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校友资源是高校发展不可忽视的一支重要力量。文章分析了校友资源与高校发展的关系,并针对高校校友资源的现状,提出了充分利用校友资源发展高校的路径:重视高校校友工作,努力培育"三个意识";积极响应校友诉求,深度开发校友资源;大力宣传校友事迹,发挥校友榜样作用;以校友带动校企合作,提升高校教育质量。  相似文献   

在教育体制改革随着市场经济体制的建立、发展并不断完善的今天,高等教育已经从人才培齐的"精英化"过渡到"大众化",由政府包揽办学的格局已经打破,高校已经进入以政府办学为主,社会积极参与,各方联合办学的新思路.面对这样的新形势,加强校友工作队伍建设,完善校友工作体制机制,加大校友资源开发力度,促进学校事业发展,已经成为各高效的共识.建立适应时代和实践发展需要,适应新形势下高校校友工作目标要求的科学化、规范化、制度化的校友工作机制,对于开展校友工作,开发校友资源,增强高校校友工作的可操作性和实效性,具有重要意义.本文就高校校友工作机制构建的重要性、必要性、重点内容以及方式方法做出了具体论述.  相似文献   

高校竞争日益激烈,资源的竞争尤为重要。校友是学校的办学资源,开发校友资源,促进高校发展,已经成为高校的一项重要工作。高校通过提高校友意识教育、重视和校友之间的感情沟通、建立校友网络、开发校友资源等方面做好校友资源的开发管理工作,明确指导思想,形成校友网络资源共享,制定科学化规、范化的管理制度,促进高校教育事业的全面发展。  相似文献   

校友是学校可持续发展最宝贵的的育人资源、物质资源,特别是将校友视为一种促进母校发展的宝贵资源,校友的多种重要价值得到认可。高校校友工作强调母校为校友服务,本文探讨了培育高校校友文化的若干途径,指出"校友与母校共荣辱"的价值观是校友文化的核心。通过开展丰富多彩的校友活动,加强母校与校友的联系,使校友文化的隐形价值得到具体化和升华。  相似文献   

高校校友是高校公共关系中的重要外部公众 ,也是高校在新形势下为完成和实现深化改革的奋斗目标、开展对外公关工作的重要对象。新形势下高校对校友的公关对策为 :转变观念 ,强化公关意识 ;建立校友组织网络 ,加强联系与沟通 ;精心策划对校友的公关活动 ;学校对校友的互惠互利的工作。  相似文献   

通过对高校校友工作实际情况的分析,深入的思考与探讨了校友资源的重要性以及开展校友工作的必要性和具体做法,对高校整体建设发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济持续、健康发展,我国高校校友捐赠数额快速增长,已逐渐成为高校办学经费的重要资金来源.文章从改善高校财务状况、促进高校学术自由和增强校友凝聚力等三个方面,分析了校友捐赠对高校发展的积极作用;从校友、学校、社会环境与文化背景、政策与法律制度等四个角度,分析了影响高校校友捐赠的因素.作为校友捐赠的受益主体,高校应加强校友会组织与管理工作,健全和创新校友会的组织体系,加大校友捐赠的宣传力度,营造校友捐赠文化氛围,以吸引更多的校友捐赠.  相似文献   

校友资源的多样性、社会性、同源性、有限性和品牌性等特点,决定其在高校毕业生就业过程中具有保障信息来源、提供实习和就业岗位、提升毕业生就业能力等作用。然而,一些高校存在着校友资源服务机制建设不健全、校友资源综合利用效率不高、校友资源深层次开发不够、校友向心力文化品牌打造不足等问题,严重影响校友资源的有效开发利用。为此,高校需要树立全员意识,统筹开发校友资源;创新工作机制,发挥校友资源优势;搭建服务平台,增强校友资源助推力;实现互惠共赢,挖掘校友资源潜能;构筑特色文化,创建校友温馨家园,为高校毕业生的顺利就业提供强有力支持。  相似文献   

随着数字技术和网络技术的发展及其应用的普及,校友群体逐渐呈现出较强的"碎片化"态势,给高校传统校友工作方式带来挑战。校友工作应解放思想、与时俱进,以人为本、提升服务,合理开发、科学发展,强化组织、联动互动,利用现代信息手段,掌握多媒体技术,适应新形势下的需要,用新的理念、新的机制和新的模式开展工作,增强校友与母校之间的吸引力和凝聚力,在推动学校发展中发挥不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

开发利用好校友资源,使其在高教事业发展中发挥更大作用,已成为国内高校的一项重要工作。校友是高校的发展性资源,是高校教育和教学改革的资源,是高校的公共关系资源,是高校宝贵的精神财富。在校友资源的开发利用中,要变校友对学校的“单向反哺”为学校与校友的双向服务,全方位地开展校友工作。  相似文献   

In the competitive marketplace of higher education, colleges and university leaders increasingly rely on the influence and service of their alumni to further institutional goals. Because of their demonstrated financial commitment to the institution, alumni donors are often enlisted to serve important roles as volunteers and political advocates. Using binomial logistic regression, this study examines a large sample of alumni donors from a large doctoral/research extensive university to predict donors who are most likely volunteer at the institution (via advisory board service, political advocacy, alumni club support). The study suggests that volunteering among alumni donors is predicted by capacity variables related to gender, residence, and overall civic engagement. Inclination to volunteer is associated with the quality of academic experience while an undergraduate student, beliefs about alumni volunteer roles, and number of degrees earned at the institution.  相似文献   

校友是高校的宝贵资源,其捐赠对母校的发展起到了重要作用,高校应将校友视为高校筹资的主要对象;由于校友与母校存在着特殊的情感关系,其捐赠动因相对于其他社会捐赠有一定的独特性;高校应针对校友设计出明确、具体、具有吸引力的筹资项目供校友选择,充分挖掘校友的捐赠潜力。  相似文献   

美国大学基金会成功因素分析及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨青 《中国地质教育》2007,16(1):110-114
大学基金会在美国高等教育的发展过程中一直扮演着举足轻重的角色,是美国高校重要的教育经费筹措渠道之一,为保证高等教育质量提供了坚实的资金后盾,并且取得了显著的成效。本文从社会助学传统和制度保障等方面来论述美国高校基金会取得成功的社会外部因素,并且对美国大学校长在募捐中的作用、校友捐赠及基金运作进行详细分析,最后探讨了我国高校基金会应该如何借鉴美国大学基金会的成功之处。  相似文献   


University administrators have begun to more aggressively adopt many of the techniques associated with relationship marketing. This would seem like a perfect strategy for a university as loyal alumni can do such things as offer personal recommendations to help build enrollments, participate in alumni functions, purchase university-branded products, and enroll in professional education courses. However, there are many unexamined questions regarding the nature and impact of alumni relationships with the university. This paper explores the impacts of the alumni-university relationship and alumni assessments of their college experiences on important expressions of loyalty. A sample of alumni who had graduated three to eight years prior to the study completed a telephone survey. The results provide support for the impact of these variables on current behavior and behavioral intentions. Implications of these findings for university marketers are discussed.  相似文献   

开发校友资源促进高校发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对高校开发校友资源问题进行探讨,分析了校友资源对高校发展的作用,阐述了开发和利用校友资源的途径与方式,提出开发校友资源应注意的问题。  相似文献   

校友资源是高校最稳固、最可依赖的办学资源,随着高等教育改革的逐步深入,校友工作对高校的重要性日益凸显,已成为高校教育事业的重要组成部分。高校校友会已经不仅仅是一个服务同学聚会的组织,它有完善的功能、鲜明的特质和特殊的组织形式,是学校、教师、学生三位一体的和谐体现。如何树立正确工作理念,发挥高校校友会功能,确保高校校友会在为校友服务、为母校服务和为社会服务中良性运转,是目前高校值得研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

George Ashline 《PRIMUS》2017,27(6):598-605
We describe the context for and implementation of a departmental alumni network. More than a database compiling facts about graduates, this network provides students with information and inspiration. It also offers a wonderful opportunity to support lifelong learning through the development of collaborative relationships between alumni and faculty and students. We suggest several features and progression steps for such a network. As an integral component of these efforts, we describe the creation of “alumni spotlight” profiles featured on our departmental website and include a top-10 list of objectives and benefits of such a resource. In addition, we offer ideas for possible enrichment and extension of the network to serve different programmatic purposes.  相似文献   

Alumni-student mentoring programs have become commonplace at many universities, and yet, scholarly research has rarely explored the impact of these programs on participating students and alumni. To address this, we investigated three alumni mentoring programs at a large research-intensive university in Australia. Using a mixed methods approach (a web based survey and interviews), we sought both students' and mentors' perceptions of their alumni mentoring program and how their involvement may have impacted their perceptions of the university (n=197). The findings highlight that alumni mentoring programs provide distinct benefits to both students and alumni and may result in improved university engagement. Our results also indicate new revelations about alumni mentoring programs, including the challenges associated with mentoring postgraduate students and recommended best practice to ensure the success of alumni mentoring programs.  相似文献   


Because of its prominent role, football has the potential to positively impact a university in several ways. Previous research on college athletics has focused on the financial impact of athletic success on institutions (e.g., donations). This research examines the marketing capabilities of college football by measuring alumni perceptions of a large southeastern university's move to NCAA Division IA football. A total of 297 alumni participated in a telephone survey. A high percentage of alumni believe IA football is prestigious and that the move to IA has influenced game attendance intention. Alumni believe the university's image has been positively influenced by the move to IA, and 21% believe the perceived value of their college degree has been enhanced by the move to IA. Findings from this study can aid universities in understanding the importance of football to alumni and how athletics can keep alumni connected with their alma mater.  相似文献   

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