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自信心是由积极自我评价引起的自我肯定并期望受到他人、集体和社会尊重的一种积极向上的情感倾向。自信心对于幼儿的学习、智力发展、社会交往都具有重要的价值。综合考虑影响幼儿自信心形成的主客观因素,在培养幼儿自信心的策略上应相信幼儿,放手培养;正确评价与激励幼儿;丰富幼儿的成功体验;增强家园教育一致性。  相似文献   

自信心是一个人克服困难、自强不息、取得成功的内在动力。可是有些家长和教师往往忽略孩子自信心的培养与保护。幼儿能否自信,首先取决于是否受成人信任。其次教师对幼儿良好行为积极评价也起着强化作用。幼儿园和家庭只有密切配合,步调一致,充分利用多种途径使幼儿体验成功,才能培养出自信、自强的新一代。  相似文献   

基于成功体验下的幼儿自信心培养的实践研究,要根据自信心结构制定幼儿自信心教师评定量表,对幼儿自信心水平进行测试。为了让幼儿获得成功体验,在幼儿园一日生活中贯穿自我认识教育、自我效能感培养、积极归因教育等途径,从而增强幼儿自信心。并通过反思和总结不断完善研究的方案,同时做好家长的配合及指导工作、个案跟踪调查以及注重教师积极反应性行为,从而达到不断培养幼儿自信心的目的。  相似文献   

一、给幼儿成功的体验孩子幼小的心灵是纯真的,其成功感很容易得到满足。一个赞许的目光,一个满意的微笑,一个亲切的爱抚,一句鼓励的话语,都能给孩子以成功的体验,让幼儿感到自己是受人喜欢的,被人尊重的,从而产生自信心。二、科学合理地运用评价语言语言是成人教育孩子最常用的武器。因此,掌握对幼儿行为评价的语言技巧,对增强孩子自信心有着积极的推动作用。1.对幼儿的失败,教师应委婉地给予否定。当幼儿做一件事没有成功时,要避免用语言、行动直接向孩子证明失败,而应该委婉地给予否定,同时帮助、引导孩子向成功的方向努力。如:幼儿没有…  相似文献   

著名科学家居里夫人说过:“我们要有恒心,尤其要有自信心。”自信心是对自己力量的充分认识和估计。人正是因为有了自信心,才会确立远大的志向和目标,才会有工作动力,也才会坚持不懈地努力下去.以实现自己的目标。而自信心与成功是相辅相成的,有了自信心容易获得成功,而获得成功,又可增强自信心。但对幼儿来说则是“成功是成功之母”。只有先体验成功,幼儿才容易增强自信心。如何使幼儿获得成功,增强自信心呢?在十几年来的教育实践中,笔者通过在体育活动中采取积极、适宜的教育方法和措施,对培养幼儿乐观向上、积极向前的人格品质,促进幼儿自信心健康发展这一方面进行了一些尝试,并获得了一些效果。  相似文献   

<正>自信心是人对自身价值和能力的充分认识和评价,自信心是使人向上奋进、实现理想的内部动力,是一个人取得成功的重要心理因素,是成功的基石,有意识培养幼儿自信心很有必要。一、鼓励和肯定,予以幼儿自信幼儿的是非观念模糊,不会正确评价自己,他们更容易轻信和接纳成人的评价,特别是父母、家人和教师对他的评价,至关重要。要培养孩子的自信心,就要善于鼓励幼儿,因此,我们要善于发现幼儿的闪光点,对于幼儿的任何进步都要给予赞扬。使幼儿认识到  相似文献   

自信心是人们坚信自己有克服困难、取得成功的意志品质,它是自我意识的重要组成部分。培养幼儿的自信心显得尤为重要。有自信心的幼儿一般具有以下特点:一是主动地参与活动,在活动中发展能力;二是与同伴友好相处,相信自己能完成任务;三是不怕困难,大胆尝试。作为幼儿园教师,怎样才能培养幼儿的自信心呢?一、树立正确的儿童观,以积极、肯定的态度对待幼儿幼儿自我评价的能力较差,大多是靠他人对自己的态度进行活动,尤其是教师的言行对幼儿的自信程度有很大的影响。每个幼儿都有自己的长处和优点,教师要抓住他们的优点,及时性给予表扬,使这些…  相似文献   

大班幼儿自信心培养的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用多种研究方法,在自编教师评定问卷的基础上,设计了旨在培养幼儿自信心的教育干预实验,结果表明:成功体验的获得是促进幼儿自信心发展的重要途径;游戏、学习和劳动是培养幼儿自信心的三种有效活动。  相似文献   

自信心在幼儿成长过程中有着至关重要的作用。自信心能帮助幼儿积极适应环境,积极参与集体活动,增强幼儿的集体意识,培养幼儿与他人交往的技能;还能帮助幼儿积极乐观地面对困难,培养幼儿勇于克服困难的决心。如果幼儿缺乏自信心,便会逃避周围环境,不能很好地融入集体生活,独来独往;不能直面困难,在困难面前一味退缩、逃避;不利于幼儿的健康成长。所以,自信心是幼儿今后发展的关键,是他们迈向成功的第一步。  相似文献   

培养幼儿自信心促进幼儿全面素质的提高□郭彦文良好的心理素质,是幼儿全面发展不可忽视的重要内容。特别是在社会主义市场经济条件下,不断激发幼儿的参与意识和竞争意识,增强幼儿对成功和失败的心理体验,培养幼儿的自信心和锲而不舍追求成功的意识显得尤为重要。这是...  相似文献   

文史不分家,也有区别:从本质上看,文学是人学,是挖掘人的灵魂和塑造人的形象的;而史学是事学,是记述事件的发展过程并揭示其发展规律的;从表现形式上看,文学重在美,史学贵在真,两者共同追求的都是善;从功能上看,文学对人的影响是铸造灵魂,融化在血液中,而史学则是以史为鉴,落实在行动上。我在写历史小说的过程当中,当然就得看一些古典历史小说方面的评论。感觉一是某些文章雷同,新意少,有"软剽窃"之嫌;二是不看原著,"炒章句",某些文章简直就是拼盘。这是我从史学角度来看古典文学研究方面存在的问题。这些问题古代史研究中也屡见不鲜。皆急功近利,学风浮躁所至。  相似文献   

A constructive home-school relationship is an integral component of a child's educational success. Parents must be equal partners in this relationship. One way to find out what parents' needs are is to ask them. Bryan (1992) asked parents of students in different class settings (regular, resource, and self-contained) for their opinions about homework, testing, and grading practices. On the back of each survey, a space was provided for additional comments. We analyzed unstructured parental comments regarding homework, tests, and grades using qualitative meth- odology to identify patterns. The comments contained eight broad themes: (a) complaints, (b) traditional beliefs about education, (c) alternative beliefs about education, (d) communication issues, (e) beliefs about involvement, (f) stress factors, (g) involvement depends on child characteristics, and (h) compliments. Although some differences emerged between parents of children in resource and self-contained classrooms and parents of children in regular classrooms, parent comments across groups were more similar than different. We discuss homework as a means to bridge home and school and suggest further research in the realm of home-school expectations and communication.  相似文献   

新闻评论随着时代的发展、社会的变迁而不断变化 ,其发展趋势主要体现在 :小型化方面 ,短评论越来越多 ,长篇评论逐渐弱化 ;群众化方面 ,群众性的话题逐步增多 ,大量群众作者涌现 ,语言渐趋口语化 ;杂文化方面 ,语言日益尖锐 ,针对性加强 ,体现匕首和投枪的特色。这些发展趋势适应了时代、社会、群众的需要 ,可以使新闻评论更好地发挥政治性、倾向性、社会性等功能。  相似文献   

Marriage, adult adjustment, and early parenting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact of parents' marriages, measured prenatally, on their parenting of firstborn, 3-month-old infants was assessed. Though the association between marriage and parenting was the focus, adult psychological adjustment was measured also to rule out the alternative hypothesis that psychological adjustment relates to both marital quality and parenting quality and accounts for any association between them. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses in which parental adjustment was entered first as a covariate were used to test the relation between close/confiding marriages and parenting of 3-month-old infants. From the findings, it was concluded that even when differences in individual psychological adjustment are taken into account, mothers are warmer and more sensitive with their infants and fathers hold more positive attitudes toward their infants and their roles as parents when they are in close/confiding marriages. It is asserted that qualities of marriage play an important part in the development of parent-child relationships.  相似文献   

通过探讨母语思维在词语的选择、句子的结构、篇章的组织及语言风格等方面对英语写作的影响,指出母语思维严重地影响了英语写作思想内容的表达,并提出了加大学生的课后阅读量,要求学生定期上交阅读评论,和帮助学生建立语科数据库等对策,实实在在地培养他们的谴词造句和连词成句的能力,并从根本上增强学生自主写作的能力和信心。  相似文献   

从20世纪50年代到21世纪初,关于王蒙《组织部新来的青年人》的评论大致可以概括为三个内容:"反官僚主义小说"的问题小说、"青春体"的成长小说、刘世吾与林震的关系及其他。这部小说的评论以及由此展开的争论和评价能够带给我们很多当代文学的信息进而勾勒出中国现当代文学和文化思潮发展的一幅侧影。  相似文献   

Reviewer comments in research articles such as journal papers or dissertations guide students during the revision process to improve the quality of their articles. Our goal is to make the comments more meaningful to the students’ revision process. Revision involves implicit cognitive processes and ICT has the potential to make such processes explicit. Previous research into the cognitive processes involved in revision has shown that novices focus on local, sentence level revision while expert writers focus on global revision of ideas or restructuring of arguments. For better quality writing, students should focus more on global revision. The reviewer comments can either trigger more meaningful global revision (content-related comments) or local revision (non content-related comments). In this paper, a machine learning algorithm was applied to classify the comments in academic drafts in our laboratory as either content-related or not. Reviewer comments in academic article drafts are usually short. Therefore, this research applied a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm for the classification, which is one of the most common machine learning algorithms for short texts. Performance evaluation was based on the measures of accuracy, precision and recall for the non content-related comments. Using cross validation, highest scores of 86%, 89% and 89% were achieved for accuracy, recall, and precision, respectively. The results demonstrate the success of the automatic classification, which can be applied to filter out non content-related comments so that the students focus first on revising the content-related comments. In this way, the students can increase their awareness of the importance of global revision.  相似文献   

风云激荡而又异彩纷呈的中国现代思想史、哲学史、学术史,大师巨子辈出;四川籍的哲学家、哲学史家贺麟与唐君毅,是其中杰出的代表人物。二人有颇多惊人相似之点,也有巨大差异之处。本文从人生经历、社会交往、思想发展历程及时代际遇等层面比较二人之同与异,并略陈感想一二。  相似文献   

This paper describes two professional development institutes in project-based science. We collected data from these institutes in the form of structured questionnaires, individual written reflections by the teachers, and focus-group interviews. An analysis of the data revealed three factors that had been underrepresented in previous research: comfort, technology, and balance. In terms of comfort, the teachers expressed a need for both physical and psychological comfort for them to learn. The technological emphasis in our institutes caused teachers to stress in their comments our developing software. We found that, depending on teachers' previous knowledge, technology could be a barrier or a support to the success of institutes. Finally, we found a necessity to balance elements within the institute and a need to balance cognitively demanding time on task with less demanding opportunities for informal interaction.  相似文献   

11 infants with Down's syndrome (MA 9.2 months, CA 12.7 months) and 10 of 11 nonhandicapped infants (MA 9.6 months, CA 9.3 months) demonstrated that they could operate an automated device which enabled them to choose to listen to 1 of a pair of auditory signals. All subjects showed preferential responding. Both groups of infants showed a significant preference for nursery rhymes sung by a female voice rather than played on musical instruments. The infants with Down's syndrome had much longer response durations for the more complex auditory stimuli. The apparatus provides a useful technique for studying language development in both normal and abnormal populations.  相似文献   

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