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残疾人社区康复模式是社会保障管理及运行社会化的体现,它强调以社区为依托,在社区资源整合的基础上,对残疾人生活的物质环境、心理机制进行调整,实现残疾人全面康复、参与社会生活.残疾人社区康复模式的资源基础、筹资机制、管理协调、服务提供、技术指导以及支付方式是这种模式持续、合理发展的关键要点.  相似文献   

大力发展残疾人服务机构、构建残疾人社会支持网络是促进残疾人融合发展的重要路径。基于目前残疾人服务机构发展面临的困境,结合社会支持理论,以南京市“残疾人之家”为例进行全面系统分析,发现残疾人服务机构的建设取得以下方面的经验:政府主导,实现服务网络全覆盖;党建赋能,引领党员带头示范;社会参与,构建多样化发展格局;项目导向,提升机构“造血”能力;志愿助残,营造浓厚服务氛围。基于此,可以拓宽社会服务模式、完善政策制度体系、建设专业化人才队伍、优化机构配置资源和拓展辅助性就业项目等为路径,提升残疾人服务机构发展质量。  相似文献   

庆余里社区残疾人社区康复工作的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展适合我国国情的社区康复是解决残疾人全面参与社会生活以及全社会迎接老龄化的最佳举措。课题组通过对济南市庆余里社区残疾人社区康复和社会支持工作的现状进行调查、分析,总结经验,发现不足。旨在为逐步完善城市社区康复工作、探索适合我国国情发展的社区康复模式提供依据。  相似文献   

通过调查不同医养融合模式下服务评价状况,分析原因,提出改进建议,为医养融合不同模式发展完善提供实证参考。选取不同类型医养融合模式的代表机构,采用因子分析法对不同医养融合模式下老年人的评价进行综合分析。结果表明,医疗服务因子和健康养老因子所占权重较大;因子得分上养中有医模式在健康养老因子、制度保障因子、管理建设因子上均得分最高,医中有养模式的医疗服务因子得分最高;综合评价排名依次是养中有医、医中有养、医养合作和社区居家养老模式。医养融合养老模式应以满足老年人医疗服务和健康养老核心需求为抓手,不断提高服务质量;模式上应重点扶持有条件的养老机构内设医疗机构;建立有效的激励机制促进医疗机构设立养老机构或者与养老机构签约实现长期业务协作;大力发展居家老人以社区居家养老中心为依托,与社区卫生服务中心签约合作的社区居家养老模式。  相似文献   

文章对中国残疾人社区康复的现状进行了分析,并指出了其中存在的问题,如多头管理、缺乏统一性,资源供给不平衡,医疗保健费用过高、经费投入不足,残疾人缺乏主动参与意识。针对这些问题在权利理解模式的基础之上提出了构建新型社区康复管理模式,协调社区康复资源、保证供给常态化,多方筹资,建立残疾人社区康复保障基金,培养残疾人的参与意识等若干建议。  相似文献   

残疾人是我国社会弱势群体,根据对我国8300万残疾人康复服务需求的情况研究发现,仅有20%的残疾人康复需求得到满足。文章采取访谈法和问卷调查法等研究方法,通过对新疆吐鲁番地区残疾人康复服务情况进行调研后发现,残疾人的康复需求与提供的康复服务之间存在较大差距。在今后的发展中还需进一步加强残疾人康复服务机构建设、康复人才队伍的培养,促进社会各界的参与支持,加大财政投入力度,进一步促进新疆残疾人康复服务事业更加顺利有效的发展。  相似文献   

基于我国2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据,分析社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站情况对残疾人数量的影响。研究结果表明:社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站的设置对残疾人数量产生了反向影响,这种影响表现为对非永久性残疾的残疾康复和对永久性残疾的残疾预防,这两方面的影响都能够有效地减少残疾人数量,因而应该将社区康复模式加以推广。我国残疾人联合会在各地均设有基层组织,因而应当发挥这一组织结构优势,使残联在社区康复和残疾预防工作的开展中发挥作用。  相似文献   

残疾人的社会融合情况在一定程度上反映了一个国家的发展水平和人民的幸福指数。依托CiteSpace软件,对国内学者关于残疾人社会融合的研究进行可视化分析,系统梳理该领域的研究概况、研究热点及动态演化趋势。结果表明,我国残疾人社会融合研究热点主要集中于残疾人就业、社区康复和社会支持等。研究趋势方面,残障人士社会融合的介入策略和平等共享的理念比较前沿。未来研究者应扩大研究对象范围,关注少数残疾类型人群,关注残疾人就业、社区康复、社会支持等热点主题,注重思行结合,协同合作。  相似文献   

美国高校残疾人服务历经一百多年的发展,渗透到残疾大学生生活、教育、康复和就业等方面,形成了一个完善的体系。文章选取美国若干所具有一定代表性的大学和社区学院,综合分析其高校残疾人服务,总结出了美国高校残疾人服务具有制度化、个性化、系统化和多样化的特点。文章最后从服务保障、服务理念、服务体系以及服务内容等四个方面提出对我国高校的启示。  相似文献   

暑假期间,《中国特殊教育》2005年第8期如期与广大读者们见面了。“全纳教育研究”栏目中,陈丽江的文章“特殊教育学校资源教室的建设”,提出特殊学校应根据我国的实际情况建立资源教室,而且要加快步伐,并尽快升格为资源中心和后援中心,为有特殊需要的儿童服务。“听力障碍研究”栏目中,雷江华等的文章“听觉障碍学生与正常学生视觉识别敏度的比较研究”探讨了听觉障碍学生和正常学生在视觉图形识别敏度上的差异“康复训练”栏目中,邓猛的文章“社区融合理念下的残疾人康复模式探析”分析了在“去机构化”运动以及社区融合观念的影响下,西方…  相似文献   

作为残疾人中的弱势群体的智障人士,需要家庭和社会的照顾与支持,作为社会成员,他们同样也需要融入社会和参与社会。本文以青海省H智障人士服务机构为例,拟对智障人士社区化服务模式的困境作一初步探讨,以期有利于当前智障人士社区化服务的进一步开展。  相似文献   

Although many nations advocate for the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in all realms of life, these individuals are nevertheless still frequently excluded. One field of life that has rarely been considered central for inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities is military service. A unique programme was developed that provides an opportunity for people with intellectual disabilities to serve in the military in Israel. The centrality of the military within Israeli society, along with the aims and phases of the project are described, and brief evidence of the impact of the programme is provided.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that sexual abuse of individuals with disabilities is frequently repeated and chronic, and often results in significant harm to the victim. Furthermore, while abusers are most often family members or acquaintances, many offenses are committed by paid service providers and occur in disability service settings. Findings indicate that victims with disabilities often experience difficulty in obtaining treatment services that are accessible and appropriately adapted to their needs. Based on the necessity of appropriate treatment, considerations and strategies are discussed for therapy adaptations to meet the special needs of sexually abused young people with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   


In the last decade access initiatives have been designed to facilitate greater access and participation for people from marginalised groups who have traditionally been excluded from higher education. In common with international trends, young people with disabilities in Ireland have been included in this process. However, people with disabilities remain under‐represented in higher education. This study explored the quality of access to higher education for young people with disabilities through existing access routes. Both the young people and the professionals (career guidance teachers) agreed that access routes lack transparency. There was a dearth of professional knowledge about the options available to young people with disabilities leaving school. This lack of professional knowledge combined with the opaqueness of access routes forced the young people to rely on parental support and/or disability agencies for information and guidance. It can be concluded that goodwill and compassion are no substitute for an informed system that ensures equitable access for young people with disabilities to higher education.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to ascertain the usefulness of the theory of social capital as a framework for developing and sustaining the inclusion of people with disabilities and families in community life. We discuss the theoretical elements of social capital and assess its relevance when understanding both the experiences of people with disabilities and their families and the possible implications for policy and programme efforts to promote inclusion. Preliminary findings from two studies of the experiences and social networks of people with disabilities and their families in communities in regional and rural Australia are presented. It is argued that to date, people with disabilities and their families have largely been excluded from the broader social capital debate and that social capital thinking has had minimal influence on efforts to achieve the inclusion of people with disabilities into community life. It is further argued that new paradigms of support are needed that build capacity and social capital through working alongside individuals and families to influence not only outcomes for them, but also for the communities on which they live. The local area coordination model as it has developed in Australia since 1989 provides some instructive signposts for integrating individual, family and community approaches. It is concluded that social capital theory can make a contribution to inclusion theory and practice but we should use it with circumspection.  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of educational opportunities currently available for young people with disabilities in the (former Yugoslav) Republic of Macedonia. Information about Vygotsky's theory of defectology is presented, and its influence on the current service delivery system for persons with disabilities is described. Since independence in 1991, a series of reforms, some initiated by the signing of international declarations, have been introduced into mainstream and special education. The challenges posed by these reforms are discussed in the context of the need for East‐West partnerships based on mutual understanding and respect  相似文献   


In Tanzania, many people are not aware of the concept of learning disabilities. Parents and teachers often do not realise that children who do poorly in school and do not have visible disabilities, could still have a disability that is causing their poor school performance. This paper presents the results of a research and service project to identify and support students with mild disabilities in an inclusive school in Tanzania during the three-year pilot process. An international NGO implemented a culturally-relevant, curriculum-based assessment for screening grade 1 students with potential delays or disabilities and provided Tier 2 interventions through small group lessons. In this three-year study, 413 students were screened, 108 students received Tier 2 services and six students received Tier 3 services. Students in Tier 2 received small group instruction in mathematics and literacy as a pull-out programme. Students in Tier 3 attended a special school for children with disabilities. Results showed that students who received Tier 2 intervention made statistically significant gains in their assessment scores after six and twelve months of services. This study demonstrated one successful assessment and intervention model in a typical Tanzanian school to support young children with disabilities to improve their academic outcomes.  相似文献   

Since the 1770s, formal knowledge about conditions later known as mental retardation (learning difficulties/disabilities) slowly accumulated with civil administrators, physicians, psychologists and teachers in East Bengal/Bangladesh. Factors in this growth of knowledge are reviewed. Most people with mental retardation and their families managed without professional advice. Some children with mental retardation were casually integrated in ordinary schools. Rooted in local cultures and concepts, the accumulated knowledge and experience of both families and professionals should be recognised, formulated and used in modern disability service planning. It risks being obscured by imported knowledge having greater prestige but less relevance.  相似文献   

USING a structured interview format this exploratory study sought the views of 73 young people with a range of disabilities regarding means for ensuring an effective transition from school to adult life for people with disabilities. A wide range of views was elicited focussing on the roles that both the school and community can play. Included in their suggestions were the need for a planned transition process, a job‐related school curriculum and structured procedures to facilitate community integration. Most importantly, however, the study has highlighted the valuable contribution made by service consumers in providing useful and meaningful information. Implications of the results of the study for future program development and research efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

以社会模式的残疾观推进智障人士的社会融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
残疾观正在发生从医疗模式向社会模式的转变。社会模式的残疾观强调残疾问题是人权问题,也是社会和发展问题,主张以权利和支持作为处理残疾问题的方法。这一模式对智力障碍的认识更加客观,对智障人士的态度更为积极,关注权利、接纳、潜能和融合,可以作为智障人士社会融合的理论选择。智障人士社会融合的推进策略包括以宣传与沟通消除不健康的社会态度,以权利为本作为立法依据,以社会支持增强智障人士融入社会的能力等。  相似文献   

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