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论教练员的威信及在运动训练中的影响力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在运动训练过程中 ,起主导作用的是教练员 ,运用自己的丰富理论知识、技术和实践经验指导运动员训练实践 ,以不断提高运动技术水平和创造优异成绩。这其中教练员在运动训练中的威信及其影响力是极其重要的。就此 ,对教练员在训练中 ,如何实施富有成效的训练和教育过程 ;如何树立良好的教练员威信 ,如何对运动员施加良好的影响等加以探究。使运动训练以教练员的威信和良好的个人风范施加影响并进行严格训练和管理 ,目的在于教育和培养运动员成为高素质、高水平的运动专门人才。  相似文献   

教练员如何在运动队中树立威信   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教练员的威信对训练成效及教育成果有着积极的影响。本文从影响教练员威信形成的主客观因素入手,分析并探讨了教练员的威信与训练成效和教育效果之间的关系,进而提出了维护和发展教练员威信的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

教练员威信的维护与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
众所周知 ,教练员的威信对训练成效及教育效果有着巨大而积极的影响。本文从影响教练员威信形成的主客观因素入手 ,分析探讨了教练员的威信与训练成效和教育效果之间的关系 ,进而提出了维护和发展教练员威信的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

李昌军 《游泳》2005,(3):17-18
教练员的非语言暗示指的是教练员通过语言以外的手段对运动员施以潜移默化的影响。在平时的训练过程中,充分利用好非语言暗示,会使运动员的管理和训练管而不死、活而不乱,大大减轻工作量,达到比较理想的效果。因此,认真分析教练员非语言暗示手段的构成要素,探索提高教练员在管理和训练中运用非语言暗示的能力是非常必要的。一、教练员的威信教练员的威信主要来自于方方面面对他们的客观评价,这个评价是教练员本人的道德修养、思想境界、敬业精神、管理和训练能力以及成就水平的综合反映。一个威信高的教练员,他的运动员一般很少有人违反队规,很少有顶撞教练员的现象。运动员觉得;为了表  相似文献   

运动队的成就在很大程度上取决教练员的领导作风、知识水平、技能、能力、威信和对事业的热爱,教练员是一个队的组织者、领导者和教育者,也是运动员健康成长的引路人。教练员天天和运动员在一起训练、生活、学习,总要对全队队员产生一定的影响力。所谓影响力,就是教练员在和队员的相互交往中,影响和改变队员心理与行为的能力。在运动队这个集体中,教练员的良好行为影响力对形成一个友爱、团结的运动集体有着非常重要的作用。中国女排之所以在几次世界性的比赛中能团结拚搏,连续四次获得冠军的称号,这与前教练员袁伟民、邓若曾行为影响力有着很大的作用。要使教练员在运动集体中发挥最强有力的影响力,以及取得最佳工作效果和带领好一个运动集体,  相似文献   

编者按:运动训练过程是个复杂的系统工程,受训练计划的制订、训练负荷的调控、训练和恢复方法、手段的选择、训练效果的评价、教练员与运动员的关系、运动员竞赛心理调控等诸多因素的影响.为进一步提升广大教练员对运动训练规律的认知水平和掌控能力,从本期开始,开辟"训练课堂"系列专题讨论平台.欢迎广大从事运动训练的专家、学者和教练员积极参与,就运动训练相关的问题提出观点与看法.  相似文献   

培养体育后备人才试点中学教练员现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在试点中学运动训练中,教练员起着主导作用,是运动训练过程的设计者和组织者,是运动员的教育者和指导者。如果把试点中学运动训练作为一个完整的系统,教练员就是运动训练的控制部分,教练员在试点中学运动训练过程中的地位和作用见上图所示。教练员在试点中学运动训练中扮演角色的好坏,直接影响到运动训练水平。因此,分析研究试点中学教练员的现状,对培养体育后备人才有重要的意义。一、教练员人数与工作量分析对72所试点中学进行调查,从事运动训练的教练员共350人,平均每所学校有5名教练员,其中高级教师42名,一级教师100名,二、…  相似文献   

本文的目的是研究在运动心理学中常为人们所忽视的问题,即有关教练员威信与他们所领导的运动集体工作成效之间的相关联系的特点。从社会心理学的理论观点出发,可以推断:正是运动集体完成任务的成效是教练员威信增长的现存条件之一。研究方法:对在莫斯科的十四个青少年运动队进行测验(男队5个,女队9个),运动项目分别为篮球、排球、手球。所有参加测验的运动队都是曾参加过首都相应项目的锦标赛,某些队还参加过全国性的比赛。为了确定教练员在运动员中的威信高低程度,可选以下的评价方式: 1.教练的话对我来说就是法令。  相似文献   

训练理念是教练员对运动员训练本质及其影响运动训练的多种因素的理解,是对极其复杂的过程认识。训练理念实质是教练员进行训练的指导思想。  相似文献   

乒乓球教练员的素质是影响乒乓球竞技运动发展的重要因素。尤其是随着现代科学技术的发展,运动技术水平、运动训练水平也进入了新的阶段,科学训练对乒乓球教练员的思想、业务、管理水平和综合能力提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

Despite the assumption that Sport for Development and Peace programs can foster social change, many fail to provide intentional educational experiences. This limits the attainment and sustainability of positive outcomes for participants and communities. The literature calls for such programs to use sport as an educational tool that shifts power to participants in a way that is responsive and respectful to the local context. In this article, we present findings from a program designed to promote youth development and social change through youth sport in a Central American nation. The teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model provides the instructional framework for this program and local coach training was guided by the principles of critical pedagogy. Participants were eight youth sport coaches who became local trainers in the program. Data sources include interviews, observations and artifacts. Participants appeared to have meaningful educational experiences characterized by the following themes: reframing the coach's role; personal reflection; developing a critical perspective; and increasing feelings of agency. Findings indicate that in this program, TPSR was a relevant instructional framework that combined effectively with the principles of critical pedagogy to foster transformative learning among the participants.  相似文献   

作为培养优秀运动员队伍的主力军,教练员在体育强国建设的征程中肩负着神圣的使命与责任。以教练员服务行为为自变量,探究其对运动员训练投入的影响机理以及感恩的中介效应,通过问卷星线上对319名上海市业余体校运动员随机展开调查。发现:(1)教练员服务行为、感恩、运动员训练投入呈显著正相关关系;(2)教练员服务行为对运动员训练投入具有显著正向影响;(3)感恩在教练员服务行为和运动员训练投入之间发挥部分中介效应;(4)教练员服务行为4个维度(说服引导、利他主义、智慧启迪和民族责任感)对运动员训练投入均有不同程度的正向预测作用,且相比而言,利他主义更为重要。建议:塑造教练员服务型管理和执教风格,增强运动员训练投入积极性;建立完善的运动员资料档案,激发教练员利他主义行为倾向;加强运动员感恩素质教育,提升感恩认知和行为。  相似文献   


Three kinds of reward were contrasted as to their effect upon swimming work volume. Extrinsic reinforcers of candy and money significantly improved performance over coach's attention and a control condition. The effects of these conditions were differentially affected by age. The significance of these results implies that the role of the swimming coach should be changed to maximize the work response of swimmers.  相似文献   

A questionnaire consisting of 20 positive and negative statements frequently made about youth sports was completed by 423 nonschool youth sport coaches from Illinois and Missouri. The coaches indicated to what degree they agreed with the statements for the sport in general, and for the particular program in which they coached. Coaches from eight sports were sampled: baseball/softball, basketball, football, gymnastics, hockey, soccer, swimming, and wrestling. The results revealed that coaches have generally favorable attitudes toward youth sports, supporting the value of participation for the well-being of children. One exception to the coaches' generally favorable attitudes was their moderate agreement that too much emphasis is placed on winning. It also was found that the coaches' 20 specific agreement ratings could be reduced to 4 interpretable factors—“positive attitudes,” “negative facets of youth sports programs,” “negative consequences for participants,” and “equipment and facilities not adequate.” Factor scores computed for these factors were found to differ as a function of sport coached and the coach's education, formal training, coaching experience, sex, occupation, and community size. In a second section of the survey, the coaches rated the importance of including various technical and sport science topics in coaching clinics and workshops.  相似文献   

Chosun Marathon Bogeuphoe was a Korean marathoner training centre, which was organised in August 1947, in the era of poverty and social upheaval under the US Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK), and produced the world top-class marathoners, including Suh Yun-bok, Ham Kee-yong and Choi Yun-chil. This study aims to investigate the sport historical significance of the Bogeuphoe in terms of operation, organisation, venues and funds by content analysis of John R. Hodge's telegraphic messages, the record of Special Committee for Anti-ethnic-act Investigation, the primary historical materials including 1947 Boston Marathon winner, Suh Yun-bok's notes, newspapers, photographs, autobiography, memoirs and interviews with Ham Kee-yong, the 1950 Boston Marathon winner. The findings of this study are that the Chosun Marathon Bogeuphoe contributed greatly to bring forth Korea's golden age in marathon history and served as a diplomatic advance guard in enhancing Korea's national prestige abroad and opening up a way-out for the nation's independence. This gives a valuable lesson to recent sport administrators and sport associations occasionally blamed for their unsuitable management despite the affluence of human and material resources. This study is expected to add to the literature to be used as a reference for the study of Korean sport associations' history.  相似文献   

The kinematic analysis of competition breaststroke swimming has tended to focus on the mean values of swimming speed, stroke rate and stroke length; values in individual lengths, as well as the start, turns and finish, have largely been ignored. This study includes all such variables and aims to improve the coach's holistic understanding of breaststroke racing by determining the relationships and diff erences between and within these selected kinematic variables. We also compare 100-m events with 200-m events to determine if there are characteristic diff erences between them. Competitive breaststroke swimming performances in 100-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 65.05 - 2.62 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 74.04 - 3.66 s) and 200-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 141.47 - 6.15 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 158.66 - 7.87 s) were collected and analysed from 12 world, international and national championships. The better 100-m and 200-m breaststroke swimmers were found to demonstrate greater competency in the kinematic variables measured, except stroke kinematics, which were unique to each individual. These findings suggest that coaches should place emphasis on all of the kinematic components in training and that they should attempt to identify the stroke rate to stroke length ratio most appropriate for the individual. Finally, characteristic diff erences do exist between the 100-m and 200-m events, which has implications for how swimmers might train for each event.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):296-321
Between 1840 and 1851, amateur and professional chess became an increasingly prominent part of the Victorian leisure world. A rapid rise in both literary output on the game and the number of places where it was played fortified the popular image of chess as rational and respectable. This paper challenges this image through close examination of the chess-player and writer George Walker's 1840 article The Café de la Régence. By considering Mike Huggins' challenge to the idea of a homogeneous Victorian middle-class respectability and taking up his implicit call to the historian of middle-class leisure to re-examine all leisure activities, particularly those that have, as the chess-player has until recently, evaded scholarly attention, this paper builds on revisionist challenges to the homogeneous respectability discourse. Providing an alternative reading of the chess-player as a potentially disreputable figure on display in the brightly-lit, notorious Parisian night, Walker depicts a loud, noisy, crowded, ill-mannered, sexist, and money-grabbing environment filled with passion and emotion, far removed from rational recreations that aimed at the individuals' improvement of health and physique, and personal, civic and national prestige.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and magnitude of specific variables perceived to have affected U.S. Olympic athlete performance. Participants included 296 Atlanta Olympians and 83 Nagano Olympians. Olympians rated how they perceived specific variables influenced their Olympic performance. Results revealed that numerous variables, including performance influences, such as preparation for distractions and loss of composure; team variables, such as strong cohesion and positive coach-athlete relationships; coaching variables, including coach's ability to deal with crises and coaching expectations; family-friend variables, including general social support and getting event tickets for family and friends; and environmental concerns, such as venue transportation difficulties and Olympic village distractions; were perceived to influence performance. Findings verified the results of qualitative interviews conducted with Olympic athletes and coaches.  相似文献   

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