技术创新责任,已有研究尚处于概念讨论阶段,欠缺具有科学性的测量工具。本文基于扎根理论开发技术创新责任的维度,并运用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析验证所开发的维度,通过组合信度和平均变异量AVE等方式评估量表的信度和效度。研究结果表明,技术创新责任包括“员工维度”、“合作伙伴维度”、“消费者维度”、“政府维度”、“非政府组织维度”和“社区维度”6个维度,量表具有良好的信度和效度。研究结果丰富了技术创新责任的理论研究,为技术创新责任的实证分析奠定了工具基础,同时为企业完善利益相关者网络、提升利益相关者能力提供了重要的实践参考。  相似文献   

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