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本科生管理案例分时段教学法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对工商管理专业本科段管理案例教学中存在的学生准备不够充分、参与不足现象,提出了管理案例分时段教学法的构想。这种方法把整个教学过程分为课前准备时段、课堂理论与方法学习时段、课余消化吸收与团队学习讨论时段、课堂汇报/辩论时段等四个相互联系的时段。文章给出了管理案例教学时段划分的方法,探讨了每一时段的教学组织方式和内容。  相似文献   


Collaborative learning is a key approach to the development of teaching and learing activities. Project-based learning (PBL) is an approach that encourages the acquisition of skills by the students promoting collaboration among them, since it requires them to solve activities for the development of a specific product. There are various experiences of using this methodology, most of them applied in primary and secondary education, and the few that refer to higher education are carried out in classroom settings. This work presents a case study based on a specific course designed for the acquisition of the digital competence that combines collaborative online learning with PBL and the results obtained from its implementation are explained. The collected data show the success of its application and validates the design presented, highlighting the key elements for fostering collaboration among students.  相似文献   

对于大规模的高等教育在线教学质量评价众说纷纭。已有的研究调查发现本科学生大体上更偏好线下教学。然而,学生的偏好只反映了其主观意愿的一面。利用“中国高水平大学课程教与学追踪调查”(CUCE)数据库,得到中国三所顶尖大学的同一批课程疫情前的6264份线下教学样本及2020年春季学期的4451份线上教学样本,构成授课内容与教师均相同的对照组。统计分析显示,在课堂体验、学业投入和课程满意度三方面,学生的主观偏好均倾向于线下教学。线上线下对照组比较分析却发现,线上教学在这三方面的教学效果显著高于线下教学,效应值均低于0.04。学生主观偏好与对照组比较两种评价路径得出不同的质量评价结果。由于应急情况下师生为线上教学付出大量投入,在有限程度上提升了教学质量,但教学效率可能偏低。低效应值也表明课程质量不取决于线上或线下教学形式。常态下在线教学的质量还有待进一步检验。  相似文献   

Over the past century, student ratings have steadily continued to take precedence in faculty evaluation systems in North America and Australia, are increasingly reported in Asia and Europe and are attracting considerable attention in the Far East. Since student ratings are the most, if not the only, influential measure of teaching effectiveness, active participation by and meaningful input from students can be critical in the success of such teaching evaluation systems. Nevertheless, very few studies have looked into students' perception of the teaching evaluation system and their motivation to participate. This study employs expectancy theory to evaluate some key factors that motivate students to participate in the teaching evaluation process. The results show that students generally consider an improvement in teaching to be the most attractive outcome of a teaching evaluation system. The second most attractive outcome was using teaching evaluations to improve course content and format. Using teaching evaluations for a professor's tenure, promotion and salary rise decisions and making the results of evaluations available for students' decisions on course and instructor selection were less important from the students' standpoint. Students' motivation to participate in teaching evaluations is also impacted significantly by their expectation that they will be able to provide meaningful feedback. Since quality student input is an essential antecedent of meaningful student evaluations of teaching effectiveness, the results of this study should be considered thoughtfully as the evaluation system is designed, implemented and operated.  相似文献   

本文分析了当前大学计算机基础课程教学中遇到新问题,并在此基础上提出了实验教学模式在计算机基础教学中的应用。实验教学模式充分发挥了学生在学习中的主动性和创造性。本文以实验教学模式为基础,对计算机基础课的教学过程组织、教学方法的改革、教学效果评价等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

思想政治理论课教学中运用案例教学法能够突破传统教学方法的缺陷,提高学生的学习兴趣。案例教学法恰当运用的首要环节是材料的收集,其次是操作步骤的恰当与否,再次是与具体课程内容的切合度,只有具备这三方面的条件,案例教学法才能真正发挥作用。  相似文献   

文章阐述了我国高校理科双语教学模式的内涵、特征和实施目标,概述了国内外双语教学中常见的语言选择模式,最后结合《图论基础》课程的教学实践,在语言选择模式的基础上,论述了构建理科双语教学模式的基本原则:方法原则、主体原则、思维原则、手段原则、目标原则、评价原则,并从内容、方法和流程方面具体研究适合理科教育的双语教学模式。  相似文献   

A trauma-and-violence-informed-care (TVIC) system within an educational setting provides a framework of practice that enables schools to become safe and inclusive places for some of the most vulnerable students. Initial teacher education may provide the opportunity to prepare teachers to create classrooms and learning experiences that are safe, equitable, and meet students' needs. A mandatory mental health literacy course for second year teacher candidates in a Bachelor of Education program (n = 287) at a large Canadian university introduced TVIC concepts. A case study approach was used to illustrate both the challenges that students exposed to trauma and/or violence can experience, as well as strategies and knowledge that teachers can use to support these students. This program evaluation used a repeated measures design to survey both attitudes toward trauma informed care for teachers and self-efficacy for teaching using inclusive practices before and after the course. A significant effect of time on both measures revealed an increase in both participants' attitudes toward TVIC and their self-efficacy in using inclusive teaching practices. These findings provide support for the inclusion of these important topics for all teacher candidates. Implications for practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the conceptual change of students in Grades 10 and 12 in three Australian senior high schools when the teachers included computer multimedia to a greater or lesser extent in their teaching of a genetics course. The study, underpinned by a multidimensional conceptual‐change framework, used an interpretive approach and a case‐based design with multiple data collection methods. Over 4–8 weeks, the students learned genetics in classroom lessons that included BioLogica activities, which feature multiple representations. Results of the online tests and interview tasks revealed that most students improved their understanding of genetics as evidenced in the development of genetics reasoning. However, using Thorley's (1990) status analysis categories, a cross‐case analysis of the gene conceptions of 9 of the 26 students interviewed indicated that only 4 students' postinstructional conceptions were intelligible–plausible–fruitful. Students' conceptual change was consistent with classroom teaching and learning. Findings suggested that multiple representations supported conceptual understanding of genetics but not in all students. It was also shown that status can be a viable hallmark enabling researchers to identify students' conceptual change that would otherwise be less accessible. Thorley's method for analyzing conceptual status is discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 205–235, 2007  相似文献   

论述了电子信息类专业中“数字信号处理”课程的重要性,详细分析了“数字信号处理”课程教学中存在的问题,探讨了案例式教学法在“数字信号处理”课程中的设计思路,并针对课程中的主要教学内容给出了具体的教学实施方案,最后选取课程中比较典型的两个工程案例,详细阐述了案例教学法的具体实施过程。教学实践证明将案例式教学法引入教学中,通过实际工程应用案例的讨论与实践,能充分调动学生学习的主观能动性,提高学生对数字信号处理的综合应用能力。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore teacher candidates' reflections on the methodology and practice components of a pre‐service English teacher training programme in Turkey. For this purpose, a qualitative case study method was followed. The participants were 176 senior year students at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. The data were analysed by seeking patterns and themes in relation to each research question. The participants believed that a close connection between the course materials and practical application in real classrooms did not always exist. They also stated that they did not have enough opportunities for micro‐teaching and practice teaching.  相似文献   

物流管理课程具有很强的实践性、综合性和专业性,应用案例教学方法能显著提高教学效果。案例教学中教师要注意做好充足的课前准备和处理好理论与案例教学的关系。在案例讨论前要精心选择案例并做好课前准备,讨论过程中要注意控制讨论进度,激发学生讨论的积极性,结束后要对讨论进行归纳总结,并将案例教学计入课程考核体系中。  相似文献   

在反思项目教学存在问题的基础上,对程控交换设备运行与维护课程中项目任务单的开发运用进行了实践与探索;归纳出项目任务单的5个作用即促进学生思考,促进学生归纳,促进学生反思,促进学生对比,促进评价考核;开发出两种不同的项目任务单——工作过程记录单和学习过程记录单;提出在三方面的运用。认为对于以完成实际工作项目引领教学的课程,项目任务单可以较好地解决项目教学中存在的问题,在有效促进高职教育"职教性"的同时,也促进了"高教性"的发展。  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to investigate how most of the competences required by engineering students may be developed through an active methodology based on cooperative learning/evaluation. Cooperative learning was employed by the University of Huelva's third-year engineering students. The teaching methodology pretends to create some of the most relevant engineering skills required nowadays such as the ability to cooperate finding appropriate information; the ability to solve problems through critical and creative thinking; and the ability to make decisions and to communicate effectively. The statistical study carried out supports the hypothesis that comprehensive and well-defined protocols in the development of the subject, the rubric and cooperative evaluation allow students to acquire a successful learning.  相似文献   

“弹塑性力学”是土木工程研究生的专业学位课,也是一门内容抽象、公式繁杂的理论课程。为了激发研究生对该课程的学习兴趣,进行了以能力培养为导向的教学改革,具体举措有:(1)压缩教师讲台授课,推出网络课程;(2)增加土木工程实例与前沿教学;(3)尝试“请学生走上讲台,让同学讨论评价”的教学形式;(4)推行全过程、多样化的学习评价方式。通过在教学方式、教学内容、教学环节、教学评价上的改革,发展了研究生的学习能力、应用能力、创新能力、沟通与表达能力,也获得了他们的好评。  相似文献   

行动导向教学模式的《Web应用程序设计》课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨在应用型本科IT类专业《Web应用程序设计》课程教学中引入行动导向教学模式的可行性,阐明了基于行动导向教学模式的课程改革基本思路,并对课程内容体系、教学方式方法和学习评价三方面进行深入探讨,提出了具体的、较为系统的改革方案。  相似文献   

The course planning and monitoring activities of a university teacher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A de-briefing techique was used to conduct weekly interviews with a university teacher in order to collect information on course planning and monitoring activities. A content analysis of the data showed that most attention was given to talking about students, teaching methods and role, and the process and content of class meetings. The variations in the content of the interviews are discussed in terms of the interaction between the concerns of the teacher and the progress of the course. Applications of the methodology to staff development and further research are outlined.  相似文献   

Student nonparticipation in electronic surveys represents a challenge to educators as it may impact significantly on the implementation or evaluation of the associated teaching activities. We here study the student evaluation of a pedagogical project consisting of prelecture online polling followed by linked revision lectures. This investigation involves studying the responses from 43 undergraduate students following a course in accounting at a British university. With regard to the students' views on the use of prelecture polling, our study shows that there are no statistically significant differences between those who did not participate in the online polling and those who did. Both groups of students were generally positive about the use of (1) polling results in structuring the revision lecture, (2) online survey in helping them prepare for the examination and (3) online polling as a teaching platform in other courses. Our findings therefore suggest that prelecture electronic surveys can help engage students with follow‐up lectures, including those who did not participate in the prelecture survey.  相似文献   

The study presents the results of a project in which a series of digital games were used for teaching Mathematics to first, fourth, and sixth-grade primary school students (ages 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12). Mathematics was selected as the teaching subject because of the difficulties students face in understanding basic math concepts. Although digital games are used quite extensively for educational purposes, they are scarcely used for teaching Mathematics. The games were developed by the classes' teachers using Microsoft's Kodu Game Lab. The learning outcomes were compared to two other groups of students. The first was taught using the model proposed by Driver and Oldham while the second was taught conventionally. Data was collected using questionnaires and evaluation sheets. A total of 201 students participated in the study coming from three schools in Athens, Greece. Results indicated that students in the games group outperformed, in most cases, students in the other groups. Students' views for the games were highly positive. The implications for software engineers and education administrators are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过分析软件体系结构课程教学中存在的问题,进行了软件体系结构课程建设和教学改革的实践。建立了基于Web的软件体系结构教学资源库和全真案例库,注重理论和实践的结合,为学生提供了课堂外的在线学习和远程教育平台,并建立了基于模糊层次分析法的课程改革和教学效果评价模型,从学生评教、教师评学和用人单位评价三个方面对近年来的教学效果进行评价。实践表明,通过基于问题、基于榜样的案例教学和互动研讨,不仅帮助学生获得了解决实际问题的能力,而且为学生早日成为合格的软件架构师打下了基础。  相似文献   

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