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基于对1988-2011年间中国大陆产出的516篇新闻学博士论文的分析,本文尝试对中国大陆的新闻学研究状况作出初步评估。研究发现,大陆新闻学博士论文以基础研究和本土议题为主、重思辨,少有量化研究;但比较注意与管理学、历史学等学科的交叉。同时,在新闻理论、新闻史、新闻业务及新闻事业经营管理等细分学科的发展已较为成熟,且在中国新闻史、大陆新闻改革、中美新闻事业比较等专题上有较为丰硕的成果,选题已不局限于传统"报学"范围,对各类媒介均有所关注。本文认为,大陆新闻学研究在研究议题的开放性、研究方法的多样化方面已有相当进步,但是,新闻学博士论文在数量繁荣的表象背后仍潜藏诸多问题。  相似文献   

引言 科学的研究方法是学科建立的重要基础,它不仅是学科建立必不可少的工具和学派产生的内在依据,更是衡量一门科学是否堪称"科学"的主要标准.随着我国新闻学的发展日新月异,新闻学研究方法的地位也越来越重要.为了获得我国新闻学研究方法使用的最新情况,本文选取2007年和2008年两年间在知识资源总库中全文发表的新闻学博士论文作为研究对象.同样,由于美国新闻学在国际新闻学中的领先地位,本文选取2007年和2008年间在ProQuest学位论文全文数据库中所检索的美国新闻学博士论文与中国进行比较,分析两国博士论文研究方法的异同.  相似文献   

简论中国传播学与新闻学关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究本课题之前,有必要把传播学与新闻学的概念弄清楚。 传播学是一门以“人类传播”或“社会传播”为研究对象的学科。①而社会传播包括了大众传播、组织传播。人际传播等类型。 新闻学是研究新闻信息和新闻事业的特点和规律、新闻与社会生活的关系和作用的科学。②它包括了理论新闻学、实用新闻学、历史新闻学以及边缘性新闻学等。 传播学产生于美国,比较科学的说法就为在20世纪40年代形成独立的学科;而美国的新闻学早在19世纪末就已完善。传播学在20世纪中叶形成新的学科,正是适应了人类经济、政治、文化、科学发展的需要…  相似文献   

在媒介批评的压力下,20世纪美国诞生了公共新闻学的分支学科,这一分支领域注重媒介与公共领域的互动,以为什么做新闻的观念为核心。公共新闻学翻开了美国新闻发展的新的一页。在转型中的我国,如何使媒介成为培养公共精神的有效工具,成为公共参与的有效渠道也是一个重要的问题,针对这一问题进行研究对于我国民主的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

张志强 《出版科学》2009,17(5):21-24,52
文章首先对英美两国的出版学学科归属进行了介绍.在英国的"共同学术编码系统"(JACS)中,出版学是与信息服务、宣传研究、媒介研究、新闻学相并列的一级学科.在美国的"教育项目分类"(CIP)中,出版学也是一个与"传播与媒介研究"、"新闻学"、"广播电视和数字传播"、"公共关系、广告和应用传播学"相并列的一级学科.文章在对我国出版学学科归属现状、出版学学科特性分析的基础上,建议我国国务院学位委员会和教育部将出版学列为一级学科.  相似文献   

赵树旺  董庆文 《传媒》2012,(8):62-64
美国的新闻学教育相当普及,全美很多学校设有新闻学院或新闻学专业。随着媒介融合和全球化时代的到来,美国各新闻学院或新闻学专业从课程设置、教育方向等方面对新闻学教育体系进行了大的变革和建构。除了继续遵循传统的通识教育模式,美国新闻学教育日趋重视媒介融合教育,注重具有实践经验的师资培养,  相似文献   

自2010年以来,呈"爆发式"发展的微博作为一种新的传播现象,对新闻生产、信息传播和社会交往等各方面产生了不同程度的冲击,也对新闻学与传播学的学科研究提出了挑战。本文以新闻学与传播学的微博研究为切入点,分析在新的媒介环境下新闻学与传播学在业界实践和学界研究层面呈现出的不同特质,并探讨进一步提升学科研究水平的路径与方向。  相似文献   

谢静 《当代传播》2004,(6):41-44
本文对20世纪90年代在美国兴起的"公共新闻学运动"进行了全面的评介。美国的公共新闻学运动是美国新闻界应对媒介批评的产物,在业界和理论界都拥有强有力的支持者。公共新闻学运动与过去美国的社会责任论、调查性新闻、公共服务媒介有相似之处,但与它们又有着根本的不同,它以社群主义为哲学基础,对传统的新闻专业理念提出了挑战。不过,公共新闻学要进一步发展,还必须解决其理论与实践方面的诸多矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

论媒介融合环境下电视媒体的竞争优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“媒介融合”(Media Convergence)是近几年出现的一个概念,最早由美国马萨诸塞州理工大学的浦尔教授提出,其本意是指各种媒介呈现出多功能一体化的趋势。^①据密苏里团队的定义,从新闻学的观点来看,媒介融合是“大量媒体之间相互分享内容,交叉促进媒介报道,以及新闻编辑部内部人员的合作与互动”。^②  相似文献   

申睿 《军事记者》2008,(1):26-27
中国新闻学研究的历程 新闻学是新闻事业产生以后发展起来的一门学科。相较于其他学科,新闻学研究的历史不长。新闻学真正形成一门学科,是在19世纪末20世纪初。1884年,巴塞尔大学和莱比锡大学正式开设了新闻学课程。随着报纸的蓬勃发展,新闻学在德国和美国形成学科体系。  相似文献   

The study investigated the extent of adoption of electronic theses and dissertations in university libraries in Nigeria. Data collection for the study was via online questionnaire. The study revealed that digitization of theses and dissertations started between 1980 and 1995. It was found that only a few university libraries have embraced digitization of theses and dissertations in Nigeria. Benefits of electronic theses and dissertations were identified as improving university ranking and visibility, increasing access to the theses and dissertations, saving space in the library, enabling others link to the work with persistent URLs, preserving the work for future generations, and saving costs for students. Challenges such as unstable internet connectivity, lack of funding, irregular power supply, lack of information technology personnel, absence of electronic theses and dissertations submission policy, and copyright issues were identified. It is hoped that the study might provide insights useful for librarians planning to embark on the digitization of theses and dissertations project.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are increasingly seeking ways to demonstrate their impact on student learning. Acknowledgments - formal statements of indebtedness – in graduate theses and dissertations provide a rather unexplored area for demonstrating impact of the academic library on student learning. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize acknowledgments of the Texas A&M University Libraries (TAMU Libraries) in theses and dissertations, both overall and for three disciplines specifically: civil engineering, geography, and history. This study also searched for mentions of the TAMU Libraries throughout the entire body of theses and dissertations. Overall, acknowledgments to the TAMU Libraries in theses and dissertations were less than 1%, though acknowledgments were found in all three disciplines with over a quarter of the history theses and dissertations containing an acknowledgment to libraries. There was no statistically significant difference found between the numbers of acknowledgments in theses versus dissertations. Acknowledgments to the TAMU Libraries were found in the theses and dissertations of 28 different departments. Mentions to the TAMU Libraries – not necessarily a formal acknowledgment – were found throughout the text of theses and dissertations with most concentrated in the acknowledgment, method, and bibliography sections.  相似文献   

运用CSSCI提供的数据,从学科、语种、时间、机构等各方面对学位论文的利用现状进行分析,旨在剖析学位论文的利用情况,呼吁社会科学研究领域提高学位论文的开放程度,增强学位论文的可获得性,使广大学者更好地利用这一重要的学术资源。  相似文献   

通过对国内外高校图书馆学位论文全文管理现状进行分析,结合当前国内外文档管理技术发展和学位论文系统研发情况,重点介绍北京大学图书馆的学位论文资源建设工作,并就当前国内学位论文工作中普遍存在的全文文件格式、版权等问题提出解决对策。  相似文献   

从研究生培养管理制度和研究生求职需求、研究生培养单位的导师考评和职称晋升制度、科研项目管理制度、科研成果被广泛传播与利用的需求等方面分析学位论文再发表背后的客观原因,并结合工作实践对处理此类稿件时应注意的问题做了总结.认为学位论文析出稿件不应简单地被当作学术不端稿件处理,各期刊编辑同人应充分考虑此类投稿背后的客观原因,在不违反现有出版伦理的前提下,以内容的科学价值为标准来正确处理此类稿件的取舍问题.  相似文献   

Clinical psychology has received little attention as a subject in health sciences library collections. This study seeks to demonstrate the relative importance of the monographic literature to clinical psychology through the examination of citations in graduate student theses and dissertations at the Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University. Dissertations and theses were sampled randomly; citations were classified by format, counted, and subjected to statistical analysis. Books and book chapters together account for 35% of the citations in clinical psychology dissertations, 25% in nursing theses, and 8% in biomedical sciences theses and dissertations. Analysis of variance indicates that the citations in dissertations and theses in the three areas differ significantly (F = 162.2 with 2 and 253 degrees of freedom, P = 0.0001). Dissertations and theses in biomedical sciences and nursing theses both cite significantly more journals per book than the dissertations in clinical psychology. These results support the hypothesis that users of clinical psychology literature rely more heavily on books than many other users of a health sciences library. Problems with using citation analyses in a single subject to determine a serials to monographs ratio for a health sciences library are pointed out.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use and importance of examining dissertations listed in scholarly journals, while focusing on a critical period of French doctoral education in historical studies. French dissertations in history were bibliometrically examined from Revue historique, a mainstream history journal published in France. Prior to 1984, there existed three separate doctoral degrees in France for the social sciences and the humanities. Data from 1976 to 1990 were profiled reflecting critical changes to the French doctoral process as it underwent a period of doctoral reform. The period 1983–1990 is examined critically for its significance with respect to transformation and changes in degree structure, subdisciplinary evolution and periodization. Journals listing dissertations can be examined for their disciplinary indicators. Understanding these changes in gray literature is critical for researchers using French doctoral dissertations in historical studies.  相似文献   

This study of humanities and social science dissertations published by university presses considers revised dissertations [RD’s] and their salient characteristics. Often dissertations in the humanities and social sciences become the sine qua non for advancement in academia; therefore, it is instructive to ascertain the ecology of dissertations published by university presses. Only revised dissertations [RD’s], and English language presses were surveyed from proprietary data provided by a North American book distributor [Yankee Book Peddler, Inc.] and were triaged for bibliographic aspects as well as for intellectual coverage. Disciplinary alignment, subject specializations, geographical distribution, as well degree of interdisciplinarity, and series publication highlight findings. Library of Congress Classification further articulated disciplinary orientation. Oxford and Cambridge University Presses, but presses are specialized by subject emphases. A significant number of RD’s are interdisciplinary, Eurocentric in subject and geographical coverage, historically oriented across LC Classes, and appear as titles in monographic series.  相似文献   

Dissertations can be the single most important scholarly outputs of junior researchers. Whilst sets of journal articles are often evaluated with the help of citation counts from the Web of Science or Scopus, these do not index dissertations and so their impact is hard to assess. In response, this article introduces a new multistage method to extract Google Scholar citation counts for large collections of dissertations from repositories indexed by Google. The method was used to extract Google Scholar citation counts for 77,884 American doctoral dissertations from 2013 to 2017 via ProQuest, with a precision of over 95%. Some ProQuest dissertations that were dual indexed with other repositories could not be retrieved with ProQuest-specific searches but could be found with Google Scholar searches of the other repositories. The Google Scholar citation counts were then compared with Mendeley reader counts, a known source of scholarly-like impact data. A fifth of the dissertations had at least one citation recorded in Google Scholar and slightly fewer had at least one Mendeley reader. Based on numerical comparisons, the Mendeley reader counts seem to be more useful for impact assessment purposes for dissertations that are less than two years old, whilst Google Scholar citations are more useful for older dissertations, especially in social sciences, arts and humanities. Google Scholar citation counts may reflect a more scholarly type of impact than that of Mendeley reader counts because dissertations attract a substantial minority of their citations from other dissertations. In summary, the new method now makes it possible for research funders, institutions and others to systematically evaluate the impact of dissertations, although additional Google Scholar queries for other online repositories are needed to ensure comprehensive coverage.  相似文献   

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