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The purpose of this study was to modify and validate a new form of the College and University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI), and to then use it to compare students' actual and preferred perceptions of their classroom learning environments at the senior secondary and teritary levels of education. The study also examined differences in perceptions according to the student's gender. A sample of 504 students participated in the study. The reliabilities of the scales of the modified CUCEI ranged from .73 to .94. When the two levels were compared, students at the higher education level had a less favourable perception of their learning environment. Previous research was replicated in that females were found generally to perceive their learning environments in a more positive way than did males and that all students generally preferred a more positive learning environment in their classes.  相似文献   

The helping relationship experience was explored as a means of insuring greater rapport with children. A sample of 82 junior and senior education students participated for a minimum of two hours/week for approximately eight weeks. Of this group, some were involved with white children; another group with Negro children and a third group served as control. Groups were pre- and post-tested on selected personality variables felt to be necessary for the establishment of good rapport. A complex analysis of variance design was used in analyzing the data. Females and “liberals” scored significantly higher on the MTAI than males or “traditionalists.” Failure to find other evidence of a significant effect on the experimental groups was attributed to insufficient duration and/or intensity of the treatment.  相似文献   

Wellbeing and retention: A senior secondary student perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-completion of senior secondary schooling continues to be a matter of concern for policy makers and practitioners in Australia today. Despite the efforts of governments to improve participation and retention rates, 30% of students drop out of school before completing Year 12. Further, some students remain at school, just biding their time until graduation. Within this context, we investigate whether the wellbeing of the students is a key factor in supporting senior students in deciding to continue at school. The article reports on the first phase of a two-year study of factors impacting on quality retention and participation of 250 Year 11 students from two school communities. This initial phase focuses on the senior students’ perspective of their wellbeing in Year 11, and includes our development of a suite of scales to measure the impact of students’ social connectedness and academic engagement on academic achievement and retention. Data from the survey of students are enriched through student focus groups. The article identifies critical dimensions of what students regard as a healthy senior school culture; that is, a culture conducive to a positive and productive experience in terms of their retention, participation and achievement. Implications for school and system policy and governance are proposed.  相似文献   

Biggs’ 3P (Presage–Process–Product) model, a key framework in Student Learning Theory, provides a powerful means of understanding relations between students’ perceptions of the teaching and learning environment, learning strategies, and learning outcomes. While influential in higher education, fewer tests of the model in secondary education contexts have been conducted. We investigated relations between Presage, Process and Product variables in the Australian secondary education context, using a wider range of Presage variables than is typical, as well as a novel set of outcomes (class participation, homework completion, and educational aspirations). Australian students (N = 5,198) from 13 high schools participated in the study, completing a paper-based survey in class. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test for construct validity of scales. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the fit of the hypothesised 3P model to the data, and estimate direct and indirect effects between Presage, Process and Product variables. Across the Presage variables, academic self-efficacy and perceived teacher support had the strongest direct effects on outcome variables, as well as the strongest indirect effects through the Product variables. Demographic (e.g., age, gender, parental education) and personological (e.g., Big five personality measures) covariates were generally less salient. The present study illustrates the utility of the 3P model in contemporary secondary education settings. Building academic self-efficacy and positive perceptions of teacher support should enhance both the Processes and Products of learning in secondary settings.  相似文献   

高中生高等教育需求的经济动因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过估计高中生期望的高等教育回报率及其高等教育需求的影响,检验了人力资本理论的基本假设。研究表明,高中生对高等教育的市场回报率有比较准确的预期,他们的高等教育需求也受其期望的高等教育回报率的显著影响。个体的高等教育需求与人力资本理论的解释是一致的,即个体对高等教育的需求,受高等教育的经济回报所激励。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查了苏北地区87所高中的1241名高中生对“师范生免费教育”政策的了解、态度、看法以及他们的报考意向等情况,同时分析了影响高中生报考“免费师范专业”的各种因素。针对调查中暴露出来的问题提出了明确“师范生免费教育”政策的指导思想、正确处理数量与质量的关系、有效调控“权利”与“义务”、在试点基础上逐步推开等对策。  相似文献   

Hong Kong has introduced a senior intake admission scheme which is similar to the US model of credit transfer from community college programmes to university bachelor programmes. The study aimed to assess the outcomes, in terms of generic capabilities, of introducing a senior intake articulation scheme to a bachelor of nursing curriculum in Hong Kong. One hundred and seventy-four nursing students completed and returned the Student Engagement Questionnaire. The senior intake students reported significantly higher scores in creative thinking, active learning, teaching for understanding, feedback to assist learning, and relationship between teachers and students than the mainstream students. Self-managed learning and relationship with other students were positively and significantly related to academic performance. The senior intake students appeared to adjust well in university education. Greater effort should be made to nurture their relationship with other students and a review of the denseness of the mainstream curriculum is warranted.  相似文献   

The study included 199 intellectually gifted students and 176 students in the fine and performing arts who were administered the High School Personality Questionnaire. The results indicated that the gifted students obtained higher Leadership Potential scores, while the talented students scored higher in Creativity. Several significant differences were found in the personality profiles of the two groups.  相似文献   

高一化学教学在高中化学教学中起着承上启下作用,是整个高中化学教学的关键。为使学生在高一打下坚实的基础,在教学中,培养学生学习化学的兴趣,认真贯彻“教师主导、学生主体”,及时解决学生学习中的盲点,并重视科学方法的训练。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查了苏北地区87所高中的1241名高中生对"师范生免费教育"政策的了解、态度、看法以及他们的报考意向等情况,同时分析了影响高中生报考"免费师范专业"的各种因素。针对调查中暴露出来的问题提出了明确"师范生免费教育"政策的指导思想、正确处理数量与质量的关系、有效调控"权利"与"义务"、在试点基础上逐步推开等对策。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships of achievement goal orientations and perceptions of the motivational climate in physical education classes among Colombian students, and tested gender and age differences in goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Participants (1378 boys and 1615 girls, ranging in age from 9 to 18 yr) completed the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), and the Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire (LAPOPECQ). Bivariate and canonical correlation analysis identified conceptually consistent relationships between goal orientations and perceptions of motivational climate. Boys scored higher than girls in ego orientation and in perceptions of performance orientation. Task and ego goal orientations, and perceptions of learning or performance orientations decreased with age. Data obtained indicate that the Spanish versions of the TEOSQ and the LAPOPEQ could be useful instruments for physical education teachers, helping them to identify achievement goal orientation of their students and perceptions of the motivational climate in their education classes.  相似文献   

Within teacher education, it is widely recognised that internships play a major role in preparing prospective teachers. The current research examines if the learning activities students’ undertake in the workplace can be explained by students’ goal orientation and their perceptions of the workplace. In addition, it will be investigated whether this model is predictive for students’ academic achievement. Participants in this study were 464 bachelor students enrolled in teacher education. The results from the structural equation modelling show that students’ learning goal orientation is an important predictor for students’ learning activities and academic achievement. Students with a higher learning goal orientation demonstrate a more active approach towards their learning. Regarding the context, some positive relations between work-related variables such as job demands and job control on the one hand and students’ learning activities on the other hand were identified, but their relationship was more limited than expected.  相似文献   

本研究分别对华中师范大学183名免费师范生和160名非师范生进行两次问卷调查,以探查两类学生的人格、职业认同及学习动机的特点与差异。首次调查显示,免费师范生与非师范生的人格、内部学习动机没有显著差异,但其外部学习动机和职业认同都显著低于非师范生。半年追踪调查表明,两类学生的学习动机与职业认同各维度都没有随时间显著变化。各年级的内部学习动机没有显著差异,而外部学习动机随着年级的升高显著降低,职业认同随年级显著升高,但是大四又有下降趋势。研究还发现,相较于非师范生,免费师范生的职业认同与内部学习动机关系更加密切。此外,本研究还根据免费师范生的学习动机和职业认同特点,对免费师范生教育提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

随着高校扩招与文凭贬值,农村学生越来越需要考上好大学才能改变命运。但"寒门难出贵子"现象已经引起了学界的很多关注。本文借助布迪厄的文化资本理论,审视了农村高中教学与当前高考改革之间的脱节。本文主要基于2013-2014年对河南省云雀高中高三文科班开展的一项跟踪调查。本文发现,当前的高考越来越强调学生采用灵活多样的学习方式,诸如精选的课外阅读、娱乐活动和休闲旅行等。但云雀高中的教学仍然过度依赖死记硬背和题海战术,表面上的应试教育已经偏离了高考的要求。要改善其农村学生的升学困境,云雀高中需要适当调整教学方式,以贴近高考改革提出的新要求。  相似文献   

运用问卷法对职技高师学生的专业满意感及其学习适应性进行研究,发现职技高师学生专业满意感存在着显著的性别差异与专业差异.专业满意感与其学习适应性存在显著的正相关.为此,建议加强高中生的升学指导,在职技高师教学中加强专业感知教育并引入专业转换机制.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify those factors related to academic success in high‐risk students so that college educators could more precisely develop remedial programs to heighten the probability of academic success for high‐risk populations.

Demographic, academic, and personality variables were analyzed for groups of successful and unsuccessful high‐risk students in order to determine which were significant predictors of academic success.

An analysis of the data revealed that a greater proportion of the students in the successful group were married and female. The successful group's reading score at the time of admission was significantly higher than the unsuccessful group's. The majority of the successful group had enrolled in college to acquire job related skills; the unsuccessful group had enrolled to receive transfer credits toward a baccalaureate degree.

The personality analysis indicated that the successful group scored significantly higher on self‐esteem, assertiveness, and internal locus of control. Their learning style was characterized by their desire for detailed instruction, their preference for working with inanimate objects, and reading was their preferred modality for learning. The unsuccessful group scored lower on self‐esteem and higher on control by chance. The learning style inventory revealed that they did not like detailed instruction, they preferred working with people, and listening was their preferred mode of learning. Their grade expectancy was extremely unrealistic; they predicted higher grades for themselves than did the successful group.

The authors suggest strategies for utilizing these findings in the development of remedial programs for high‐risk students.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between students' reading motivation, perceptions of reading instruction and reading amount, together with grade differences, in a Chinese educational context. A total of 1,146 students from 19 secondary schools in Hong Kong voluntarily responded to a questionnaire that measured these three sets of variables. The study's findings indicated that students' intrinsic motivation was most strongly related to their reading amount. Students' perceptions of the reading instruction they received in their Chinese language class were significantly related to their reading motivation, but were only indirectly related to their reading amount, being mediated through reading motivation. Consistent with previous studies, significant grade differences were found in all types of reading motivation, students' perceptions of reading instruction and students' reading amount. The findings indicated that junior secondary students had better self‐efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and social motivation than senior secondary students. The largest grade difference was in students' self‐efficacy. Junior secondary students also perceived the reading instruction in their Chinese language class as more mastery‐oriented and read more frequently than senior secondary students. The implications of these findings for understanding Chinese students' reading motivation and for planning effective reading instruction to enhance their motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the actual practice and effectiveness of a satellite educational TV program in Ethiopian secondary schools. Participants in the survey were 228 students and 63 teachers from secondary schools. The results of the data analysis indicate that Ethiopian students and teachers scored highly in the evaluation areas. Levels of students’ general satisfaction with the satellite educational TV program were not equal for the variables of location and gender. It was also found that for students, learning demand, learning content, and class management were factors affecting their satisfaction with the satellite educational TV programs. For teachers, learning content and class management were the factors. The statistical mean difference in the satisfaction with the satellite educational TV program was between students and teachers. These findings suggest that the satellite educational TV program has the possibility of improving the quality of education in Ethiopian secondary schools.  相似文献   

An important purpose of higher social work education is to guide students to acquire and develop social-communicative competencies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role students’ personality characteristics, self-perceived communicative competence and learning conceptions play in the acquisition and development of social-communicative competencies. We designed and tested a hypothetical model on the student-related variables – self-perceived communicative competence, learning conceptions and reported learning activities regarding communication – in relation to performance scores. We were interested in developmental trends in the above mentioned variables. We also wanted to gain insight into the relationships among the variables. The study was set up according to a longitudinal, within-subjects design in order to study intra-individual changes. One-hundred and twenty-three first-year social-work students participated in this study. Many changes were found in students characteristics, reported deployed learning activities and study results during their first academic year. Except for confidence in “showing sympathy”, which was already relatively high at the beginning of the study, all scores on aspects of students’ self-perceived social-communicative competence increased. Assessment scores on comparable communication tests also increased significantly. Extraversion and emotional stability were the only two personality characteristics, which seemed rather stable. Agreeableness decreased while autonomy increased continuously during the first academic year. It seemed to be possible to set up a model, which may serve as a starting point for further research into the development of social-communicative competence.  相似文献   

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