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The approaches to the concept of a “scientific school” in bibliography and peculiarities of the formation of scientific schools in the bibliography science, connected with the humanities character of this science and principles of its formation as a scientific discipline are considered. The main characteristics of bibliographic scientific schools are proposed and the problem of their identification and creation of a definition is put forward.  相似文献   

从近5年目录学论文的计量学分析看目录学研究的非常态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王玮 《图书情报工作》2004,48(9):109-111,120
通过对1998年到2002年目录学论文的统计,分析这5年间目录学论文的发表情况,并以《图书与情报》杂志为例,预测目录学的发展趋势,探讨期刊栏目设置对目录学研究的影响。  相似文献   

《古代文献学的文化阐释》共收录了王国强先生的27篇学术论文,反映了其20多年来在古代目录学、历史藏书学和汉代文献学方法等领域所取得的主要研究成果。该文集具有推陈出新的研究方法、立足当代目录学的史学论纲、高屋建瓴的断代文献研究和以身作则的学者情怀四大特色。  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, reports, etc. published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in the Maghreb. The goal of preparing this work is to provide a list of citations with abstracts that librarians, library students, and library scholars can use to perform research within this subject area and further the body of knowledge. The research methodology that was used to find these citations involved searching the database versions of ERIC, Dissertations Abstracts Online, and Library Literature within the online public access catalog of the Auburn University library system. It also involved searching the online databases of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), British Education Index, andEducation Abstracts within the DIALOG database as well as the respective print versions of these resources. While this work is by no means an exhaustive critique of the entire Maghrebi library and information science literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country analysis of librarianship and information science within the region. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, reports, etc. published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in the Maghreb. The goal of preparing this work is to provide a list of citations with abstracts that librarians, library students, and library scholars can use to perform research within this subject area and further the body of knowledge. The research methodology that was used to find these citations involved searching the database versions of ERIC, Dissertations Abstracts Online, and Library Literature within the online public access catalog of the Auburn University library system. It also involved searching the online databases of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), British Education Index, andEducation Abstracts within the DIALOG database as well as the respective print versions of these resources. While this work is by no means an exhaustive critique of the entire Maghrebi library and information science literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country analysis of librarianship and information science within the region. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

Ҳ̸ͼ���ѧ�鱨ѧ�Ķ�λ��ѧ�ƽ���   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述图书馆学情报学的定位及其学科建设,提出文献信息学是概括图书馆学、目录学、文献学、情报学、编辑学、图书发行学和档案学等9门学科的一级学科  相似文献   

This bibliography of in-print veterinary medical books published in English may be used as an acquisitions or evaluation tool for developing the monograph component of new veterinary medicine collections or existing science, technology, and medicine collections where veterinary medicine is in the scope of the collection. The bibliography is divided into 34 categories and consists of bibliographic information for 419 titles. The appendix contains an author/editor index. Prices for all entries are in US dollars, except where another currency is noted. The total cost of all books in the bibliography is $43,602.13 (US).  相似文献   

科技编辑审核加工参考文献应达到的要求   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
金铁成 《编辑学报》2006,18(3):197-198
针对科技论文参考文献中存在著录格式不够规范、著录内容不够准确、引用内容不够合理的问题,认为科技编辑审核加工参考文献应达到著录格式规范、著录内容正确、引用内容合理的要求.  相似文献   

Describes the position claiming that the contemporary technological, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic environment gives us pause to consider the core theory and practices of bibliography, combining bibliography of the work (in library and information science), bibliography of the text (in textual studies and scholarly editing), and bibliography of the artifact (in book history and now digital forensics), and calls for collaborative multidisciplinary research at the intersection of these fields to ask, is there a new bibliography?  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary interaction of bibliography with sociology, history, pedagogics, information science, and cultural studies is considered based on the information approach. Bibliography is shown to act as an indicator of social development as a part of the metainformation “layer” of society.  相似文献   

中国目录学复兴论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文站在当代科学的新视角,对我国古今目录学的内容、性质、特点、成就与问题做了梳理与总结,重点探讨了当代目录学复兴战略及实施措施。  相似文献   

This annotated bibliography is intended to shed light on the availability and distribution of legal dictionaries that translate the twenty-seven European languages. The representative corpus consists of about 200 printed bilingual legal dictionaries (BLDs) with terms from two or more legal languages used in the European Union. This bibliography aims to illustrate the wide variation in the quality of these BLDs by the usage of three special headings and by referring to relevant professional reviews. In addition, the authors have commented upon noticeable BLDs that deserve serious criticism or special attention. This annotated bibliography updates the previous bibliography (Gerard-René de Groot & Conrad J. P. van Laer. The Quality of Legal Dictionaries: An Assessment [Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper No. 2008/6, 2008]) and covers almost all recently published BLDs. However, this bibliography is not exhaustive because of the dispersion of publishing houses: Each publisher issues only two BLDs, on average.  相似文献   

Historical Abstracts (HA) andAmerica: History and Life (AHL) are bibliography serials that cite the appearance of scholarly literature in history and also related fields such as political science, sociology, anthropology, and folklore, as they relate to history. Both titles first appeared as print publications,HA in 1955 andAHL in 1964. After the use of computers was incorporated into the production process, electronic files of the print volumes were made available as online databases,HA from volume 19, andAHL from volume 1. Both publications are now available on CD-ROM, along with other ABC-Clio reference titles:ARTBibliographies Modern, ABC-Pol Sci, theExegy current events database, andBibliography of North American Indians.  相似文献   

王重民是我国图书馆学专业教育的重要开拓者之一。本文从五个方面系统梳理了王重民对我国图书馆学和目录学教育的重要贡献:(1)发起创建北京大学图书馆学专修科,并不断推动专业发展,是新中国图书馆学教育最重要的开创者和奠基者之一;(2)制定图书馆学系教学计划,组建图书馆学、目录学教研室,筹建系资料室,不断充实图书馆学系的师资队伍;(3)构建立意明确、反映时代要求的图书馆学课程体系,并亲自讲授大量专业课程;(4)注意加强专业教材建设,制定教材建设计划并亲自编写大量讲义和教材;(5)尽职教育,倾心教学,培育专业人才,培养了众多爱岗敬业的图书馆工作者。王重民在整理古籍、发展图书馆事业,特别是创办图书馆学教育、培育专业人才等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献。今天纪念王重民先生的意义在于:一是继承他以弘扬光大祖国优秀典籍为己任、献身工作和治学的敬业精神,二是不断梳理和深入研究他在发展图书馆学和目录学教育、培育专业人才方面留下的宝贵精神财富,努力推动具有中国特色的图书馆学及图书馆学教育发展。  相似文献   

中国古代目录学学术价值之反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文反省了以"辨章学术,考镜源流"为基本旨趣的中国古代目录在具体学术考辨中的缺陷,重点指出,古代书目囿于"著录一批文献"的刻板形式,与它所反映的学术之间并不存在严谨的并列关系,两者之间只是点与面的对应,目录在考辨学术时的错位甚至无能随处可见。此外,古代目录通过文献整序实现对学术的反思,作为反思结果的目录系统又会反过来影响学术的接受和认识,目录对于学术的这种反作用尚未引起足够关注。  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, reports, etc., published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in the Sahel.The Encyclopaedia Britannica Online defines the term Sahel as an English translation of the Arab termSahil which refers to the semi-arid region of western and north-central Africa extending from Senegal to The Sudan. The Sahel for the purposes of this work consists of the region of West Africa and the nations of Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Nigerian library literature will be given a full and separate treatment in two subsequent articles.While this work is by no means an exhaustive analysis of the entire Sahelian library, literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country breakdown of librarianship within the region. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

A select bibliography of publications focused on sustainability, walkability, and the overall philosophy of “being green” within the urban environment is presented. The publications include a mix of scholarly, trade, and popular titles. The same categories of information are present for each entry. This bibliography is the second in a series dedicated to examining the broad subject matter of urban studies within a more focused lens. The first bibliography, examining housing policy, was published in The Serials Librarian, 65(2).  相似文献   

The following bibliography is the first installment of an extensive bibliography of books, pamphlets, theses, dissertations, documents, addresses, unpublished mimeographed and other miscellaneous materials, and periodical articles on religious broadcasting. The years covered are from the dawn of American broadcasting up to the present. Of particular importance is the first section on “Sources of Bibliographical Information” on this subject.

Because of the length of the entire bibliography, only the sections on sources, theses and dissertations, books and pamphlets, and unpublished and miscellaneous materials will be published in this issue of the Journal. The section on periodical articles will be published in a forthcoming issue. It is also intended to update the entire bibliography from time to time.

The importance of religious broadcasting is well‐recognized by anyone who has ever completed the programming section of an FCC application form, or has ever examined the body of law that has ranged from the Scott and Schuler cases of yesterday to the Maclntyre case of today. Those readers who find this bibliography of interest might also wish to read FCC Commissioner Lee Loevinger's “Broadcasting and Religious Liberty” in the Winter 1964–65 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting.

The major portion of this bibliography was compiled as a part of the author's Ph.D. dissertation, completed in 1965 in the Department of Speech of Michigan State University. Co‐chairmen of the guidance committee were Drs. Kenneth G. Hance of the Speech Department and Walter B. Emery of the Department of TV‐Radio. It has been updated and corrected to July 1965. Dr. Dick is Associate Professor of Speech and General Manager of KSDA at La Sierra College in Riverside, California.  相似文献   

叶德辉其人不足道,但其学却有可取.其目录学、版本学、校勘学思想对我国近现代目录学、版本学、校勘学的发展产生了深刻的影响.本文主要论述了叶德辉的一些主要校勘思想和校勘方法及对我国校勘学的贡献,特别是他的三大校勘之法,即"死校"法、"活校"法和"避讳"法,在我国校勘学史上起到了承前启后的作用.参考文献4.  相似文献   

刘国华说:“1992年9月,国家科委作出关于“情报”改名“信息”的决定。  相似文献   

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