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廖培 《湖北体育科技》2007,26(5):599-600,595
对第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛的定位球进球进行观察与统计,指出定位球战术在比赛中仍占据重要地位,任意球是定位球进球的主要手段,头顶球在定位球进攻中起重要作用.从中找出世界强队定位球进球的一般规律,为我国足球训练和比赛提供参考.  相似文献   

这期介绍定位球战术。 定位球战术是指在比赛中,利用“死球”后重新开始比赛的机会组织进攻与防守配合的战术方法。定位球战术包括中圈开球、角球、任意球、点球、掷界外球等。 在现代足球比赛中,定位球往往能够成为破门得分的机会,特别是角球和禁区附近的任意球更是如此。 在势均力敌的高水平比赛中,定位球战术有时起决定胜负的作用(优秀球队都有罚任意球、角球的专家,如法国队的普拉蒂尼、原联邦德国队的马索斯等,他们利用强劲的弧线球,绕过人墙将球准确地射入球门,都具有极其高超的脚法)。在配合上要利用简练的一次配合取得射门机会,配合越复杂成功率就越低。因为在罚任意球和角球时,攻方人员都处于被对方严密地紧盯之下,只有运用突然的一次配合才有可能奏效。故要进行专门性的练习,才能在比赛中奏效。  相似文献   

足球运动中的战术配合,主要分为两类:在比赛进行中的配合和定位球配合。定位球有:中圈开球,直接任意球,间接任意球,角球和踢11米球,郑界外球与踢球门球。实践证明,足球比赛中,40%的球是由定位球通过巧妙的配合后打进的。但是有些体育教师,以及某些少年足球队的教练,往往把定位球只看作是恢复比赛的一种手段,因此,在训练中对它毫不重视,  相似文献   

第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛的定位球进球进行观察与统计,指出定位球战术在比赛中仍占据重要地位,开场和邻近结束的时间是定位球进球的黄金时段,任意球是定位球进球的主要手段,头顶球在定位球进攻中起重要作用。  相似文献   

<正> 第十二章 定位球战术 一、教学训练要点 (一)定位球的防守 定位球(包括掷界外球、角球和任意球)在比赛中有大量的进球,为此,掌握定位球的防守要点是十分必要的。 进攻一方在发定位球时有两个明显的优势:  相似文献   

在足球场上,精彩的定位球破门是比赛的一大看点,不论是小贝的圆月弯刀,还是阿根廷队的经典战术任意球破门,都是球迷们津津乐道的话题。在实况足球中,也不乏一些漂亮的定位球破门方法。本期实况足球专栏,就让我们一起来了解PES2009的定位球战术。  相似文献   

足球运动不断发展,场上争夺十分激烈,任意球在比赛中也不断增多。从刚刚结束的第十二届世界杯足球大赛中,人们可以看到,一些世界足坛劲旅通过多种手段破密集防守,其中之一是充分利用前场定位球得分,特别是利用前场任意球直接或间接地得分,这一点给人们留下相当深刻的印象。  相似文献   

自从PES 5推出以后,通过近期的实战和论坛的讨论我们可以看到,目前防守比以前WE 8时代变得更加容易掌握,因此个人突破和小组配合突进难度越来越大,尤其是碰到选择密集防守的对手的时候。定位球战术是真实的足球比赛中非常重要的一环,世界大赛通过定位球战术一锤定音的战例也不胜枚举。一贯强调真实性的实况系列当然也沿袭了自己的传统,在PES 5中定位球战术依旧是进攻方打开僵局的重要武器。而在各种定位球中,最难掌握的自然是任意球中的直接任意球,而直接任意球最难的当然是直接任意球攻门,要不然米哈伊洛维奇、小贝、小罗……的任意球就不会象神话一样被球迷顶礼膜拜了。  相似文献   

在足球场上,精彩的定位球破门是比赛的一大看点,不论是小贝的圆月弯刀,还是阿根廷队的经典战术任意球破门,都是球迷们津津乐道的话题。在实况足球中,也不乏一些漂亮的定位球破门方法。本期实况足球专栏,就让我们一起来了解PES2009的定位球战术。说起定位球,大家最先想到的一定会是任意球。任意球破门是足球比赛中最为精彩的一种破门方式,看着足球在大师们的脚下划出美妙的弧线直挂死角,着实是一种无与伦比的享受。然而,经常关注实况足球比赛的玩家可能会注意到,在大赛当中,选手很少使用任意球直接射门,而是更多选择将球传出的配合打法。这是为什么呢?其实主要的原因是,实况足球中的任意球直接射门命中率并不高,如果没有打进,那么宝贵的控球权就白白交给了对方,在高水平的对抗中,要想再把球拿回来,是很不容易的。但是如果将球传出,慢慢组织配合,一来可以继续掌握控球权,二来也比直接射门更有把握。然而,在一些特殊的位置,使用特定的球员,用特定的射门方法,也会有比较高的命中率。下面我们来看一些任意球的罚发,当然,这里不讨论通常的绕人墙直接射门,都是一些特殊的方法、希望对大家有所启发。  相似文献   

袁仲晖 《当代体育》2010,(10):54-55
世界杯定位球全纪录历史上,主裁判在18届世界杯的常规比赛时间内共计判罚192次点球,打进154粒,射丢38粒。另外有64次任意球直接破门。  相似文献   

足球前场80个成功任意球战术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对15届世界杯足球赛、'96欧洲足球锦标赛和意大利、英国、德国、西班牙、荷兰、巴西等国国内联赛共100多场高水平比赛中所收集到的80个前场任意球成功战例战术进行分析研究。结果表明:距离球门30米左右的中间区域是任意球得分的最佳区域;任意球进攻的战术方法以简练实用为宜,若情况允许尽可能直接射门;一次配合战术以中路一拨后射门和左、右两区域的传中后头球射门为主要配合方法。  相似文献   

Cutting in soccer is a common skill used to avoid the opponent's pressure but the potential effects of such a skill on instep kicking performance have not been previously investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in lower limb biomechanics between straight approach soccer kicks and kicks performed following a cutting maneuver task. Ten young amateur soccer players performed, in a random order, instep kicks after a two-step straight approach run and kicks after a double "faking" cutting maneuver task. The results showed that kicking after a cutting maneuver task displayed significantly lower ball speed values compared with the straight approach instep kicking (16.73 vs. 19.78 m/s, respectively; p < 0.05). Moreover, analysis of variance showed significant differences between the two kicking conditions in ankle, knee and hip joint displacements. The present study indicated that performing instep kicks after a double-cutting maneuver reduces ball and foot speed probably due to increasing joint frontal and transverse plane rotations. Improvements in the performance of the cutting maneuver task through training might result in better transfer of energy and speed to the kicking task thus permitting players to perform more powerful kicks under realistic game conditions.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to analyse game interruptions of league soccer in detail and the tactical use of game interruptions. Sixteen matches of a German first league soccer team were observed. An observational system was designed to assess interruption types, score, duration of interruption, location of interruption, time of interruption and number of occurrences. Results showed that there is an average of 108 interruptions per match. Throw-ins (40) and free kicks (33) were most frequent. Goal kicks (17), corner kicks (10), substitutions (4), and kick offs (3) occurred less often. Drop balls, penalties, and injuries occurred least often. For 38% of the total match time observed, matches were halted. The mean duration of running and interrupted match parts were 32.1 s and 18.7 s, respectively. The analysis showed significant differences concerning the influence of the location of interruption, score, and time of interruption on the duration of different interruption types (P < 0.05). The results of the study showed the tactical use of game interruptions during league soccer matches, e.g. goal kicks of the leading team take longer towards the end of the match. Examining game interruptions has turned out to be a valuable source of information adding to our knowledge of soccer. We have shown evidence that the durations of many interruptions serve tactical purposes, a well-known hypothesis in practice.  相似文献   


The objectives of the study were to analyse game interruptions of league soccer in detail and the tactical use of game interruptions. Sixteen matches of a German first league soccer team were observed. An observational system was designed to assess interruption types, score, duration of interruption, location of interruption, time of interruption and number of occurrences. Results showed that there is an average of 108 interruptions per match. Throw-ins (40) and free kicks (33) were most frequent. Goal kicks (17), corner kicks (10), substitutions (4), and kick offs (3) occurred less often. Drop balls, penalties, and injuries occurred least often. For 38% of the total match time observed, matches were halted. The mean duration of running and interrupted match parts were 32.1 s and 18.7 s, respectively. The analysis showed significant differences concerning the influence of the location of interruption, score, and time of interruption on the duration of different interruption types (P < 0.05). The results of the study showed the tactical use of game interruptions during league soccer matches, e.g. goal kicks of the leading team take longer towards the end of the match. Examining game interruptions has turned out to be a valuable source of information adding to our knowledge of soccer. We have shown evidence that the durations of many interruptions serve tactical purposes, a well-known hypothesis in practice.  相似文献   

2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛技战术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用文献资料、现场统计和录像回放等研究方法,对参加2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛半决赛、决赛运动员的技战术进行统计分析。统计内容主要包括每局的踢击次数、踢击类型、交手回合、交手时间以及防守的步法运用。分析结果显示:比赛中男、女运动员踢击次数第1局最少、第3局最多;交手回合和交手时间高度相关,男、女运动员的交手回合和交手时间随局数递增;横踢技术是运动员在比赛中使用频率最高的基本技术,男、女运动员在比赛中防守步法使用基本一致,后移防守比例最高。  相似文献   


The location and outcome of all free kicks taken directly at goal in the 2007 women's football World Cup were assessed to identify areas with the most goal-scoring potential and assist with tactical decisions and training design. Video of all free kicks taken directly at goal in the 32 games was captured and the location of the ball on the pitch was calculated from pitch markings and image pixel coordinates using a customized curve-fitting method. The outcome of each free kick was determined and for those that resulted in a goal or were saved, information on ball flight time and the placement of the ball relative to the goal was reported. All seven free kicks that resulted in a goal were taken from a central area within 7 m of the penalty circle, placed at the edge of the goal within approximately 1 m of the goalpost, and had an average flight time of 1.09 s, which was significantly faster than for those that were saved. All free kicks directed towards the bottom and centre of the goal resulted in straightforward saves for the goalkeeper. It is recommended that teams should consider a direct shot from free kicks awarded within 7 m of the penalty circle. For free kicks from wide areas and areas further from the goal, players should be aware of their individual ability and only take a shot when they perceive the probability of scoring a goal to be high. Otherwise, alternative attacking strategies should be considered to avoid an easy turnover of possession.  相似文献   

The soccer "penalty shootout" in the knock-out phase of major international tournaments is one of the most dramatic events in international soccer. The outcome of these kicks is typically attributed to factors such as psychology (e.g. coping with stress), skill (e.g. kicking technique), physiology (e.g. overcoming the fatigue of 120 min play), and chance (e.g. in what direction the goalkeeper moves). The purpose of this study was to use internet game record data to estimate the relative importance of these performance components for the outcome of penalty kicks in international matches. Data were collected from soccer statistics internet sites on all 41 penalty shootouts and 409 kicks taken in the World Cup, European Championships, and Copa America between 1976 and 2004. The results showed that the importance of the kicks (indicative of stress) was negatively related to the outcomes of the kicks, whereas skill and fatigue were less, or not, related to outcome. It was concluded that psychological components are most influential for the outcome of penalty kicks. We recommend that practitioners work with players to reduce the perceived importance of each kick.  相似文献   

We develop and use a numerical model to investigate the window of opportunity of free kicks in association football. The planar multibody forward dynamics model comprises a two segment leg model with joint actuations, a football, a wall and the turf. Contact mechanics is defined to model the impact of the foot and the ball’s interaction with the different elements in the environment. The optimum kick is determined using the global optimization algorithm differential evolution, requiring millions of kick simulations. The sensitivity of various solutions to parameter perturbation is investigated. It is concluded that toe kicks are theoretically superior to instep kicks, but are difficult to perform reliably. The results also show that small perturbations in parameters can lead to embarrassingly failed kicks.  相似文献   

We investigated joint coordination differences between Taekwondo back kicks and jumping back kicks, and how jumping (in performing the latter) would alter engaging ground reaction forces (GRF) in executing kicking. Ten skilful athletes volunteered to perform both kinds of kicking within the shortest time for three successful trials. Three high-speed cameras and two force platforms were used for data collection, and the trial with the shortest execution time was selected for analysis. Movements were divided into the rotation and attack phases. With comparable execution time and maximum joint linear/angular speeds, back kicks and jumping back kicks differ mainly in larger GRF in the latter, and in greater target acceleration in the former probably because the support leg prevented athletes’ rebounding after impact. In addition, more prominent antiphase and in-phase coordination between the shoulder segment and knee joint, and elongated rotation phase were found in jumping back kicks. Larger GRF values in jumping back kicks were generated for jump take-off rather than for a more powerful attack. In back kicks although the support leg remained ground contact, greatly decreased GRF in the attack phase suggested that the support leg mainly served as a rotation axis.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,梳理了行为经济学领域有关运动决策研究的历程。从托马斯·吉洛维奇探索篮球热手效应以检验小数定律,到伯埃里研究守门员扑点球以检验标准规范理论,再到施魏策尔研究高尔夫球手推杆以验证前景理论,理查德·泰勒研究NFL选秀以验证赢家诅咒,运动心理学与行为经济学的结合促进了人类对理性决策博弈行为的认知。但是竞技博弈研究范式与经济博弈研究范式对决策结果与过程的侧重不同,随着运动大数据研究模式的兴起,运动心理学也对行为经济学在运动领域的研究提出了重大的挑战。尽管如此,随着运动心理学与行为经济学的不断融合发展,运动神经经济学可能会为认知情绪过程的神经心理机制提供更有价值的洞见。  相似文献   

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