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目的:以三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rb1及人参皂苷Rg1为研究对象,考察灌胃给予大鼠复方血塞通滴丸的混悬液后的体内药动学过程,为临床合理用药提供依据。本研究以三七总皂苷粉对大鼠灌胃给药作平行对照试验,考察合并给予葛根与山楂对三七总皂苷在大鼠体内吸收的影响。方法:采用HPLC法测定血清中三七皂苷R1、人参皂苷Rg1、人参皂苷Rb1的浓度,监测药时数据,用药动学软件进行数据处理。结果:三七皂苷R1和人参皂苷Rg1吸收较好,且出现双峰现象,经药动学拟合均属于一室模型,而人参皂苷Rb1在5-6h才检测到,且达峰浓度较低,经药动学拟合属于二室模型。结论:葛根和山楂中的有效成分对三七在体内的吸收有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

云南省三七产业基础现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从历史、地理分布、生长环境、产量和产值、质量成分以及药理作用对云南省中药材三七进行探研究分析,旨在通过研究能拓宽三七应用范围,以此建立更为科学的、系统的、完整的发展模式,适度发展林下三七种植业、三七地道药材以及其他衍生产品来不断推动中医药向"治未病"和个性化转型,满足大众健康管理消费需求,加快三七加工业发展,从而进...  相似文献   

针对三七化学成分及其制剂的研究进展与临床应用情况进行论述。  相似文献   

<正>文山三七药业股份有限公司是在文山三七科技创新中心有限公司基础上,由云南兴电集团有限公司、文山州三七科学技术研究所、昆明滇龙医药科技公司、文山三七科技创新中心有限公司等股东发起设立,于2008年3月组建成立的三七龙头企业,注册资本:5378万元。公司的100公顷有机三七基地通过了美国、日本、欧盟的有机认证;公司现有临床前药品批文两个;  相似文献   

目的:建立测定三七总皂苷提取液中三七皂苷R1含量的近红外光谱快速分析方法,实现三七提取过程质量的稳定监控.方法:以HPLC法测定值作为参比,采用近红外透射光谱法,结合一阶导数(FD)预处理方法建立三七提取过程三七皂苷R1含量的质控指标的快速定量分析模型.结果:三七提取液三七皂苷R1校正模型的校正集的相关系数R2C= 99.41,预测集的相关系数RV=99.94,预测均方差和交叉验证均方差分别为0.0493和0.0871.结论:近红外光谱分析技术可作为一种三七提取过程三七皂苷R1含量的在线分析方法.  相似文献   

<正>根据文山州三七科技事业的发展和文山州三七产业对科研工作的需求,在中共文山州委、州人大、州人民政府及有关部门的关心支持下,经云南省编制委员会办公室批准,文山州编制委员会办公室批复:"同意文山州三七科学技术研究所更名为文山三七研究院。机构规格由相当于正科级事业单位调整为相当于副处级事业单位"。研究院的内设机构,也由原研究所的"五室一中心",提升为院办公室、三七栽培研究所、三七新产品开发研究所、三七文化研究所、三七经济研究所、三七科技信息中心,即"一室四所一中心",增设了文化和经济两个研究所。  相似文献   

救心菜学名费菜,(Sekum kamtschticun Fisch)景天科多年生宿根草木,又名养心草、江苏三七、回生草、景天三七、见血散、活血丹,土三七等,是珍贵的景天科多年生草本植物。 三七是我国最早发掘使用的一种药用植物。它仅产于我国西南部,在民间应用年代久远,直到明万历年间,伟大的药物学家李时珍始将其载入《本草纲目》中,使其流传后世。云南文山地区民间对三七的传说,将三七作为血  相似文献   

由于糖尿病患者人数的逐年剧增,血糖的无创检测和预测方法以及应用具有重要的临床应用价值。研究采用临床采集的已知葡萄糖浓度的血液作为样本,使用MAGVA-AR560型近红外傅里叶变换光谱仪,建立无创检测血糖浓度校正模型,通过校正模型和样品的近红外光谱来测定葡萄糖溶液的浓度。  相似文献   

三七,是驰名中外的名贵中药材,是云南独特的生物资源“,云药”品牌的重要组成部分。在文山栽培三七有文字记载的历史400多年,使用历史近1000年。三七的种植面积和总产量均占全国的90%以上,三七这棵美丽的神草,为提高人类的健康水平作出了不可磨灭的贡献。1985年3月,中共文山州委、州人民政府决定,报经云南省人民政府、云南省科学技术委员会批复同意,成立了文山壮族苗族自治州三七科学技术研究所。文山州三七研究所是全国唯一的三七专业研究所,目前已成为集三七种质资源保护与利用、三七栽培技术与病虫防治研究、三七质量标准研究、三七质量…  相似文献   

上世纪80年代集中解决了三七的基础理论和栽培技术研究,为三七医药工业化提供了理论依据,引导三七种植向稳步递增的健康方向发展;上世纪90年代集中研制、开发了一批工业新产品,将三七的农、科、工、贸有机联系起来,形成产业雏形;本世纪头10年是三七高技术产品有序研制的开端,下一个10年,以三七高技术为动力,必将形成规模产业,最终使三七产品走向世界。  相似文献   

                                                             摘    要     1.观察到四种人参属植物的体细胞染色体数目为:竹节参(P.japonicus)   2n=24,三七(P.notoginseng)2n=24,人参(P.ginseng)2n=44,西洋参   (P.quinquefolius)2n=48。其中,野生于江西省庐山和井冈山的竹节参的体细   胞染色体数目,不同于日本植物(2n=48);三七的体细胞染色体数目则为首次   报道。     2.分布区最广的二倍体物种竹节参,应是本属中较原始的类群,四倍体物   种人参、西洋参等可能是本属中较进化的类群。  这个结论不同于化学分类学所   得到的结果。     3.结合这四个种的地理分布资料分析,我们认为:我国的西南地区是本属  的现代分布中心,也是本属的最大变异中心,很可能是本属的始生中心。  相似文献   

 This article deals with the distribution of triterpenoids in Chinese: species of Panax.  The results of investigation show that the tetracyclic triterpenoids of dam- marane type are the main constituents in Ginseng (P. Ginseng C. A. Meyer) and Sanchii (P. notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen) and that pentacyelic triterpenoids of oleanane type are the main constituents in P. pseudo-ginseng Wall., P. zingiberensis C. Y. Wu et K. M. Feng, P. japonicus C. A. Meyer and its variety (var. angustifolius, var. major, var. bipinnatifidus) and P. stipuleanatus H. T. Tsai et K. M. Feng.  The fact that the Chinese people had found out herbs with such high therapeutic effects as Ginseng and Sanchii through long medical practices shows it to have been achieved not without modern scientific ground.  Tetracyelic triterpenoids of dammarane type is one of the active constituent of Ginseng and Sanchii, while, on the contrary, the pentacyclic triterpenoids of oleanane type have yet inactive physiologic properties. '      Through the comparative study of triterpenoids constituents together with the taxonomy and the geographic distribution of various species of Chinese Panax, it shows that Panax as a whole may be divided into two main groups: the first group, having rather short erect rhizomes, fleshy carrotlike roots and larger seeds, is cor- responding to those species with their main constituents as the tetracyclic triterpenoids of dammarane type and their areas in dispersal being often limited and disjunct. The second group, that possesses long creeping rhizomes, usually with no well developed fleshy roots and bearing smaller seeds, correlates to those species invariably with continual distribution and their main constituents are pentacyclic triterpenoids of oleanane type.  Therefore, it is suggested that in comparing with the latter group, the former is perhaps more primitive, and Sanchi  (P.  notoginseng  (Burk.)  F.  H. Chen) may be the oldest member among living species of Panax. On the other land, it is found that in external morphology, P. pseudo-ginseng Wall. belongs to the former group, but its chemical constituents are nevertheless similar to the latter.  On such account, it seems evident that P. pseudo-ginseng Wall. constitutes a transitional type between these two groups, and reveals there by some historical relationship of thesetwo groups.  相似文献   

专利是世界上最重要的技术信息,专利分析为技术、产品及服务开发提供决策参考,为发展技术策略,评估竞争对手提供有用的情报。本文通过对我国三七产业相关专利的分析研究,包括总体趋势分析、技术生命周期分析、申请人构成分析、IPC构成分析、申请人IPC构成分析和发明人区域构成分析,就我国三七产业专利的保护与利用提出对策和建议,为我国三七产业专利发展战略提供决策参考。  相似文献   

 In this paper, 10 species and varieties of the genus Panax from China were studied by means of numerical taxonomic methods.  At first, the geometric approaches and statistical treatments were used and some new characters induced by the funda- mental characters were defined for the numerical representation of the morphological characters of plants.  Consequently, forty-seven morphological, three chemical, one geo- graphical and one cytological characters were adopted.  The principal component ana- lysis and the similarity coefficients were computed on the standardized data.  Based upon the correlation matrix and the distance matrix respectively, the Q and R cluster analyses were carried out, and UPGMA was used in both Q and R cluster analyses.      According to the R cluster analysis, all characters are mainly divided into 5 sets: A, B, C, D and E (Fig. 2).  The tree-like diagram illustrates that chemical constitu- ents of triterpenoids and the chromosome numbers are related to some morphological characters, such as the roots, the rhizomes, the seeds and the leaves. It is of interest to note that the thicker the fleshy roots, the larger the seeds and the wider the teeth of leaflet, the higher the content of the tetracyclic triterpenoids of dammarane type it contains.  On the other hand, the Q cluster analysis showed that Panax as a whole may be divided into two groups (Fig. 3).  The first group includes P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, P. notoginseng and P. zingiberensis and the second group  includes P. stipuleanatus, P. pseudo-ginseng, P. japonicus var. japonicus, P. japonicus var. angus- tifolius, P. japonicus var. major and P. japonicus var. bipinnatifidus.  The results of the computation of principal component analysis indicate that the  first  principal component consistes of the characters occurring in the sets A and B.  It shows that the variation in Panax has two opposite directions.  One of them, corresponding to the set A, is represented by the first group, and the other, corresponding to the set B, is by the second group.      Finally, some questions about the use of the genus in medicine were discussed.  相似文献   

In diabetes, persistent hyperglycemia results in increased production of free radicals especially oxygen free radicals, which can cause cell destruction and tissue injury resulting in cell dysfunction. With the premise that oxidative stress is a major cause of diabetic complications, we conducted a controlled laboratory based investigation on level of lipid peroxide levels in the serum of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients attending Muhimbili National Hospital. From our clinical data it was observed that majority of the patients had higher waist to hip ration and body mass index, which suggests that the patients were either overweight or obese. The enrolled diabetic patients had higher lipid peroxide levels than controls and also Type 2 patients had higher lipid peroxide levels than Type 1 patients. Moreover, patients with known complications had higher lipid peroxide levels than patients without complications. The lipid peroxide levels in the diabetic patients were significantly different from that of the control subjects enrolled in the study. A majority of the diabetic patients had a poorly controlled blood sugar. Our finding hints that despite the fact that diabetic patients in our clinic are on follow up, they are at a risk of developing coronary heart diseases, neuropathy and other secondary diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Albumin and enzymes-N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAG) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) were estimated in the morning random urine samples of 196 albustix negative diabetic patients to evaluate the clinical utility of these urinary enzymes as early markers of diabetic nephropathy. Albumin was estimated by immunoturbidimetric method and enzymes by linetic essay within six hours of voiding of urine. The urinary albumin and urinary enzyme concentration was calculated in terms of ratio with respect to urinary creatinine. Correlation coefficient (r) bewween urinary albumin and urinary enzymes in normoalbuminuric, microalbuminuric and overall diabetic cases was 0.23, 0.32 and 0.40 respectively for NAG, and 0.08, 0.06 and 0.18 respectively for GGT. NAG excretion was found increased in 34%, 63.7% and 49.5% of normoalbuminuric, microalbuminuric and overall diabetic cases respectively while GGT in 6.4%, 24.5% and 15.8%. The correlation coefficient between urinary albumin and NAG in normoalbuminuric, microalbuminuric, and overall diabetic patients with increased NAG excretion was found only 0.31, 0.27 and 0.35 respectively. No correlation was found between duration of diabetes and enzyme excretion. The study suggests that urinary NAG or GGT or both together do not have any clinical significance as an early marker of diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Diabetic nephropathy is a major cause of end stage renal disease. Increased excretion of albumin has widely been recognized as an early manifestation of diabetic nephropathy particularly in subjects with diabetes mellitus. However, certain other proteins besides albumin may be excreted in high amount during early phase of diabetic nephropathy. The serum and urinary IgG, Glycosylated hemoglobin, fructosamine and glycosylated IgG were evaluated in the present study. Thirty-two patients of Type 2 Diabetes without any complications, thirty-one patients of Type 2 Diabetes with nephropathy, twenty-six patients of non-diabetic nephropathy and forty normal healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. Subjects were grouped based on their serum creatinine level. Serum IgG, glycosylation of IgG and urinary IgG excretion were increased significantly in diabetic patients compared to healthy controls, which were further increased significantly in chronic renal failure patients with respect to the clinical stage of nephropathy. A positive correlation was observed between glycosylation of IgG and IgG excretion (R2=0.5995, 0.7114 respectively) in diabetic patients without any complications and diabetic nephropathy patients only, suggesting a significant role of IgG glycosylation in the vascular clearances of IgG during diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

目的:观察补阳还五汤联合空气波压力治疗仪治疗糖尿病高危足的临床疗效。方法:112例糖尿病足0级病变患者随机分为治疗组53例和对照组49例,均进行常规基础治疗,治疗组加用补阳还五汤联合空气波压力治疗仪治疗,对照组加用前列腺素E1治疗。4周后评价、总结疗效。结果:治疗组显效25例(47-2%),良好14例(26.4%),改善8例(15.1%),无效6(11.3%)例,总有效率88.7%;对照组显效7例(14.3%),良好10例(20.4%),改善27例(55.1%),无效5例(10.2%),总有效率为89.8%。两组总有效率比较差异无显著性(P〉O.05),但治疗组显效率高于对照组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论:补阳还五汤联合空气波压力治疗仪治疗糖尿病高危足疗效确切,适于临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:评估基于3D打印技术研发心脏外科教学模型和将其用于临床教学中的价值。方法:对2018年12月~2019年1月安排到我科见习的50名临床专业本科生予以调查指标分析,依据随机数字表法开展分组,各个组别纳入25名,实验组运用基于3D打印技术研发的心脏外科教学模型实行心脏外科临床教学,对照组运用常规PPT课件实行心脏外科临床教学,研究临床专业本科生的理论考核分数值、操作考核分数值。结果:实验组临床专业本科生的理论考核分数值、操作考核分数值均大于对照组统计指标结果(P<0.05)。结论:在心脏外科临床教学中采用基于3D打印技术研发心脏外科教学模型呈现出良好应用效果。  相似文献   

The antidyslipidemic activity of Hibiscus rosa sinensis (Malvaceae) root extract has been studied in alloxan induced diabetic rats. In this model, oral administration of root extract (500 mg/kg bw. p.o.) for 15 days resulted in significant decreased in the levels of blood glucose, plasma lipids and reactivated post heparin lipoprotein lipase activity in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Furthermore, the root extract (50–500 μg) when tested for its antioxidant activity, inhibited the generation of super oxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, in both enzymic and non enzymic systems in vitro. The results of the present study demonstrated antidyslipidemic and antioxidant activities in root extract of H. rosa sinensis which could be used in prevention of diabetic-dyslipidemia and related complications.  相似文献   

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