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无任的含义一直是秦汉法制史中的疑难问题。根据张家山汉律中的新材料,就刑徒而言,“五任”是指刑徒原居住地的里正及邻里不少于五人为其出具担保,保证该刑徒在服刑期间不逃亡或再犯罪,该刑徒因而获得在服役期间免戴刑具的待遇;“无任”则指无人为刑徒提供担保,为防止其逃跑,而必须给他戴上刑具。  相似文献   

离婚损害赔偿的举证在实践中是一个较为困难和复杂的问题。在离婚损害赔偿的无任过错方举证责方面,笔者认为应从立法上解决下列几个问题:应从立法上确认离婚损害赔偿中无过错方私人取证的合法性;在一定的情况下采用举证责任倒置的举证方式;在证据的认定问题上,确立“优势证明标准”;通过立法或司法解释赋予当事人收集证据的合法途径。  相似文献   

"一样"和"一个样"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“一样”和“一个样”都能表示“同样;没有差异”这样的意义,但二在句法、语义、语用方面都有着很大的不同。在句法上,“一个样”只能做句子的谓语中心语、宾语和补语,而“一样”还可以做定语和状语;在语义上,“一个样”有表示“差异性”和“意外性”的倾向,而“一样”没有这个倾向;在语用上,“一个样”具有强调的意味、不自足的语境特色和鲜明的语气色彩,而“一样”很少具备这样的语用价值。“一样”和“一个样”的这些差异主要是二的主观性程度不同造成的。“一样”主观性程度弱,“一个样”主观性程度强。“一个样”的主观性程度强,既跟量词“个”的介入有关,也与“一样”和“一个样”的历时状况有关。  相似文献   

课改"热"的"冷"思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮基础教育改革给教育带来了生机和活力。但在实践中,有些教师对课改理念理解不深、课改方向把握不准,只追求表面上的热热闹闹,实质是给课改套上“形似神异”的面具。要真正实现课改的初衷,教育者就别穿“新鞋”走“老路”;别让“探究”变“瘫痪”;别叫“取悦”变“不悦”;别使“自主”变“自发”;别从“人灌”变“机灌”。一切以学生的发展为本,提高课改的实效性。  相似文献   

雨石1958年生于北京,师从徐之谦、柏涛、砚波先生。擅榜书、工蝇头,精通金石篆刻。 吴未淳题词:“刘君雨石,潜心翰墨,具穿砚胼指之功。今观所作,出入前贤,神完法备,各体皆精,有古人之风,洵不能测其所至。此才未易得也,无任亲慕之至。”  相似文献   

:现代汉语中的“情况”有两个含义,一是指“情形”;二是指“军事上的变化”;但实际上,“情况”还有“个人隐私”义。我们将泛指“情形”和特指“军事上的变化”的“情况”称作“一般情况”,记作“情况甲”;将特指“个人隐私”的“情况”称作“特殊情况”,记作“情况乙”,从理性信息,情感信息、语用信息三个方面来分析其信息差。  相似文献   

为了应对报业激烈的竞争,都市报应该充分调动版面要素,最大限度地让受众在阅读中获得“养眼”的效果。为此,应调动版面的要素:采用“静态版式”,增强“养眼”效果;利用审美效应,强化“养眼”效果;以图“养眼”,营造视觉冲击力以达到“养眼”的效果。走“大报”路线,提高品位:坚持正确的舆论导向,大力传播先进文化;打造高品位的品质,抵制低下和粗俗;赋予文化内涵,凸显人文关怀;运用版面构筑“养心”阵地,以达到“养心”的效果。  相似文献   

新编高中语文教材外形、编排和内容“新” ;按阅读、写作、口语交际三条线索来安排教学内容 ,突出新理念 ,新教法 ,显得“活” ;力求提高学生的语文素质和实用能力 ,显得“实” ;课文篇目相对减少 ,练习题也力求精选 ,显得“精”。  相似文献   

我们认为的“璞”与“真”,是课改的新理念,是没有或者少有“非璞”的花样,决不是“回到过去”;我们要归的“真”,是“真理”,是课改的本真。这样的“返璞归真”,是求发展的,求真理的。需要丢弃的,是“华而不实”;需要发扬的,是真实、朴实与扎实。而只有做到了“三实”,才能真正“返璞”,才能真正“归真”,也才能求得课改的健康发展。  相似文献   

“家族小说”中的“父亲”是“传统”的象征。现代文学史上的“父亲”是一个错位的“被告”;“十七年”时期的“父亲”分显性和隐性两种;20世纪80年代中后期的“家族小说”中,父子之间是一种对话关系。  相似文献   

For non-negative integers k, n, let P k (n) denote the sum {fx27-1}. We show by two different means that if k ≥ 3 and odd, then n 2(n+1)2 iss a factor of the polynomial P k (n); and if k ≥ 2 and even, then n (n+1) (2n+1) is a factor of the polynomial P k (n). We also derive a relatively unknown result first obtained by Johann Faulhaber in the 17th century. Shailesh Shirali has been at Rishi Valley School, Andhra Pradesh (Krishnamurti Foundation India) since the 1980’s. He has a deep interest in teaching and writing about mathematics at the high school/post school levels, with particular emphasis on problem solving and on historical aspects of the subject. He has been involved in the Mathematics Olympiad movement at the national and international level for the past two decades. He is the author of several expository books and articles aimed at interested high school students.  相似文献   

46 inbred NIH mice were infected by chloroquine resistant strain of Plasmodium yoelii. The ultrastructure changes were observed under the administration of ketotifen(10mg·kg−1·d−1) and chloroquine(10mg·kg−1·d−1) combination and one after another respectively. The effect of taking ketotifen and chloroquine combination showed that parasites died rapidly with a few of intermittent membranes and vacuoles. The effect of taking two kinds of drugs one after another showed that there were exceedingly rich membranes, concentric arrangement structures similar to rough endo-reticulum and conspiciously blocking of the formation of food vacuoles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first study of aspects of the reliability and validity of judgements of teaching quality made by independent inspectors in the classrooms of primary and secondary schools in England. The study shows, in particular, that two trained inspectors, independently observing the same lesson, are likely to identify the same strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and to arrive at similar conclusions about its overall quality. The strengths and weaknesses identified reflect appropriate application of the evaluation criteria specified by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), and the better the teaching is judged to be, the more the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. The agreement between inspectors reported here is comparable with that found by the Dutch Inspectorate in similar studies. Résumé Cet article présente les résultats d’une première étude anglaise sur la fiabilité et la validité des jugements émis sur la qualité de l’enseignement par des inspecteurs indépendants dans des classes d’école primaire et secondaire en Angleterre. Cette étude montre notamment que deux inspecteurs, formés à cette tâche, qui observent de façon indépendante la même leçon, vont probablement identifier les mêmes points forts et faibles de l’enseignement et parviendront à des conclusions semblables sur sa qualité d’ensemble. Les points forts et faibles qui sont identifiés reflètent l’application appropriée des critères d’évaluation définis par le Bureau pour les standards de l’enseignement (OFSTED). Plus l’enseignement est considéré comme bon, plus les points forts l’emportent sur les faibles. Le degré d’accord entre les inspecteurs décrit ici est comparable à celui qui a été mis en évidence dans des études du même type par des inspecteurs néerlandais. (Traduction: Liliane Jeanneret Clerc, IRDP, Neuchâtel / Suisse)  相似文献   

In responding to critics and reviewers of my book, How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science, I attempt to identify some misleading conventional wisdom about the place of values in philosophy of science and then offer three distinct ways in which philosophers of science can engage their work with ongoing social and political currents.
George ReischEmail:

Antibacterial potency of methanol extracts of three green lower plants, Pneumatopteris afra, Platycerium bifurcatum and Nephrolepsis bisserata was determined using agar dilution method on clinical strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp. and Salmomelia typhi. Antibacterial activities were observed at concentrations of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 and 100.0 μg/ml. Their minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 12.5~100 μg/ml. Extracts of P. afra and P. bifurcatum were most active. Antibacterial activities observed with N. bisserata were less pronounced with no detectable activity at extract con-centrations of 12.5 and 25.0 μg/ml. E. coli, together with S. aureus appeared to be the most susceptible of the test bacteria while Klebsiella spp. was least sensitive. The significance of our findings is discussed.  相似文献   

In this essay, Hans-Christoph Koller presents a concept of transformational processes of Bildung in an attempt to redefine the German notion of Bildung referring to actual social conditions of educational processes. According to this conception, Bildung is a transformation of world- and self-relations that can come about when subjects are confronted with problems for which they have no established routines of engagement. With reference to theories of Pierre Bourdieu, Bernhard Waldenfels, and Ulrich Oevermann, Koller looks for answers to three questions: (1) Which concepts and theories are able to adequately grasp the world- and self-relations of subjects going through processes of Bildung? (2) How can the problems that trigger processes of Bildung and that challenge subjects to transform be determined more precisely? (3) How exactly does the emergence of new figures of world- and self-relations take place when we “successfully” complete a process of Bildung? Finally, the essay concludes with an attempt to clarify the normative implications of this theory.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to shed light on the perceptions of business educators regarding the effectiveness of six methodologies in achieving Gagné's five learning outcomes. Results of this study empirically confirm the oft-stated contention that no one method is globally effective for the attainment of all objectives. Specifically, business games, traditional lecture, and case study methods are perceived to be most effective for the learning of application, knowledge acquisition, and analysis and application, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie versucht, Erkenntnisse vonbusiness schools-Lehrern aufzuhellen hinsichtlich der Effektivität von sechs Methodologien, um Gagnés fünf Lernergebnisse zu erzielen. Resultate dieser Studie bestätigen empirisch die oft aufgestellte Behauptung, daß nicht nur eine Methode zur Erreichung aller Ziele global wirksam sei. Insbesondere Unternehmensplanspiele, traditionelle Vorlesung und Fallstudienmethoden werden als höchst effektiv empfunden zum Lernen der Nutzanwendung, zum Wissenserwerb, zur Analyse beziehungsweise Nutzanwendung.

Résumé Cette étude cherche à éclairer la perception des formateurs en matière de commerce de l'efficacité des six méthodologies à réaliser les cinq objectifs d'apprentissage identifiés par Gagné. Les résultats de cette étude confirment empiriquement la controverse soulevée bien souvent qu'aucune méthode n'est globalement efficace pour la réalisation de tous les objectifs. En particulier, les jeux professionnels, le cours traditionnel et les méthodes d'étude de cas sont perçus comme étant des plus efficaces pour l'apprentissage de l'application, l'acquisition des connaissances, l'analyse et l'application, respectivement.

BackgroundChild maltreatment has been associated with the development of various mental health problems, including the development of personality disorders.ObjectiveThis study investigated the association between child maltreatment and personality disorder symptoms in 125 women who transitioned out of residential care.MethodThe Child Trauma Questionnaire was used for the measurement of child maltreatment, and Personality disorder symptoms were measured using the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 + . The Psychological Distress Index was used to control for symptoms of distress.ResultsA Stepwise regression analysis showed that the majority of the associations were found between self-reported emotional abuse, neglect and personality disorder symptoms. Emotional abuse was significantly related to the Paranoid (β = .42, p<0.001), Schizoid (β = .18, p <0.05), Schizotypal (β = .18, p<0.05), Histrionic (β = .22, p<0.05), Avoidant (β = .31, p < .001), Dependent (β = 0.31, p < .001), Obsessive Compulsive (β = 0.29, p = .001), Passive Aggressive (β = 0.23, p<0.01) and the Depressive personality disorder (β = .38, p < .001). Emotional neglect was significantly associated to the Borderline Personality Disorder (β = .32, p<0.001) and the Paranoid Personality Disorder (β =-0.22, p<0.05).ConclusionsThe current study underlines the detrimental effects of childhood maltreatment, and in particular the effects of emotional abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

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