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音像教材资源二度开发是现代教育技术发展到一定阶段的必然趋势。是外语教学手段发展的要求,现在它的技术支持条件已具备,通过音像教材资源的二度开发可以使一批高质量的外语音像教材重新用于教学活动,使音像教材资源得到充分利用,使宝贵的外语教学资料得以长期保存使用,从而也为我校开放外语教育网络提供丰富的学习资源。  相似文献   

夏玉宏 《文教资料》2005,(3):135-136
外语音像教材资源二度开发是现代教育技术手段发展到一定阶段的必然趋势,是解决教学软件与硬件不相匹配问题的一条有效途径。笔者结合多年从事外语实验室管理工作的实践,拟就外语音像教材资源二度开发在外语教学服务中的作用,谈一谈个人粗浅的认识。一、外语音像教材资源二度开发的必要性外语音像教材资源的二度开发,是指对已有的外语音像资源(录像带、录音带)进行整理、转换、加工、充实完善,然后再投入于教学应用。它一般包括将音像质量和内容较好的外语音像教材予以形式上的转换,如转换成VCD光盘和适用于网络教学的计算机多媒体数字光…  相似文献   

远程开放教育对电大教材建设提出了新的要求,必须遵循远程教育的规律和特点,正视存在的问题,按照学生自主学习需要加强字教材建设,开发建设多媒体教学资源,充分发挥音像教材作用,形成具有特色的电大远程开放教育教材体系。  相似文献   

介绍了安徽电大开放教育在人力资源开发中具有系统、队伍、网络、资源等方面的独特优势;对现代远程开放教育在安徽人力资源开发中的成效进行分析:一是现代远程开放教育为安徽省培养了一大批“留得住、用得上、干得好”的高等应用型人才,二是成为安徽农村人力资源开发的助推器。说明了大力发展现代远程开放教育,能加快我省劳动人口素质的转化,能加速安徽人力资源向人才资本的转化。  相似文献   

揭阳广播电视大学是一所以现代电子信息技术为主要教学手段,采用广播、电视、文字、音像教材、计算机网络等多种媒体开展远程开放教育的新型高等学校。  相似文献   

电大远程开放教育是依赖现代教育技术和信息技术去实现教师、学生与组织之间的系统教学和通信联系的一种教育方式。目前电大远程开放教育资源始终由"教"的一方提供,学生一直处于获取资源的位置,没有主动地参与资源的建设。让学生主动参与资源建设,是贯彻开放教育理念的一个方面。电大开放教育学习资源师生共建有着良好的技术资源基础、学习资源基础和人力资源基础。电大远程开放教育学习资源师生共建应从目前的初级共建状态逐步向高级共建状态迈进。  相似文献   

湖南广播电视大学是湖南省教育厅直属的,运用广播、电视、文字教材、音像教材、计算机课件和网络等多种媒体,面向全省开展远程开放教育的新型高等学校,学校于1979年创办。  相似文献   

浅论多元媒体组合教材在远程开放教育中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,随着教育观念的改变和科学技术的发展 ,尤其是计算机和网络技术的快速发展和普及 ,以计算机及其网络课件为主要发展方向的多元媒体组合教材相继问世 ,为远程开放教育提供了良好的学习环境和质量保障 ,并将在我国的远程开放教育中发挥日益重要的作用。   一、多元媒体组合教材的构成和特点   1 多元媒体组合教材是针对课程的不同内容和性质 ,分别选用不同的媒体进行教学 ,媒体包括文字教材、音像教材、计算机辅助教学课件和网络课程资源等。在远程开放教育中 ,要依据课程的性质和内容 ,选用合适的媒体 ,可以使学生在学习时用最短…  相似文献   

本文以计算机组成原理和建筑材料两门课程为例,介绍了开放教育课程学习资源包中音像教材的设计过程。在课程分析和学习者分析的基础上,介绍了课程的光盘内容选择、内容呈现设计、媒体界面设计;并对学习资源包中音像教材的设计进行了讨论。  相似文献   

网上学习资源是远程开放教育学习者的重要学习资源,从目前英语课程网络资源现状入手,指出目前开放教育网上教育资源的问题和不足,提出加强英语课程网络资源建设的对策。  相似文献   

各类英文视听材料极大地丰富了英语教学的资源,成为促进语言教学的有效途径。对单模态与多模态听力教学对学生听力理解和输出的影响进行实验并对结果进行分析。  相似文献   

非线性编辑系统的组成及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非线性编辑系统在多媒体开发平台中已得到广泛应用。本介绍了非线性编辑系统的概念及组成,对其性能进行了初步分析,并结合音像教材建设和多媒体课件开发中的应用提出了较合理的建议配置。  相似文献   

时下,全国各地正流行着一股多媒体教学热,多媒体辅助教学的确有其他手段不可替代的作用,例如教学课件的形象性、直观性和趣味性,在多媒体教学中应处理好三个关系:内容和形式的关系、效率和效果的关系、促教和促学的关系。  相似文献   

为了更好地促进开放教育资源的建设,中央电大启动了校级课题开放教育课程学习资源包的研究与编制。作为其中的一部分,本研究以计算机组成原理和建筑材料两门课程为例,通过问卷法、访谈法及数据分析,研究、分析了两门课程学习资源包建设过程中学习光盘的使用效果,总结了存在的问题和学习者的意见和建议。在此基础上本文提出了远程教育学习资源包开发的具体建议。  相似文献   

The materials, procedures and findings of an evaluation of initial approaches to the use of audio visual media in a course teaching the French language to distance learners are reported as a case study of a formative evaluation. The study illustrates the design-research-revision stages of the formative evaluation cycle. Innovative features of the course were the pivotal role played by audiovisual (videocassette and audiocassette) media in providing resource material for teaching and learning, the use of short sequences for intensive study and the high degree of integration between the audiovisual media and the print. Key teaching design features of the draft audiovisual and print packages were identified and evaluated in terms of students’ reactions to them. Central issues of teaching design are discussed in relation to revisions made to the course materials in the light of the evaluation.  相似文献   


Literature search shows that, compared to vision, very little attention has been given to audio as a vehicle of information. This contrasts strongly with the daily use of audio in direct as well as in mediated communication. New technologies relate audiovisual instruction with computer‐assisted learning. New challenges and new questions appear from this development. A number of cases of deliberate application of audio are briefly described. Applying audio in AV/CAI format, one has to deal with aspects of dominance and redundancy in auditory‐visual presentation which are still not clear. Describing acoustic and informational characteristics of audio and qualities of voice and speech may be helpful for the designer of auditory materials.  相似文献   

Advances in our knowledge of the structure of working memory suggest that under some circumstances, effectively more processing capacity is available to learners if instructional materials use multiple information modes (e.g. auditory and visual) instead of equivalent single mode formats. This paper examined this modality effect from a cognitive load perspective in three experiments using geometry instruction. In accordance with cognitive load theory, it was predicted that the additional processing capacity provided in an audio/visual format would only enhance learning if mental resources were not devoted to extensive visual based search in order to coordinate auditory and visual information. Using two different areas of geometry, Experiments 1 and 2 found that if visual search was clearly high, then audio‐visual instruction was only beneficial if visual indicators in the form of electronic flashing were incorporated into the instructional format. Under high search conditions, a standard audio/visual format without the aid of flashing proved no better than visual only instruction. Experiment 3 attempted to clarify earlier results by using instructional materials trivially low in visual search. Data indicated that a standard, audio‐visual format resulted in superior learning to a visual only format. There was no beneficial effect of electronic flashing in Experiment 3, suggesting that visual indicators were not necessary in areas of low visual search. It was concluded that cognitive load as determined by visual search established the effectiveness of visual indicators.  相似文献   

该文以浙江传媒学院音视频基础课实验室的建设为立足点,论述了影视艺术类高校音视频实验教学的特点和音视频实验教学模式构建的基本思路和应遵循的基本原则,详述了浙江传媒学院在教学实践中探索音视频实验教学模式的做法。  相似文献   

分析了传统的声乐教学的局限性,阐述了录音教学具体、立体、提高作品演唱完整性、完善歌唱的旋律美感等优势,指出把录音教学运用到声乐教学中,会使声乐教学和学习变得相对容易,促进声乐教育和声乐艺术的大发展。  相似文献   

The idea of presenting programmes by audio means, or of combining audio and visual development in the same programme has been late in developing. But by 1967 several teaching machines in the United Kingdom had been developed with audio capacity, although such equipment is still very much in a minority. The growth of audio-visual programming will allow the extension of Programmed Learning to a wider range of subject matter. If, for example, Programmed Learning could utilise visual material for teaching illiterates to read, this would be a great contribution to world education. In some areas, especially in the teaching of languages, audio-visual programmes are probably a necessity, although audio-only programmes have been developed for the teaching of foreign languages to English students1 and have also been used in the teaching of reading2. An advantage might also be expected for audio or audio-visual programmes in the group situation and in industrial training projects.  相似文献   

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