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Detail is provided of a theoretically based teaching programme designed to induce students to construct a mental scheme in which experimental design and natural experiments (Kuhn & Brannock, 1977) are understood as facets of the same problem, and which incorporates a general solution procedure applicable to both. A pre‐test‐post‐test‐delayed post‐test controlled examination of the efficacy of the programme is described using grade 8 students as subjects. The results show a highly significant post‐test achievement increase by the experimental group over the control, which is retained in the delayed post‐test. Evidence is also presented indicating a probable decrease in performance decalage between planned and natural experiments by the experimental grade 8 group.  相似文献   

Argued to ‘raise boys’ grades’ and ‘boost boys’ academic achievement’, single‐sex classes in coeducation schools is one strategy among a plethora aimed at raising standards. This paper explores the experiences of teachers in one coeducation post‐primary school that sought to raise academic performance, particularly among boys, and to improve classroom behaviour by introducing single‐sex classes. Funded by a local Education and Library Board the evaluation took place almost four years after the strategy was introduced and in a climate of increasing teacher concern with the effectiveness of the strategy. The methods involved a questionnaire survey to all teachers in the school and one‐to‐one and small group interviews with teachers responsible for teaching single‐sex classes. Contrary to its stated aims, the majority of teachers believe that, since the introduction of single‐sex classes, academic performance and classroom behaviour have deteriorated. Findings are discussed in terms of teachers’ perceptions of the strategy and the importance organizational and contextual factors have on shaping teachers’ attitudes to new initiatives.  相似文献   

In Wales, concerns about the perceived over‐formalisation of young children’s educational experiences led to the introduction of a Foundation Phase Framework for children aged three to seven years that advocates a more holistic, play‐based approach. Following the staging of the Reggio Emilia travelling exhibition, funding was secured for a project in which teachers explored Reggio philosophy and practices as a means of gaining insight into their thinking and pedagogy. Given the introduction of the Foundation Phase, the project also intended to support teachers’ explorations of child‐led learning. Looking at their practice ‘through another lens’ exposed teachers’ commitment to an approach dominated by prescribed, subject‐related outcomes. This approach influenced the way in which the teachers interpreted key aspects of Reggio philosophy and contributed to their difficulties with ‘supporting’ child‐led learning. The paper concludes that moving away from a ‘subject‐centred’ approach, particularly when the Framework includes prescribed learning outcomes, may be extremely challenging for teachers.  相似文献   

The Division of Planning and Institutional Improvement (PAII) at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis provides for the campus data for academic planning and management, assessment and evaluation services, and progress reports on mission‐critical goals. To respond to a forecast fiscal crisis and support long‐range planning for the Division, staff undertook a survey of deans and other key campus stakeholders to determine which of its services were best‐known and considered most useful for unit‐level planning and decision‐making, especially as these units faced the same projections of severe fiscal constraints. Findings indicated greater awareness and use of PAII data among deans than among other academic leaders and provided important insights into the kinds of data needed most for decision‐making. These outcomes will guide the Division’s future strategies for educating deans and other stakeholders on underused, but potentially useful, services and for selecting new services to offer.  相似文献   

This research was carried out as the basis for an M.Ed. thesis for the University of Birmingham during the early part of 1983. Its main aim was to compare the social, emotional and scholastic adjustment of a group of indigenous white children attending a multi‐cultural school with a similar group being educated in a mono‐cultural, predominantly white setting. A secondary aim was to investigate inter‐ethnic differences between the three cultural groups represented. The investigation was carried out amongst pupils in the two top year groups (9‐11‐year‐olds) from two city primary schools, one school being mainly multi‐cultural in background and one mainly mono‐cultural. The schools were matched as closely as possible for ethos, pupil social background, environment, and teaching practice. The results of the study indicated that the primary null hypothesis: that no significant differences would appear between the responses of the group of white pupils attending the multi‐cultural school and those of their counterparts in the control group attending the mono‐cultural school, was sustained. However, some inter‐ethnic differences did emerge from the data, but sex rather than cultural background or type of school attended proved to be the major source of difference in response.  相似文献   

Most people visit a science center in order to satisfy specific leisure‐related needs; needs which may or may not actually include science learning. Falk proposed that an individual's identity‐related motivations provide a useful lens through which to understand adult free‐choice science learning in leisure settings. Over a 3‐year period the authors collected in‐depth data on a random sample of visitors to a large recently opened, hands‐on, interactive science center; collecting information on why people visited, what they did within the science center, what they knew about the subject presented upon entering and exiting, and what each individual's long‐term self‐perceptions of their own learning was. Presented is a qualitative analysis of visitor interviews collected roughly 2 years after the initial visit. Although there was evidence for a range of science learning outcomes, outcomes did appear to be strongly influenced by visitor's entering identity‐related motivations. However, the data also suggested that not only were the motivational goals of a science center visit important in determining outcomes, so too were the criteria by which visitors judged satisfaction of those goals; in particular whether goal satisfaction required external or merely internal validation. The implications for future informal science education research and practice are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:194–212, 2010  相似文献   

A classroom practical exercise exploring the reliability of a basic capture‐mark‐recapture method of population estimation is described using great whale conservation as a starting point. Various teaching resources are made available.  相似文献   

Many mathematics teachers opt for a strictly teacher‐centred curriculum and/or instructional strategy. Given the well‐documented evidence noting the benefits of student‐centred instruction, it is easy to see that teacher‐centred learning on its own cannot best meet the needs of students. On the other hand, some teachers, aware of the importance of a student‐centred mathematics curriculum, adopt an exclusively student‐centred approach to curriculum and instruction. What is less obvious is that this approach can put some students who belong to certain ethnic groups at a disadvantage. Hence, to be more inclusive, mathematics educators need to take a balanced instructional approach. This paper outlines an inclusive instructional strategy that resembles the structure of and exemplifies the values promoted by the Aboriginal model of the Medicine Wheel.  相似文献   

This study involved perceptions of bullying in six Year 7 children attending a speech and language base part‐time and the perceptions of their mainstream peers without speech and language problems. Base‐taught children and mainstreamed peers completed a bullying questionnaire and a social inclusion survey. Base‐taught children with language difficulties rated themselves three times more likely to be bullied than mainstream peers. Half of these base children, however, rated bullying as rare. These two sub‐groups differed on the number of peers willing to “hang out” with them, suggesting language difficulties and attendance at a segregated language base together are a “risk factor” for bullying whereas peer‐acceptance may be a “protecting factor”. An intervention helping children to use a “fogging” technique did not reduce bullying perceptions. It is suggested that inclusion‐oriented ecological interventions are more likely to encourage friendships and social acceptance among the wider peer group and thus may be the most effective interventions to prevent bullying.  相似文献   

A class of second year (age group 19–20), university students used computer conferencing as an alternative to face‐to‐face seminars. A questionnaire based on Garrison's critical thinking model tested their conferencing versus face‐to‐face experiences. Factor analysis using SPSS produced five factors for face‐to‐face seminars and four factors for computer conferencing consistent with deep approaches to learning. One negative factor emerged for computer conferencing which indicated a problem with student use of the technology. The results show that computer conferencing can be a valuable learning environment on campus.  相似文献   

In this study seven 10‐year‐old to 11‐year‐old students peer‐tutored seven six‐year‐old students in writing over a 10‐week period. Tutoring took place over 20‐minute sessions four times per week in the six‐year‐old students' regular classes during their usual writing time. The first author trained the tutors to assist tutees to (1) produce a writing plan, (2) use the plan to develop a piece of writing with help from the tutor, (3) proof‐read writing samples for meaning and accuracy, and (4) prompt tutees to make editing changes to their writing by asking appropriate questions. Samples of the writing of tutors and tutees were compared at baseline, intervention and follow‐up phases and the attitudes of participants towards the programme were evaluated. Unlike most peer tutoring programmes the study relied largely on intrinsic motivation for student participation, and utilised a procedure that required responsive feedback by tutors and a problem‐solving approach rather than a constrained linear methodology. Results indicated gains in terms of writing rate, accuracy, and audience ratings of clarity of message and enjoyment of writing, for tutors and tutees. Issues of programme maintenance and generalisation within the school system are discussed in addition to the implications for inclusive educational practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the area of teacher‐training by video‐led distance learning materials. The focus is on the role of educators in the process of developing a video programme for in‐service teacher training in the area of science, in the context of an overall plan of in‐service teacher training. Illustrations are given of the tension between creative ideas and pragmatic consideration, the demand of the medium and the subject matter, the criteria adopted by educationalists and those used by producers. Some practical points are made about techniques devised to communicate specific ideas which are hopefully of some relevance not only to educators but also to professionals in educational television.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of a pilot study that examined the pedagogical potential of Second Life (SL), a popular three‐dimensional multi‐user virtual environment (3‐D MUVE) developed by the Linden Lab. The study is part of a 1‐year research and development project titled ‘Modelling of Secondlife Environments’ ( http://www.le.ac.uk/moose ) funded by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee. The research question addressed in this paper is: how can learning activities that facilitate social presence and foster socialisation among distance learners for collaborative learning be developed in SL, a 3‐D MUVE? The study was carried out at the University of Leicester (UoL) within an undergraduate module on Archaeological Theory, where two tutors and four students took part in four learning activities designed to take place in SL within the UoL Media Zoo island. The learning activities and training in SL were based on Salmon's five‐stage model of online learning. Students’ engagement in SL was studied through interviews, observations and records of chat logs. The data analysis offers four key findings in relation to the nature and pattern of in‐world ‘socialisation’ and its impact on real‐world network building; the pattern of in‐world ‘socialisation’ stage in Salmon's 5‐stage model; perspectives on students’ progress in‐world through the first stage of the model—‘access and motivation’—and perspectives on their entry into, and progress through, the second stage of the model—‘socialisation’—and the role of identity presented through avatars in the process of socialisation. The paper offers implications for research and practice in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

In this article the author points out the limitations of television as a tool in non‐formal education of adults in Africa and looks at the benefits of supplementing broadcast‐delivered messages with person‐to‐person communications. Two examples of mass media campaigns integrating various media with person‐to‐person communications in the field are described, one in Ivory Coast and another in Zaire. In both cases television, once seen as the ultimate panacea of mass education, has been reduced to a supportive role  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of using the mastery learning technique of self‐directed feedback, reinforcement, and remediation of knowledge on the performance of a work‐related task. The mastery learning intervention was conducted via a workbook which provided feedback to participants on their knowledge attainment after instruction, yet before the evaluation of the transfer task. The study utilized a randomized subjects, post‐test‐only control group design with 130 participants. The hypothesis that mastery learning would have a positive effect on transfer of knowledge from the classroom to a work‐related task was supported. Implications for instructional design and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The complexity of the material being taught in clinical neuroscience within the medical school curriculum requires creative pedagogies to teach medical students effectively. Many clinical teaching strategies have been developed and are well described to address these challenges. However, only a few have been evaluated to determine their impact on the performance of students studying clinical neuroscience. Interactive, 2‐hour, self‐directed small‐group interactive clinical case‐based learning sessions were conducted weekly for 4 weeks to integrate concepts learned in the corresponding didactic lectures. Students in the small groups analyzed cases of patients suffering from neurological disease that were based on eight learning objectives that allowed them to evaluate neuroanatomical data and clinical findings before presenting their case analysis to the larger group. Students’ performances on the formative quizzes and summative tests were compared to those of first‐year medical students in the previous year for whom the self‐directed, small‐group interactive clinical sessions were not available. There was a significant improvement in the summative performance of first‐year medical students with self‐directed clinical case learning in the second year (Y2) of teaching clinical neuroscience (P < 0.05) when compared with first‐year students in the first year (Y1) for whom the self‐directed learning approach was not available. Student performance in the formative assessments between Y1 and Y2 was not significantly different (P = 0.803). A target of ≥70% student scoring above 80% in the final summative examination was met. The current study revealed evidence for the impact and educational outcomes of a self‐directed, clinical teaching strategy in a clinical neuroscience curriculum for first‐year medical students. Anat Sci Educ 11: 478–487. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning has been gaining momentum as a promising pedagogy in higher education. Research on student collaboration is increasing. However, one arena is often overlooked—faculty collaboration. In this article, a cross‐institutional faculty collaboration is presented. The context is faculty collaboration on the design of an undergraduate engineering course. Specifically, this paper examines design issues encountered in the faculty collaborations associated with developing, delivering, and redesigning a senior‐level engineering design course that was taught simultaneously at two universities. This course was taught in state‐of‐the‐art distance learning classrooms. Both within class and outside class, participating students and faculty made use of a Web‐based environment that supported a variety of synchronous and asynchronous interactions. The course itself focused on team design projects and provided instruction on the engineering design process, in various specific skills needed for the students’ projects, and on how to function effectively as part of a geographically distributed engineering design team. The participating faculty members represented different backgrounds, academic disciplines, and academic cultures. Issues related to collaborations on development, delivery, and redesign are elaborated. Based on the lessons learned, suggestions for future cross‐institutional faculty collaboration in course development are provided.  相似文献   

A neo‐Aristotelian critique that corn‐pares the means of persuasion Nixon used with the inventory given in the Rhetoric reveals that he exploited premises of prediction and value likely to be held by members of his target audience and set them in a structure and a framework of states of feeling favorable to acceptance of Vietnamization. Neo‐Aristotelianism limits a critic in a desirable way from‐ making further judgments.  相似文献   

Abstract A home‐based reinforcement (H‐BR) programme was carried out in a secondary school to increase rule‐following and work completed by two groups of disruptive students. Of particular interest was whether the positive effects of the programme on target students would ‘spill‐over’ to equally disruptive control students in the same classes. The results showed highly significant improvements in the work and behaviour of both sets of target students but positive ‘spill‐over’ effects on controls were only apparent in one of the classes. Possible explanations for this are discussed. It is concluded that the already considerable value of H‐BR programmes in secondary schools as minimal intervention techniques would be enhanced even more if ‘spill‐over’ effects on non‐targeted, classroom sub‐groups could be planned for, rather than hoped for.  相似文献   

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