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1996年12月笔者研究了印度数学家乔特哈里和德什潘德发现的一组有趣连续数组956~968的性质(见文[1]、[2]、[3]),其论文《完全平方数对半和的几个性质》发表于《数学通报》1999年第12期上,审稿人罗运纶老师另外给出了笔者论文结论的简化证明(见文[4]),上海的俞润汝在《数学通报》2006年第2期发表的《Chaudhar—Deshpande数组的广义解》中给出了’笔者论文结论(见文[4])的更简捷证明,  相似文献   

1.本刊2015年第2期第64页右下"第一作者是广东省广州市越秀区东山培正小学校长",将"校长"更正为"教师"。2.本刊2015年第2期第104页右中李芝青《小学幸福教育的内涵及实施策略》一文末尾的参考文献内容因受版面等条件限制被删除,现应作者之需补录如下:参考文献:[1]刘萍、刘铁芳:《幸福教育:把幸福还给孩子》[J].《福建论坛》(社科教育版).2008(07)。[2]孟建伟:《教育与幸福——关于幸福教育的哲学思考》[J].《教育研究》.2010(02)。[3]徐平、卞立慧:《试论幸福教育》[J].《法制与社会》.2008(18)。  相似文献   

《数学通报》1863号问题:设x,y∈R+,且x+2y=3,求1/x3+2/y3的最小值. 上述问题刊登出来就引起很多数学爱好者的关注与研究,其中孙建斌老师在文[1]中、薛茂文老师在文[3]中、王增强老师在文[4]都采用了构造"数字式"方法对该问题进行了解答,刘成龙,余小芬两位老师在文[2]中给出基本不等式的解法,拜读了上述老师的解答深受启迪,笔者觉得文[1]、文[3]、文[4]采用的构造"数字式"方法新颖,但似乎难以想到;文[2]给出基本不等式的解法,总觉得没有完全展现均值不等式精髓.  相似文献   

《中学数学杂志》2009年第2期刊出了唐兴东老师的《重心与图形面积平分问题》(以下简称文[1])一文之后,在第6期又刊出了邵亚明老师的《“重心与图形面积平分问题”的商榷》(以下简称文[2])和钟拥政老师的《也谈图形平分问题与探求重心》(以下简称文[3])两篇文章,  相似文献   

<正>在魏超的《〈论语〉》"慎言"思想的三重依据》[1]、《〈论语〉》"慎言"思想的具体内容》[2]中,笔者谈到了《论语》"何以慎言"和"如何慎言"的相关言语思想。然而,《论语》的言语思想并不局限于此;在慎言的主导价值体系下,  相似文献   

周明《与聂幼犁老师商榷命题的乖张》[1](下称《周文》)对聂幼犁《选择题之偏——思路的乖张(二)》[2](下称《聂文》)提出了商榷,笔者钦佩周老师的钻研和挑战精神,课程改革需要  相似文献   

《庄子》又名《南华经》,是战国中期庄子及其后学所著,其书与《老子》《周易》合称“三玄”,主要反映了庄子在哲学、艺术、养生学、文学等方面的思想.《庄子》包括内篇、外篇和杂篇,其中内篇为庄子思想的核心.大量研究表明,《庄子》中蕴含着丰富的心理学思想.如任增辉[1]从荣格分析心理学的角度探讨了《庄子·内篇》中蕴含的心理学思想,认为《庄子·内篇》所关心的核心问题是自性化的实现.奚彦辉与高申春[2]从心理学角度探讨了《庄子》中的自我观,并指出《庄子》中顺应的自我观对心理保健具有重要的意义.朱童萍[3]从心身观、认知观、思维与语言、理想人格等角度探讨了庄子的心理哲学思想.  相似文献   

《山海经·海内南经》记述了"海内"古地图[1]东南角以西地区的地理情况,本文是《山海经·海内南经》[2]英译文.  相似文献   

《中学数学杂志》2006年第5期《此处花开香满堂》(简称文[1]),《中学数学教学参考》2007年第6期(下半月·初中)《一堂节外生枝的数学课》(简称文[2]),《中学数学杂志》2007年第6期《花开满堂并未圆》(简称文[3])三文都对一道探究面积的题目展开了研究,原题为,如图1,正方形 ABCD  相似文献   

《小学教学参考》(数学版)2006年第4期刊登了文昌才、李继红两位老师所写的《一类盈亏问题的解法》一文(以下简称文献[1]),之后,同年的第12期刊登了何升根老师所写的《也谈"一类盈亏问题的解法"》一文(以下简称文献[2])。文献[1]主要讲述了用比较法来解决典型的和复杂的盈亏类问题,但其例3用了小数,不够直观。文献[2]则主要讲述了用矩形面积法来解决盈亏类问题,这也是一种很好的方法,但文献[2]将盈亏数画在每份数的右边,显得不够简洁。本文将盈亏数画在每份数的上面,简明直观,一目了  相似文献   

陈晓亚 《丽水学院学报》2005,27(4):96-97,123
教师要想在教学行为上真正体现新课程理论,就必须注重对教学实践的反思。全文就《历史与社会》教学实践中“因时间关系”、“课后解决”、“教学形式”、“联系实际”等问题进行了再思考。  相似文献   

The unity of teaching, learning, and doing is our school's instructional policy. Our school's foundation stands upon this slogan, and there is no task more important than making this slogan crystal clear. But, strangely enough, I never gave a speech about this theme in my school, and my comrades never expressed serious questions about the slogan. Everyone seemingly believed this to be the daily diet at Hsiao-chuang School, and there was no point in wasting breath discussing it. But recently I ran across two things which made me feel that among our comrades there were some who really did not understand the meaning of our instructional policy. One occurred when I saw one instructor's notes. His activities were divided into three phases, called the teaching phase, the learning phase, and the doing phase. This is the separation of teaching, learning, and doing, not the unity of teaching, learning, and doing. The second occurred when I read an article by a colleague on Hsiaochuang School in Notes on Rural Education [Hsiang-chiao tzuhsün]. In it he says, "The extracurricular activities at Hsiaochuang School are the teaching, learning, and doing of agriculture." But, there is no term "extracurricular activities" in the dictionary of the school that unifies teaching, learning, and doing. "Extracurricular activities" is a declaration that life is divorced from curriculum and that teaching, learning, and doing are divorced from one another. This spring Mr. Shen Hung started an education unit for movie performers. On the enrollment announcement it said they used the "teaching," 'learning," and "doing" methods. When I saw the announcement, I felt that Mr. Hung had not completely understood the unity of teaching, learning, and doing. If he had really understood, he certainly would have written the "teaching, learning, and doing" method and certainly would not have written the "teaching," 'learning," and "doing" methods. His misunderstanding is of the same sort as the two misunderstandings mentioned above. Having experienced these two reminders in succession, I felt that unless I talked this matter over thoroughly with everyone beginning with the fundamentals, there might be a really great misunderstanding. If there is misunderstanding in thought, contradictions will inevitably arise when applying the thought. Therefore, it is imperative to discuss this matter at least once. When I came back to the country and saw that teachers here just concerned themselves with teaching and students just concerned themselves with receiving teaching, I knew for sure that there was need for reform. This situation was worse in the universities. The instructors were called professors [literally, transmitters of teaching], and everyone thought that to be called "professor" was an honor. Their methods were called pedagogy [literally, teaching transmission methods]. It was as if they were using knowledge as a rescue operation. It was at that time that I proposed replacing "teaching transmission" with "teaching and learning." At the Nanking Upper-Level Normal School discussion meeting on educational affairs, I stood at the podium for two hours but could not get it passed, and, as a result, I did not get the title Chairman of Educational Curriculum. But, in 1919, in response to an article in Shih Pao [a Shanghai newspaper] by Chiang Monlin, a leader of the new educational tide, I wrote an article on the unity of teaching and learning, advocating that teaching methods ought to be based on learning methods. At this time, the head of education in Soochow approved the use of the teaching-learning method. After the May Fourth Movement, our colleagues at Nanking Upper-Level Normal School became incomparably stronger, so I changed all of the "teaching methods" in the curriculum to "teaching-learning methods." This was the beginning of putting the unity of teaching and learning into practice. Later, when the new education system was promulgated, I went one step further and proposed that as things are done, so they are learned, and as they are learned, so they are taught. Therefore, teaching methods should be based on learning methods and learning methods on doing methods.  相似文献   

随着社会经济生活的高速发展 ,应用文写作的重要性更加突出。怎样提高应用文写作教学的质量是当前急需解决的问题。用张志公先生的话来说 ,就是要“把知识化为技能技巧” ,即精心传授应用文写作知识是前提 ;加强写作意识 ,强调写作训练是重点 ;形成技能技巧是目的。  相似文献   

鉴于已有实践教学体系的设计及不足,本文以《心理测量学》课程为例,探讨发挥专业基础课程整合作用的"综合性"高校实践教学模式:基于《心理测量学》理论教学和已有实践教学板块,突出心理测量学的基础性、实践性,进行多层次、模块化的"课程群"心理测量实践环节设计,以教师平台整合、学生平台融合、实践平台适合来整合教育要素和资源,完成开放性的"问题取向与解决"实践,且以灵活多样的考核和反馈方式为质量保证。  相似文献   

针对新疆职业院校预科汉语教学部学生的基本情况、学习汉语态度和动机、汉语水平、民族汉考、课外时间安排方面进行了一次深入的调查和分析。发现新疆职业院校少数民族学生学习汉语积极性很高,汉语水平提高很快,但存在"汉语教学"还不能完全顺应"民族汉考"发展趋势等问题,文章就存在问题提出解决方案。  相似文献   

《体育与健康》新教材 ,体现了素质教育、健康教育的指导思想 ,在教学目标、内容、方法、考核与评价等方面 ,有了很大的改进 ,充分反映了教育和体育与健康学科改革的新发展。当然 ,教材的改革 ,也给我们这些中学体育教育工作者提出了新的要求 ,怎样才能适应这一要求 ,这是我们亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

文章通过对健美操教学中实施"翻转课堂"教学模式,利用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、总结归纳法,提出该教学模式在实施过程中的困惑,并提出相应的解决策略,使"翻转课堂"教学模式在高校健美操教学中得到更有效的实施.  相似文献   

复合型外语人才第二课堂教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复合型外语人才的培养过程中,"教"和"学"的问题较为广泛地存在于高等教育公共英语、专业英语的教学体系中,复合型师资的培养、合理的第二课堂教学体系可能是解决该问题的关键。  相似文献   

从美国引进的数码钢琴集体课,是集“传统钢琴教学”、“现代科学技术”、“集体课的形式”于一体的新兴课程,它解决了教学中存在的师资、设备等困难,提高了教学的效率和现代化程度。在数码钢琴集体课上,学生之间相互启发、及时交流、取长补短的学习方法和学习环境,使学习这个行为本身发生了本质的改变,使学习效率及知识掌握的深刻程度都极大的提高了。  相似文献   

基于中医药院校无机化学课程的学科特点,现以"缓冲溶液"为例,从前期资料准备、课堂组织、课堂评价建议等方面对"翻转课堂"教学模式的具体实施进行探讨,学生通过课前自主学习,能够与课堂活动紧密结合,实现深入化、定制化学习,有利于培养浓厚的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

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