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试析高等职业学校“问题学生”的教育与转化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等职业学校的“问题学生”是由于家庭成长环境中的消极因素、社会生活中的负面现象、学校教育教学与管理工作中的偏差以及特殊年龄阶段和教育分配等等因素的影响而产生的;当前高等职业学校“问题学生”的教育与转化工作存在着教育管理观念陈旧、工作重心不突出、人员配备不合理、方法单一保守等等方面的不足。因此,必须思想上高度重视、观念上正确引导、措施上切实加强针对性,进一步推进“问题学生”的教育与转化工作。  相似文献   

This paper explores the contribution of a physical learning space to student engagement in social work education. Drawing on a constructivist methodology, this paper examines the findings of a survey conducted with students and staff in a social work and human service programme about their experiences of a Social Work Studio learning space. The analysis identified that students and staff who used the Studio reported that students were emotionally, cognitively and behaviourally engaged in the space, which enriched their development as social work and human service practitioners. The researchers concluded that the Social Work Studio is a useful tool for enhancing social work student engagement and increasing their confidence to address the ‘real-life’ challenges they may face as social work practitioners.  相似文献   

对大学生就业指导模式变革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学生就业指导模式变革是教育改革和社会发展的必然,其趋向是指导工作全程化、全员化、信息化和人性化,并将以“发展生涯辅导模式”替代“短期促销”模式。  相似文献   

Increasingly, research staff positions rather than lectureships are the reality for social sciences PhD graduates wishing academic work. Within this context, our longitudinal study examined how social science doctoral students and research staff in two UK universities imagined their futures in and out of academia. The variation over time in how they viewed their futures is examined through the lens of identity-trajectory. The results emphasise how individuals balanced their academic intentions with social, personal and physical desires and constraints. The results also enrich understanding of early academic career experience and the conceptualisation of identity-trajectory. Research and policy implications are considered.  相似文献   

Welfare workers face complex problems which emerge in social interaction. Rationalist structured approaches in problem based curricula fail to prepare students to work with unstructured complexity in stressful contexts. The social construction of an extended simulation by students and staff is described. Students, staff and organizations play roles in a simulated city, and students experience complex problems as they emerge in social interaction. Processing completes the experiential cycle. Evaluation to date indicates the activity has learning value.  相似文献   

高校图书馆小语种图书资源建设是教学科研和服务区域社会发展的需要。在实际工作中,小语种的建设存在着馆藏量少、购书渠道不畅、专业人员短缺、编目工作落后等问题,制约了图书馆的服务质量。应合理规划采访工作、拓宽采购渠道、完善编目工作,着实提高图书馆小语种馆藏建设水平。  相似文献   

张欧  王湉 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):110-114,121
当下高校艺术教育存在着模式单一、路径太窄、创新能力薄弱等问题,而民间艺术的原生性质、健康情感与朴拙风格,对改革高校艺术教育有着拾遗补阙的功能。针对艺术教育的现状并结合个人教学实践,我们建议:(1)各地高校充分利用区域性人文艺术资源,在调查研究的基础上,把民间艺术的丰厚积淀转化为教学资源,改变艺术类专业与课程的趋同现象。(2)采取"1+1"教学模式,请民间艺人走上大学讲坛,走到师生之间,用其本色语言讲述自己的创作甘苦,弥补学院与书本教学之不足。(3)艺术专业的师生走出校园,走向民间,走向原生态的民间艺术,通过田野调查,既为区域文化建设做一些具体工作,同时增进对民间艺术的认知,从而提高人文素养。  相似文献   

Within the Australian context, research into schooling experiences of refugee and migrant-background students has tended to focus on developing English language proficiency with little attention given to initiatives that contribute more broadly to students’ social and educational resources. Whilst not denying the significance of English language acquisition, this paper explores strategies, implemented at one school, designed to enhance social, cultural and educational outcomes for refugee and migrant-background students. We draw on a relational view of space informed by Foucault and Lefebvre, and Fraser’s theorisation of justice, to explore the school context, connections to students’ life-worlds, moving beyond trauma and teachers as knowledge producers. Findings suggest that contextualised forms of knowing and practices can work to build connections and educational resources for refugee and migrant-background students. Where human spatiality, including as this relates to schools, produces advantages and disadvantages, we conclude in arguing for further research that incorporates the perspectives and voices of refugee and migrant-background students and their teachers.  相似文献   

Social work students enter the field of social work for many reasons—from wanting to become clinicians to wanting to advocate for a more socially just world. Social policy classes can be the ideal courses to provide instruction on conducting research on current policy issues. Teaching students about policy advocacy can lead to a class rich with practical application for future legislative action. This article summarizes methods of teaching social policy courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. It includes details about resources (e.g., newspapers, news programs, blogs, Web sites) that students and instructors can use to track current policy topics.  相似文献   

论高校全员育人思想政治教育机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时期对大学生思想政治工作提出了新的要求,构建全员育人的高校思想政治教育工作机制是符合大学生发展需要的工作模式。本文结合当前高校思想政治工作的实际,从全员育人机制的内涵、高校大学生思想政治教育工作现状与构建高校全员参与的育人机制等方面进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

贫困理论是贫困生认定的最主要理论基础,其中贫困的内涵为贫困生的界定提供了研究基础,贫困的识别、贫困的成因理论为贫困生认定提供了理论依据。资源的稀缺性与需求膨胀的矛盾,决定了高校必须将稀缺资源分配给最需要资助的学生,这也是社会公平和正义的基本诉求。约翰.罗尔斯(John Rawls)在《正义论》中提出"作为公平的正义"的观点对保障贫困生认定公平性提供了理论的支撑。二元经济结构理论揭示了贫困的根源,贫困救助的思想进一步阐明了贫困生认定的必要性和合理性。  相似文献   

This research identifies the way in which one secondary school with a resourced provision for students with Asperger syndrome promotes social inclusion for them, and the perceptions of staff members and parents on the social experience of schooling for these children. Interviews were conducted with five teachers, two learning support assistants, and the head of the resourced provision. Questionnaires were completed by eight parents of students with Asperger syndrome who attend the provision. The research found that a positive social experience of schooling was perceived by members of staff and parents due to the additional support of the resource in teaching social skills, providing a safe place and support from the learning support assistants. Some negative perceptions of social experience were also reported, which highlighted the need for educational provision for students on the autism spectrum to be considered at an individual level.  相似文献   

“定向化设班” ,指高校成人教育中 ,学校对特定单位团体专门设班进行教学和管理。它能展现普通高校的长处和优点 ,开拓生源 ;使教学从被动到主动———有的放矢 ,兼顾工学 ,活跃第二课堂 ;能提高管理效能———加强师生沟通 ,丰富考勤管理手段 ,培植办学资源 ;能显效提高单位部门职员的学历水平和综合素质 ,把教育培训纳入日常的管理工作之中 ,将管理延伸到八小时以外。学校要立足需求 ,灵活操作 ;单位的观念及配套政策是学习成效、价值能否体现的关键。  相似文献   

通过生物实验教学在实验内容、方法、考核办法以及实验室开放管理的改革,激发了学生对实验课的兴趣,发挥了学生的主观能动性,最大限度地利用生物实验室资源和社会资源,使学生掌握了基本实验技能。同时,培养了学生严谨的工作态度、科研能力及创新能力,提高了学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to explore why workers in health and social services embarked on a Certificate in Community Care Practice and the extent to which they felt knowledge learnt related to their every‐day work practice. The objective was to indicate how useful more academic courses are for health and social care staff, and to find out the kinds of barriers to practicing theory learnt in the classroom students face in their ‘real world’ of work. Data was collected from 25 mature students (over half were between the ages of 41–50 years), 3 of whom were men from a range of professional backgrounds including; support staff working in residential and domiciliary services and informal (unpaid) carers for people with learning disabilities, mental health difficulties as well as older people. Quantitative (an adapted questionnaire) and qualitative (focus group session which was an integral part of classroom learning about research methodology) methods were employed. Data was analysed using SPSS and thematic analysis. Findings indicated that the main motivators for study was to gain a qualification and for personal development. Students reported their increased desire to link theory learnt which they found highly relevant to their everyday practice, but organisational barriers sometimes precluded them from doing so. The paper ends with policy and practice recommendations.  相似文献   

围绕培养高级应用型人才的办学目标,在保证科研工作顺利进行的前提下,充分利用教学科研资源,既丰富了学生的专业知识开拓了视野、又提高了学生的动手动脑能力和独立思考的精神。本文以全自动比表面积和孔隙度分析仪的教学实践为例,从规划建设、管理运行、师资队伍、实验教学体系与内容等环节入手,介绍了一些经验和成效。  相似文献   

Group work has been increasingly encouraged and applied in Vietnamese universities. However, very little has been known about how Vietnamese university students work in a group and what the conditions are that help establish an effective group. This study attempted to redress this gap. The research applied Bourdieu’s social field theory to examine experiences of Vietnamese students in groups. It specifically explored Vietnamese students’ perceptions of interactions with ‘cultural and linguistic others’ and how their interactions were constrained and enabled by personal and contextual factors. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the study revealed that student interactions were strongly influenced by the rules set-up in the field, possessing capital resources valued in the field and disposition towards working with other cultures.  相似文献   

This article focuses on primary school children’s experiences of school-based social work programmes. These students, aged between 6 and 11, and drawn from a student population comprising 28 different cultural backgrounds and from low socio-economic backgrounds, participated in a case study that researched a school-based social work programme, the St Paul’s Model. The importance of this research lies in the fact that in the area of Australian school social work there is no documented information on how primary school children experience school-based social work programmes. Findings indicate that the school-based social work programmes enhanced the social, emotional, and personal well-being of primary school-aged children and provided enhanced social inclusion programmes and access to resources otherwise denied to primary school-aged children located in economically, socially and politically disadvantaged circumstances.  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (KMAQ) measures laypersons' knowledge of normal memory changes and pathological memory deficits in adulthood. In Experiment 1, undergraduate and graduate social work students and social work practitioners completed the KMAQ. Social workers and graduate students were more accurate on the pathological than normal memory aging items, but undergraduate students' knowledge did not differ by question type. Experiment 2 was a conceptual replication where the same pattern of outcomes was obtained using a more heterogeneous sample to increase the ecological validity of the findings. Results confirmed that nonmedical and medical staff at an assisted living facility and health care professionals were more accurate on the pathological than normal memory aging items. Community college and university students' accuracy was similar across question type. Implications for research and the design of education programs to increase awareness of normal and pathological memory deficits in late life are considered.  相似文献   

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