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良好的亲子关系是青少年身心健康成长的重要条件之一.自我国在1979年实行计划生育以来,独生子女家庭的亲子关系成为心理学家与社会学家们重点关注的领域之一.本文从独生子女家庭亲子抚养关系、教养关系、亲情关系、影响因素、评价量表及研究不足这六个方面进行了综述,并对独生子女家庭亲子关系与青少年的心理健康、人生观的影响研究进行了整理和总结,以使独生子女家庭的父母掌握良好的亲子沟通方式,促进家庭和睦.  相似文献   

儿童的人格结构及其对社会的反应方式主要受儿童早期家庭生活环境影响.卡伦·霍妮的神经症理论强调家庭环境和早期人际关系特别是亲子关系在儿童人格形成和发展中的重要作用,这一理论对现代家庭培养儿童健康的人格具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

儿童的人格结构及其对社会的反应方式是儿童在早期的家庭生活环境中建立起来的。卡伦·霍妮的神经症理论强调家庭环境,强调早期人际关系,特别是亲子关系在儿童人格形成和发展中的重要作用,对现代家庭儿童健康人格教育具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

良好的亲子关系是家庭和睦、社会和谐的关键,对于年轻一代的培养和社会关系的良性发展也有着重大意义。《摩登家庭》和《家有儿女》两部剧展现了典型的中美家庭的亲子生活,折射出中美家长与子女之间不同的相处方式。文章比较分析了中美亲子关系异同,并结合亲子关系现存的问题,讨论了更有利于孩子成长、社会发展的亲子相处方式。  相似文献   

家庭是青少年重要的生活和成长场所,个体的身心发展、社会适应能力与其所在家庭功能状况有密切联系。良好的家庭功能发挥是亲子关系健康发展的必要条件。目前青少年亲子冲突主要来源于不完善的家庭功能,如解决问题的能力较低,沟通方式不合理、情感反应不到位等。完善家庭功能是消除亲子冲突,促进亲子关系的重要举措。  相似文献   

生活故事是我国民众传承日常生活文化和传统文化的重要途径之一.20世纪80年代流传于山西、陕西两省区的数量众多的家庭生活故事包含着该地域民众对家庭中各类成员关系文化的认识和理解.其中涉及亲子关系的故事类型是为避免亲子间因越轨造成恶劣后果而创作的带有浓厚教训意味的故事,集中讲述了民众面对亲子关系破裂如何用情感、道义、宗教及法律建立保护体系,防范或惩治越轨行为以维护正常的伦理关系,其间饱含着民众尊崇孝道、维护家庭和谐的良好愿望.  相似文献   

在商业繁荣的广州,有许多外来经商的家庭。由于学习和生活环境的变迁,外来经商家庭的孩子要得到健全发展,更加需要与父母的沟通,得到父母的关怀,形成和谐的亲子关系。但在现实生活中,外来经商家庭的亲子关系往往比较紧张。本文对其原因进行分析,并就如何密切亲子关系、引导孩子健康成长提出对策。  相似文献   

充分重视家庭对儿童心理发展的重要作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭在儿童各方面发展中都发挥着重要作用,是个体身心发展的重要场所.父母是儿童心理发展最重要的资源,是心理健康发展的起点和基石.本文从以下三方面系统梳理相关文献,揭示家庭教育对儿童心理发展的重要作用.首先,从心理学的生态系统理论、社会学习理论、家庭系统理论、符号互动理论等相关理论出发,说明家庭是儿童青少年发展过程中最重要的环境,家庭中父母自身的特征及与孩子的人际互动等等对孩子发展都有重要影响.其次,揭示家庭因素中诸如家庭环境、教养方式、亲子关系等因素对孩子发展的影响.最后,阐释家庭教育对学校教育与儿童发展之间起着中介与调节作用.这充分说明应重视家庭对儿童心理发展的影响,并使家庭教育与学校教育形成合力.  相似文献   

亲子关系是家庭中最为基本、也最为重要的关系之一。亲子关系对青少年社会化发展的影响早已为人们所认识和重视。亲子关系和儿童社会行为之间的关系,一直是发展心理学的一个重要领域。一般的观点是,积极的亲子关系有助于亲社会性的发展,而消极、冷漠和对抗性的亲子关系则促进儿童攻击性行为和破坏性行为。而亲子沟通作为实现良好亲子关系的有效手段,其不可替代的独特作用日益凸显。目前,在理解与青少年个体发展密切相关的社会支持系统时,研究者们大多考虑以下四个主要因素:家庭、同伴关系、学校和社区环境。很多研究表明,这些因素均能直接或…  相似文献   

家庭生活环境的改变是农村留守儿童教育问题产生的重要原因.父母外出后,留守家庭的亲子关系出现残缺或断裂,稳定的核心家庭或主于家庭模式出现异化,从而引起家庭功能出现改变,家庭情感功能弱化和家庭教育功能的受损.农村留守儿童家庭结构与功能上的变化,以家庭环境为中介对其发展与教育产生了不利的影响.  相似文献   

There are numerous reasons why curricula in parent education should be developed in universities and colleges today. These reasons are summarized and enumerated. An important question is whether, given a body of knowledge as well as social justification for parenthood courses, there is a sufficient number of interested students to enroll in such courses. A survey of high school students, college students, and P.T.A. members was conducted across a large metropolitan area. The results are that between two-fifths and one-half of the participants from the different groups are interested in pursuing as a minor in college, or as a subspecialty, course work in parenthood on a scientific and scholarly basis. Approximately one-fourth to one-third of the people from every group are prepared to pay for formal education in parenthood.  相似文献   

A pilot project in expanding perinatal education is presented in this article. The author has experimented with a series of group sessions on the introduction to the transition to parenthood for couples who are either engaged or recently married. Such couples, if introduced to the changes associated with the transition to parenthood at a point of development in the commitment process, may increase their chances of weathering the turbulence that is often a part of the transition. The potential grandparents are part of the process since they are usually an important source of social support. Preparenthood and pregrandparenthood education is a useful extension of perinatal education for the beginning of this century.  相似文献   

Issues relating to sexuality, marriage, and parenthood of mentally retarded people are discussed in the context of normalization. Negative attitudes towards the manifestation of sexuality by mentally retarded people are considered, along with studies which demonstrate that many such individuals are capable of meaning ful sexual behavior, and meaningful interpersonal relationships that may culminate in marriage and child rearing. It is urged that counselors have an important role in assisting mentally retarded individuals attain their rights to sexual activity, marriage, and parenthood. Attention is drawn to teaching techniques for use in sex education programs for mentally retarded people, and examples are presented of programs which deal with psycho-sexual development, marriage, parenthood, and sexual problems and dysfunctions.  相似文献   

This article is a continuation in the author's growing series of articles on intimacy and sexuality in the transition to parenthood and its relationship with perinatal education. So many couples in the author's perinatal education practice feel that health professionals are uncomfortable discussing sex and pregnancy. Indeed, the couples have so many questions and concerns regarding this subject; they are seeking answers so that they may better understand and cope with the changes in this aspect of their relationship. Perinatal education group encounters or special sessions are the ideal setting to discuss intimacy and sexuality during pregnancy. The objectives of this article are to provide the perinatal educator with content for the group sessions and tools for teaching strategies and activities.  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess parents’ expectations about participating in antenatal parenthood education classes and to determine whether their expectations might be related to gender, age, and educational level. Data from 1,117 women and 1,019 partners residing in three cities in Sweden were collected with a questionnaire in a cross-sectional study. Participants believed that antenatal education classes would help them to feel more secure as parents and to be better oriented toward childbirth. Men had more positive expectations about the childbirth than the women. The participants mostly wanted help in preparing for parenthood and in learning infant care skills, followed by help in preparing for childbirth. The participants’ expectations were affected by gender, age, and educational level. The expectant parents appeared to want more focus on preparation for parenthood than on childbirth.  相似文献   

Antenatal education is an important component of antenatal care in the developed world, but research indicates that it may not be meeting consumer needs. This article provides an overview of a needs assessment that aimed to determine the concerns and interests of expectant and new parents and how they prefer to learn during the periods of pregnancy and the early weeks of parenthood. The findings could be used to develop an innovative approach to antenatal education in order to prepare expectant and new parents for the birth experience and the early weeks of parenthood. The current study's results identified that expectant and new parents' concerns and interests during pregnancy, childbirth, and new parenting fall within five interrelated conceptual areas: 1) perceiving achievement or failure; 2) taking on "risk"; 3) riding an emotional "roller coaster" of joy, anxiety, and uncertainty; 4) needing to "know...what is normal"; and 5) needing help to "perform well."  相似文献   

以和谐家庭为主要目标的系统家庭团体辅导实践研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建和谐家庭,离不开构建和谐的夫妻关系、亲子关系.系统家庭团体辅导对夫妻关系、亲子关刎系改善有效.其中系统思想的应用与积极取向是系统家庭团体辅导成功的主要理论基础,在家庭辅导中记秘密红账、阳性赋义、角色互换练习是其主要技术应用.建议家长注意夫妻关系的维护与与家庭"界限"的调整.  相似文献   

This paper examines the educational ambitions of adults from a disadvantaged area in Australia who returned to study at a further education institution as a means to access higher education. The study examines the significance and influence of romance, gender and social class on their formal learning, and the delaying influence of these factors in realising lifelong learning aspirations. It draws on written testimonies of students’ early expectations and beliefs about learning, education and life choices, their current beliefs and future tertiary and career expectations to argue that romantic conceptions of early motherhood/marriage have a negative impact on women from low socio‐economic backgrounds. The focus is on self‐reporting of the impact of early parenthood and/or the consequences of premature dissolution of a romantic relationship on educational aspirations or opportunity. We define the basic concept of romance as concerning love and ‘living happily ever after’, incorporating love and people’s social aspirations, hopes and dreams, offering the promise of a better life. We find, one, that the discourse of romance had a very powerful early gendered influence on the female students’ educational aspirations, and on their ‘enlightenment’ after romance ‘went wrong’ which contributed to their educational disadvantage; and two, that exclusion from education is a motivating factor in returning to learning as an adult and strongly influences parental aspirations for those with children.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, men have been encouraged to actively participate in the childbirth process, resulting in a shared experience for couples. Nevertheless, after the baby is born, many fathers find themselves displaced, unsure of how to embrace the transition to parenthood. The shift in cultural practice and evolving needs of families calls for the recognition of fathers as well as mothers in the provision of midwifery services. Innovative strategies must be considered to enhance postnatal education that is father-inclusive and responsive to the needs of families in the 21st century. This article introduces one strategy created from an action research study conducted to develop, implement, and evaluate strategies to improve postnatal education for parents.  相似文献   

Australia’s Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) is an income contingent loan scheme, in which university students pay back part of the costs of their tuition after their post-university income reaches a certain threshold, is an important policy innovation for the financing of higher education. However, its critics claim that HECS increases socioeconomic inequalities in higher education and the HECS debt reduces the ability of young people to make the transitions to adulthood. This paper investigates these claims. There is no evidence that socioeconomic inequalities in higher education in Australia increased after the implementation of HECS in 1989 or the 1997 reforms. The magnitude of the HECS debt was found to have a negative impact on the transition to parenthood, but had no negative impacts on other transitions to adulthood: leaving the parental home, marriage and home ownership. Its effects on parenthood were moderate compared to other influences, such as full-time work in the previous year, marriage and being in a de facto relationship. Furthermore, only a small proportion of young people who attended university have large enough HECS debts for it to affect their fertility decisions.
Gary Neil MarksEmail: URL: http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/people/gmarks/

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