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全球化浪潮对各民族国家的文化要素作出了调整与重组,传统文化因此受到解构与冲击,人们对本民族的文化符号、价值认同趋于弱化.民族微电影作为一种新兴的艺术传播类型,在保护族群记忆、传统文化认同上起到重要作用.探求价值嬗变过程中少数民族传统文化的认同路径,以及叙事困境,是"非遗"微电影生产、传播的重要维度.  相似文献   

以互联网和大数据为基础的传播技术革命,催生了社会信息化和舆论大众化。面对技术革命带来的一系列变革,少数民族文化传承面临诸多障碍。在文化全球化国际视野中,网络与新媒体正在潜移默化中改变着青年人的价值观念和生活理念,少数民族共同心理认同逐渐消退,民族文化传承自觉意识难以形成。人才缺乏与技术落后,媒介生态环境失衡,城镇化等不确定因素导致民族文化传承的种种困境。少数民族文化重开发、少保护,原生态民族文化传播变样等,影响了少数民族文化的有效传播,因而寻求开辟民族文化传承的新路径,在"新的时代"下显得尤为重要和紧迫。  相似文献   

"文化自觉"是费孝通先生对全球化、现代化浪潮冲击下少数民族普遍面临的文化传承与保护问题开出的一剂良方,自1997年正式提出便一直备受学术界关注。它已不单是一个文化理念,而已成为一种文化理论。用文化自觉理论来分析泸沽湖摩梭人的纪录片创作,我们发现,从某种意义上说,泸沽湖摩梭人主位纪录片创作发展过程就是其文化自觉的过程。  相似文献   

当今全球化浪潮中,文化的全球化趋势具有更加深刻的内涵和影响。全球化浪潮一方面拓宽了文化的视角,凸现了人文精神中的人类整体意识,另一方面也引起了传统文化和民族文化的危机和失落。这一点,随着国际互联网的发展,……  相似文献   

现代性和全球化导致了少数民族的传统文化认同危机,而大众传媒是现代化的催化剂,所以,大众传媒使少数民族传统被解构、断裂和碎片化,是导致少数民族传统文化认同危机的诱因之一。但是,大众传媒也可以修补、重构少数民族传统文化,并且对于少数民族产生积极的传统文化认同也是有帮助的。  相似文献   

作为全球化的一部分,文化全球化在整个全球化的浪潮中具有极为重要的地位。文化全球化的过程,是各个国家、各个地区、各个民族的文化互动的过程,是全球性的文化动态有机整体的形成过程。文化的全球化已经对人类文化的发展乃至整个社会生活的发展产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

全球化浪潮借助互联网的利器,催生出一个迥异于传统精英媒体人的"网络自媒体主体"。这些人具有世界性眼光,以文化传播为己任,以弘扬正能量为价值旨归,从而为我国的社会发展做出了特殊贡献。但不可否认的是,由于他们大都欠缺基于"文化自觉"的"交往理性",对文化传播中的一些带有规律性的东西不甚了解,这就给我国现阶段的媒体生态的健康发展带来风险,进而影响到我国社会的良性运行。鉴此,强化他们的文化自信、文化自觉和文化协调的伦理责任意识就很有必要。  相似文献   

体育传播全球化时代,美国等西方国家通过他们操控的全球传播体系对发展中国家进行体育文化渗透,严重阻碍了发展中国家体育文化的发展。中国体育传播应提升文化自觉意识,将"文化诉求"提升到战略高度,不断发展和创新民族传统体育文化,以应对体育传播全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

周伟业 《传媒观察》2023,(2):98-103
商业化与全球化互为因果,全面而深入的商业化的结果便是全面而深入的全球化。旨在谋取文化信息与价值主导权的文化战争已悄然展开。全球化的文化艺术浪潮削弱了本土艺术的影响,隐藏其后的危险是多元民族文化艺术的消逝和文化霸权主义以及文化殖民主义的威胁。全球化时代如何推动中国文化艺术生产走向繁荣?应该把握符号生产的意义,重视民族、民间艺术价值,学会与数字化、全球化浪潮携手并进,提升国家文化软实力,向世界传播中国艺术和文化,为世界生产传播文化艺术精品。  相似文献   

李闻 《新闻窗》2013,(5):56-56
一、少数民族文化网络传播概况 目前,我国少数民族文化网络传播由过去简单的民族知识介绍向全方位、立体化展示少数民族文化转变,由过去的乡村传播走向更大的国内和国际舞台,各类少数民族文化服务网站鳞次栉比。其中涉及民族文化传播的网站类型主要分为四种:新闻、门户网站;相关机构(包括政府部门)开设的网站:主题网站、论坛:个人网站、博客。网站有网站的话语权,少数民族文化传播也必定有其话语权。所谓的少数民族文化传播的话语权,就是捐为少数民族文化在传播过程中被各权力方赋予不同的传播目的,通过突出少数的被选择的民族文化符号,达到使受传播者接受权力方的传播观念的目的。  相似文献   

For decades prior to the late 1980s, Taiwan's authoritarian government tightly controlled the media and used it as a political tool and ideological apparatus. However, the globalization and liberalization trends of recent years have had their influence, and since the 1990's Taiwan's media has been liberalized at a much faster pace than much of the rest of Asia.

Employing an historical analysis approach and a globalization theoretical framework, this study examines how the media in Taiwan has evolved in the era of globalization, and the significance and implications of this evolution. Specifically, this paper explores how Taiwan's media was liberalized, how the major functions of the media shifted, how the media environments were changed, and how the ‘closed’ media system was integrated with the global media system. It also discusses the new challenges and problems facing Taiwan following its liberalization.  相似文献   

Based on a year's worth of fieldwork in Singapore, this article is a case study of the much-publicized ‘bookstore war on Orchard Road’ that pitted Borders' American ‘loosey-goosey’ model of bookselling against Kinokuniya's ‘serious’ Japanese model. It examines the distinctive role that country-of-origin effects play in the cultural practices and perceptions of these two global sponsors of literacy, which have in recent decades rivaled traditional sponsors of literacy such as libraries in guiding individuals on ‘what, when and how’ to read. An analysis of the Orchard Road bookstore war captures some of the competing ideologies of textual practices circulating in Singapore as cosmopolitan print consumers and their professional counterparts express their acceptance and/or rejection of particular bookselling practices. For the professionals, good bookselling involves the promotion of local print cultures. In contrast, the cosmopolitan consumers seldom mentioned this criterion. In fact, many of them were drawn to the ‘globality’ of transnational booksellers. While print professionals clearly favored Kinokuniya's globalization localization practices over Borders, a clear-cut preference did not emerge among cosmopolitan consumers. This study suggests that country-of-origin effects likely informed the way in which print professionals and cosmopolitan consumers perceived Borders and Kinokuniya and the globalization localization strategies of these global sponsors of literacy.  相似文献   

This research expands scholarship on cross-cultural investigations by examining ideas of beauty through the lens of outdoor advertisements. Using a content analysis method, 293 images of women in outdoor advertisements from six different cultures, including Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Japan, Poland, South Korea, and Turkey, were reviewed through a framework of advertising and consumer culture, globalization, and theories of beauty. The findings revealed that differences across cultures exist and that beauty ideals are culture dependent.  相似文献   

This study is a chapter in a larger work, in which the authors explore how eight college-educated Asian American professional men negotiate the model minority image to present the performative constructions of their multiple identities within the racialized and gendered context of U.S. organizations where they work. The authors first discuss the participants' perceptions of how others view their social identities as part of a homogenized concept, regardless of their diverse Asian American subjectivities. Then, they examine how the participants engage in performative aspects of the model minority image to promote positive impressions on others and to empower themselves in U.S. organizations. Exploring the subjective standpoint of being the model minority in the context of mainstream organizations, the authors aim to further reconsider the concept of identity as relational in the context of intercultural interactions.  相似文献   

Cultural authenticity is a fluid construct in an era in which globalization is celebrated and vilified. The author examines how cultural authenticity is discursively ascribed, legitimized, and negotiated among creators and viewers of the short-lived NBC series Outsourced within the overlapping contexts of globalization, outsourcing, and fake Indian accents. Findings indicate that authenticity materialized around country of origin, and the author explores whether cultural artifacts conformed to iconic signifiers. The implications are contextualized within Arjun Appadurai's globalization framework.  相似文献   

The evolving history of Roma Radio is not unlike other attempts to engender media support for underserved audiences. This essay employs Radio C as an example (a) to understand ethnic minority populations and the challenges they face in maintaining a strong cultural identity, (b) to explore the advantages and disadvantages of radio as a medium for unifying the Roma culture in Eastern Europe, and (c) to suggest a framework for radio and Gypsy cultures in other areas of the world as well as for other nomadic or diasporan cultures.  相似文献   

多校区民族高校图书馆信息资源的优化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族高校的学生大多来自于少数民族地区,有着不同的民族文化和民族情节,对于民族高校图书馆来说,如何满足这些学生对所学专业的钻研和对民族文化的追求,这对民族高校图书馆的管理工作提出了新的要求,如何实现多校区民族高校图书馆信息资源的优化配置,值得每个民族高校图书馆馆员研究。  相似文献   

The ‘globalization’ phenomenon has infiltrated many societies and cultures, promoting the creation of ‘global villages’ where the risks of cultural levelling are evident. The Agence de la Francophonie (ACCT), secretariat of the Francophone Summits, has raised awareness about this issue, through information gathered by its Banque internationale d'information sur les États francophones (BIEF) programme. The last Francophone Summit (Cotonou, 1996) adopted a recommendation recognizing the global impact of the ‘information highway’ while urging the Francophonie to promote the cultural specificities and diversities of its Member States. The information and communication technologies and the information highway seem to favor the linguistic imperialism of certain societies and cultures. This trend triggers two types of reaction: (1) an accelerated merger of cultures into one single conventional universe and (2) an assertion of national cultural identities. The Francophonie has chosen the latter and has developed strategies to support its position.  相似文献   

This study examined 1,631 college students’ endorsement of traditional Confucian values in four East Asian cultural contexts (i.e., China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan). Findings showed that young people endorsed values of interpersonal harmony the most, followed by the relational hierarchy and traditional conservatism respectively. Results also indicated that participants in China provided the highest ratings for interpersonal harmony and relational hierarchy among the four cultures. Finally, results demonstrated that Japanese females were more conservative than Japanese males and females in China and Taiwan. Results were discussed in the philosophical tradition of Confucianism, globalization and culture change in the East Asian cultures.  相似文献   

This study examined how race and gender of reporters and community diversity influenced use of women and minority sources in local television coverage of the 2002 governor's race in Michigan. Content analysis of campaign stories broadcasted by four local television stations revealed that women reporters were more likely than their male colleagues to use women and nonpartisan sources such as experts and ordinary citizens. But minority journalists were only slightly more likely to use minority sources and were less likely than nonminorities to use nonpartisan sources.  相似文献   

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