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郎油自皿毁月全第一计瞒天过海第二计围魏救赵第三计借刀杀人第四计以逸待劳第五计趁火打劫第六计声东击西第八计暗渡陈仓第九计隔岸观火第十计笑里藏刀第十一计李代桃僵第十二计顺手牵羊第二十计混水摸鱼第二十一计金蝉脱壳第二十二计关门捉贼第二十三计远交近攻第二十四计假道伐掳第三十二计空城计第三十三计反间计第三十四计一苦肉计第三十五计连环计第三十六计走为_L计“越费绍二自磁助毋第七计无中生有郎骂自喇酬全第十三计打草惊蛇第十四计借尸还魂第十五计调虎离山第十六计欲擒故纵第十七计抛砖引玉第十八计擒贼擒王绍图套盈母测卜…  相似文献   

针对现有CSY-910型传感器实验仪在光电、温度等方面的不足,结合测控技术与仪器本科实验教学内容,没计开发了传感器实验扩展装置,并增设了光敏电阻、光电测频、热敏电阻、ADS90、铂电阻、湿敏电阻、脉搏测量、气体测量等8种实验项目,满足了传感器课程实验教学要求。  相似文献   

DIS是英文(Digital Information System)的缩写,DISLab是数字化信息系统实验室的简称。DISLab安装有传感器、数据采集器和软件,三者共同构成了数据采集的数字化和自动化、数据处理和数据分析的智能化的现代化实验教学平台。全系列的物理量传感器(探头)的功能超越了电流表、电压表、数字毫秒计、温度计、压(拉)力计、压强计、光强计、磁强计、声响计、  相似文献   

提出了一种基于加速度传感器的自适应计步算法,通过对加速度传感器采集的信号数据进行一系列处理,然后利用人工免疫算法对处理后提取的特征值进行判断,确定人是在行走、上下楼梯还是跑步的状态,再进行计步。通过反复实验,计步准确率达到96%以上。  相似文献   

PVDF(聚偏氟乙烯)及其共聚物压电计具有响应快、灵敏度高、测压范围宽等特点,是一种理想的冲击压力传感器。该文利用PVDF压电薄膜自制薄膜传感器,并进行落锤动态标定实验,实验结果表明,该薄膜传感器具有相当高的线性拟合度和较好的重复性,可以用于低压段冲击波压力测量。  相似文献   

根据紫外传感器对紫外光的光电效应原理,将光信号转成电信号,并由单片机ATMEGA16L进行处理,换算成相应的紫外线辐射强度值和等级,设计并制作了紫外线强度计.该设计具有性能稳定、精度高、性价比高、容易实现等特点,具备良好的市场前景.  相似文献   

为提高学生的物理建模能力,教师联系生活实际,以手机压力传感器测高原海拔为情境,分析原理,开展制作简易楼层计的学生探究实验,有利于发展学生的物理学科核心素养。实践证明,结合生活恰当地运用技术开展物理教学能拓宽思路、创设情境,引导学生学以致用,提高学生的自主创新实验能力。  相似文献   

中学阶段学生定量验证“牛顿第二定律”的实验,一般通过打点计时器在纸带上打点来间接记录数据,这样误差很大;大学阶段做该实验,实验配置上了一个台阶,采用气垫导轨配合数字毫秒计读数,实验的质量大大提高,但为了形象反映力、质量、加速度的关系还必须作图,给学生增添了手工劳作,有些学校借助于Excel软件电脑作图,不妨是一个好方法,但软件不能自动计录数据,要手工输入.如果用美国PASCO公司生产  相似文献   

海隅村屋 海隅村屋自经营 院静廊空月自明 三纪栖遑天下计 一枝难系四方情  相似文献   

本刊自6月起,公开征求读者对本刊的批评意见,截自7月中旬止,计收到读者来信一百零八件。现将读者意见摘要综合如下:  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to compare the effects of providing backup reinforcers for accurate self-recording on both attending and academic output. Twelve behaviorally disordered special education students were randomly placed in one of three groups: self-recording (N = 4); self-recording + backups (N = 4), and a control group (N = 4). The outcomes revealed significantly different performance for on-task behavior and assignment completion. On-task and academic responding was significantly higher for both the self-recording and self-recording + backups groups when compared to a control group. Additional comparisons indicated that the performance of the two groups who self-monitored were not statistically different for either measure. Maintenance of treatment effects was higher for two groups (self-recording and self-recording + backups) than for the control group. These differential outcomes were discussed in terms of (a) accuracy of self-recording, (b) nature of the dependent variables employed, (c) ceiling effects, and (d) possible vicarious effects. The advantages of using self-recording with and without consequences were noted.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different goals (process, performance outcome, and multiple goals) and self-recording on self-regulation of learning a dart-throwing skill. Participants were 105 fifth and sixth graders who were randomly assigned to six (3 Goal type × 2 self-recording) experimental and one control group. Results showed a positive effect of self-recording on students’ performance, while no difference was found between the goal conditions. Moreover, goal group students made more technical attributions and adaptive inferences compared to the control group students. Results are discussed with reference to self-regulated learning, the pursuit of multiple goals and self-recording in physical education.  相似文献   

After briefly reviewing the topic of self-control instruction for retarded students, this article describes a self-recording training procedure. Five moderately retarded adolescents were taught to self-record a training behavior. They were then expected to generalize the self-recording behavior to idiosyncratic behaviors. Subject-observer agreement is reported, along with monitoring effect on the idiosyncratic behaviors.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of students' self-recording of their teachers' daily expectancies, as measured by percentage of expectancies met. Two male and two female middle school students participated in the study, three of whom had learning disabilities. The fourth student received services for behavioral disorders. Students were given a schedule with headings for three of their general education classes, one special education class, and designated locker times. Listed under each heading were the expected behaviors for that class or locker visit, which were derived via consultation with the teachers. A multiple baseline across participants design was utilized to evaluate the effects of (a) carrying schedules without self-recording, and (b) self-recording whether the expectancies were or were not met. Self-recording was effective across students in increasing the percentage of teachers' expectancies exhibited, whereas carrying the schedule without self-recording had no discernable effect. Maintenance was evidenced across students. Subsequent exploratory mani- pulations were made, including an abbreviated schedule on which key words replaced each expectancy. The results of the study are discussed with respect to their applied implications, reactivity, stimulus control, and generalization. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Compared with urban floods, dam-break floods are associated with greater uncertainties, including variable dam-break modes and hydrological characteristics, so conventional flood estimation methods cannot be directly applied in the estimation of dam-break flood loss. In particular, there is scant information regarding the conditions of affected area and hydrological characteristics in southwest China. In this paper, we introduce an integrated model for estimating flood loss that is adapted to the mountainous regions of southwestern China in light of the relative lack of available information. This model has three major components: a basic information model, a dam-routed flood propagation simulation model, and a loss estimation model. We established the basic information model despite the relative lack of available information using 3S technology [remote sensing (RS); geographical information system (GIS); global positioning system (GPS)], data mining technology, and statistical analysis techniques. Our dam-routed flood propagation simulation model consists of major hydrologic processes and their governing equations for flow propagation, which we solve using finite-difference schemes. In this model, the flood propagation area is divided into grids and each grid is determined by the characteristic parameters obtained from the propagation simulation. We present a case study of the Lianghekou hydropower station in Sichuan Province, China to illustrate the practical application of this integrated model for life loss estimation.  相似文献   

陆水水库水利信息网络建设的实践与认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合陆水水库防洪计算机网络系统的设计和建设,给出了适合水库防洪及水利水电中小企业信息网络平台建设的设计原则和实现方法.  相似文献   

Condition 1 showed that employees recorded high percentages of completed tasks; and task performance was shown to slightly improve. At that point in the project, recording accuracy was at it's highest level. Condition 2 illustrated a continuance of high employee records of completed tasks but also showed that actual task performance considerably increased so that there was greater self-recording accuracy. Then, during Condition 3, actual task performance increased more so that it even more closely reflected self-recorded measures. Each of the steps discussed thus far could be sufficient individually to facilitate accurate self-recording and task performance gains, although each appeared to have gained additional strength by being collectively applied. The cost of the present organizational intervention was very low. The costs included material duplication costs and approximately 30 minutes of management time per day. Management time was used to make concession observations (management records), compute performance data, and provide feedback to the employee. Employees worked the same number of hours as in Baseline. Based on this breakdown, the approximate weekly cost of this project was about $30.00. The total cost could be reduced further, perhaps, by monitoring less frequently and reducing the frequency of feedback sessions as employee performance stabilized at higher levels. Thus, the longer this project would run, the less expensive it might become. The steps implemented during this project might easily be applied to other jobs that produce easily observable outputs and could also be applied to other work settings. Future research efforts that would identify cost-effective ways to stimulate and maintain high levels of accurate self-recording might provide today's managers several options that could all yield accurate data for organizational management. Other research efforts centered on specific analyses of participatory standard setting, peer reinforcement, and self-reinforcement for task performance could provide additional insight into the areas of job analysis and employee productivity. Lastly, increased knowledge about the long term effects of self-recording could be gained through future research methods that first established high recording accuracies and task performance levels, then evaluated maintenance procedures for these methods. Implications of successive research studies which clearly show that employee performance can be improved by rewarding performers for accurate self-recording could be profound.  相似文献   

水闸作为防洪排涝和过往船只安全通行的重要设施,其安全运行的好坏,直接影响到圩内河道的畅通。传统水闸安全控制都借助于传统的行程开关、接触器、继电器来实现机械和电气互锁保护。时间久了容易出现设备老化,存在着一定的安全隐患。采用水闸自动化系统不仅安全可靠,同时提高了设备的使用效率,有传统系统无可比拟的优势,文章主要介绍作为自动化系统的核心组成部分“可编程控制器”在水闸自动控制系统中的应用。  相似文献   

It is imperative to develop a risk assessment system for quickly predicting storm surge disaster due to the vulnerability of Tianjin Binhai New Area. The flood routing model with user-defined breaches was firstly established based on the seed spread algorithm in order to achieve a rapid forecasting of storm surge flood information. Furthermore, fuzzy mathematics was utilized to identify the storm disaster grade, and the hazard mapping was conducted to visually obtain the hazard spatial and temporal distribution. Finally, the flood routing visualization method was proposed based on numerical simulation of storm surge to achieve the reappearance scene of dynamic evolution process. The developed system can play a vital role in the management and decision-making of sea dyke mitigation engineering in Tianjin Binhai New Area.  相似文献   

建立控制论支持下的长江洪涝灾害管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪涝灾害是普遍和经常发生的一种自然灾害,是长江流域可持续发展的重要制约因素.根据长江历年来的洪涝情况,运用控制论,把长江流域作为受控对象,运用遥感等先进技术对其气候、水文、土壤等特征的动态变化进行监控,然后对反馈的信息进行分析研究,建立一个闭环控制模式,从而实行对长江洪涝灾害的管理和预测。  相似文献   

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