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The article presents the literacy achievement of Norwegian minority students, their reading habits, and their enjoyment of reading based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000 study. Aspects of their family background and attitudes towards school are related to literacy achievement results. A comparison between Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany shows that the achievement gap between majority and minority students is larger in Denmark and Germany than in Norway and Sweden. A more detailed presentation of the Norwegian reading results shows that 35% of the Norwegian minority students perform at a level indicating that they are able to read in a technical sense, but they are unlikely to be able to use reading as an independent tool in acquiring knowledge and skills. The minority students' responses to questions about socio‐economic family background, reading habits, learning strategies and school motivation give a complex picture of their situation in Norwegian schools. The results indicate that there is some potential for equalising differences between minority students and majority students.  相似文献   

PISA测试是对15岁中学生进行的一种国际性评价。主要在阅读素养、科学素养和数学素养三个领域进行测试。PISA 2006评价的重点是科学素养。PISA科学试题的特点在于把要考查的知识与技能放在真实的情境中进行,让学生充分了解所学科学知识与生产和生活的关系,既注重对科学知识的综合考查,也注重对科学态度的考查,题目形式多样,内容科学严谨。PISA测试引导我们在教学过程中要努力创设真实情境,培养学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,帮助学生取得社会经验,同时关注学习过程,鼓励创新思维。这也恰恰和目前我国的基础教育课程改革相一致。  相似文献   

This special edition of IJMSE focuses on the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) project now that it has completed a full cycle of administration—reading, mathematics, and science—to look at ways in which PISA has been used in participating countries and with what consequences, and to identify potential research and policy directions emanating from this initiative. Articles were invited to (a) reflect international perspectives on the uses and consequences of PISA to date and (b) speculate on future directions for research, curriculum, and policy using the PISA datasets. The introductory article provides a brief overview of common aspects of PISA: Evolving definitions of reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy; technical design of the instruments and data analysis procedures; the changing emphasis of administrations; and recent research using the datasets. PISA, unlike other international assessments in reading, mathematics, and science, has provided a fresh perspective on ‘what might be’ by decoupling the assessment from mandated curricula to focus on literacies needed for a 21st century economy. This unique feature of PISA brings with it possibilities and cautions for policy makers.  相似文献   

以PISA2018中国四省市样本数据为例,应用结构方程方法,研究信息定位、文本理解、评价与反思三个PISA2018阅读素养子能力对数学与科学表现的影响。结果表明,阅读素养的子能力之间高度相关,对科学表现和数学表现有较大的影响;信息定位对文本理解具有决定性的影响,文本理解在阅读对数学与科学的影响中起承上启下的关键作用,评价与反思对数学、科学的影响中很大一部分是通过文本理解间接影响的,阅读三个子能力对科学的影响中,很大一部分可以通过数学路径来解释。  相似文献   

Finnish students’ success on all three content domains of each of the four cycles of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has created much international interest. It has also prompted Finnish academics to offer systemic explanations typically linked to the structural qualities of Finnish schooling and teacher education. Less well-known has been the modest mathematics performance of Finnish grade 8 students on the two Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in which Finland has participated, which, when compared with its PISA successes, has created something of an enigma. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on this enigma through analyses of Finnish mathematics classroom practice that draw on two extant data sets—interviews with Finnish teacher educators and video-recordings of sequences of lessons taught on standard topics. Due to the international interest in Finnish PISA success, the analyses focus primarily on the resonance between classroom practice and the mathematical literacy component of the PISA assessment framework. The analyses indicate that Finnish mathematics didactics are more likely to explain the modest TIMSS achievements than PISA successes and allude to several factors thought to be unique to the Finns, which, unrelated to mathematics teaching practices, may be contributory to the repeated Finnish PISA successes. Some implications for policy-borrowing are discussed.  相似文献   

More empirical evidence is needed to answer the question of in what way a family's socioeconomic status (SES) affects student academic achievement, so this study explores the mediating role of cultural capital (CC) in the relationship between SES and student achievement, using the latest approach to testing mediating effects. The data sets from 14 economies in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 were analysed. In general, the results supported the mediation effects of CC, and the mean of ratios of mediation effects to total effects was 23%. For the three frequently used indices of SES, parents’ occupations and education levels had larger impacts on student literacies than did family wealth possession. For most economies, objectified cultural capital (OCC) can explain the effects of all three SES indices on student literacies, but embodied cultural capital (ECC) can only explain the effects of parents’ occupations and education levels on student literacies. Whether for reading literacy, science literacy or mathematics literacy, CC theory is applicable in most economies. However, the mediating effects on reading and science literacies were higher than those on mathematics literacy. For different economies, the explanatory power of CC theory was also different.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships among the literacy practices engaged in by first-grade children and parents at home and the ways in which these practices are communicated, shaped, and fostered by teachers and administrators in two different sociocultural environments in urban Mexico. The differences observed between the home literacy experiences of children in a working-class and a middle-class community included transgenerational communication of assumptions regarding literacy and schooling, as well as attitudes associated with the parents’ own school experiences. Class-based expectations on the part of teachers not only shaped interactions with parents, but were also reflected in the way the national curriculum was delivered, with a greater emphasis on rote skills and traditional reading instruction in the working-class community. The authors argue that the school plays a role in the co-production of cultural capital in the home through its shaping of some of the literacy practices that children and families undertake.  相似文献   

Content area literacy has an important role in helping students understand content in specific disciplines, such as mathematics. Although the strategies are not unique to each individual content area, they are often adapted for use in a specific discipline. For example, mathematicians use mathematical language to make sense of new ideas and information and to organize that information in a specialized way. Content literacy strategies can help mathematics students accomplish these goals. In this article, we will discuss six practical strategies to help build students' content skills in the mathematics classroom and they are: the Frayer model, question generation, visual supports, think-alouds, writing to learn, and text reading.  相似文献   

In Italy, from the 2003 reports to the present, the National Institute for the Educational Evaluation of Instruction and Training (INVALSI) has conducted research on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results in order to understand Italian students’ low achievement in mathematics. In the present paper, data from a representative sample of 15-year-old Italian students who participated in PISA 2012 were analysed. This study’s primary aim is to verify how students’ linguistic competences are associated with their performance in mathematics. For the evaluation of the impact of item reading demand on students’ performance, we selected 24 mathematics items with a high reading demand and 31 mathematics items with a low reading demand, as classified by Italian language and methodology experts. Repeated measure variance analyses were conducted. The results showed differences in function of gender: females are advantaged in mathematics items with a high reading demand, independent of their level of reading literacy. In contrast, males are advantaged in mathematics items with a low reading demand, independent of their level of reading literacy. Possible policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to check attitudes towards mathematics and to analyse if there are differences in attitudes that could be attributed to the type of school, gender, grade, age, the frequency in which mathematical problems were understood, the amount of days dedicated to the study of mathematics, school failure, whether help on the completion of homework was offered and to the self-perception of mathematical performance. A total of 209 students of the 3rd and 4th Grades of basic education in the private school system in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were surveyed. They responded to an attitude towards mathematics scale and to a questionnaire for their characterisation, during school hours and in the absence of their mathematics teacher. The average figure on the attitudes scale was 52.718, with a standard deviation of 11.837. Significant statistical differences were found (alpha = 0.05) in the attitudes according to the type of school, the frequency in which the subjects understood the mathematical problems solved in the classroom, grade, age and to the self-perception of mathematical performance.  相似文献   

为了明确家长行为与学生学业表现的相关性,指导家长采取正确的教育行为,以PISA2009数据库为基础,分析家长的八种行为对学生学业的影响,可以看出,经常与孩子讨论政治与社会话题、所观看的电影与电视节目及共餐有益于其学业表现,适当地与孩子交谈、讨论在校表现及逛书店有助于提升其表达能力及阅读素养,经常讨论阅读作品对于优等生非常有益,而频繁辅导孩子做课业对于数学成绩的提高影响不大.  相似文献   

Latin American students consistently score low on international tests of cognitive skills. In the PISA 2012 results, students in seven Latin American countries had an average score of 395 in mathematics, or about 100 points lower than the average score of 497 in four Scandinavian countries. We estimate the effect of socioeconomic characteristics on student scores in Latin America and Scandinavia and find that 50 points of the difference are explained by Latin American parents’ lower average educational and socioeconomic characteristics, 25 points are explained by Latin America’s weak cultural orientation toward reading books and the remaining 25 points are explained by the lower effectiveness of Latin American educational systems in teaching cognitive skills.  相似文献   

PISA评价是目前世界上最有影响力的国际学生评价项目之一,它的突出特点是评价义务教育将近结束时学生学习的总结果.评价的内容主要是生活所需要的基本知识和技能:阅读素养、数学素养、科学素养以及问题解决能力.此外,还收集学生的学习态度、学习策略、家庭背景以及学校因素等影响学生表现的背景信息.PISA评价的结果具有高度的可比性、可信性和有效性,能为教育改革和发展提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

基于计算机的测评逐渐成为PISA数学素养测评的主要方式,并在测评框架、测评题目设计、作答环境和模式、评分过程及测评结果等方面都呈现出较为明显的计算机化特点。PISA2021数学测评将与计算机技术进行更深层次的融合,通过更具交互性、智能化和适应性的方式达到更好的数学素养测评效果。  相似文献   

评估——无论采用何种形式——不得不建立在对不同水平和质量的理论思考基础之上。其中至关重要的是测验内容领域要依据教与学的过程来构建。其次,任务是评估相关内容结构的核心工具。因此,在设计对数学的教育评估时,按照合理的标识和特征对任务进行分类就成为一个息息相关的问题,也是一个巨大的挑战。本文重点研究PISA(国际学生评估项目的缩写,是以数学素养为目标的国际比较研究,包括在国家层面德国所做的许多调整)和COACTIV(德国教师数学知识和数学教学知识的一个代表性研究)。两者都旨在实现区分性评估(differentiated assessment),都考虑了评价内容和任务分析的不同方面。区分性评估结果使得我们能够获取有用的信息,进一步推动课堂教与学的发展。这些信息主要表现为两个方面:评估学生不同类型的知识,这些知识类型直接指向课堂教学与学习中存在的各种问题;探索教师知识对学生学习进展的影响,表明哪种教学行为是有效的。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of classroom research exploring the potential of posing challenging mathematical problems situated in real-world financial contexts to activate mathematical knowledge, skills and reasoning. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 mathematical literacy assessment framework (OECD, 2013) provided theoretical framing for the study, which examined the use of a “financial dilemma” titled Shopping for shoes in a Year 5/6 composite class in a suburban Australian primary school. The social and mathematical dimensions of the task, together with a particular lesson structure, successfully engaged 10 to 12-year-old students in exploring mathematics through a financial problem-solving experience. The findings reveal that students’ notions of friendship and fairness guided the way they formulated the problem and employed mathematics. Strategies intended to encourage students to interpret the alignment and reasonableness of their social and mathematical thinking against the problem context were critical to the lesson.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the degree to which school-level teacher characteristics and resources are related to the mathematics learning of kindergarten children using a sample drawn from a large US database. Kindergarten-level teacher characteristics were operationalised as collective teacher efficacy, teacher experience and teacher preparation; kindergarten resources were operationalised as efforts that schools make to reach out to parents, classrooms with mathematics manipulatives, and classroom technology. Kindergarten students learned more in mathematics over a year in schools where teachers’ collective efficacy was high. School resources yielded a range of significant yet mixed results in young children’s mathematics achievement. Notably, younger students and students entering kindergarten with lower levels of mathematical skills benefited greatly from classroom resources. Overall, the presence of classroom technology as a school-level resource was positively related with older kindergarten students’ learning. Based upon the findings, organisational and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study explored the association between the home literacy environment (HLE), conceptualized as comprising parents’ reading beliefs and home literacy practices, and preschoolers’ reading skills and reading interest. It also identified factors in the HLE that predict emerging reading competence and motivation to read. A total of 193 children age 6 years from 14 preschools across Singapore and their parents participated in the study. The parents completed a reading belief inventory, a family literacy activity inventory, and a demographic questionnaire that surveyed the child's reading interest. The children were administered a battery of standardized literacy tests. The study found a moderate relationship between the HLE and children's reading competencies and a strong relationship between the HLE and children's reading interest. When parents’ education level and children's age were controlled, hierarchical multiple regression analyses found that family literacy activities contributed more unique variance to children's reading outcomes and reading interest than did parents’ reading beliefs. Active parental involvement was the strongest component of the HLE, with parent–child engagement in reading and writing emerging as the best predictor of both the child's emerging reading skills and reading interest. With respect to reading beliefs, parents’ efficacy in supporting literacy development before their child attended school positively predicted reading competence, as did parents’ affect and verbal participation in fostering reading interest. However, verbal participation negatively predicted Singapore children's reading competence. Practice or Policy: The implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

数学学习的性别差异一直是人们关心的问题。PISA 2012测评结果显示,虽然天津男生与女生数学学习成绩不存在差异,但男女生数学学习的驱动力、动机和自我信念还是有明显差异。与男生相比,女生学习的坚持性、问题解决的开发性、对自身解决数学问题能力的自信更差,而数学焦虑更强,更倾向于将数学学习失败的责任归咎于自身以外的因素。  相似文献   

This research examined the effect that a relatively new Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) device, specifically an interactive tabletop, has on elementary students’ attitudes toward collaborative technologies, mathematical achievement, and the gender gap in mathematics. Prior research has shown many positive effects of CSCL technologies on mathematics education, such as increased math performance and an increased interest in math. Further, previous research has shown inconsistent results regarding gender differences in mathematics and has not examined the effect that CSCL technology has on the gender gap. Therefore, the effects of interactive tabletops on math performance, attitudes, and gender differences were examined. This study was conducted using a sample of 53 elementary students. The technology was brought to the classroom twice each week for an entire academic semester. To obtain a more accurate understanding of the influence of the CSCL technology, both self-report data and performance data were collected. Specifically, changes in students’ attitudes and reactions and changes in cognitive learning were measured. The results show that students learn and react favorably towards interactive tabletops. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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