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浅议行动研究及对教师的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究是一种与实践紧密结合在一起并为广大第一线的教育工作者所乐于接受的一种适用性很强的教育科学研究方法。实践反思指行动者对已经过或正在进行的行动重新审视以达到改进的目的。反思在行动研究中具有举足轻重的作用 ,而中小学教师的实践反思能力则是决定行动研究是否能取得高质量的关键因素。  相似文献   

行动研究是一种与实践紧密结合在一起并为广大第一线的教育工作者所乐于接受的一种适用性很强的教育科学研究方法。实践反思指行动者对已经过或正在进行的行动重新审视以达到改进的目的。反思在行动研究中具有举足轻重的作用,而中小学教师的实践反思能力则是决定行动研究是否能取得高质量的关键因素。  相似文献   

问题·叙事·合作--对校本行动研究的一种解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究自20世纪50年代进入美国的教育研究领域以来,逐步成为解决教育问题、改进教育实践的独特方式.校本行动研究是由一线教师和研究者形成的行动共同体.本文从捕捉问题、叙事研究、合作模式的角度解读校本行动研究.  相似文献   

一、教学活动中的教师行动研究方法 “行动研究”作为一种研究方法。其核心的理念是:(1)以提高行动质量、改进实际工作为“首要目标”;(2)强调研究过程与行动相结合;(3)要求行动者参与研究,研究者参与实践,在研究和工作中相互协作。教师的行动研究使得教育理论与实践能够以“研究的实践者”的形式联系在一起,研究的起点是对自身实践的不满和反思,研究的对象是现实中出现的具体问题,  相似文献   

本文透过一篇行动研究论文--<过程性学习评价行动研究>,简要分析了研究者进行行动研究的过程,即研究者在计划、实施与反思三个关键环节的得与失,以期为教师行动研究者提供借鉴和反思.  相似文献   

教育行动研究概说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行动研究法作为一种社会科学研究方法,始见于二战时期的美国。当时著名学者科特·勒温,为了解决理论研究与行为实践相脱节的问题,率先在社会心理学的研究中,应用行动研究的策略,提出“没有无行动的研究,也没有无研究的行动”。50年代“行动研究”就广泛应用于美国的教育研究之中,近几年才在我国教育研究中兴起,却深得广大教师的欢迎。什么是教育行动研究?目前还没有一个公认的定义。我们认为:教育行动研究是一种融理论与实践、研究与行动为一体,行动者与他人合作,以解决实际问题为导向,以教育行动本身为研究对象,通过案例评价、反思总结等多…  相似文献   

一、教学活动中的教师行动研究方法"行动研究"作为一种研究方法。其核心的理念是:(1)以提高行动质量、改进实际工作为"首要目标";(2)强调研究过程与行动相结合;(3)要求行动者参与研究,研究者参与实践,在研究和工作中相互协作。教师的行动研究使得教育理论与实践能够以"研究的实践者"的形式联系在一起,研究的起点是对自身实践的不满和反思,研究的对象是现实中出现的具体问题,研究的目的是为了解决现实问题,研究的过程是为了改善现实的实现,研究的结果则是改变了现状。当教师观察到某个现象并通过反思形成假设时,他开始着手研究,有时当一个具体问题研究有了结果时,通过反思又有新的问题需要通过行动去研  相似文献   

行动研究是一种反思性教学策略,它既包含了在实践中反思和对实践的反思,更重要的是它的主要目的是为实践反思,使教师不仅回顾过去,对过去的教学过程进行察觉与质疑,更能于实践前未雨绸缪,以超前反思指导未来的教学行动。这种实践-反思-再实践的模式能够在教学实践中形成良性循环,不仅促进学生发展,而且促进教师发展,使教师从冲动的例行的行为中解放出来,让教师以审慎的意志方式行动,从而成为更好、更有效率、更富有创见的行家。行动研究本质上是追求更为合理的教育教学实践的过程,旨在使教师获得一种内在启蒙和解放的力量,打开新的思考维度和新的探询方向,增强实践能力和自我超越的能力。本篇论文通过具体的行动研究实例分析阐明了行动研究作为反思性教学实施的方法之一,是反思策略中最重要也是解决教学问题最有效的途径。  相似文献   

针对教师专业化能力的缺失和退化问题,构建了通过课例反思重建教师专业能力的行动研究模式,并就模式使用的效果和教育影响进行了表述,形成了一个以课例为载体的、强调专业引领和行为跟进的课例反思操作系统,也对通过课例反思重建教师专业能力的行动研究进行了深度的思考,同时分析了研究过程中的一些问题与困惑。  相似文献   

在自我反思教学模式下发展起来的教育行动研究,是近年来国外教育界探究和实践的一种教学理论和研究方法.作为师资教育的有效方法之一,它较为圆满地解决了理论与实践脱节的难题,是一种非常适合于没有接受过严格教育研究训练的英语师范生的研究方法.实践证明,师范实习生在教育见习和实习活动中,作为行动者和研究者开展教育行动研究,能够修补师范教育教学理论与现实的间隙,完成他们从理论到实践的转化,全面提高师范生的从教能力.  相似文献   

The notion of reflection has become an object of attention in education, but the research on this topic is often reduced to mere reflective practice. A relevant part of educational literature portrays reflection as a wholly beneficial practice for practitioners, but also for researchers. In the nursing field, in particular, reflection is largely practised and deeply examined. Reflection is specifically encouraged in teacher education, where ‘how-to’ manuals are widely used to explain strategies for turning teachers into reflective practitioners. In some cases, a specific kind of reflective approach is proposed, such as critical reflection. From the analysis of this technical literature, I observe that a wide range of approaches for fostering reflection have been applied, but little research evidence shows how effective these approaches are. Taking this problem into account, this article presents a research study on reflection. It first introduces a specific and unusual concept of reflection – that of phenomenological conception – and then goes on to develop an empirical investigation that enacts a phenomenological method of inquiry and is aimed at exploring the potential of the use of journal writing as a tool for enhancing reflection, and documents the data that emerged. The research was developed in a university context where the student teachers were asked to ‘reflect on the life of the mind’, in order to learn how to take a reflective stance. The student teachers wrote entries in a reflective journal in which they were requested to describe the lived experiences of the mind as they came to their reflective attention. The data emerging from the experience were made sense of through a qualitative method of analysis. The findings of the research are useful for designing an effective method for enhancing reflective practice.


随着现代教育的不断发展,"教师即研究者"日渐成为教师专业发展方面的一个重要理念.对于农村英语教师而言,行动研究是教师及时解决自己教学上的问题,提高教育教学质量而进行的一种探索性地有效行动和方法,是教学过程中问题解决的一种特殊形式,是一个能动的、反思性的认知加工过程,具有自主实践性、理论应用性、整体合作性、动态生成性等特点.在此基础上探讨行动研究对促进农村英语教师专业素养的提升,形成专业自信,增强科研意识等方面的作用,以及英语教师进行行动研究的主要途径.  相似文献   


In this article I reflect on my experiences facilitating teachers as researchers and reflective practitioners and the importance of enhancing the dynamic and complementary relationship between theory, research, practice and reflection at every step of action research. Given the complexity of teachers’ participation in action research, I drew on a reflexive research-based account within a second-order process of action research to support a group of teacher-researchers to rethink their understanding of participatory education and transform their own practices. This research-based account describes the challenges faced, the decisions made, and the actions taken, all shaped by ongoing dialogues with teachers’ beliefs and practices, with the goals of action research, and with the processes of gradual transformations observed in both the teachers’ thinking and practice and in my own as a facilitator. The present study adds to the discussion of the interrelationships between theory, research, practice and reflection by providing an example of their enactment at every step of action research in order to support participatory education.  相似文献   

The growing emphasis on teachers as ‘reflective’ and ‘expert practitioners’ has led to a noticeable increase in action research involving a wide range of educational practitioners as well as professionals from the academic community. In the light of the complex demands frequently faced by action researchers, this article examines the ethical considerations involved in conducting a collaborative action research project which is concerned with children’s experiences of transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. By exploring a range of theoretical and practical perspectives the discussion focuses on the problematic issue of ‘informed consent’. The article argues that, as a result of having to comply with the regulations imposed by institutional ethics committees, educational researchers, particularly when working with children, are often restricted in exercising the moral autonomy and professional discretion required to negotiate the complex, potentially conflicting imperatives confronting them.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the idea of reflective practice in the context of educational and staff development. The main elements of reflective practice and differences in the approach of the ‘expert’ in comparison with the ‘reflective practitioner’ are outlined. Notions of reflection‐in‐action and reflection‐on‐action are then taken up and elaborated. In particular, understanding, self‐understanding and openness are considered to be important for reflection‐in‐action. These are briefly considered and located within the tradition of interpretation, or hermeneutics. Reflection‐on‐action is then discussed and found to be very important for reflection‐in‐action. It is suggested that for busy, professional practitioners, reflection‐on‐action often comes under severe pressure and is the ‘endangered species’ of reflective practice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a study of teacher researchers undertaking research into self-chosen aspects of their own mathematics teaching at the secondary level. The study used qualitative methods to explore the processes and practices of this research and the issues which it raised. Emergent theory of teachers' research activity fitted strongly with a view of action research relating to critical reflective practice. The teachers were seen as reflective practitioners, developing knowledge and awareness through enhanced metacognitive activity. Their research was characterised as evolutionary, in contrast with established patterns of action research. Despite differences in the substance of each teacher's research there were commonalities which provide insights into the conducting of research by teachers and its potential for the development of mathematics teaching. The special nature of mathematics in this research, and the role of external researchers in the project, were important considerations.  相似文献   

Most action researchers agree that action research consists of cycles of planning, acting, reflecting, and taking further action. However, in action research literature, there is something missing. The nature of reflection in the action research process, including its relationship with the tensions that arise while discussing purposes, processes, and outcomes, has not been well explored. As a contribution to an expanded reflection repertoire, this article presents a thinking tool: the expansive learning circle. This model, or thinking tool, draws on the theoretical framework of cultural–historical activity theory and the idea that contradictions and tensions are driving forces for development. The central thesis of the article is that there is a need for a reflection repertoire that can highlight tension in an action research project and help people cope with this type of complex reflective work.  相似文献   

This article reports the development of the first two years of a three-year project that examines the effectiveness of adult–child interactions in the early years, and tracks the development of teachers’ thinking and practice as they engage in practitioner-led action research. The Adult-Child Interaction Project involves practitioners who work with children from six months to six years in one local authority in England as they aim to develop their practice. On the basis of action research cycle, the methods include systematic video observation and stimulated recall; individual, paired and collaborative reflective dialogue; project logs and critical engagement with research. A distinctive feature is continuous engagement with an early years expert as a co-researcher and reflective partner in the processes of change and development. This article focuses on the impact and effectiveness of the project methodology, specifically the strategies that support critical reflection, dialogue and change processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether Lego could be used as a tool for reflective practice with social care practitioners (SCPs) and student practitioners. This article outlines an action research study conducted in an institute of higher education in Ireland. Findings from this study suggest that Lego can be used to support student practitioners struggling to make connections between theory and practice and facilitate expression of tacit understandings that can shape practice in welfare services and care environments. Furthermore, the use of Lego provides practitioners with accessible ways of communicating when attempting to engage diverse audiences with students and practitioners in social care settings.  相似文献   

One of the key phases in ‘the action research cycle’ is reflection (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988; McNiff, 1988). The extension of teachers' reflective capabilities is one of the stated goals of the University of the Witwatersrand's teacher education programmes. In this article aspects of the findings of a 3-year research project, which investigated teachers' ‘take-up’ from a mixed-mode, inservice professional development programme initiated by the university in 1996 are discussed. The research team has described the overall project as ‘a practice-based case study of cases’. Data sources included classroom observations, videotapes of some of the lessons observed, interviews with teachers, written teacher narratives and questionnaires, and samples of learners' work- all obtained from working with the same sample of primary and secondary school teachers of English, Mathematics and Science for each of the 3 years of the project. The authors engage with what counts as ‘evidence’ of the reflective practices of teachers and consider what factors might enable or constrain the development of reflective capability by teachers working in underresourced, multi-lingual contexts. They reflect on their practices as teacher educators and outline some changes to the programme that could assist teachers to become more reflective practitioners in their classrooms and schools.  相似文献   

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