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在系统梳理西方哲学诠释学语言观和作为核心概念的文本理解观的基础上,诠释学中蕴含的语言学特征和观点显而易见,诠释学在跨学科语言学研究中的哲学启发意义和应用价值表现在修辞学、批判语用学、跨文化交际与翻译、阅读教学和认知语言学等方面。  相似文献   

程亮 《中学教育》2009,(12):3-9
在批判传统教育学与经验教育学的基础上,逐渐形成一种以诠释学为理论和方法的教育学。无论是注重方法的精神科学教育学、诠释学教育学,还是侧重本体的作为地方诠释学的教育学,都认为教育是一项有关解释和理解的事业,是一种具有生命性、历史性、语言性、境遇性、创生性的实践。从诠释学的意义上说,教育就是解释。  相似文献   

现象—诠释学课程理论及其对基础教育新课程的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现象-诠释学课程理论是当代北美课程领域中一支重要的理论流派。它以现象学、诠释学为哲学和方法论基础。派纳的“概念重建主义”、范梅南的“现象学课程研究”以及史密斯的“诠释学教育学”反映了其基本主张。这一理论在课程观、教学观、教材观及师生观等方面给基础教育新课程带来了许多启示。  相似文献   

以诠释学的角度来审视,教科书文本存在"作者中心"和"读者中心"的两种设计取向。作者中心的设计将对作者原意的不倦追求作为文本设计的基本目标,而读者中心的设计对师生的"先入之见"进行了无限张扬。在对两种取向批判与反思的基础上,笔者认为,教科书文本的设计应秉持以文本为中心,兼顾作者和读者的取向。  相似文献   

伽达默尔的诠释学一方面继承了亚里士多德实践哲学的传统,另一方面在批判近代科学理性的同时恢复实践理性的本来面目,因而他的诠释学实际上是一种实践哲学的诠释学,或者诠释学的实践哲学。伽达默尔的诠释学作为实践哲学,在《真理与方法》中表现为对理解的应用性问题的强调;而在其后期思想中,伽氏试图以诠释学的实践哲学来维护或确立人文科学知识与真理的合法地位,把实践哲学看作具有基础意义的哲学。诠释学的理解本体论离不开语言的对话,对话也是实践哲学的基本条件,因而对话精神是伽达默尔实现诠释学实践哲学理想的有力工具。伽达默尔认为人类未来社会的最终理想就是交谈共同体。  相似文献   

诠释学方法有着久远的历史和丰富的内涵。从辩证法的角度看,诠释学循环、诠释学经验、诠释学关系和诠释学语言是诠释学方法的基本内容或特征。作为一种教育研究方法论,诠释学方法具有相当深刻的范式意义,它不仅为我们提供了一种方法论,更为我们对教育研究进行元思考提供了一个重要视角。  相似文献   

当代教育已经否定了传统教学中教育者视教材为“圣经”的教学理念,一时陷于迷茫的教育者应更好的“反求诸己”,用诠释学的素养来充实自己。现代诠释学启发教育者以更开放的态度,从历史的角度对待教材;注重师生“视域的融合”,重视意义的生成性、创造性;注重对师生"先入之见"的接纳,重视教学的主体参与性;重视意义对现实和将来生活的关照,注重教学的时代性。  相似文献   

思想政治教育学科发展30周年带来的学界评估表明,思想政治教育学科处于因国家学科政策主导带来的他律状态。按照现代社会科学哲学设定的学科知识规范,思想政治教育学科知识应该具备经验科学、意义理解和实践批判三重维度。以经验科学审视,现有思想政治教育学科知识存在着"宏大理论"和"抽象经验主义"两种极端现象;西方社会科学哲学关于实证主义与诠释学的论辩表明,思想政治教育学科知识应该既追求客观真理性,又要遵循意义理解的诠释学规范;现代社会科学应该在经验科学和意义理解基础上生成实践批判维度,而现有思想政治教育学科知识离此规范尚有差距。  相似文献   

近年来出现的以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展取向实际上是一种基于教师(个体或群体)自身经验的发展取向。经验取向之经验观应实现科学经验观向诠释学经验观的转换,以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展才能真正达到发展教师的目的。  相似文献   

教学研究的诠释学范式秉持以理解为核心的研究取向,倡导整体关注的研究视角,在研究的目的上强调教学意义及价值的追问,在研究方法上广泛运用人种志及叙事研究,在研究关系上注重研究者与被研究者平等关系的确立。  相似文献   

解释学是一门专门研究意义、理解与解释问题的学问,其教学语用学意蕴主要体现在:解释学注重解释和凸显原意,为实现师生话语理解提供了理论基础与方法论支持;解释学强调此在,关注生命,为实现师生自我理解开辟了道路;解释学重视历史效果,提倡视界融合,为实现师生相互理解奠定了基础.  相似文献   

我国早期的行动研究具有实证主义的倾向,认为行动研究的目的是探究普遍的教育规律,以教育实验的方式进行,强调实验过程对条件的控制,只有极少数教师参与行动研究;从20世纪90年代开始,我国的行动研究一方面仍遵循实证主义的"假设—验证"模式,另一方面也具备了解释主义的精神,即在教育教学的实际情境中去发现问题和解决问题,由此理解情境化的教育实践;进入21世纪,我国的行动研究更是坚持解释主义的立场,并出现"草根化"的趋势。行动研究不再被认为是单纯的解决问题的工具,而是教师将他人理论转化为个人理论,再转化为教学行为,从而促进学生学习和教师专业发展的过程。  相似文献   

哲学解释学视域下要求构建民主、平等、对话、理解的新型师生关系,在这种新型师生关系的关照下,教师权威是否还有其存在的空间?对这一问题的探讨可以为教师权威转型提供有价值的参考。文章从教师权威的内容入手,继而探析了新型师生关系对教师权威造成了哪些冲击,哪些权威应该被消解,哪些权威应该被重构等问题,在此基础上对如何在新型师生关系中调整教师权威给予了一些建议。  相似文献   

The present paper takes the approach of critical hermeneutics in human rights education (HRE) that has been developed theoretically and tries to operationalize it in pedagogical practice. In particular, a group of Greek-Cypriot teachers were trained in a series of workshops on how critical hermeneutical approach (CHA) could be taught in the context of HRE. The paper explores teachers’ difficulties with and perspectives of CHA during the training designed and offered by the authors. The findings show how, in addition to epistemological issues involved concerning the meaning and implications of the CHA, the particularities of the local context (ethnic conflict, pedagogic traditions, educational structures) influenced the uptake of this approach. The implications are discussed in relation to the need to identify the difficulties teachers have with specific pedagogical approaches of HRE as they become manifest contextually, and the need to design teacher training in which teachers have opportunities to reflect upon and engage with these difficulties through a critical interpretive lens.  相似文献   


The author presents a case for expanding the philosophical literacy of preservice teachers. It is argued here that increasing the philosophical literacy in teacher education programs will enable teachers to think deliberatively and, consequently, reflectively on the exigencies of their practice. For example, through guided experience with philosophy of education, preservice teachers can gain familiarity with the hermeneutics of inter‐subjectivity, thus making them better able to communicate and understand their own students and their families. The author uses John Dewey's pragmatic ideas about reflection, hermeneutics, and equity as examples of how philosophical literacy can guide preservice teachers’ professional contemplation.  相似文献   

This paper highlights how a developing country like the Philippines incarnates a learner-centered approach in its overall education framework. Specifically, key policies and strategies relative to curriculum development, pedagogical issues, educational innovation and evaluation, professional development of teachers and school-community dynamics are discussed on the basis of the platform of hermeneutics of retrieval, the hermeneutics of the actual and the hermeneutics of the potential.


Peter Trifonas 《Interchange》1993,24(4):381-395
In attempting to explain the relationship between reader and text, theorists have alternated focus upon either the reader or the text, to clarify and validate perspectives on epistemological problems of hermeneutics—or interpretation—as the logical culmination of the reading act. Beyond facilitating comprehension, the essence of teaching reading in language education is the determination of cross-cultural aspects of communication and language competence wherein the heart of hermeneutics lies. Therefore, this paper surveys a diverse field of cross-discipinary research incorporating both philosophical and empirical methodology in literary theory, semiotics, reading theory, philosophy, cognitive psychology, and linguistics, in order to more clearly define an approach to investigation of hermeneutics in relation to the reading act and literature (or written text).  相似文献   

This study examined and compared the educational perspectives of Korean parents of elementary school students and their teachers. 430 parents and 143 teachers in the New York metropolitan area participated in the survey and 16 teachers, administrators, and parents were interviewed. The findings indicated that the teachers not only misunderstood the parents' perspectives on the goals of schooling, but also underestimated the parents' ways of supporting their children's education. Regarding the current school/teacher practices, the two groups also expressed different perspectives. We discussed the urgency of educators' critical reflection on diverse cultures and the considerations for increasing parents' school involvement.  相似文献   

哲学解释学下的理解与对话为了解教师与幼儿关系提供了一种新的理论视野和思维方式。理解与对话是创设新型师幼课堂互动外在条件的理论探讨,是优化新型师幼课堂互动内在条件的哲学思考。本研究试图从哲学解释学新的视角来借鉴如何构建新型师幼课堂互动,对于课堂教学的健康发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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