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朱礼金 《体育学刊》2012,(4):111-115
对蹦床网上动作腾空技术的时空协同及训练应用进行了探讨,结果表明:蹦床网上动作腾空技术的时空结构主要是基于器械属性和人体运动轨迹的变化两个方面实现的,其中空间结构主要表现在水平位移和纵向位移两个部分,时间结构则体现在腾空、压网(包括着网时间、蹬伸时间)和起网3个时间要素。起网角度、压网深度、最佳蹬伸时机和立臂时机是影响时空结构的主要动力因素,腾空技术的训练应从合理起网角的选择、动作连接、上下肢力量、起跳协调性以及着网姿势等方面加强训练。  相似文献   

运用文献资料研究、逻辑分析等方法从时空的角度分析了蹦床成套动作腾空高度的时空特征以及影响因素,基于时空协同理论分析了腾空高度及高度一致性的训练意义.结果表明,加强成套动作的腾空高度训练是目前适应新规则的重要方法之一;水平和纵向位移、压网和起网的时间、空中飞行时间是成套动作腾空高度的主要时空因素;起网的初速度、最佳蹬伸时刻、着网的身体姿势以及肩关节和下肢的力量是影响腾空高度主要因素;空跳练习、压网与摆臂的协调性练习、连接技术练习以及适宜起网角与入网角的选择是目前适应新规则加强成套动作腾空高度训练的重要途径.  相似文献   

运动生物力学计算机仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文详细介绍已经专家鉴定的“人体腾空运动仿真软件系统”。的总体设计,其中包括人体腾空运动数学模型,3组影片解析技术,人体三维消隐藏线的动静态显示以及运动动作定量分析和动作设计技术。利用该系统可以实现对人体腾空运动的计算机仿真研究和动作效果的预测。突破了目前在运动生物力学中的研究方法,为计算机辅助训练提供了一个有力的工具。文章还给出了利用该仿真系统研究背越式跳高过杆动作的实例,具体说明仿真研究及指导运动训练的过程。  相似文献   

对竞技武术套路演练中腾空高度的认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腾空高度是决定武术腾空动作能否高质量完成的关键因素之一,随着竞技武术套路向"高、难、美、新"方向发展,武术套路腾空动作的腾空高度在武术教学与训练中越来越引起人们的重视。本文运用文献综述法,通过对腾空高度在武术套路演练中的作用以及若干影响因素的分析,旨在为武术腾空动作教学与训练提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

跳远完整技术我们一般把他分为四个部分:助跑、起跳、腾空、落地,而我们这里所说的踏板准确性包括了良好的起跳特征、踏板时吃亏和犯规,是助跑与起跳的关键的衔接环节。目前在国内各阶层训练中起跳与腾空的训练比重要远远大于助跑与起跳的训练比重,特别是在跳远初学者训练中我们更注重怎样练好腾空动作而忽视对踏板准确性的训练。  相似文献   

腾空飞脚是武术动作中的一个重要的技术动作,多年来.我国广大教练员,运动员在实践中创造了不少腾空飞脚的训练方法,积累了丰富的经验.但由于观念,经验和化知识等原因制约,许多教练员对腾空飞脚的力学结构和科学的训练方法并不十分明确,往往使训练陷入了盲目性。  相似文献   

武术是中华民族的文化遗产。武术套路是武术的主要运动形式,而腾空飞脚是武术跳跃动作中最基本的动作,尤其在长拳和长拳类器械套路中经常出现。所以,腾空飞脚动作分析的研究,对教学、训练和比赛都有重要意义。1 腾空飞脚技术动作结构的阶段划分腾空飞脚有原地起跳和助跑起跳之分,而后者又有一步、二步和击步之分。由于上步和击步腾空飞脚运用比较普遍,动作也比较复杂,本文以上步腾空飞脚(右脚起跳,左脚先落地)为例,划分上步、起跳、腾空和落地等四阶段。  相似文献   

竞技武术套路中腾空摆莲B和C级跳跃落地接马步是长拳、南拳武术项目的两个难度动作.通过对该组动作落地技术的动力学及相关稳定性因素的分析,提出合理的落地技术和训练中需解决的问题.采用录像观察与试验分析相结合的方法,针对男女运动员的腾空与落地的特点,提出相应的解决办法和训练理论.  相似文献   

长拳中的腾空旋风脚720°的动作技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对安徽省武术队运动员的C级难度动作--腾空旋风脚720°技术动作进行高速摄影,通过图片分析,结合多媒体技术、分析完成该技术动作的相关技术的关系,以便指导训练,提高运动员的运动水平.  相似文献   

腾空步是跳远动作技术的一部分,人体跳起腾空后,都有一个共同的姿势“腾空步”,它的质量直接影响空中动作的完成,如果不能正确地掌握“腾空步”动作,跳远的其他空中技术动作都学不好。如何正确地完成高质量的腾空步,笔者介绍一些“腾空步”的练习方法,供大家交流。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip - knee and knee - ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

赵云娟  龚铭新  黄勇 《体育科研》2009,30(4):86-87,99
采用图像解析的方法对郭佳浩“倒手翻接屈体后空翻两周半”技术动作进行运动学分析研究,研究表明,郭佳浩助跑速度快;上板踏跳快速有力.垂直速度增加较高;撑马时间短促有力;第二腾空横轴和纵轴转体角速度快,空中姿态保持较好,落地较稳;第二腾空时间长,腾空高度高;不足之处在于他触马瞬间到离马瞬间过程中垂直速度有所减小。  相似文献   

在运动训练实践中,要贯彻和执行好“弱者优先”原则,首先要正确判定动作模式的“关键环节”与“薄弱环节”。为此,以原地纵跳动作为实例,阐述了判定“关健环节”与“薄弱环节”的具体方法。  相似文献   

通过对备战2008年奥运会我国蹦床项目重点运动员十运会比赛的技术调研得出:为了备战2008年奥运会,应实施男女“并驾齐驱”的备战方略;我国男子重点运动员的动作难度在世界强手面前已毫不逊色,其差距主要在于动作质量及成套动作稳定性;我国女子重点运动员在动作质量与成套难度上与世界强手均有一定差距。在调研结果的基础上,为圆满完成2008年奥运会使命,还提出相应的5条对策。  相似文献   

经过影片数字化及数据处理 ,对单杠扭臂握直体前空翻抓杠技术进行比较与分析 ,从运动学角度对该动作进行技术诊断 ,找出该动作的技术特征 ,提出相关结论和建议  相似文献   

从甲骨文“武”字的含义到现代意义的武术概念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用资料印证法和实地考察法,对"武"及武术的本意进行研究.研究结果有两点创新之处首先从甲骨文中"武"字的变化看,其原始本意并非止戈为武,而完整的表述应该是或持戈静止而立,注视前方;或举戈而动,欲与人、兽斗.与人斗是争夺地盘和剩余价值,与兽斗是维持生存和生命.至于"止戈为武"的说法,是对历史的一种误解.其次进一步丰富了武术概念,在现有概念中增加了"功法"和"内外兼修"两个关键词,完整表述为武术是以技击为内容,通过套路、格斗和功法等运动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传统体育项目.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question, what should baseball players focus their attention on while batting? Less-skilled and highly skilled (college) baseball players participated in four dual-task conditions in a baseball batting simulation: two that directed attention to skill execution (skill/internal [movement of the hands] and skill/external [movement of the bat]) and two that directed attention to the environment (environmental/irrelevant [auditory tones] and environmental/external [the ball leaving the bat]). Batting performance for highly skilled players was best in the environmental/external condition and worst in the skill/internal condition. Performance of less-skilled batters was significantly better in the two skill conditions than in either of the two environmental conditions. We conclude that the optimal focus of attention for highly skilled batters is one that does not disrupt proceduralized knowledge and permits attention to the perceptual effect of the action, whereas the optimal focus of attention for less-skilled batters is one that allows attention to the step-by-step execution of the swing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare selected kinematic variables of the front foot off-drive in skilled and less-skilled cricket batsmen. High-speed digital cameras were used to record the three-dimensional kinematics of 10 skilled and 10 less-skilled right-handed batsmen when playing a shadow front foot off-drive to realistic projected video footage. Skilled batsmen were more likely to identify the type of delivery bowled. Seventy percent of skilled batsmen had preparatory feet or foot movement before committing to play forward, while only 20% of the less-skilled batsmen utilized this trigger movement. Throughout the drive, the head of the skilled batsmen was further forward of the centre base point than that of the less-skilled batsmen. This forward head position was associated with the tendency for the skilled batsmen's centre of mass to be further forward during the predicted bat–ball contact. There were no significant differences between groups in the shoulder angle, bat angle or bat speed during the different phases of the stroke. There was a tendency for the less-skilled batsmen to have a larger hip angle at contact. This study provides further understanding of the factors associated with skilled performance in cricket batting, which coaches should consider when training less-skilled performers.  相似文献   

新国际男子体操规则对单杠成套动作编排的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过查阅文献资料、录像分析和专家访谈等研究方法,分析新体操规则的变化及最近世界大赛单杠动作编排,探析新体操规则下单杠动作编排趋势和对策:增加单个飞行动作难度,重视与高难度飞行动作的直接连接,丰富飞行动作种类,适度增加飞行动作加分比例;加大杠上动作与飞行动作的连接组合仍是最为重要的单杠编排原则,合理运用杠上高难动作;力求落地站稳,挖掘C组难度动作的加分潜力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare selected kinematic variables of the front foot off-drive in skilled and less-skilled cricket batsmen. High-speed digital cameras were used to record the three-dimensional kinematics of 10 skilled and 10 less-skilled right-handed batsmen when playing a shadow front foot off-drive to realistic projected video footage. Skilled batsmen were more likely to identify the type of delivery bowled. Seventy percent of skilled batsmen had preparatory feet or foot movement before committing to play forward, while only 20% of the less-skilled batsmen utilized this trigger movement. Throughout the drive, the head of the skilled batsmen was further forward of the centre base point than that of the less-skilled batsmen. This forward head position was associated with the tendency for the skilled batsmen's centre of mass to be further forward during the predicted bat-ball contact. There were no significant differences between groups in the shoulder angle, bat angle or bat speed during the different phases of the stroke. There was a tendency for the less-skilled batsmen to have a larger hip angle at contact. This study provides further understanding of the factors associated with skilled performance in cricket batting, which coaches should consider when training less-skilled performers.  相似文献   

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