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缺乏系统的考试评估体系是造成我国目前外语考试种类过多,质量良莠不齐的主要原因,建立考试评估体系是解决这一问题的关键。在建立我国外语考试评估体系时,我们可以参考剑桥评价语言测试评估模型,以先进的理论为依托,以标准化的程序为准则,充分利用评估数据,以科研带动宣传,通过整合多方面资源,多部门通力合作,在保证考试质量稳定的基础上致力于创新。  相似文献   

包天仁教授(以下简称包):沈老师,中心的《基础教育外语教学研究》杂志去年一年对12位我国外语教育、教学法专家进行了专访,反响很好,在基础外语教育战线影响也比较大。今年继续进行了针对考试的热点访谈。因为目前对考试的议论越来越多,所以今年我们专门进行12期有关考试方面的访谈。沈树红教授(以下简称沈):我在英国剑桥大学ESOL 考试中心参加过考试研究方面的工作。现在负责协调开发剑桥ESOL考试中心在中国的各个项目,没有参与具体的命题和研究工作。  相似文献   

《听力测试:二语听力测评的研究与实践》由剑桥大学出版社出版,是《语言测试研究》(SiL T)系列丛书之一,反映了剑桥ESOL考试近十多年测试实践及效度验证的研究路径。基于听力测试研究文献与成果非常有限以及我国正在建设"车同轨、量同衡"统一测试体系的现状,本研究认为书中的二语听力测试理论和英语听力测试案例对我国英语能力等级考试具有重要的参考价值,特别是英语听力考试的研发、现行英语考试对接国家英语等级量表、参照等级量表进行分级标定、效度验证等方面。  相似文献   

在总结目前考试测评系统不足的基础上提出科学有效的考试质量评价方法,并在该方法的指导下运用经典测试理论和项目反应理论设计考试质量在线测评系统。系统具有创建新表、成绩统计、质量分析以及基于经典测试理论下的信度和效度分析等功能,能够满足广大教师对考试质量分析的需求。  相似文献   

考试质量评价是对考试的评价,其目的是判断考试的各个环节是否合理科学,并为考试者正确使用考试结果提供决策依据.现行的考试目的过分强调甄别与选拔功能,考试内客过多关注对书本知识掌握的评价,考试方式过于注重采用以标准化纸笔为主要形式的测试,评价主体过于注重在教师控制下自上而下的单向评价模式,忽视了考试评价的诊断、激励和发展功能.本文依据多元智能理论从考试观念的转变,考试内客的设计,考试方式的完善及评价主体多元化等方面就中小学考试质量评价进行分析论述,以期为考试质量评价的改革实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

构建课堂教学循证评估系统是教育高质量发展阶段深化教育评价改革的重要任务。课堂教学循证评估的关键在于证据的生产和使用。美国数学课堂教学质量评估(IQA)工具为循证评估证据的科学式生产、协商式整合和问责式嵌入提供借鉴与启示。基于循证的课堂观察评估通过收集证据、使用证据来回应问题、作出判断和决策,不仅能让学生有更多的机会接触到课程核心知识,而且有利于提升教师循证教学能力,促进教学持续改进。发展基于循证的课堂教学质量评估必将为我国课堂教学评价改革注入生机与活力。  相似文献   

由于诸多因素的影响,大规模教育考试始终未能建立题库,只能在考后对考试数据进行分析的基础上,对命题质量进行综合评价.项目反应理论能够对试题进行深入细致的分析,对测验的编制也提出了相应的指标和方法.本文应用项目反应理论对大规模教育考试命题质量进行分析,并以<高等数学>课程为例,探讨命题质量分析的程序和方法.希望以考后命题质量的评价作为切入点,为大规模教育考试命题建立题库,积累基础项目和数据.  相似文献   

美国的教师评价,在实践中主要体现了两个基本发展方向,其一:对教师自身进行测试和评估,如美国教育考试服务局先后开发的PraxisⅠ和PraxisⅡ;其二,联系学生取得的学习成果进行教师能力评估。其中有影响的有教师发展计划和田纳西州的增值评价模式。从实践来看,教师评价中的各种创新使教师评价突破了传统的以校长或督学的面谈为主的形式,而是采用了更加多样化的途径,如课堂观察、同事评估、教师档案袋、目标合同、学生学习成果、客观性测试以及统计增值法等多元化的、综合化的方式。  相似文献   

托业桥考试是考查非英语国家人士在跨文化职场环境下用英语进行交际的能力。英语教学评估体系是教师制定课堂教学目标和学生确定学习目标的指南。针对目前高职英语教学评价现状提出了引入托业桥考试测试标准指导高职英语构建新的教学评价体系。文章采用定性和定量的研究方法统计分析了参加托业桥考试的学生成绩,并对部分学生进行问卷调查和访谈。调查结果证明了托业桥考试测试标准对构建高职英语教学评价体系具有积极的指导性作用。  相似文献   

PISA对我国中小学考试评价与质量监控的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学考试评价改革(尤其是命题评价改革)是20世纪80年代以来,我国教育教学改革的“攻坚战”,举步艰难。2000年开始研究制订、2004年12月刚刚公布第二次评估结果的国际性评价项目PISA(学生能力国际评估计划)的做法可以提供一些有价值的参考。这主要体现在,对学生的终身可持续发展进行评估;评价学生在实际的生活状态下的能力,测试学生在学校课程以外的知识运用;考试仍可以是评价的主要方式之一,过程性内容、情感、态度、价值观的内容完全可以在笔试中得到考察;建立教育质量评价体系,关注教育投资的有效性。  相似文献   

The analysis of classroom observation data is seen as increasingly important in research on the impact of high‐stakes language tests or new foreign‐language programmes on students, teachers and other stakeholders. Video‐recordings of language teaching and learning in classrooms impacted by such tests or programmes can provide revealing data, which, however, may be difficult to analyse in raw recorded form. The organisation of video‐recordings into an interactive database facilitates the retrieval and analysis of data in response to particular research questions. Informed by current research on the use of video in education, especially educational research, and by the relevant video database literature, this paper describes a video database developed by the University of Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages (Cambridge ESOL) Examinations operation, part of Cambridge Assessment, the new identity of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). This paper describes three Cambridge ESOL impact studies for which the data were collected, and discusses the video‐recording equipment used, approaches adopted and decisions made. It then outlines the aims, principles and approaches involved in the development of the impact research video database, including software selection, main design features and envisaged future uses. A step‐by‐step account for the likely video database user is included, along with sample screenshots.  相似文献   

The Nonverbal Literacy Assessment (NVLA) is a literacy assessment designed for students with significant intellectual disabilities. The 218‐item test was initially examined using confirmatory factor analysis. This method showed that the test worked as expected, but the items loaded onto a single factor. This article uses item response theory to investigate the NVLA using Rasch models. First, we reduced the number of items using a unidimensional model, which resulted in high levels of test reliability despite decreasing the number of questions, providing the same information about student abilities in less time. Second, the multidimensional analysis indicated that it is possible to view the NVLA as a test with four dimensions, resulting in more detailed information about student abilities. Finally, we combined these approaches to obtain both specificity and brevity, with a four‐dimensional model using 133 items from the original NVLA.  相似文献   

Automated scoring systems are typically evaluated by comparing the performance of a single automated rater item-by-item to human raters. This presents a challenge when the performance of multiple raters needs to be compared across multiple items. Rankings could depend on specifics of the ranking procedure; observed differences could be due to random sampling of items and/or responses in the validation sets. Any statistical hypothesis test of the differences in rankings needs to be appropriate for use with rater statistics and adjust for multiple comparisons. This study considered different statistical methods to evaluate differences in performance across multiple raters and items. These methods are illustrated leveraging data from the 2012 Automated Scoring Assessment Prize competitions. Using average rankings to test for significant differences in performance between automated and human raters, findings show that most automated raters did not perform statistically significantly different from human-to-human inter-rater agreement for essays but they did perform differently on short-answer items. Differences in average rankings between most automated raters were not statistically significant, even when their observed performance differed substantially.  相似文献   

英国剑桥大学历史悠久、享誉全球。"自治"是剑桥大学突出的办学传统,在选拔录取时享有充分的自主权,同时,要接受严格的监督。除医学、法律等特殊专业实行单独考试或联考外,剑桥大学一般不单独组织考试,录取选拔的主要依据是学生通过各种类型学习所获得的由校外考试机构主考的资格证书考试成绩;另外,对申请人进行综合考评,实行的是证书考试成绩与综合考评相结合的选拔录取制度。我国可以借鉴剑桥大学自主招生的经验,建立统一高考与综合考评相结合的高校自主选拔录取制度。  相似文献   

PISA测验着眼于学生的终生发展,其测验编制思想给各国教育评价带来了深刻的变革。本研究在PISA阅读测验理论与框架基础上,编制了PISA式汉语阅读测验。该测验包含三篇阅读材料,共18个测验项目。通过对测验难度、区分度、信度、效度的检测,并使用全息Bifactor模型进行维度评价。结果表明,编制的PISA式汉语阅读测验难度适中,具有较好区分度,信效度基本合格。同时,基本达到PISA对阅读测验能力结构的要求,较好地考查了学生的一般阅读理解能力,以及信息提取、文本解释、反思和评价等三个子维度的能力。  相似文献   

本文通过分析英国剑桥评价提出的问题解答过程模型,探讨引入认知加工模型对考试设计的作用。笔者认为,运用认知加工模型有利于提高试题的质量,控制和调整试题的难度,加强考试的诊断功能,确保考试的效度。在考试设计中强化认知加工模型的理念,将成为教育考试设计的有效框架之一。  相似文献   

The inclusion of language learners and the imperative to meet the needs of English language learners in the mainstream classroom call upon teachers of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL teachers) and mainstream teachers to work together; however, little research has been done in US contexts to understand collaborative efforts between ESOL and mainstream teachers. Research thus far has focused on the inclusion of English language learners (ELLs), but this paper argues that we need to look more closely at the inclusion of teachers of ELLs, by examining how three ESOL teachers and three of their mainstream counterparts envision their work as collaborative. We found that when pairs envisioned their work as collaborative, they created a synergy that constructed a broader network of resources for ELLs by bringing together more people, materials, ideas and abilities than either teacher was able to generate alone. This network allowed both teachers in the pair to become part of a larger conversation, and connected both teachers to others who were working to foster the academic success of ELLs.  相似文献   

剑桥评价从国际视野的人才观念出发,提出了教育、教学的目的和人才培养目标。在中学教育中引入公民、信息交流技术和关键技能等课程,并与学科内容结合进行培训和考查。将中等教育的评价分为三种类型:质量评价、选拔评价和精英评价,实现特色选拔和个性化评价。同时,进行了计算机化考试的探索,科学、合理地将计算机技术应用于考试评价。  相似文献   

Testing organization needs large numbers of high‐quality items due to the proliferation of alternative test administration methods and modern test designs. But the current demand for items far exceeds the supply. Test items, as they are currently written, evoke a process that is both time‐consuming and expensive because each item is written, edited, and reviewed by a subject‐matter expert. One promising approach that may address this challenge is with automatic item generation. Automatic item generation combines cognitive and psychometric modeling practices to guide the production of items that are generated with the aid of computer technology. The purpose of this study is to describe and illustrate a process that can be used to review and evaluate the quality of the generated item by focusing on the content and logic specified within the item generation procedure. We illustrate our process using an item development example from mathematics drawn from the Common Core State Standards and from surgical education drawn from the health sciences domain.  相似文献   

This study examines collaboration between English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers and content-area elementary school teachers, and makes the case for conceptualising teacher collaboration as an opportunity for shared teacher learning. Using a sociocultural theoretical lens, this study examines how three pairs of elementary teachers and ESOL specialists used and constructed tools for collaboration, which mediated and made visible teachers’ learning processes. Employing interpretive enquiry and cross-case analysis, we examined data from classroom observations, teacher co-planning sessions and interviews with teachers. Findings demonstrated that collaborating teachers used tools to articulate and reconceptualise teaching goals, co-construct knowledge and ultimately transform teaching practices to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This study has implications for teacher education and ongoing professional development, by shedding light on the potential affordances of collaborative tools for teacher learning. Findings suggest that teacher education could harness these opportunities for learning by incorporating collaboration between ESOL specialists and content-area teachers as an integral part of preparing more qualified teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

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