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近年来,基于网络的现代远程教育发展迅速,但是高辍学率问题始终无法得到有效解决.本研究以大连广播电视大学商务英语专业专科2010春直属教学班42名学生作为连续调查对象,通过对学习一学期后放弃学业的3位辍学生及班主任和辅导教师的深度访谈,以及对辍学生的跟踪研究,从不同角度收集了影响学生辍学的相关数据.研究使用质性研究方法及归纳分析法对研究数据及辍学者从辍学到决定复学的过程进行分析,得出了导致辍学者中断学习的原因,进而提出对策,以期为远程教育机构在减少辍学方面的可作为以及如何作为提供思考和启示,也期待通过研究,可以帮助更多的学习者完成学业,受益于远程开放教育项目.研究表明,工学矛盾、上课及考试时间、学习困难、家庭负担重、基础差、自主学习能力低、混文凭及经济原因等是导致学生辍学的主要原因.然而,当学生因上述某些原因萌生辍学想法时,远程教育机构对辍学生的作为在某些程度上是可以有效降低辍学率的.  相似文献   

本研究以某省级电大2010年春季入学的英语专业本科生为研究样本,对其进行追踪调查,对比分析了第一学期和第二学期辍学生在个人背景、学习情况及辍学原因上的异同。研究数据通过网上调查问卷和深度访谈的方式获得,并在"远程教育辍学归因框架"下,使用量化统计和质性研究工具Nvivo 8.0进行编码和分析。研究发现,第二学期的辍学生比之前者,尽管学习目标更加明确,英语基础较好,学习投入更多,但其努力程度依然有限,加之课程难度增加,学校教学支持服务又不到位,使其在工学矛盾等环境因素的刺激下最终做出辍学的决定。与第一学期相比,导致辍学的因素更趋多样化,且激烈程度大为降低;隶属于远程教育机构的因素在辍学影响中发挥着更大的作用。  相似文献   

高辍学率是远程教育当前面临的一个严峻问题。为了挖掘辍学背后的深层次原因,找到降低辍学率的有效措施,本研究对上海电视大学2010年春季入学的英语专业本科生进行了长达三学期的追踪调查。本文是第三学期追踪调查的研究成果,分析和归纳了该学期3名学生辍学的原因。研究数据通过问卷调查和访谈获得,并依据"远程教育辍学归因框架"对其进行了分析。研究发现,英语基础差、缺乏行之有效的学习方法是导致学生辍学的最根本原因;学校教学支持服务不到位、学生自身专业选择的盲目性等是导致学生辍学的重要原因;由此,使学生产生了对英语学习的畏惧心理,这是导致学生辍学的深层次原因。  相似文献   

高辍学率是远程开放教育不可回避的一个问题。本研究对广播电视大学辍学率较高的英语专业展开实证研究,研究首先选择英语专业招生较集中的广播电视大学系统14个省级电大作为样本观测点,进而确定各观测点2010年春入学的2237名学生进入研究与学业观察范围,研究计划连续跟踪该届学生3个学期,记录每学期发生的辍学现象。到2010年秋季,研究得到了入学半年后首批辍学者名单共204人,研究者邀请到其中的118人填写了调查问卷,并对其中98名辍学者进行了面对面访谈或者电话、网络访谈。研究同时得到了195名辍学者在校学习成绩记录。研究还对辍学者身边的40名英语专业教师以及班主任进行了面对面访谈。基于以上数据,研究揭示了远程开放教育英语专业学生学习半年后发生的辍学现象及其影响因素,并提出了远程教育机构作为方向的思考。  相似文献   

刘楠  陈林 《文教资料》2013,(4):83-86
基层电大远程教育辍学率问题制约了远程教育的健康发展,远程教育机构在采取有效措施降低辍学率方面还显得力不从心。国内已有的研究整体上缺少理论模型,不能充分合理地解释影响辍学的关键因素并解释辍学发生的内在机理。本研究借鉴国内外已有的研究成果,以Tinto的辍学模型为基础,结合对成宁市电大远程教育学生辍学归因的实证研究.提出适合基层电大的远程教育学生辍学的动态模型,为远程教育机构对辍学的可作为及如何作为提供理论依据和行动上的思考与启示。  相似文献   

通过连续三个学期对上海电视大学英语专业本科辍学生的历时研究,运用网上问卷调查和访谈的方式,获取并了解辍学生基本情况,分析辍学原因并归纳防止和降低辍学的建议。调查发现,工学矛盾、学习困难是学生辍学的主要原因,降低辍学的建议主要集中在课程设置改革等方面。笔者根据语言输入假设理论,借鉴非学历语言培训机构的办学模式和高职院校的渐进式双语教学法,并遵循英语语言的学习规律,设计了分级梯进的英语教学模式的运作方案,提出了该模式的制度建设,根据学生实际英语水平划分层级,以逐层梯进的方式提升英语水平。该教学模式能有效针对学习困难等辍学原因,能切实提高学生学习英语的兴趣与实际交流能力,吸引学生完成学业,以期有效降低远程教育学生的辍学率,提高其保持率。  相似文献   

辍学率正在成为影响远程教育机构质量评估、学生满意度以及社会声誉的重要因素.远程教育机构降低辍学率,不仅有助于提高办学效益,还可以帮助更多可能来自社会弱势处境的人群完成学业,从而更好地实现教育公平的社会目标.本文通过梳理相关远程教育辍学文献,介绍了辍学的定义、远程教育机构为什么关注辍学、辍学发生的内在机理、远程教育机构可作为的辍学率、辍学发生的时间规律及其影响因素,并提出了国内远程教育辍学研究展望.本研究将有助于推动远程教育机构对辍学问题真正地有所作为.  相似文献   

远程教育辍学理论研究现状对远程教育辍学方面的研究,在80年代曾经是一个热门话题和重要的研究对象,其研究结果到90年代初基本成熟,并形成了许多关于辍学研究的理论模型。此后,这方面的研究逐渐地被人们淡忘。但是,网络教育出现后,对辍学问题又产生了新的研究需要。目前的研究没有吸取90年代初所取得的已有成果,大部分都是从研究者经验总结的角度出发,从不同的侧面对网络学习适应性做出的个别解释,研究的主要内容是影响辍学的因素以及各因素之间的关系,并没有形成共识甚至定论,说明辍学理论还很不成熟。对于如何降低辍学率以及如何解决学习…  相似文献   

本文基于"远程学习者辍学归因解释框架",使用课题组对14所省级电大2010年春季入学的英语专业新生连续三学期进行追踪调查获得的定性与定量研究数据,描述了英语专业本科与专科两个学历层次每学期发生的辍学,并揭示、比较了英语专业本科与专科每学期辍学发生的异同。研究结果显示,无论本科还是专科,辍学现象集中发生在第一学期和第二学期,第三学期辍学率相对较低;本、专科两个学历层次辍学归因差异小,辍学归因随学期变化走势趋同。辍学归因方面,学生视角的研究结果更多揭示了学生入校后的学习经历:学生学习能力与教学计划或教学要求不匹配、缺少远程学习中重要的师生交互技能、学习动机弱、学习投入少;专业教师则强调,学生存在认知负荷高的负面心理体验,而这样的心理体验很大程度上缘于学生能力与教学计划的不匹配;负责学生日常管理、服务工作的班主任则突出地感受到学生繁忙的工作与生活等外部因素给学生持续学习带来的重要影响。而以上辍学归因又与入学前学生相关能力准备不充分紧密相连。也就是说,虽然远程开放教育的办学理念是不设门槛,有学习需求者皆可入学,但对于学历需求者,考虑到学历教育本身专业与课程设置的科学性、系统性,这样的求学其实不是没有门槛,而是对学习者本身提出了较强的能力要求,包括使用信息技术的学习能力、时间管理能力、良好的知识基础、自我约束与坚定的意志信念。因此,本研究认为,对远程开放教育学习支持服务的理解不能仅仅停留在狭义层面,事实上,全面的学习支持服务还应包括传授学生学习中必需的相关能力,以使得学生能够适应专业与课程学习的挑战与要求。  相似文献   

现代远程教育蓬勃发展的同时,其高辍学率也在困扰着远程教育工作者,影响着远程教育的健康持续发展,探寻远程教育辍学问题发生的机理,寻求有效降低辍学率的对策方面的研究日益迫切。本文通过文献调研,对国外远程学习者辍学的理论模型、辍学的共性因素、有关辍学的研究方法等进行了分析总结,以期对人们认识远程教育辍学及进一步研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

Studies across fields such as science education, health education, health behavior, and curriculum studies identify a persistent gap between the aims of the school curriculum and its impact on students’ thinking and acting about the real-life decisions that affect their lives. The present study presents a different story from this predominant pattern in the literature. Through a year-long ethnographic investigation of a health-focused New York City public high school’s HIV/AIDS and sex education program, this study illustrates a case in which 20 12th grade students respond positively to their education on these topics and largely assert that school significantly influences their perspectives and actions related to sexual health decision-making. This paper presents the following interpretation of this positive influence: school culture influences these students’ perspectives and decisions around sexual health by contributing to the formation of students’ identities. This paper further shows how science learning in particular becomes important for students in relation to decision-making when it is linked to issues of identity. These findings suggest that, in addition to attending to the design of classroom curriculum, HIV/AIDS and sex education researchers and curriculum developers (as well as those in science education focusing on other controversial science topics) might also explore the kinds of relational and school-wide factors that potentially influence students’ identities, decisions, and responses to school learning.  相似文献   

The experiences of gifted students at the postsecondary level have not been studied widely. The goal of the present study was to explore and describe gifted students’ perceptions of their first year after high school regarding experiences of success and failure. Two focus groups were conducted with 12 students (8 males, 4 females) from different educational backgrounds, who had participated in a university-based enrichment program, to discuss topics related to their academic and socio-emotional experiences at a postsecondary level. Many students who attended vocational high schools experienced high levels of discomfort with their academic preparedness to face postsecondary education. Other initial problems were adapting socially to a new environment and perceiving themselves as “less” gifted than their peers. However, after these initial adjustment problems, students revealed high perseverance to face difficulties and a strong motivation for continuing the academic path they had outlined for themselves. Conducting longitudinal research and rethinking college services offered for gifted students are some of the implications discussed in this study.  相似文献   

Young people’s sexting is an area of increasing concern amongst parents, educationalists and policy makers, yet little research has been conducted with young people themselves to explore their perspectives on the support they need to navigate relationships in the new digital media landscape. To address this absence, an inter-disciplinary team of researchers undertook a participatory study with students, aged 13 to 15, in a UK secondary school. This paper outlines key study findings, including young people’s views on sexting, their recommendations for improved education around sexting in schools, their preferred sources of support, and their perspectives on the way adults should respond to young people’s sexting. Findings indicate that sexting education needs to be developed within the context of wider relationship issues, such as gender, power dynamics and trust between peers, and improved communication between students and teachers or other responsible adults. Findings may be used to consider ways of designing and communicating messages around sexting to young people within and beyond educational settings.  相似文献   

Motivators and Inhibitors for University Faculty in Distance and e-learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on four United States studies of how rewards systems, extrinsic and intrinsic, could play an important role in providing incentives for university faculty to teach (or remain teaching) electronic and distance education courses. The first three studies conducted prior to 2003 reported faculty were inherently motivated to teach e-learning and distance education. The fourth study in 2003 reported key findings that differed from the earlier studies. Using a principal components analysis, the researchers found nine indicators of motivation to participate or not participate in electronic or distance education. The implications from the fourth study indicated that, while faculty members were inherently committed to helping students, faculty members wanted their basic physiological needs met by university administration through extrinsic motivators, such as salary increases and course releases.  相似文献   

This embedded case study explores the student-teacher relationship in a one-to-one technology environment. The actual change in relationship in a one-to-one classroom was examined. The study was guided by the self-system theory of motivation and its three characteristics of autonomy, relatedness, and competency as a theoretical framework. To explore this topic, the researchers considered the perspectives of four classroom teachers and 207 high school students at a suburban public high school in New Jersey. The case study research utilized teacher interviews, classroom observations, student surveys, and a student focus group. The findings revealed a notable change in the relationship between teachers and students within the one-to-one environment. The change existed in the connectivity between the teachers and their students beyond the classroom and school. The researchers concluded that the teachers and their students did have a positive relationship in a one-to-one environment and that relationship depended on the teacher’s ability to engage students using the one-to-one device. The researchers concluded that the one-to-one environment creates an autonomous learning environment for students; teachers and students have a relatedness that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of a school; and a higher level of competency in both teachers and students creates a more engaging classroom. As one-to-one technology environments are becoming more popular across the country, this study contributes to a better understanding of the expected changes in teacher-student relationships before issues of conflict occur.  相似文献   

Once the COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization at the beginning of 2020, almost all countries around the world shifted from traditional face to face education to distance education to prevent the spread of the virus. Türkiye implemented distance education practices through a web-based platform named education information network (EBA) and EBA TV channels. However, the rapid shift from traditional face to face education to distance education was challenging especially for students with disabilities, their parents and teachers because these students needed individualised education and some services which were impossible to implement remotely. The purpose of this study was to explore (a) the challenges that teachers and students faced during distance education; (b) the implications of distance education on students with disabilities. Further, this study explored opinions of special education teachers regarding how to make distance education more effective for students with disabilities. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 12 special education teachers. Findings demonstrated that distance education through EBA was neither sufficient nor convenient for most students with disabilities. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that parents/guardians play an important role in their children's education. The supportive behaviours of parents have important implications for children's learning. However, most research in this area has focused primarily on the perspectives of school leaders, teachers and parents. One area that thus remains relatively under-studied is student perspectives on what constitutes beneficial parental supports. This research explores two case studies: one with primary school students, the other with secondary students. Both studies interviewed students from former-refugee and non-English speaking backgrounds who had recently settled with their families in Australia. The students were asked to reflect on supportive behaviours of their parents/guardians relating to their education. Findings suggest that despite many barriers, parents demonstrated high levels of support for their children's education. By foregrounding student voice, this study identifies several types of parental behaviours that students find most helpful for effective learning. These include: affirmation, role-modelling, backup supports, conversations and discussions, encouragement and advice, and decision-making and problem-solving. Students’ responses suggest that slightly different sets of behaviours may be required at primary and secondary levels. This study highlights the types of supportive parental behaviours which schools could encourage, to help parents maximise the impacts of their supports for students, so these students are enabled to achieve effective learning and—more broadly—educational and career aspirations.  相似文献   

非正式群体教育是为中学教育中的一个重要现实问题。近年来,研究者们从不同方面对其进行了研究。本研究论述阅读疗法的概念和机制,并在其基础上探讨图书治疗在中学生非正式群体教育中的独特作用,提出阅读疗法在中学生非正式群体教育中的三点实施建议,促进非正式群体的健康发展。  相似文献   

Dropout from upper secondary education in Iceland is higher than in the neighboring countries, but varied options to re-enter school have also been on offer. This article focuses on how students, who had returned to a selected upper secondary school after having quit in one or more other schools, benefited from an innovative pedagogical approach used in the school. The article draws upon interviews, in which the interviewees expressed their pleasure with the school, reporting three main assets of its pedagogy: firstly, a supportive school ethos and student–teacher relationships expressed by the ways in which teachers worked, and also in teachers’ views towards students; secondly, an online learning platform, used by all teachers, which the students could use to structure their studies; and thirdly, the use of formative assessment and no final end-of-term examinations. This pedagogy comprises a whole school approach, and the article concludes that such a school culture and practice enables teenagers and young adults to exercise their right to re-enter academic upper secondary education, which prepares for college, rather than directing them to an industry vocational or practical study program they take little or no interest in.  相似文献   

Reis  Sally M.  Díaz  Eva 《The Urban Review》1999,31(1):31-54
Recently, researchers at the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented completed a three-year study of thirty-five economically disadvantaged, ethnically diverse, talented high school students who either achieved or underachieved in their urban high school. In this article, the results are discussed of the case study analysis of nine high-achieving female students who participated in the larger three-year study. Qualitative methods were used to examine the perceptions of students, teachers, and administrators about the reasons that some academically talented students achieve at high levels. Female students who achieved in school acknowledged the importance of being grouped together in honors and advanced classes for academically talented students, and of receiving support and encouragement from each other and from supportive adults, including teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, and mentors. Females who achieved in school participated in multiple extracurricular activities both after school and during the summer. Most high-achieving females in this study chose not to date in order to be able to concentrate their energies on their studies. They also had a strong belief in self and were resilient about negative aspects of their families and their environment. Although parents of students in this study cared deeply about their children, their involvement in their children's high school education was minimal.  相似文献   

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