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本文以政策科学思想发展史为线索,通过对有关的政策研究认识的梳理,结合现实案例进行实证分析,提出政策研究的问题中心性与跨学科性、理论与实践统一性、科学与经验统合性以及学者、官员研究的协同性等观点,以期深化初学者和政策研究工作者对政策研究的认识与理解。  相似文献   

What counts as critical policy analysis in education? Over the past 30 years, a tightening of national educational policies can be seen in the USA and across the globe. Over this same period of time, a growing number of educational policy scholars, dissatisfied with traditional frameworks, have used critical frameworks in their analyses. Their critical educational policy work has contributed to a unique intellectual landscape within education: critical policy analysis. This article presents a qualitative exploration of the critical policy analysis approach to educational policy studies. Participants included scholars known to utilize critical theoretical frameworks and methods in their research. Through a historical approach that makes use of oral history interviews with educational policy, we developed an understanding of the critical approach to policy studies, its appeal among critical education policy scholars, and the rationales driving its use.  相似文献   

Recently, critical policy scholars have used the concepts of enactment, context and performativity as an analytic toolkit to illuminate the complex processes of the policy cycle, in particular, the ways in which a multitude of official education reform policies are taken up, challenged and/or resisted by actors in local, situation-specific practices. This set of theoretical tools are usually deployed to analyse interview data collected from a single school or cluster of schools to draw findings or conclusions about the complex processes of policy enactment. We aim to build on this critical policy studies work by, firstly, highlighting key aspects of these theoretical/methodological constructs, secondly, exploring the performative role of research in the materiality of specific contexts and, thirdly, theorising education policy research in terms of ontological politics. We ground this work in a recent collaborative enquiry research project undertaken in Queensland, Australia. This research project emerged in the Australian policy context of National Partnership Agreement policies which were designed to reform public or government-funded schools servicing low socio-economic communities, in order to improve student learning outcomes, specifically in literacy and numeracy as measured by high-stakes national testing.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(3):303-317
This paper reports a study of the education policy research efforts at the Brookings Institution, a leading non-profit public policy research organization (think tank) in the United States. The data for this study was derived from on-site interviews, the Brookings Institution library as well as archival materials. The on-site interviews took place during the summer of 1996, and focused on contextual factors, including a review of research efforts in education policy at Brookings. The data from the interviews and those from the library and archival collections were analyzed in conjunction with each other. The findings of this study show that the Brookings Institution has a long history of involvement in education policy research in the United States. The findings also reveal that a number of factors work together in policy research efforts at Brookings, including a progressive trend of involvement in education policy over time, availability of a critical concentration of scholars with some degree of interest in education reform, and an organizational climate conducive to research on innovative education policies. The latter includes a sense of cohesiveness, and mutual understanding and respect between the scholars and administrators. Strong administrative support, as well as technical support for research and dissemination of research findings, are key factors. These findings should help educational researchers, policy makers and administrators gain a clear picture of the role of a leading public policy research organization in education reform, and provide a basis for researching the role of think tanks in education policy.  相似文献   

My purpose in this paper is to look at the work of a number of scholars who have challenged popular and mainstream accounts of Western and pre‐Colombian American history and to assess the implications of their work to art education. There are three of these scholars whose works are pivotal. They are: Cheik Anta Diop, Ivan Van Sertima, and Martin Bernal. What is the substance of their challenge? They assert that Ancient Egypt was an African civilization, whose achievements in science, philosophy, and the arts exerted a powerful formative influence on the ancient world of Greece and pre‐Columbian Middle America. This has been misrepresented in popular and mainstream European accounts of world history. The implications of their work for art education are considerable, especially to art history as it relates to multicultural issues. Indications are that we must move beyond the cultural chauvinisms that persist in texts and curriculum structures if we are to achieve truly democratic situations and these revisionist historians help us to do just that.  相似文献   

This article provides a review of current research on human trafficking for mental health practitioners and scholars. In addition to an overview of definitions, causes and processes of trafficking, the article highlights mental health consequences of trafficking along with suggestions for treatment of survivors. Directions for counseling services, prevention, policy work and international involvement are also discussed.  相似文献   

1981年陈乐民先生发表了第一篇介绍西方国际关系理论的文章,由此拉开了我国近三十年的国际关系学科研究。在2009年应对全球金融危机和控制气候变化这关乎人类命运和全球性问题上,国际关系学者遭遇了“知识困境”的尴尬现象。近几年,我国学者大量引进西方理论。其学术论文多参考西方文献资料,导致国际关系研究缺乏自身理论体系,国际关系研究成果与为国家战略和政策服务这一目标存在间距,解决问题的关键是从实质上理解学术规范的灵魂在于学术创新,这也是走出这门学科危机的行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

National education policy in England under New Labour Governments has encompassed both a ‘standards agenda’ and an ‘inclusion agenda’, with schools required to respond to both simultaneously. Some previous studies have seen these agendas as contradictory and have seen schools' efforts to develop inclusive practices as being undermined by these contradictions. This paper questions this account with reference to a primary school participating in a collaborative action research project which aimed to develop inclusive practices in schools. It shows how the school, far from finding these agendas contradictory, drew on both in making sense of its situation. It argues that the development of inclusive practices may draw on national policy as a productive resource, and suggests that inclusion scholars and advocates may need to refocus their work if they are to offer such schools alternatives to the formulations of national policy.  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examines the views of future teachers of social studies regarding significant global trends, required citizen characteristics, and necessary educational strategies to develop the said characteristics. The study builds upon the landmark work of the nine-nation Citizenship Education Policy Study (CEPS I) carried out in the late 1990s that resulted in the model calledmultidimensional citizenship. The original work focused on the views of policy makers and scholars. The present research, CEPS II, is a follow-up study that seeks to determine the views of the next generation of those who will teach citizenship and civic education through social studies programs in seven participant societies: China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Thailand and the United States of America. The results suggest that the future teachers, when compared with the policy experts and scholars in the original CEPS I study, are more optimistic about the future and are more oriented towards personal development and participatory behaviors that will positively impact the common good.  相似文献   

近年来,随着史学界对社会史的研究日益重视,关于国家、地方、民众之间相互关系的研究已成为热点。国外学在对西方本土社会以及中国社会的研究过程中,已经形成了一系有关国家、地方、民众之间相互关系的较为成熟的理论模式,其中一部分为国内学所借鉴。改革开放以后,国内关于这个问题的研究,在众多学的共同努力下,取得了丰硕的成果。本是对近年来国内外史学界关于中国近现代国家、地方、民众之间相互关系的理论和研究状况的概述。  相似文献   

在我国高等教育国际化过程中经历了外国专家引进和学生学者出国留学的两个不同的过程。目前,许多研究关注我国学生学者留学和回归问题,却很少有人研究外国专家的引进和来华留学对我国高等教育发展的推动作用。现有的统计数据表明外国学者来华工作和从事科学研究的人数不断增加,而来华留学的学生数量也在增长。其中来华的外国专家和学者涉及的学科领域和研究的范围越来越广。本文就外国专家来华工作的发展历程,外国专家为我国学术发展的贡献和目前引进外国专家发面临的问题进行分析,以此引起人们对外国专家来华工作的关注。  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

鉴于我国资本市场普遍存在着现金股利派发意愿不强的问题,我国证监会从2001年起开始出台相关政策,要求我国上市公司的再融资行为必须与公司的现金股利分配水平相挂钩。近年来越来越多的学者开始注重半强制分红政策对上市公司的现金股利分配行为的影响。通过对以前学者的研究总结,发现半强制分红政策并没有满足投资者的预期,存在着监管和约束上的弊端。  相似文献   

考证学是清代政治高压下的产物。与一般考证学家不同,戴震比较关注孔子“有德无位”事件,认为孔子因“有德无位”而传道。该解释是戴震确立“由考证而闻道”之角色的重要依据。戴震之以闻道为使命,有其批评宋儒与考证学的双重考虑。在他看来,闻道亦有其现实社会政治上的意义。  相似文献   

This essay suggests that the concept of interdependence provides a rhetorical telos for research ethics. Current field-based rhetoric work advocates for a postcolonial research ethic. However, this is often articulated with a discourse of ethical accountability. Although it has advantages, accountability limits us by excluding ethical pursuit and reifying people as autonomous individuals. In contrast, interdependence helps complete the liberatory trajectory of postcolonial research ethics. Drawing on work in a recent field site, I argue that interdependence encourages scholars to see dilemmas as an opportunity for rhetorical response and ethical lament, helps scholars take creative action to be shaped by participants directly, and helps scholars explain to others why they pursue ethical actions beyond what is socially required.  相似文献   

In the past four decades, marketization and modernization in China have led to conflict between economic development and the protection of ethnic minority cultures. In response, a growing number of scholars have focused on issues related to education and ethnicity in China. This article describes and analyzes how these scholars researched education and ethnicity between 1990 and 2014. Six research themes are identified: educational policy, multicultural education, minority cultural heritage in school, ideological-political education, multilingual education, and teachers and teacher education. The final section discusses how education scholars could improve future research on education and ethnicity in China.  相似文献   

里斯本会议以来,欧盟制定了多项促进成人学习的教育与培训方面的政策。近几年,国内学者对这些促进成人学习政策进行了不同层面的研究。通过对国内相关研究成果进行统计分析和系统的梳理,从政策的背景与特征、政策实施的成效与问题、政策发展的趋势等方面进行了综述。最后指出相关研究存在的不足和亟待加强之处,以供国内学者进一步研究之参考。  相似文献   

中国共产党提出的在文学艺术和学术研究中要实行“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,这是我们应该遵循的原则。本着这种精神,我们就《山海经》的文化定位问题与叶舒宪等三位先生进行平等的讨论,目的是说明:在学术研究中,要“百家争鸣”,不要“一花独放”。  相似文献   

Educational leadership/management scholars have undertaken work which documents the difficulties particular headteachers face when implementing policy. Some have suggested that headteachers mediate policy, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their schools, but there is also critique of this argument and a counter‐suggestion that heads ought to resist the imposts of conservative, marketised policies which produce and reproduce educational inequities. In this article I consider this position, and argue that if the field is to take up the question of resistance then it will need to extend its theoretical resources, interrogate and test out the limits of the proposition through empirical example, consider instances where resistance appears to occur, and move beyond a focus on individual headteachers to take seriously their collective professional organisations. In making this argument, I generate some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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