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近年来,读者对图片新闻在内容和表现形式上的阅读需求越来越高。电视和网络又使新闻信息的传播速度和广度超越以往,报纸也鲜有独家图片新闻。那么在这种情况下,对图片新闻的版面处理,如果仍然固守“只要照片大”、“只要照片多”就会有读者的想法,而不在图片编辑上下功夫的话,就很难在众多报纸中把读者的注意力吸引到你的报纸上来。 一张对图片编辑不重视的报纸,一定不是一张抢眼的报纸,不是因为它缺少新闻,而是因为它缺少图书编辑赋予它应有的光彩。因此,在读图时代的报纸中,图片编辑的作用是举足轻重的,对图片编辑素质的要求也是非常严…  相似文献   

任阿一张报纸,读者接触它的第一感知是它的整体形象,即它的版面。好的版面,往往是以一张优秀的照片,一行奇特的标题之类首先吸引读者;同时,因为这些照片新闻、标题等等排列得恰到好处,促使读者顺着编辑的组版意图,兴味益浓地读下去。可见,一个版面有无好的个体——即新闻、图片等等,以及这些个体按怎样的方式统一、组合在一起,直接关系到报纸的宣传  相似文献   

版面是报纸内容的整体表现形式,是报纸采访、编辑工作的最终产品。它是报纸的脸面,是帮助吸引读阅读的手段。一张报纸是否吸引读,虽然内容是根本性的因素,但最先影响读的,却是版面的吸引力。  相似文献   

廖慧平 《新闻知识》2005,(11):50-51
要了解一份报纸的办报理念,就必须清楚报纸定位策划。报纸定位策划是传媒定位策划在报业运作中的具体化,它包括读定位策划和功能定位策划,前是一家报纸在所有的报纸读范围内科学地确定自身最优化的目标读,是报纸实现市场占有的基础后是一张报纸在所有媒体功能范围内科学地确定自身所要发挥的功能或作用。办报理念则集中体现于报纸的功能策划,  相似文献   

当你打开每天的报纸,正在欣赏一幅幅形象感人的照片时,不知注意到了没有,有的报纸不仅刊登照片及其说明,还在照片说明前边醒目地登出照片的标题。或许有人会说,这不是画蛇添足吗?其实不然,好的标题,对照片来说,是画龙点睛。新闻照片的标题是新闻照片的内容和主题的高度概括。它引导读者、帮助读者和影响读者去欣赏新闻照片及其简短的文字说明。一组或一张主题重要、表现生动、报道角度新颖及文字说明活泼的新闻照片,  相似文献   

乔静  范磊贤 《青年记者》2006,(16):85-85
建立读亲和力是目前报纸版面设计中一个使用频率极高的词汇。报纸首先必须能够吸引读的注意力,然后要想办法延长他们的注意力,使读接受媒体传播的信息。传播学研究证明,报纸读的注意力是按照如下的顺序来移动的:照片一标题一信息图表一字稿。如果前三项都不能吸引读的话,那么他们阅读字稿的几率是微乎其微的。可以看出,信息图表在新闻报道中的作用是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

在电视普及到家庭的今天,世界各国的报纸、杂志为争取更多读者,纷纷推出图文并茂的版面(一般图片与文字的比例为三比二),使读者不时产生新鲜感和很强的读(睹)报欲。 近些年来,我国报纸和杂志对新闻图片的作用也重视起来了,但与发达国家的报刊比较,还存在着明显的不足。从报纸的现状看,一般在一个版面上只有一至三张照片,多数照片是作为“图片新闻”刊发  相似文献   

李庆民 《记者摇篮》2005,(8):22-22,47
一版头题,是一张报纸的旗帜。它既是一张报纸办报宗旨、社会定位的集中体现,也是反映一张报纸品位、形成自身特色的重要方面。独具特色的一版头题,以其强大的吸引力和感染力,扩大一张报纸在一个地区、一定层面的读者中的影响,成为一个地区主流意识形态的组成部分,从而更好地发挥媒体的引导舆论的社会功能。近读辽宁老年报一版头题,以为经营得比较有特色,具体表现在:  相似文献   

澎潮 《新闻前哨》2006,(1):10-11
与一般读不同,目标读就是读定位取向目标市场的、有消费能力的读。一张报纸的目标读,共同构成它的目标读群。同时,还应该充分注意到,在目标读和目标市场中,还有细分读和细分市场,他们不一定对整张报纸感兴趣,而是对某方面内容、某个版组、某个专栏、某个“大牌记”的章等感兴趣。  相似文献   

1995年初夏,我赴美探亲访友期间,经常翻阅当地报纸;今年奥运会期间,旅美友人又多次寄来很多报纸,给我印象最深的是:图多、图大、图的色彩。重视图像已成为美国报纸版面发展的一个趋势。照片:创造瞬间的吸引力照片,它为一天的新闻制造气氛,它诱使人们去读一条本来可能会被忽略的报道,它刺激视觉吸引读者去买一份报纸。在美国报纸组版编辑中,常说的一句话是:“不要忘记图片的价值。”因为照片在版面上可以造成一  相似文献   

在调查比较中英文献中日益增多的档案多元现象的基础上,归纳了国外档案多元论代表性作者的代表性学术观点,探究了档案多元论与档案中立说及文件连续体管理模式和文件管理信息学的关系,讨论了档案多元论对档案教育与研究的影响以及对档案实践应用的启示。  相似文献   

The author, who is Guest Reviews Editor for this special issue on macro-appraisal, introduces and provides context for four review articles, written by archival educators from Canada, the United States, and Australia, that discuss the most important works they use to teach macroappraisal and why these works are chosen. While each article demonstrates the unique characteristics of the archival education program in which the author is situated, they are united by a common theme—the need for educators to prepare students, as best they can, to take their places as practising professional archivists.  相似文献   

This first introduction, written for educational purposes, is meant to be a concise basic text in which the core concepts of archival science are coherently defined and explained, in a non-polemical way and departing from a de-institutionalised point of view. It is not intended to support or reject any single theory, but to provide an overview. It should be read as a synthesis of a variety of shared ideas and views, not as a manifesto of a new approach to archival science. If there is anything new to it, it might be located in the coherent and integrated presentation. In this primer of archival science annotation has been avoided.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A first introduction to archival science   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This first introduction, written for educational purposes, is meant to be a concise basic text in which the core concepts of archival science are coherently defined and explained, in a non-polemical way and departing from a de-institutionalised point of view. It is not intended to support or reject any single theory, but to provide an overview. It should be read as a synthesis of a variety of shared ideas and views, not as a manifesto of a new approach to archival science. If there is anything new to it, it might be located in the coherent and integrated presentation. In this primer of archival science annotation has been avoided. The first of several versions of this First Introduction was written in August 1995. It was meant to meet the need of the Netherlands Archiefschool for a basic text on archival science which could support its different programs for archival education and training. After ample discussion with the archival science teachers of the Archiefschool, it was introduced in the 1995/1996 courses. From then on, it has been used in almost all courses and classes on archival science on the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels and in several training and retraining programs of the Archiefschool. The design of the first version has been maintained in all subsequent versions, including this last one. Still, the text has frequently been adapted as a result of discussions with students and colleagues, in and outside the school. This first English version can almost be deemed as a collective product. Of the numerous colleagues who were engaged in this discussion and contributed to the text, special mention has to be made of Peter Horsman, Hans Scheurkogel, Hans Hofman, Eric Ketelaar, Herman Coppens and Kent Hayworth, who commented the English version. For the final text and all imperfections that may still cling to it I am, of course, responsible. An earlier version in Dutch has been published as: Theo thomassen, “Een korte introductie in de archivistiek”, in: P.J. Horsman, F.C.J. Ketelaar en T.H.P.M. Thomassen (red.),Naar een nieuw paradigma in de archivistiek ('s-Gravenhage, 1999), pp. 11–20.  相似文献   

This essay is a preliminary assessment of David Bearman as the leading archival thinker of the late twentieth century. Bearman has revolutionized thinking in archival circles around the world by offering a defence of traditional archival notions of provenance, evidence, recordness, and contextuality that equals the noblest statements of a Hilary Jenkinson, and by positing a relevant, dynamic, engaged future for archivists to transform the Information Age into a Record-Keeping Age. The essay is both a personal reflection and critical analysis. There are three main themes: an assessment of Bearman's ideas and their overall importance to general archival theory; a more specific exposition of the nature and importance of the University of Pittsburgh Project and of where Bearman sees that its results are leading archivists and their profession and institutions in future; and a critique of some of the implications, if not the conscious intentions, of his ideas and methods that seem to exclude the cultural, historical, and heritage dimensions and uses of archives, public or private. The overall aim of the essay is to push the archival discourse to the next stage by challenging and constructively critiquing as well as extolling the work of this archival pioneer.  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

陈鑫  李淇  薛微 《兰台世界》2020,(5):70-73
大数据时代已经到来,档案服务趋于专业化、职业化、社会化,为我国的档案服务业注入了新的生机与活力,呈现出新的市场特征。文章将从档案服务业的市场需求特征、行业发展特征、地域特征以及挑战与机遇并存四个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

中国档案学研究内容广博,外国档案学研究内容精深;中国档案学研究主体以高校档案专业教师为主,外国档案学研究主体以档案实际工作者为主;中国档案学研究方法以定性描述为主,外国档案学研究方法以实证研究为主。中外档案学研究的明显差异性不是偶然出现的,它与中外档案事业管理体制、教育体系和各国研究历史传统、档案职业专业化水平等诸多因素都有关系,在本文中,作者对产生这三个方面差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

国家档案全宗控制系统论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
建立国家档案全宗控制系统是档案馆安全的一个课题。建立国家档案全宗控制系统使国家档案全宗概念从理论意义过渡成为档案实体保管的实践应用。  相似文献   

Archival representation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

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