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Graph complexity as measured by topological entropy has been previously shown to affect performance on artificial grammar learning tasks among typically developing children. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of graph complexity on implicit sequential learning among children with developmental dyslexia. Our goal was to determine whether children’s performance depends on the complexity level of the grammar system learned. We conducted two artificial grammar learning experiments that compared performance of children with developmental dyslexia with that of age- and reading level-matched controls. Experiment 1 was a high topological entropy artificial grammar learning task that aimed to establish implicit learning phenomena in children with developmental dyslexia using previously published experimental conditions. Experiment 2 is a lower topological entropy variant of that task. Results indicated that given a high topological entropy grammar system, children with developmental dyslexia who were similar to the reading age-matched control group had substantial difficulty in performing the task as compared to typically developing children, who exhibited intact implicit learning of the grammar. On the other hand, when tested on a lower topological entropy grammar system, all groups performed above chance level, indicating that children with developmental dyslexia were able to identify rules from a given grammar system. The results reinforced the significance of graph complexity when experimenting with artificial grammar learning tasks, particularly with dyslexic participants.  相似文献   

This paper explores implicit learning in typically developing and primary school children (9–12 years old) with developmental dyslexia using an artificial grammar learning (AGL) task. Two experiments were conducted, which differed in time of presentation and nature of the instructional set (experiment 1—implicit instructions vs experiment 2—explicit instructions). Repeated measures analysis of variance (group × grammaticality × chunk strength) showed a group effect only in experiment 1 (implicit instructions), with only the typically developing children showing evidence of AGL. There was a grammaticality effect (adherence to the rules) for both groups in the two experimental situations. We suggest that the typically developing children exhibited intact implicit learning as manifested in AGL performance, whereas children with developmental dyslexia failed to provide such evidence due to possible mediating cognitive developmental factors.  相似文献   

语块与语法习得有密切的关系,而英语语法教学应兼顾语块和语法能力的培养。以语块为基本单位、融合词汇法与语言意识教学法的语法教学模式可以帮助学习者建立或增强语块意识,提高语法敏感度,加强语言输出的流利性、准确性和地道性。此模式强调语块教学对语法能力的影响,并为英语语法教学提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates the implicit sequence learning abilities of dyslexic children using an artificial grammar learning task with an extended exposure period. Twenty children with developmental dyslexia participated in the study and were matched with two control groups—one matched for age and other for reading skills. During 3 days, all participants performed an acquisition task, where they were exposed to colored geometrical forms sequences with an underlying grammatical structure. On the last day, after the acquisition task, participants were tested in a grammaticality classification task. Implicit sequence learning was present in dyslexic children, as well as in both control groups, and no differences between groups were observed. These results suggest that implicit learning deficits per se cannot explain the characteristic reading difficulties of the dyslexics.  相似文献   

交际语言中固定的板块结构被称作词块。词块作为同时具备语法和词汇特征的语言单位,在使用时无需根据语法规则进行再组合,在语言交际中显示出鲜明的优越性。从词块理论入手,以实践教学经验为依据,研究该理论在帮助英语学习者养成正确的学习习惯、提高英语学习效率方面的作用和意义。  相似文献   

The importance of feedback for learning has been firmly established over the past few decades. The question of whether feedback plays a significant role in the statistical learning abilities of adults with dyslexia, however, is currently unresolved. Here, we examined the role of feedback in grammaticality judgment, type of structural knowledge, and confidence rating in both typically developed and dyslexic adults. We implemented two artificial grammar learning experiments: implicit and explicit. The second experiment was directly analogous to the first experiment in all respects except training format: the standard memorization instruction was replaced with an explicit rule-search instruction. Each experiment was conducted with and without performance feedback. While both groups showed significantly improved learning in the feedback-based explicit artificial grammar learning task, only the typically developed adults demonstrated higher levels of conscious structural knowledge. The present study demonstrates that the basis for the grammaticality judgment of adults with dyslexia differs from that of typically developed adults, regardless of increase in the level of explicitness.  相似文献   

词块理论认为在自然语言中大量存在的词块整体存储在记忆中,使用时直接提取,无需语法生成和分析。对高职学生英语词汇的实证分析可知,词块策略是一种有效的记忆策略,词块积累可以使词汇信息的储存和提取更为流利准确,有效促进学生英语水平的发展。  相似文献   

英语中存在大量的语块。第二语言习得理论和认知心理学研究发现,儿童模仿能力强,具有很强的记忆能力。语块的特点使儿童在初学英语时便关注语言中的语篇层次,有利于语言运用能力的培养。通过观察儿童学习英语发现:特定交际对话中简单的句型框架,配以语义性强的词汇可以帮助儿童学习者轻松习得英语,建立英语学习的兴趣,帮助儿童早期形成有利的英语学习意识。  相似文献   

航海英语词汇量的大小与航海英语阅读理解的能力的强弱有着直接的关系。词块理论的提出,使传统的词汇学习转向融合了语法、语义和语境优势的词块的学习;航海英语词块的不同的有机组合就形成了句子,进而组成连贯的航海英语阅读篇章。航海院校教师要引导学生进行英语词块能力训练。提高航海英语阅读能力。  相似文献   

词块是语言运用中大于单词的语言现象,它形式比较固定,并且具有语法、语义和语境的优势.本文通过分析词块学习的好处,希望尽快形成英语词块库,为学生的词块学习提供资源,同时探索英语教学的新思路,提倡词块教学,提高词汇教学质量.  相似文献   

词汇是语言学习的重要环节。本文尝试把组块构建记忆策略运用到英语词汇学习过程中,指出如何根据单词的音、形、义、用构建词汇组块,帮助学习者从四个维度全方位地学习单词,以提高单词的掌握与运用能力。在此基础上,本文阐述了词汇组块对英语词汇教学产生的启示意义,以提高学生的词汇组块意识和组块构建记忆策略在单词学习中的运用能力。  相似文献   

汪琴  陶岳炼 《台州学院学报》2010,32(4):58-61,66
语块学习有利于提高语言输出和表达的流利性、地道性和生动性。从222名非英语专业学生语块学习策略、语块能力和四级成绩调查结果来看,可以得出以下结论:学生坚持学习语块时需要背诵和用中学两种观念;常用猜测、查词典、记笔记和重复等策略,较少使用元认知、社会情感、编码、活用等策略;语块能力和常用的4种策略不存在相关,但与较少使用的4种策略相关。同时,四级成绩和语块能力之间存在相关;访谈报告支持以上结果。  相似文献   

词块教学法强调对语块的整体把握,而不是对单个单词的理解和记忆,对学生的英语阅读具有重要意义。词块教学法能激发学生英语学习兴趣,调动学生英语学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生英语素养。笔者结合多年教学经验,对词块教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study examined whether the characteristic reading speed impairment of German dyslexic children results from a general skill-automatization deficit sensu Nicolson and Fawcett (1990) or from more specific deficits in visual naming speed and phonological skills. The hypothesized skill-automatization deficit was assessed by balancing, peg moving, and visual search. Rapid "automatized" naming tasks served as measures of impaired visual naming speed, and the phonological deficit was assessed by speech perception, phonological sensitivity, and phonological memory tasks. Dyslexic German children and age-matched control children (all boys) were tested at the end of Grade 2 and as participants of a longitudinal study also at the beginning of Grade 1. No evidence for a skill-automatization deficit was found, as the dyslexic children did not differ at all on the balancing tasks and little on the other nonverbal skill tasks. However, the dyslexic children showed impaired visual naming speed and impaired phonological memory performance that were observed not only in Grade 2 but also before learning to read. Overall, the findings support the conclusion that, even in regular orthographies, difficulties in learning to read are due to a phonological deficit and not to a general skill-automatization deficit.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Spanish dyslexic spelling abilities: specifically, the influence of syllabic linguistic structure (simple vs consonant cluster) on children's spelling performance. Consonant clusters are phonologically complex structures, so it was anticipated that there would be lower spelling performance for these syllabic structures than in simple ones, because of the poor phonological processing of dyslexic children. The participants were 31 dyslexic children, 31 chronological age‐matched children and 31 reading level‐matched children. A dictation task with words and pseudowords (with and without consonant clusters) was used. Word lexical frequency was controlled. The results show that the spelling of consonant clusters presents difficulties for dyslexic spelling performance despite this structure being orthographically consistent. Dyslexic children present a higher performance difference in items with consonant clusters than in simple items, compared with typically developing children. The work raises questions about the items used for the identification of dyslexic children's difficulties.  相似文献   

The present study examines implicit sequence learning in adult dyslexics with a focus on comparing sequence transitions with different statistical complexities. Learning of a 12-item deterministic sequence was assessed in 12 dyslexic and 12 non-dyslexic university students. Both groups showed equivalent standard reaction time increments when the sequence was unexpectedly changed, suggesting that learning of the sequence took place. However, a novel analysis comparing transitions of differing complexity within the learning blocks indicated that dyslexic participants were impaired only for higher-order but not first-order sequence learning. No difference was found in the explicit awareness contribution between the two groups and this was found not to correlate with reaction time performance. This result suggests that statistical complexity of the sequence may account for intact and impaired learning performance in dyslexia.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that an increase of inter-letter spacing may improve reading performance of dyslexic readers by reducing visual crowding. However, these results have been difficult to replicate.This study directly compares reading accuracy and comprehension, as well as reading speed, and number and duration of fixations of 38 dyslexic and 32 typically reading children (10–14 years old) in regular, spaced (+2,5 pt), and condensed (−1,5 pt) conditions using a natural sentence-reading paradigm.Inter-letter spacing did not affect reading accuracy, comprehension, or speed. The lack of effects of inter-letter spacing was observed in both dyslexic and typical readers. Inter-letter spacing did not impact the number of fixations, but increased inter-letter spacing led to shorter fixations in dyslexic children. Decreased inter-letter spacing resulted in longer fixations in both groups.These results do not support the claim that dyslexics are more influenced by crowding than age-matched controls.  相似文献   

近年来的语料库及二语习得研究发现真实语言的一大特点就是板块性,语言中存在着大量以整体形式出现的语块.语块研究的不断深入让人们对真实的语言与语言教学有了更深刻的理解,语块的研究已成为近几十年来语言及语言教学研究的一个热点及趋势.语块是语言学习的中心,体现了语言学习的实质.语块的重要作用使得语块成为英语教学中不可忽视的重要方面,而语块教学的种种优势使它成为语言教学的理想单位.语块教学克服了只重视语言结构或是只重视语言交际这两个极端,把语块融入教学为英语教学提供了极有前景的教学方式.  相似文献   

在语言加工双通道论观照下,研究者通过纵向实证方法探究时政文本视域下三种水平译者之块状语表征心理现实性、认知加工范式、转换策略等差异对多字格块状语英译的影响。 结果发现: 1.就低、中水平学生译者而言,六字格块状语翻译质量最低,其次是三字格块状语;2.四字格块状语的翻译质量相对较高,且组间差异也更大;3.从译者水平由低至高的路径来看,不同字格数块状语英译的加工范式呈现出分析性加工范式至整体性加工范式的连续体发展模式;4. 学生译者策略多以异化和直译/硬译为主,专家译者归化、意译策略凸显且稳定。据此,本文得到两点重要启示:学生译者的双语关联块状语表征亟待完善,翻译加工范式及策略的使用偏好有待调控和改进。  相似文献   

语块是语法、语义、语境的结合体,是一种兼具形式与功能性质的语言构件,是具有约定俗成用法的最小语法单位。在大学英语教学中,通过布置学生预习课文标出整篇文章的所有语块、查找语篇标识词、进行形式多样的语块操练,并结合教师运用语块教学法讲解单词等教学环节,有利于增加学生的词汇记忆量,提高学生的阅读理解能力、口语交际能力和写作能力,从而提高大学英语教学的整体效果。  相似文献   

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