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理论力学是工业与民用建筑专业的一门技术基础课,以往许多学生觉得这门课“抽象”、“难学”,其原因是多方面的,本文着重介绍在教学过程中如何使理论力学课紧密结合工程实际,从而使学生加深化对本课程的基本概念、基本原理和基本公式的理解,激发他们的学习兴趣,提高他们分析和解决问题的能力的一些作法。  相似文献   

理论力学是理科学生必学的“四大力学”中的第一个力学课,是一门重要的基础理论课。在普通力学基础上,它运用高等数学做为工具,全面系统地阐述了机械运动的基本概念和基本规律,使学生对力学的基本内容有较完整认识,对学习后续课、提高学生分析问题的能力、发展抽象思维、开发学生的智力是十分必要的。  相似文献   

理论力学是一门理论性较强的专业基础理论课,又是学生接触工程实际的第一门课.“概念易懂解题难”是历届学生对理论力学课的反映。如何使学生打下良好的基础、培养分析和解决工程实际问题的能力,是这门课的主旨,也是上好辅导课的关键.针对这种情况,理论力学辅导课要避免机械地重复章节内容,而要抓重点、解决难点,把概念寓于例题中,从中总结出一些带有规律性的东西,以提高学生解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

慕课和泛雅平台下的云课程是现代技术教育下的一种新型教学模式。“理论力学”是理工科学生一门重要的技术基础课程,如何提高理论力学的教学质量,一直是困扰高等学校教师的一个难题。重点介绍了在理论力学慕课的基础上使用泛雅网络教学平台,通过该平台学生可以自主观看视频,进行网上自我检测和网上作业。线上学习弥补了理论力学课时严重不足的情况,而课堂教学可以更好地了解学生线上学习情况,相得益彰。通过这两种教学模式的融合,很大程度上提高了理论力学的教学质量,调动了学习力学的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

慕课是基于"互联网+"的一种新型教学模式,而理论力学是理工科学生一门重要的技术基础课程。如何将慕课形式引入理论力学教学,这是一个难题。本文重点介绍了理论力学慕课的设计和制作过程,通过新型的教学模式希望能够提高理论力学的教学质量,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

污废水处理新技术是环境工程专业的一门重要的专业课,具有较强的实践性,对学生来说,这门课比较“抽象”、“难学”。所以,本文着重介绍在教学中如何贯彻理论联系实际原则,使本课程枯燥、抽象的理论知识与具体的工程实际问题相联系,调动学生的积极性,并提高他们的综合能力。  相似文献   

污废水处理新技术是环境工程专业的一门重要的专业课,具有较强的实践性,对学生来说,这门课比较“抽象”、“难学”。所以,本文着重介绍在教学中如何贯彻理论联系实际原则,使本课程枯燥、抽象的理论知识与具体的工程实际问题相联系,调动学生的积极性,并提高他们的综合能力。  相似文献   

葛悦滢 《成才之路》2011,(16):60-60
中学形体课中身体形态的学习是培养学生“高雅气质和审美能力”的主要途径之一,是一门以科学的理论为指导,对人的形体和姿态进行完美训练的学科。矫正其不良的身体姿态和体态是形体课追求的目标。要加强对学生姿态的培养,使他们内外在气质变得高雅优美,以达到学习形体课的目的。  相似文献   

文学理论是高等学校文学专业一门重要的理论课。有人认为文学理论是其它文学课程的“向导课”、“钥匙课”、“挂帅课”等等,看来不无道理。对于师范院校学生来说,学好这门课程,对将来从事中学语文教学,分析语文教材篇什,指导中学生阅读,训练写作基本功,无疑大有益处。通过这门课的教学,使得师范院校学生较为正确地、较有系统地掌握文艺的基本原理和基本知识,培养他们阅读、欣赏、审美、分析、写作、评论文学作品的能力,并为学习其它文学课程打下理论基础。与之相适应,需要有几部较完美、较有特色的适用教材。  相似文献   

成人高校写作课是一门重要的基础课。但这门课却又一直为学生所疏远,很难发挥其应有的作用。究其原因,便是传统的成人写作课教学模式,即“老师理论讲解为主、学生写作实践为辅、理论实践和社会现实相脱节”的封闭模式,使学生们对于写作难以产生真正的兴趣,其写作实践...  相似文献   

通过几个具体事例,说明了《化工原理》不同章节间存在着“比较”关系,从而使学生在学习中认识到《化工原理》作了为一个完整的知识体系,具有很强的知识内涵可“比较”,有“理”可循;为学生提供了一种“比较”的学习方法,使学生概念更加清晰,进一步扩展思维空间。  相似文献   

建筑装饰工程技术专业本身属于一门实用性较强的专业学科,在实际教学时,必须始终坚持实事求是的原则,将理论教学与专业实践相结合,这样才能培养出真正适合行业与市场需求的人才。但是从当前的现状来看,许多对口专业毕业的装饰人才并不能把自身所学知识良好地应用于工作实践中,在实际操作的时候经常遇到各种各样的问题,这就要求建筑装饰工程技术专业加强产教融合,采用现代学徒制的人才培养模式,从而让学生更好地将专业知识应用于实践之中。文章针对建筑装饰工程技术专业产教融合与现代学徒制进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

高职英语的教学目的是"以实用为主,应用为目的"。本文分析了五年制高职建筑工程技术专业基础英语教学中,学生、教材、学科组设置、师资、教学等方面存在的问题,倡导师生共同配合,在专业背景下创新教学模式、优化教学内外环境,为培养建筑工程技术专业应用型人才而努力。  相似文献   

The learning initiative described in this paper looks at how the adoption of a flexible, online learning approach can be used to optimize teaching and learning in engineering materials to a variety of engineering disciplines. The main driver for adopting this approach was to increase the effectiveness of delivery of subject matter. Practical examples are given of delivery strategies, activities and assessment protocols. This flexible, online approach required the development and implementation a learning management system for the provision of online lectures, audiovisual material, discovery-based learning activities and communication tools for the guidance of students in the self-management of their personal learning styles. The implementation of such an online initiative led to an encouraging response from both students and staff. This was seen as pivotal in its contribution to the success of the overall learning strategy.  相似文献   

Informatics is a first-year subject in the new Bachelor of Engineering/Graduate Diploma in Engineering Practice degree at the University of Technology, Sydney. All undergraduate engineering students must do this subject irrespective of their intended engineering discipline (civil, mechanical, environmental systems, electrical, telecommunications, computer systems). The focus of this subject is to introduce students to computational tools (such as spreadsheets and programming languages) and information retrieval tools (such as the World Wide Web), which support engineering, as well as looking at the effective and professional use of these tools. Informatics has three core elements: the development of specific skills which will assist students in both their studies and their professional practice; the development of an ability to continue to develop further skills independently; and consideration of a wide variety of issues related to the computational tools that the students are using. Examples of the issues covered include: privacy; accuracy of content; fraud; security; the professional and ethical responsibility of engineers for the results of their calculations; selecting the best tool for the job; and limitations of computational tools. This paper will review the activities and challenges the students faced, describe the approaches that we adopted and the various issues we raised, the expected and actual outcomes arising from the activities, and our plans for the future of the subject.  相似文献   

周丽娟 《高教论坛》2005,(3):106-107,102
基于工科院校普通物理教学的重要性,通过分析普通物理课程的现状,结合教学体会,提出在工科院校中进行普通物理教学改革与创新的途径和由此引发的一些思考。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to discuss how active student learning is possible with the aid of a CAI package for a subject such as Strength of Materials. Multimedia is the latest innovation that can be utilized to improve learning. In this study, multimedia components such as hypertext, sound, graphics, video, and animation are implemented in a CAI package. These capabilities can capture students' attention, and can also illustrate the application of knowledge to real world problems more effectively than traditional teaching methods. The other features of this package include guided examples, theory, and application tests. Guided examples show the students problem solving techniques, and provide feedback according to their responses. The theory and application tests enable the teacher to gauge the students' understanding of the subject matter. Students who do well in the theory test are eligible to attempt the application test, which poses real-world engineering problems. The lesson that can be concluded from this study is that students' problem solving skills can be improved with the aid of CAI which emphasizes anchored instructions. However, to achieve maximum benefit, students also need to possess independent learning skills.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the efforts of a small group of undergraduate engineering students as they explore their perceptions of their learning environment generally, and their approaches to learning in a specific engineering subject. A case study methodlogy is used, and my role of teacher as researcher is described and contextualised as I work with my students in weekly meetings outside their classrooms. Issues of cognition and affect emerge as we negotiate and develop a process where the students act as observers in their own classrooms. Observers' reports to weekly group meetings provide a framework to challenge individual students' assumptions about their learning approaches, and to explore enhanced metacognition. The nature of learning in engineering as a complex interaction of problematic issues is evidenced through this observation and reporting process. Implications for other learning contexts are considered.  相似文献   

"结构力学"是土木、水利、交通及桥梁工程专业为设计建筑工程结构提供理论依据和计算数据的重要基础课程,它以其独有的课程特性、难度和灵活的解题技巧而为众多相关专业的师生所高度重视。文章通过对"结构力学"主要知识点学习方法的论述及相关解题技巧的分析,旨在培养学生掌握灵活的结构分析方法,开阔解题思路,提高结构计算能力,为工程类专业知识的学习奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

建筑概论课程是高职建筑工程专业学生入学后接触的第一门专业课,对于学生了解建筑专业,培养学习兴趣发挥着重要作用。根据建筑概论课程的教学目标及课程特点,为提高教学效果:在教学内容方面,要结合学科前沿进行适当的拓展;在教学中,要根据课程特点采用灵活多样的教学手段,并将大量的工程实例与理论知识相结合进行讲授。这样才能够有效地提高教学效率,激发学生对建筑工程专业的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

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