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自有人类以来,劳动分工就伴随左右。在人类社会发展的不同阶段、不同时期,劳动分工各具特色。本文从历史的发展上探讨了分工的进程,特别是揭示了分工的最新成果:企业内部分工外在化。  相似文献   

在社会性别视角下,通过对鄂西北地区石底河村女性参与劳动的深入调查,用社会学的相关理论和研究方法,对社会变革影响下农村女性劳动的重新分工的影响进行了讨论和分析。经历了几十年的发展之后,农业劳动的性别分化日趋严重。女性的劳动分工遭遇到比男性更多的障碍.相对男性群体女性成为了农村劳动主体表现的更为突出。承担着不成比例的发展代价。  相似文献   

源于自然分工的资源禀赋差异是劳动分工的起点,生产中隐性知识和显性知识的积累将促进产品剩余的出现,从而触发人性中“互通有无”的交易倾向,于是市场开始突现,并随着分工的发展而逐步呈现出墟、集、市等市场形态.随着专业商人和市场中介的涌现,远程贸易将使得原本孤立的交换场所连接成为一个完整的市场网络.关于分工与市场的关系,斯密定理在农业经济时代是有效的;而在工业经济时代,市场已经发育成为一个相对独立的网络系统,此时分工与市场之间的矛盾既表现为相互促进,也呈现出相互制约的特征.  相似文献   

笔者在对一个移民社区的劳动性别分工现状做了详细调查后,发现政府的政策改变了移民的生活环境,提高了移民的生活水平,改善了移民的医疗、教育、卫生状况,但却在改变劳动性别分工方面收效甚微,由此作者认为,要想改变一种劳动性别分工模式不仅需要时间,最主要的是促进其文化的变迁。  相似文献   

"分工的规律是阶级划分的基础"是马克思主义阶级与阶级分析的理论核心。马恩著作中的分工是一个包含多层次的分工体系。阶级划分的基础是脑体分工,因而阶级实际上就是指分别从事脑力劳动与体力劳动的社会集团。消灭分工就是消灭使个人"异化"的生产技术性分工和使广大劳动人民"异化"的脑体分工。这一切只有靠生产力的高速发展才能实现。  相似文献   

浅论专业化劳动分工与人性及人的发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在简要回顾专业化劳动分工理论发展的基础上探讨了专业化劳动分工与人性及人的发展的关系,最后提出解决专业化劳动分工消极影响的对策:改进劳动者的工作内容,积极推广工作丰富化、工作轮换制度和自我申告制度等。  相似文献   

劳动地域分工理论是现代区域经济地理学的重要基础。区域经济地理学是一门研究生产力的学科,而劳动地域分工理论则以生产力的变革为主线,探究其内涵及在真实世界的体现,有着非凡的意义。劳动地域分工的内涵包含形成发展机制、分工的前提、分工的目的与分工的内容和形式等四个部分。本文在全球尺度、全国尺度和城市群三个尺度,对劳动地域分工进行了研究,发现不同空间尺度下,其内涵与潜在意义的不同。  相似文献   

耿继祥 《台州学院学报》2006,28(5):14-16,21
旅行社分工体系问题,表面上只是一个市场分割问题,但实际上却是涉及到旅行社企业发展活力和政府监管体制。我国旅行社业一直以来实行的是以人为市场分割为特点的水平分工体系,由于市场经济体制的确立和旅游业的起步时间都很晚,可以说这种分工体系也曾有其现实合理性。但随着市场经济和旅游业的发展,这种分工体系之弊端日愈显现出来,主要表现为:与市场机制相抵触;是形成行业内许多问题的重要根源之一;政府监管的错位和缺位。因此必须对其进行改革,建立与市场机制相适应的,能促进和激发旅行社企业积极性和创造性的,以旅行社产品生产流程为基础的由企业自主决定主营业务范围的自然分工体系,同时改革政府对旅行社业的监管体制,建立以立法监督和政策引导为主的宏观管理体制。  相似文献   

李仁君 《天中学刊》2002,17(3):30-34
商品经济和自然经济是两种完全不同的经济体系,商品经济本质上是一种分工与交换的经济。从历史的角度考察,分工与交换起源于人类社会早期的自然分工,人类历史上三次社会大分工的完成使得分工与交换得到初步的发展,社会化大生产又将人类的分工与交换推向了新的阶段。从理论分析的角度来看,由古代思想家到当代学者对分工与交换提出了种种解释。在前人研究的基础上,本文认为生产上拥有比较优势交换中分享比较利益是分工与交换产生的一般条件。  相似文献   

社会生产中存在着不同程度的劳动力个体差异,分工协作是提高生产效率的一种形式理性选择。生产活动中存有不同形式的劳动分工,特别是在农业生产中,这种分工协作有效的解决了劳动力的差异问题。此外,分工协作亦巧妙地解决了传统农业社会对劳动力的需求问题,使有限的劳动人口发挥了更大的生产价值,从而提高了农业生产的效率。受王清华《哈尼族梯田农耕社会中的女性角色》一文启发,本文意欲对哈尼梯田农业中的其他劳动力个体差异及分工做简要分析。  相似文献   

分工视角中的学术职业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从分工的视角来看 ,现代大学的学科制度既促进也制约着学术职业的发展。而学术自由作为学术职业的突出特点 ,与学术人格之间形成的良性互动 ,成为学术职业的现实推动力。我国学术职业的发展中面临着种种问题 ,应该从职业分工的角度来研究我国的大学教师 ,以便确立他们的社会地位 ,推进学术研究的发展  相似文献   

Jayaweera S 《Compare》1997,27(3):245-261
This paper examined the degree of socioeconomic empowerment of Asian women due to higher education (HE). Examples illustrate different cultural contexts and stages in development. Colonial administrations established the first modern educational institutions. These schools trained Western-oriented elites in Western and gender values. Uneven development led to increased socioeconomic differences and disparities by region, ethnicity, religion, and gender. The international focus on women's rights has helped with promotion of education for gender equity. But, the international economic climate has led to adverse outcomes for education. Educational mobility is restricted by exclusion or lack of access to HE. Most of the 15 countries with strong educational systems have minimal gender disparities in primary and secondary education, but even Japan has gender disparities in HE. In 9 South Asian countries, most girls are disadvantaged from birth through the school years. Women are not a homogenous group. Socioeconomic factors affect access to HE. Women are channeled into gender appropriate jobs. Gender division of labor and gender tracking in education limit course and occupational choices. Changes in labor market structures further affect the economic empowerment of female graduates. Demand for female labor migrants siphons off females. Access of women to positions of authority is limited. Women who do reach the top are viewed as role models. Gender based division of labor in the household has changed little. Only India and the Philippines have explicit, conscious policies to promote gender equity.  相似文献   

有关恩格斯第一次社会大分工概念中文版中的"游牧部落"一语系"畜牧部落"一语误译的说法是可信的。但"其余的野蛮人群"一语的真正含义,应是指那些仍以渔猎和采集为主要谋生手段,但很可能已有家畜饲养,只是不拥有大规模畜群的部落。这种部落参与分工的"资本",除了少许的渔猎产品之外,还有可能要靠他们的"匠人"生产出更多的"武器和工具"来。此外,那种把恩格斯的第一次社会大分工理论简单地理解成"生产经济与攫取经济的分离"的做法连同恩格斯第一次社会大分工理论本身,都需要我们进一步地探讨。  相似文献   

In 2005 Chilean congress approved a bill that established a new funding tool for higher education funding through a "private system" of student loans (named CAE). The system aimed to support higher education inclusion among students with academic merits overcoming the lack of resources for ensuring access. Politicians have referred to this reform in higher education funding as a critical factor for expanding higher education enrollment. By its immediate results, it is a great strategy to cope with inequality and social mobility issues. However, there is little empirical evidence about labor market variables' overall effects, such as gender discrimination. This work attempts to estimate the new instrument's impact on the three standard measures of gender labor discrimination: labor participation, the gender wage gap, and the glass ceiling. The empirical strategy uses a difference-in-difference approach to provide estimates. The results indicate that the CAE policy changed women's labor market participation and contributed to close the gender pay gap in the labor market. However, the glass ceiling increased in the entire labor market, but not in the white-collar job market in specific.  相似文献   

女性主义视野下的社会性别角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
男女性别角色和性别分工差异是由社会文化建构的。传统文化对男女两性角色的分配,实际上存在着性别歧视。提出"社会性别"这一概念对解释后天社会文化养成的可以改变的男女角色和领域划分都具有积极的理论意义和现实意义,也可为现代社会的和谐发展和妇女的自身进步等研究提供一种新的视角。  相似文献   

高等教育收益率上升新解:劳动力流动制度的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从劳动力流动制度的角度看,20世纪90年代以来我国高等教育收益率逐年上升的原因在于,一方面我国劳动人事制度改革增强了受高等教育者的工作努力程度,进而使高等教育的生产效应得到释放,另一方面我国劳动力市场逐渐从分割走向统一,增强了劳动力的流动性,使高等教育的配置效应得以充分发挥。  相似文献   

Bunwaree S 《Compare》1997,27(3):297-317
This paper describes the history and geography of Mauritius and its elitist colonial educational system; presents a literature review of female education, development, and position in the labor market; discusses the economy in the post-GATT era and wasted potential; and calls for a new educational order. Mauritius has a multiplicity of cultures and a complex cultural, socioeconomic, and political context. French colonialism is characterized as limiting expansion of education on the island. Education was expanded under British colonial rule; mass education was promoted, but not much changed in the nature and role of schooling. The elites of today are those descendants of diverse ethnic people who managed to become educated. Mauritians are marginalized today due to the lack of implementation of its official policy of equal opportunity. About 6% of primary school children leave the system illiterate. About 20% are functionally illiterate. Many leave primary schools without passing the Certificate of Primary Education tests. A 1994 survey indicated that female labor force participation rates were higher among persons with lower levels of education. Women have a subordinate role in the labor market due to a long history of a subordinate role, gender inequity, a large concentration of women in the clothing sector of the Export Processing Zone, and gender segregation in managerial and professional occupations and advancement. Some associate development with marginalization of women. Teachers and textbooks reinforce gender roles. Mauritius needs to retain students, gender sensitize the educational system, and eliminate job discrimination.  相似文献   

劳动力市场特征和高等教育的多样化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于教育和劳动力市场关系的四种理论模型对教育与个人劳动生产率的不同假设,强调高等教育的多样化以应对劳动力市场多方面的需求,是当前促进我国高等教育改革与发展的必然选择。增强高等院校的自主性、提倡教育投资多元化和均衡的政府拨款导向,是推动高等教育机构强化自身特色及其在劳动力市场中的竞争优势,并形成多样化的高等教育系统的有效途径。  相似文献   


Gender is an important organizing principle in the production and post-harvest processing of rice in Sierra Leone. Gender relations shape access to technologies and information services that can benefit women in their productive activities. Because public sector extension has historically maintained a narrow focus on mainly production activities, the patterns of participation in rice processing and the gender barriers to information and technology access have largely remained invisible. This paper draws on an inland valley swamp rice production study in northern Sierra Leone to explore patterns of participation in relation to location and extension contact among the social actors in post harvest processing. It examines the nature of existing post-harvest technologies, and the labor and health implications for women. In concluding, it reflects on the implications of a gender and technology development focus for extension policy, and argues for participatory extension practice that incorporates women's interests, local skills, and knowledge as critical resources in post-harvest technology innovation.  相似文献   

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