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从历时视角考察汉语附加问句的三大基本话语功能,在该句式发展的不同阶段和不同的情境语义条件下,有着不同的凸显度和具体内涵。具体表现为:附加问句产生缘起即"概念功能"导向→附加问句主观肯定性增强即"语篇功能"导向→附加问句深度主观化即"人际功能"导向。可见,汉语附加问句不仅语法结构是动态的、浮现的,而且其所具有的话语功能也是动态的、发展的,也会因语言的不断运用而不断变化、发展与丰富。同时,运用动态、发展的眼光考察语法结构的话语功能,有助于更深入地阐释语法结构主观化和语法化进程的功能需求动因。  相似文献   

赵红 《现代语文》2006,(9):29-30
一、引言 反复问句,是指用疑问结构"X不X"来进行询问的一种疑问句,又叫正反问类型.正反问句要求被询问者从肯定和否定项之中进行选择,但是中间没有任何关联词语相联接,因此,也可以认为是一种特殊的选择问.丁声树等在《现代汉语语法讲话》中认为,反复问句在形式上是一种选择句,不过选择的项目是一种事情的肯定和否定.  相似文献   

本旨在说明汉语和英语在回答是非问句时用“是”还是用“不”有差别,而这种差别是由于说这两种语言的人认知上的差异所造成的。章还分析了英语区学生在学习汉语过程中回答是非问句用“是”用“不”常出错误的原因以及纠正的对策。  相似文献   

现代汉语假设分句末尾的"吧"和"呢"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"吧"和"呢"作为现代汉语中的语气词,在假设复句的分句末尾时,可以使其前面的成分话题化,使之成为具有语义对比作用的话题.其中,"吧"只能表示两难的选择,"呢"则既可表两难选择,又可表示只选其一,还可以全不选.既非对举、又隐结果的假设问句只用"呢",属于只选其一的特殊形式.  相似文献   

句末语气词"哈"可以分为"哈"和"哈".附加问句中的"哈"是"哈","哈"是"哈"语法化的结果.此外,本文还从语用角度考察了"哈"独词附加问句的语用功能.  相似文献   

汉语方位词"上"除了表示各种空间关系外,还引申出一系列相关的抽象意义,这和汉语母语者的认知特点有关.泰语里除了表示方位概念的"上"有比较固定的几种表达方式外,其他抽象意义则是用不同的词语表达的.本文通过汉语、泰语的对比,希望帮助留学生理解两种语言在这方面的异同,从而更好地习得"上".  相似文献   

中古汉语VP-neg式疑问句句末否定词的虚化问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VP-neg是中古汉语反复问句的主要形式,对句末否定词Neg的虚化问题学术界存在不同看法。文章系统考察中古时期这一语法现象,结论是:1否定式问句末尾的否定词已经虚化;2带反诘语气副词的反诘问句末尾的否定词一般已经虚化;3选择问句里选择项末的否定词已经虚化;4带测度副词的测度问句末尾的否定词已经虚化;5带疑问语气副词“宁”的反复问句末尾的否定词没有虚化;6除前四种情况,反复问句“VP不”中的“不”没有虚化。  相似文献   

徐冰若 《职业技术》2006,(16):88-88
一、韩语和汉语中的并列选择问句韩语和汉语都有问话者列举几个答案,让答话者选择其中一个作为答案的选择问句。但韩语和汉语属于两种不同类型的语言,所以他们的选择问句在组成方式方面存在着一定的差别。例如:(1)a.你看了一本还是看了两本?b.????????????????c.你看了一本还是两本?d.??????????????例(1)是韩语和汉语的选择问句,其中汉语c例省略了第二个动词,但句子仍然成立,而韩语d例省略第二个动词的话,则绝对不能成立。可以说,这是韩国留学生学习汉语选择问句的难点之一。为解决诸如此类的问题,本文打算对比一下韩语和汉语选择问句的组…  相似文献   

林忠 《绥化学院学报》2008,28(2):127-129
生成语法将英语构式“NP+BE+NP”解释为“同义反复”;语用学从“量”准则的角度认为整个构式的意义是会话含义;文化语义学将其解释为该构式具有文化与语言个性,他们不一定在所有语言里具有同样的表达式,并企图用“语义元语言”来描写该构式。这些解释都没有关注该构式的意义特征,对产生构式意义的内在过程没有触及。从认知语言学的角度可以对该构式的语义、句法与功能特征做出统一的解读,它是语言发展过程中的非范畴化的结果,其内部机制为认知转喻,最后从英汉对比的角度探讨了其在汉语的对应表达。  相似文献   

认知语言学认为,隐喻是普遍存在的,是人类的一种认知工具。语言中遍布的隐喻表达是由于人类概念系统中存在着概念隐喻,但不同文化中的概念隐喻是否相同需要跨文化的研究。语料表明在英汉中都存在"人是物体"这个概念隐喻,而对比由此衍生出来的隐喻表达,可以为概念隐喻提供跨文化方面的依据,并为一词多义现象提供了合理的解释,这对语言的教与学都有帮助。  相似文献   

从语篇的视角研究复指结构“你这(个)+NP”,发现其在语篇中具有充当语篇话题、归纳和对比等语用功能。有照应、省略、替代三种语法衔接手段和词汇复现这一词汇衔接手段。  相似文献   

本文是《主流话语与文学话语的矛盾冲突》课题的第二篇.课题的基本思路在于试图将王实味、萧军、胡风、“三家村”等人,从重重的政治、文化批判中剥离出来,通过对其杂文的创作动机、文本功用、重新阐释等方面进行研究,希望能够对其杂文思想进行梳理与把握,从侧面勾勒出(1942-1976)年杂文被批判的原因、模式、教训的某些历史线索,窥探一代知识分子的精神文化心理与时代精神状态;把握其审美观念和文化心理结构的发展脉络;进而对中国现当代文学发展路向提供某种程序的反思与借鉴.  相似文献   

作为教师继续教育的重要组成部分的教师培训在教师的专业发展过程中非常重要,而立足学校、以教学实践为出发点的校本培训更显示出其特有的意义。在教师培训中,倡导教师以实际中的问题为中心开展集体攻关,通过案例反映的问题促进教师的个人反思以及共同反思,引导教师开展基于“教学问题”的课题研究,使其“问题意识”上升到“课题意识”。  相似文献   

新形势下,线上直播教学成为新的教学形态。但线上直播教学也存在着教师无法对学生学习进行直接监督、持续长时间的在线讲授易使学生失去兴趣等问题,问题导入式教学法因具有引导学生积极参与课堂、教师能更加有针对性地开展教学等优点,成为提高线上直播教学质量的重要方法。在线上直播教学中运用问题导入式教学法需要任课教师重视问题的设计,要尽可能采用封闭式的问题、尽量针对具体案例进行设问、设置需要思考才能回答的问题、设置学生利用现有的知识和经验就能解决的问题。  相似文献   

Linear generalising problems are questions which require students to observe and use a linear pattern of the formf(n)=an+b withb0. This study reports responses of students aged between 9 and 13 to these questions, documenting the mathematical models that they select, the strategies used in implementing them and the explanations they give. Substantial inconsistency of choice of model is observed; students who began a question correctly frequently adopted a simpler but incorrect model for more difficult parts of the question. Students who had undertaken a course in problem solving implicitly used a linear model more frequently and consistently and their explanations more often related the spatial patterns and the number patterns. They seemed to understand the relationship between the data and the generalising rule more completely.  相似文献   

Alan Tait 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):85-93
This article proposes a framework within which the question as to the purposes of open universities should be examined. It argues that the question has become submerged over time through the establishment of so many open universities that have become natural elements in a higher education landscape rather than remaining radical and innovative institutions. The article looks at a number of innovative distance teaching higher education institutions from the nineteenth century through to the contemporary period, and examines case studies in a wide international range. The outcome of the argument is that open universities should articulate their purposes within a discourse of development, and engage with the ethical and political questions as to how development is understood and advanced.  相似文献   

以《中国教育报》、《中国青年报》和"搜狐网站教育论坛"三家媒体关于"教育乱收费"及治理政策的报道为案例,对政策议题在媒介中展现的话语形态进行框架分析,发现教育政策相关群体的媒介分布格局及接近权呈现出差异;不同类型媒介反映教育政策议题时的话语特征存在着系统性修辞基调差异;政策动员、政策论辩与诉求表达三种话语形态分别在平面媒介与网络媒介中得以展现。教育政策的媒介话语空间呈现出多元性,在成为政策信息传播通道的同时,也在一定程度上构成了公共意见领域。政策话语与媒介话语的沟通及网络进入媒介后的影响,尚待深入探讨。  相似文献   

In this study we present an analysis of classroom interactions initiated by students' wonderment questions. Our interest in such events arises from their potential to stimulate active intellectual engagement in classrooms, which can impact upon the subsequent development of the classroom discourse. In investigating this issue we shall address the following research question: How do student questions impact upon the teaching explanatory structure and modify the form of the ongoing classroom discourse, in selected science lessons? From data collected in a Brazilian secondary school we have selected three classroom episodes, with large differences in both the context in which the student's question emerges and in the communicative approach developed in response to it. The analysis, based on the framework proposed by Mortimer and Scott [Mortimer and Scott (2003). Meaning making in secondary science classrooms. Maidenhead: Open University Press], shows that questions made by students are important in providing feedback from students to the teacher, enabling adjustments to the teaching explanatory structure. These adjustments sometimes occur smoothly, at other times with major changes to the features of the classroom discourse, and elsewhere with misunderstanding and disagreement. The data also suggest the need to consider students' intentions and their active participation in the negotiation of both the content and structure of classroom discourse. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:174–193, 2010  相似文献   

Scholars generally agree that teacher professional conversations can play a critical role in teacher learning on the job. However, empirical research on the topic is relatively diffuse, both theoretically and methodologically. This paper presents a systematic review of 64 articles about teacher team discourse and interaction. The review offers an overview of the field and analyses of studies’ theoretical perspectives on teacher learning, methodological approaches to analyzing discourse, research and intervention designs, and emergent ideas and findings about generative discourse. We conclude with key questions and emphases for the consolidation and further development of this fragmented and nascent field.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based education receives much attention in educational practice and theory, since it provides pupils and teachers with opportunities to actively engage in collaboratively answering questions. However, not only do many teachers find this approach demanding, it also remains unclear what they should do to foster this type of education in their classrooms. Our research question was: Which teaching strategies are used by K-12 teachers when promoting inquiry-based education in their classrooms and what are the reported outcomes?After searching for empirical studies on this topic, we examined 186 studies investigating different ways in which teachers can promote inquiry-based education. Analyses revealed varying teaching strategies, differing with regard to direction (teacher directed, student directed and mixed) and different perspectives of regulation (meta-cognitive, conceptual, and social regulation). Results show that important teacher strategies in metacognitive regulation are: focussing on thinking skills, developing a culture of inquiry, supporting inquiry discourse, and promoting nature of science; in conceptual regulation: providing information on the research topic and focussing on conceptual understanding; and in social regulation: bridging the gap between high and low achievers, organizing student learning in groups and focussing on collaboration processes.  相似文献   

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