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Bourdieu did not write anything explicitly about education policy. Despite this neglect, we agree with van Zanten that his theoretical concepts and methodological approaches can contribute to researching and understanding education policy in the context of globalisation and the economising of it. In applying Bourdieu’s theory and methodology to research in education policy, we focus on developing his work to understand what we call ‘cross‐field effects’ and for exploring the emergence of a ‘global education policy field’. These concepts are derived from some of our recent research concerning globalisation and mediatisation of education policy. The paper considers three separate issues. The first deals with Bourdieu’s primary ‘thinking tools’, namely practice, habitus, capitals and fields and their application to policy studies. The second and third sections consider two additions to Bourdieu’s thinking tools, as a way to reconceptualise the functioning of policy if considered as a social field. More specifically, the second section develops an argument around cross‐field effects, as a way to group together, research and describe policy effects. The third section develops an argument about an emergent global education policy field, and considers ways that such a field affects national education policy fields.  相似文献   

Environmental education programmes can only deal with some of the environmental issues that people face through their life. People will need, therefore, to transfer learning to new situations. In this article factors that could foster transfer are identified, and collected in a model. This model suggests that work in environmental education should be relevant, started by exploring the previous knowledge of those who learn in order to carry out a new learning process valid for resolving authentic environmental problems, and practising the application of what has been learnt to different cases. It also suggests that related content fields should be consciously used: culture, valuation, performance, reasoning, and communication. In each field resources of different cognitive scope, belonging to specific domains, general domains, and meta‐domain, have been identified. The model appears to be interesting for the theoretical development of environmental education, and could also facilitate the design of tools to analyse, improve and create proposals in this area.  相似文献   

教育是伴随人类的产生而产生的,从其出现的伊始就以培养人、发展人为目的,这就注定了人的发展离不开教育。然而不断出现的教育异化现象却给教育对人的发展作用蒙上了一层阴影。本文从教育有限性的视域出发,分析教育与人的发展的关系。  相似文献   

远程学习者的成败归因方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用问卷法对国内四省市250名远程学习者施测,并使用重复测量方差分析等方法,分析了远程学习者的成败归因方式及部分影响因素。研究结果发现:①远程学习者总的归因方式倾向于内控性的努力;②从成功和失败两方面的归因方式来看,远程学习者倾向于把成功归因于外在背景,而把失败归因于内在努力。③对学习者成败归因方式有显著影响的因素是学历。研究结果可以为促进远程教育学习者的情感反应和改变学习动机提供可供参考的实证依据。  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,尼日利亚着力推进基础教育的发展,国家出台了义务教育法,实施全民教育计划.为此,尼日利亚采取了新的教师教育发展战略,实施了一系列推进教师专业化的改革措施,调整教师教育的体系结构、推行全面的教师教育课程体系改革和教学实践计划、改革国家教育资格证书制度、构建远程继续教育体系等.本文从三个层面分析尼日利亚教师教育体制变革的基本趋势,并结合我国教师教育体制的改革进行了比较和分析.  相似文献   

The field of education is progressively building capacity and tools for producing rigorous research evidence to use in improving educational practice and outcomes. The knowledge base is lacking, however, in explicating the dynamics of research-based decision making and exploring connections between the work of research–practice partnerships and changes in educational outcomes. Drawing on experiences and data collected over a decade in mixed-methods research, we describe a case example of how research evidence developed in a multidistrict collaboration was used by one district partner to inform ongoing improvements in publicly funded tutoring programs. We employ both qualitative and quantitative analysis in exploring probable linkages between research-based changes made by the district partner and academic outcomes over time.  相似文献   

英国在环境教育上取得的绩效举世闻名。这既源自于英国是环境教育的发源地之一,也得益于其在环境教育上的积极作为。随着时代的变迁,英国不断赋予环境教育多学科的视景与新的意蕴。投射与浓缩在道德教育领域,英国从环境教育的内在特质、道德教育的自身需求、环境教育与道德教育的共同使命等维度,缕析、寻绎、穷究环境教育在道德教育中的应有地位与价值。相应地,环境教育为英国的道德教育注入无限的生机与活力,构筑起一道亮丽的道德风景线,成为推动英国道德教育发展的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

发挥老年教育的杠杆联动作用以解决老龄化问题成为国内外政策制定者及学者的普遍共识。联合国在推动国际老年教育治理与可持续发展进程中发挥着不容忽视的重要作用,运用多种“解读”文本的方法和视角解析老年教育文本的“深层结构”和内在逻辑演变过程,探究不同时间场域老年教育的演变趋势和发展路向,揭示文本背后蕴藏的价值向度,对于把脉世界老年教育的总体态势、有效指导各国老年教育实践以及加快构建学习型社会意义重大。  相似文献   

基础教育改革已全面推行,作为培养教师人才的师范院校课程论也必须应时代呼唤而进行调整,使之发挥真正的实效。本文从总体构想着手。呼吁高师课程论在课程设置方面做一些重大调整,增加课程论的教学时数,加强教学实习的力度,以适应基础教育课程改革的需求。  相似文献   

高等教育是一种特殊的产业,如同产业集聚一样,高等教育空间集聚也是一种世界性现象。文章以省级行政区高等理工教育为研究对象,率先运用经济学中的空间基尼系数和区位商这两种比较权威的产业集聚程度测算方法,辅之以其他数理统计方法和地理信息系统可视化方法,从动态和静态两个维度测度和考察了1997—2013年我国省域高等理工教育的空间集聚情况及演变趋势,得出了一些有价值的结论,并提出了几点对策建议。  相似文献   

以实证科学作为哲学基础的实证研究方法在比较教育研究史上曾受到充分重视,并在一些比较教育学家们的努力下得以发展和完善。在当今全球化背景下,后现代理论、批判理论以及建构主义理论等又催生了质的研究方法,并逐渐被应用于比较教育研究领域,成为一种普遍趋势。本文在进一步梳理实证研究与质的研究方法的基础上,对比较教育研究方法进行了一些思考。  相似文献   

Music, visual arts and design instruction has hardly been studied by the educational research community in Switzerland. Beyond a narrow group of specialists, there is little aware-ness of the basic pedagogical premises, subject matter expertise and the theoretical underpinnings of music visual art and design education although these areas of instruction are firmly anchored in the education goals for compulsory public schooling that have been outlined at national level in Switzerland and a generous amount of instructional time appears to be allocated to these subject areas in comparison with curriculum guidelines in other countries. This paper presents the findings of a trend analysis focused on music, visual arts and design instruction in Switzerland. It shows the importance accorded to aesthetic subjects within the scope of compulsory public education, explores differences in the amount of time resources allocated to these subject areas and describes the subject-specific and cross-functional goals and objectives. Teacher education programs are also examined as their current content and structure raise concerns about inadequate teacher qualifications that contradict the ambitious curricular goals. A review of previous research efforts, most of which have explored the transfer effects of creative, artistic subject areas, follows and desiderata with respect to the future development of research activities are presented.  相似文献   

职业教育肩负培养多样化人才、传承技术技能、促进就业创业的重要职责。天津城市职业学院主动服务国家发展战略,以京津冀协同发展为平台,在区域内精准帮扶上下功夫,通过大力开展技术技能培训、依托职教集团优质产业成果转化,特别是老年服务产业人才缺口实行精准帮扶,提升主动服务区域经济发展能力,为实现消除贫困、全面小康探索具有职业教育特色的扶贫开发道路。  相似文献   

Developing pre-service science teachers’ epistemic insight remains a challenge, despite decades of research in related bodies of work such as the nature of science (NOS) in science education. While there may be numerous aspects to this problem, one critical element is that the NOS is a meta-concept that demands higher-order cognitive skills. One possible strategy to facilitate pre-service teachers’ understanding of epistemic aspects of science is visualisation. Visual representations of objects and processes can be tools for developing and monitoring understanding. Although the NOS and visualisation literatures have been studied extensively, the intersection of these bodies of literatures has been minimal. Incorporating visual tools on the NOS in teacher education is likely to facilitate teachers’ learning, eventually impacting their students’ learning of the NOS. The objective of this paper is to illustrate how the visual tools of scientific knowledge and practices aspects of the NOS can be integrated in science teacher education in order to develop pre-service teachers’ epistemic insight. The paper presents an empirical study that incorporated visual tools about the NOS in primary science teacher education. Data on 14 pre-service teachers’ are presented along with in-depth case studies of 3 pre-service teachers illustrating the influence of the teacher education intervention. The qualitative analysis of visual representations before and after the intervention as well as verbal data suggests that there was improvement in pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the NOS. Implications for future research on visualisation of the NOS are discussed.  相似文献   

社会责任教育是21世纪我国道德教育的新观念和新趋向。通过探究,揭示大学生社会责任感的一般特征,明确其层次结构,找出大学生社会责任感培养的现实依据和理论依据,探寻大学生社会责任感培养的规律,这对新时期大学生社会责任感培养具有重大的理论意义和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

为了解我国智力障碍者职业教育领域的研究热点,把握发展趋势,使用BICOMB 2软件和SPSS 25软件,对来自CNKI的108篇有关智力障碍者职业教育的有效文献进行计量可视化分析,绘制出了国内智力障碍者职业教育研究热点知识图谱,以呈现研究热点和发展趋势。从中可以看出,我国智力障碍者职业教育研究热点主要集中在培智学校在校生的职业教育、就业、职业技能、职业教育课程、支持性职业模式等方面。研究热点领域呈现出四大发展趋势:日益重视支持性就业和支持式职业教育模式;培智职高日渐重视校本课程的开发与设置;智力障碍者职业教育更加重视理论支持;智力障碍职业高中支持体系逐渐受到重视。  相似文献   

New technologies can be used to create new educational frameworks for learning that go beyond the standard schooling paradigm. This paper describes research and development efforts to investigate “teleapprenticeships,” interaction frameworks that support learning in the context of remote practice. The studies summarized here have focused on teleapprenticeships embedded in teacher education, exploring a range of different “teaching teleapprenticeships,” in which education students at a wide range of levels have learned to become teachers within the context of teaching practice. Five kinds of teaching teleapprenticeships were studied: question answering and asking, collaborations, student publishing, web-weaving, and project generation and coordination. Different implementations of these frameworks are compared and contrasted to uncover important general features of successful network use, including the need for institutional support for new learner and te acher roles.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(2):153-167
This paper analyzes recent efforts to measure sustainability in higher education across institutions. The benefits of cross-institutional assessments include: identifying and benchmarking leaders and best practices; communicating common goals, experiences, and methods; and providing a directional tool to measure progress toward the concept of a “sustainable campus”. Ideal assessment tools identify the most important attributes of a sustainable campus, are calculable and comparable, measure more than eco-efficiency, assess processes and motivations and are comprehensible to multiple stakeholders. The 11 cross-institutional assessment tools reviewed in this paper vary in terms of stage of development and closeness to the “ideal tool”. These tools reveal (through their structure and content) the following critical parameters to achieving sustainability in higher education: decreasing throughput; pursuing incremental and systemic change simultaneously; including sustainability education as a central part of curricula; and engaging in cross-functional and cross-institutional efforts.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent theoretical works in the field of language, identity, and culture with the aim of exploring their possible implications to the field of cultural ethnic education in general and more specifically in the area of Jewish education. The theories reviewed develop from within a social constructivist paradigm belonging to a high or postmodern perspective. The theories presented have the potential to encourage a serious and critical revision of the premises which support the work of those involved in cultural ethnic and Jewish education. More specifically, these theories could help educators interested in the creative and participatory development of Jewish and other ethnic religious groups to rethink the possible contents and processes of such an educational effort.  相似文献   

Although the profession of social work has a rich history of supporting community organizing and engagement efforts, there has been a trend toward educational programs that focus heavily on the clinical components of social work. The purpose of this study was to perform an exploratory investigation of the potential need for more community-centered educational content at a school of social work in the Gulf Coast, which advertises itself as offering a clinical-community practice program. Researchers developed and administered a questionnaire to all current students of the School of Social Work to evaluate the program’s efforts to provide a balanced clinical-community practice education. Student responses to the questionnaire suggested that the community practice learning opportunities at the school were not represented equally in quality or quantity to the clinical material. Students reported limited access to field placements that focused on community practice. The researchers suggest that the results of this study are reflective of a potential national trend in social work education toward a narrower focus on clinical practice, and away from its roots in community organizing and advocacy.  相似文献   

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