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成人教育中学生的学习性质与普通教育学生的学习既有相同点,又有不同点。正确认识之,不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且对于选择恰当的教学方式和方法,提高成人教育教学质量也具有重要的实践意义。一、成人教育中学生的学习是一种接受学习学习本身是占有经验载体所载的知识经验,掌握前人或别人所创造的经验,把别人发现的经验变成自己的经验,使其成为自己辨认事物、处理问题的工具。学生学习的这种接受本性是由教育的本质特性及学生在教育系统中的地位决定的。教育作为一种独特的社会系统,其特征就在于它是从人类个体社会的需要出发,通过…  相似文献   

课堂是学生获得知识的主要场所,如何在有限的时间里使学生获得更多的知识,同时还可以获得终生学习的能力.目前,国内外对中学生的教育从智力、情商、学习能力、学习方法、学习内容等各个方面进行改革,使学生的内在潜力得到了充分发挥.每一个教师在实施教育、教学的过程中,  相似文献   

针对当前中学生学习方法教育中的一些倾向性问题,我们在近五年的学习方法教育实践中作了一些探索。   一、学习方法教育的原则   1.学习方法的讲授与应用训练相结合的原则   学习方法的训练是消除学生的错误学习行为方式,建立起科学的学习方法,形成良好的学习行为习惯的前提,同时又是学习方法知识过渡到学习能力的中介环节。因此,开展学习方法教育,要把学习方法知识的讲授和学生的实际操作、教师的示范和学生的模仿结合起来。   2.智力因素与非智力因素协调发展的原则   智力因素是保证学生进行学习的认识能力。教师在教…  相似文献   

朱俊 《教学与管理》2007,(1):123-124
教育心理学理论告诉我们:学习动机是直接推动学生进行学习活动的一种内在动力,正确的学习动机是积极学习的源泉,是激励积极学习的重要心理因素,也是激励学生学习兴趣,增强学生克服困难的信心和毅力的强大动力。学习动机既反映了社会和教育对学生的要求,又表现了学生的主观意向、愿望和兴趣。研究学习动机既是现代外语教学的要求和需要,也是提高外语教育教学质量的关键。在外语教学过程中,教师要注意分析影响中学生外语学习动机的因素,从而采取相应措施来激发中学生的学习动机,以提高中学生的外语学习的效果。  相似文献   

学习能力是学生适应学习活动、完成学习任务、获得学习效果的能力。它是一种综合能力,既包括掌握科学的学习方法技能,又包含形成自主内化知识和把知识转化为才智的能力。中学生能力的培养是一个系统工程,它涉及到教育的各个方面,贯彻于学生的整个学习阶段。中学教育工作者,特别是班主任和科任教师,应该有意识地认识中学生学习能力培养的重要性。  相似文献   

在现代信息技术教育中,中学生学习的热情很高,兴趣较浓,但往往浅尝辄止,不能持久。关于如何培养中学生在信息技术教育中学习的主动性,并经久地保持,笔者从培养学生学习信息技术兴趣、养成自主参与的情感营造信息技术教学氛围,巩固学生自主参与的持久性等方面作了探讨。  相似文献   

为全面了解学生的学习状况,把脉高中教育,蓬莱一中从高一、高二两个年级抽出了940个样本,以“中学生学习心理研究”课题的形式,组织了学生学习习惯问卷调查,包括学生在校学习习惯、课堂听讲、课后复习、课余生活等内容,以期获得学生的反馈信息,作为改进和提高教育教学以及学生学习管理效益的依据,为学校工作提供决策参考。  相似文献   

中学教育是基础教育,在“掌握文化知识”与“掌握科学方法”之间,后者更重要,中学生要掌握的科学方法中最重要的是学习方法。教师不能只重学科教学,更应重视和加强对学生学习心理的辅导。简言之,就是要研究和掌握学生的学习心理特征及规律,帮助学生纠正不良的学习习惯,指导学生掌握科学的学习方法,使学生从“学会”走向“会学”。  相似文献   

初中语文探究性学习是素质教育的重要组成部分,也是对学习方式一次全新的革命。它不仅打破了传统教育对学习方式的严重束缚,也遵循了现代教育以人为本的教育理念。体现了当代中学生自主学习、合作学习的学习宗旨。新的《语文课程标准》中所说:“积极倡导自主、合作、探究学习方式就是要重点关注学生思考问题的深度和广度。使学生增强探究意识和...  相似文献   

在素质教育的背景下,家校合作已经成为学生培养的重要途径。学生的培育不仅需要学校对进行教学实施,还应该由家长进行教育辅助,从而能够通过家校合作的方式进行学生的共同培养,促进学生学习效果的提升。对中学英语知识的学习来说具有一定的难度,需要通过家校合作的方式提升学生的英语素养。本文首先针对英语素养概念和家校合作在提高中学生英语素养中的意义进行阐述,然后分析家校合作下中学生英语素养培养原则,最后提出家校合作下中学生英语素养培养策略,包括做好家校沟通工作、创造良好学习环境、培养正确学习习惯、做好学习指导陪伴以及加强英语活动参与。旨在可以利用家校合作的方式进行中学生的英语素养培育,促进中学生英语学习效果的提升。  相似文献   

The transition from the primary to the secondary phase in education can be a pivotal moment for many students, but for students who have autism, their difficulties with socialisation and emotional regulation can make this time period especially challenging. This article explores the experiences of key stakeholders regarding the issue of students with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) transitioning from primary to secondary school. Five students with an ASD who were about to transfer to mainstream secondary schools, their parents and members of their primary and secondary school staff were invited to participate in the study. Using mixed methods of data collection, a complex picture of student experiences was discovered. The article highlights the need for further research in the field of school transitions for the student with ASD.  相似文献   

This study examines teachers of Black male students in a United States secondary school setting. Qualitative methods were used to document teachers' ideologies of and practices with their Black male students. In general, teachers drew upon competing structural and cultural explanations of Black male social and academic outcomes, while also engaging in practices that contested school barriers for Black males. Teacher beliefs about and practices with their Black male students were inconsistent in many ways, yet their agency on behalf of Black males might be understood as essential to Black male educational progress.  相似文献   

As students move through school, attitudes to school in general, and science in particular, become less positive. This paper reports on a longitudinal study which mapped, from the students' point of view, the transition between primary and secondary school in Western Australia. The study focused on the subject of science, and used both quantitative and qualitative methods. During the transition, there is a considerable change in the organisation of the school, the curriculum and the teacherstudent relationship. Students in this study, especially the girls, were generally disenchanted with the teaching strategies used in their secondary science classrooms, and regretted the loss of the close teacher-student relationship of their primary school years. Their perceptions were that science in secondary school was not what they had expected, and this experience may have long term implications for their subject and career choices.  相似文献   

Generations of students are graduating from secondary school disinterested in post-secondary study of science or pursuing careers in science-related fields beyond formal education. We propose that destabilising such disinterest among future students requires science educators to begin listening to secondary school students regarding their views of how science learning is made interesting within the science classroom. Studies on students’ interest in response to instructional strategies applied in the classroom communicate the opinions (i.e. the ‘voice’) of students about the strategies they believe make their classroom learning interesting. To this end, this scoping study (1) collects empirical studies that present from various science and non-science academic domains students’ views about how to make classroom learning interesting; (2) identifies common instructional strategies across these domains that make learning interesting; and (3) forwards an instructional framework called TEDI ([T]ransdisciplinary Connections; Mediated [E]ngagement; Meaningful [D]iscovery; and Self-determined [I]nquiry), which may provide secondary school science teachers with a practical instructional approach for making learning science genuinely interesting among their students within the secondary school science classroom context.  相似文献   

The control-of-variables strategy (CVS) is considered a hallmark in the development of scientific reasoning. It holds that informative experiments need to be contrastive and controlled. Prior evidence suggests that CVS is connected to the acquisition of science content knowledge. In a cross-sectional study involving 1283 high school students (grades 5–13), we investigate whether students’ mastery of CVS is related to their science content knowledge in physics. A latent variable model indicates that CVS is substantially associated with students’ science content knowledge, even when controlling for common effects of general reasoning abilities. Substantial differences in students’ CVS skills and their science content knowledge exist between the lower grade levels in secondary school when students receive physics education. A latent profile analysis shows that the most difficult aspect of CVS is understanding the impact of confounding. This sub-skill emerges in late secondary school and it requires that students master more procedural sub-skills of CVS. These findings indicate that CVS and science content knowledge are closely related within secondary school science contexts. In addition, the findings emphasize that students show various distinct patterns of CVS skills. The identified skill patterns can inform researchers and science educators about the CVS skills that students typically show and thus can be utilized in inquiry activities in different school grades, while the CVS skills students are lacking might be trained in focused interventions.  相似文献   

基于内地新疆中职班学生的特殊性,必须研究一套适合这些学生的有效教学策略。在课程体系建设、教学内容、教学方法和评价体系等几方面做了有益探索和实践,受到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

"整合连贯型"师范生培养模式旨在培养师范生通晓整个基础教育原理与方法,在此基础上,根据自身兴趣与就业需求,自主选择基础教育某一阶段(小学、初中或高中)重点研习,努力成为既能承担小学教育教学工作又能胜任中学教育教学工作的新型师资人才。"整合连贯型"师范生培养模式具有整体性、重点性、选择性和宽口径四个基本特点。  相似文献   

本研究以683名农村小学生和初中生为对象,考察了农村青少年吸烟行为的特点及其与家庭环境危险性、未来定向的关系.结果发现:(1)10.7%的农村青少年曾有过吸烟行为,7.7%的青少年过去一个月吸烟,男生、初中生、留守儿童青少年的吸烟行为显著地多于女生、小学生和非留守者;(2)家庭环境危险性、未来定向与农村青少年吸烟行为显著相关;(3)家庭环境危险性可以直接地预测农村青少年的吸烟行为,同时,未来定向在家庭环境危险性与青少年吸烟行为关系中发挥着完全中介的作用,提醒我们应高度关注未来定向的保护性作用.  相似文献   

This paper draws on a recent and unique longitudinal study of Gypsy Traveller students in fifteen local education authorities in England. Gypsy Traveller students are less likely to complete secondary education than any other minority ethnic group and it is estimated that up to 12 000 young Travellers in England are not registered at any secondary school. The study tracked a sample of 44 students over a three-year period, using a multi-perspective, phenomenological design to explore the complex interplay of attitudes, expectations and relationships that might impact on secondary school engagement and retention. Findings indicate that, although the students' behaviour was perceived to be good by their primary school teachers, problems began to emerge during the first year at secondary school and twenty-four pupils had self-excluded by the age of fourteen. Furthermore, almost one in three of the students in the study were temporarily excluded by their schools on at least one occasion during the study. The research suggests that patterns of resistance to secondary schooling should not be solely attributed to cultural influences. In many cases, parents expressed positive perceptions of their child's school until relationships broke down. Above all, parents and students want assurance that racism will be challenged and dealt with effectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of using the cooperative concept mapping (CCM) teaching approach on secondary school students’ motivation in biology. A non equivalent control group design under the quasi-experimental research was used in which a random sample of four co-educational secondary schools was used. The four schools were randomly assigned to four groups. Each school provided one Form Two class. The study sample comprised of 156 second grade students in the secondary school cycle (Form Two students) in Gucha District, Kenya. Students in all the groups were taught the same biology content but two groups, the experimental groups, were taught using the CCM approach while the other two, the control groups, were taught using regular teaching methods. Two groups, one experimental and one control, were pre-tested prior to the implementation of the CCM intervention. After four weeks, all four groups were post-tested using the students motivation questionnaire (SMQ). Data were analysed using the t-test, ANOVA and ANCOVA. The results show that students exposed to the CCM approach have significantly higher motivation than those taught through regular methods. The results further indicate that there is no statistically significant gender difference in motivation towards the learning of biology among secondary school students exposed to CCM. The researchers conclude that CCM is an effective teaching approach, which biology teachers need to incorporate in their teaching.  相似文献   

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