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运用新闻细节提升舆论引导的准确度、有效性及传播功能已成为提高舆论引导能力的重要一环。"新闻的客观性和真实性取决于新闻守门员对事实的选择。媒体对一个新闻事件的事实选择、概括、解释的倾向性决定了新闻报道的客观性。越公正、平衡、客观、准确地选择事实,新闻就越接近客观和真实。"①应该说,新形势下受众对新  相似文献   

新闻是新近发生的事实的报道。"真实性"和"客观性"是新闻的本质属性。但近年来"逆转新闻"的频现,是对新闻事业的亵渎。新闻媒体唯有做好把关、核实工作并建立惩罚机制才能杜绝逆转新闻的出现。  相似文献   

张宝坤 《报刊之友》2014,(2):109-110
新闻就是新近发生事实的报道,它的基本特点之一就是新闻的真实性,新闻真实性是新闻采访报道的最高原则,它是新闻采访报道的生命。如何把握新闻的真实性,最重要的就是在新闻采访报道中要把握好新闻的客观性。如今,随着社会主义和谐社会的构建,以人为本理念深入人心,新闻的采访报道对民生的关注度越来越高,电视民生新闻采访成为新闻采访报道的主流。在电视民生新闻采访中,最重要的是把握好新闻的客观性。本文将对新闻采访的客观性进行分析,以电视民生新闻采访为例着重探讨如何加强新闻采访的客观性。  相似文献   

新闻就是指新近发生的事实报道,它的基本特点就是新闻的客观性和真实性,新闻的真实性是新闻采访报道过程中的最高原则,它同时也是新闻采访报道的生命。如何更好地把握新闻的真实性,最重要的就是要在新闻采访报道的过程中把握好新闻的客观性。如今,随着构建社会主义和谐社会的进程的逐渐加快,以人为本的理念也逐渐地深入人心,目前新闻的采访报道对民生的关注度也越来越高,民生新闻采访也逐渐成为新闻采访报道的主体。而在电视民生新闻的采访和报道中,最重要的就是要把握好新闻采访中的客观性。本文主要阐述了两方面的问题,即:民生新闻采访把握客观性的意义,以及民生新闻采访把握客观性的方法。  相似文献   

新闻报道仅仅在立场、倾向和意见层面存在片面性,没有割裂、扭曲、破坏新闻事实,可称其为是“新闻片面”。片面新闻的根本特性是新闻事实的片面性,而非纯粹的立场、倾向和意见上的片面,也就是说,新闻事实作为新闻的根本属性在客观性和真实性上遭到质疑,片面新闻依据的新闻事实不客观、不全面甚至是失实的,违背了新闻的真实性原则。  相似文献   

关于“新闻”这个词,尽管中外新闻学理论所给出的定义不尽一致,但所有对“新闻”的表述都离不开“事实”二字,认为新闻具有真实性、公正性和客观性三个特征。在《新闻学大辞典》中新闻真实性解释为:“新闻报道反映客观事实的准确度。”  相似文献   

新闻媒体对新闻事件的报道必须用事实说话,这是新闻规律的最基本要求。新闻报道的客观性、真实性,是我们在新闻工作中必须遵循的一个原则,那么,如何既能保证报道的客观性,又能提高报道的针对性、策划性,就成为了新闻工作者一项操作性很强的课题。  相似文献   

郑晓迪 《编辑之友》2018,(1):108-112
新闻的前提是真实,为保证新闻的客观性,有必要对新闻进行事实核查.新闻事实核查是指运用多种方式对新闻的真实性和准确性进行核查,在西方新闻史上已经存在近百年的历史.在新媒体发展的背景下,旧的事实核查手段辨别虚假新闻的难度增大,新闻事实核查的检测和鉴别方式发生了重大变化.介绍西方新闻事实核查的发展历程与研究现状,对我国当前网络欺骗性新闻的辨别具有重要意义,为解决我国当前网络新闻中存在的新闻失真问题提供思路.  相似文献   

新闻是对新近发生的事实的报道,它具有客观性、真实性、时效性等特点,民生新闻自诞生之日起,以其贴近生活、贴近实际、贴近群众的特点获得了极高的人气,成为地方台争取收视率的重要手段。如何在家长里短的民生新闻节目中保持客观性是我们要讨论的主要内容。  相似文献   

"如何建构新闻事实"这一认识论和实践规则问题,不能忽视"基于何种实在建构新闻事实"这一本体论问题,因此新闻客观性研究应该深入新闻事实世界的本体结构。基于批判实在论思想,本研究勾勒出新闻事实在本体论层面上的三重结构(实在范畴、空间范畴、历时范畴),新闻客观性作为新闻业知识生产独特的认识论和实践规则,显然同新闻事实的本体结构密切相关。  相似文献   


By administering an online experiment, this study examined how source and journalistic domains affect the perceived objectivity, message credibility, medium credibility, bias, and overall journalistic quality of news stories among an adult sample (N?=?370) recruited using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) service. Within the framework of the cognitive authority theory, the study found auto-written news stories were rated as more objective, credible (both message and medium credibility), and less biased. However, significant difference was found between a combined assessment condition (news stories with source and author information) and a message only assessment condition (news stories without source and author information) in the ratings of objectivity and credibility, but not bias. Moreover, significant differences were found in the objectivity and credibility ratings of auto-written and human-written news stories in the journalistic domains of politics, finance and sports news stories. In auto-written news stories, sports news stories were rated more objective and credible, while financial news stories were rated as more biased. In human-written stories, financial news stories were rated as more objective and credible. However, political news stories were rated as more biased among human-written news stories, and in cases where auto-written and human-written stories were combined.  相似文献   


This study is one of the first to compare journalistic role performances of English– and Spanish–language TV networks during the 2016 U.S. primaries. Previous research finds that the corporate structure of Spanish–language media in the United States is looking more like its English–language counterparts and that Latino journalists share the norm of objectivity. Meanwhile, research suggests that individuals of different ethnicities turn to different communication channels and that this divergence can be explained by the degree of alignment in linguistic and cultural orientation. In this study, we therefore assess how linguistic differences of TV networks impact journalistic culture during the presidential primaries in 2016. As a crucial component of journalistic culture, we focus on journalistic role performance and find important distinctions: Findings reveal that the greater coverage of presidential candidates as sources on English-language networks have significant consequences for the roles journalists perform. Results suggest that the Spanish–language networks performed significantly more civic journalism roles than their English–language counterparts that perform an interventionist and service role. These differences are discussed alongside different audience-orientation of the networks that reflect deep racial and ethnic divides.  相似文献   

The notion that journalists in an interconnected world increasingly share values typically associated with the so-called “professional model” has gained considerable currency with scholars arguing that ideas such as a belief in journalistic autonomy, public service, objectivity, and the significance of ethics are widely espoused by journalists on a global scale. Underlying this conceptualization is a taken-for-granted assumption regarding the adoption of journalistic values that originated in Western democracies which neglects how they are embraced in non-Western contexts. This paper examines newsroom values in India’s regional television channels, which have emerged as a major news source in the country. Findings indicate that in the case of Indian regional television, local socio-political and economic factors undermine the adoption of professional norms derived from the Anglo-European model by Indian journalists who see such norms as having little functional value or relevance to their work.  相似文献   

引文计量中的不确定因素及编辑质量控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张建合 《编辑学报》2003,15(3):175-177
引文计量中的不确定因素反映了科学主体和编辑主体共同存在的一个较大“误区”。文后参考文献决不是简单的附属物,它是反映研究成果的创新性和真实性的全息写照。编辑主体应从提高自身素质入手,严格把握参考文献的“质”“量”关,以提高引文评价系统的客观性和准确性。  相似文献   

《中国震撼世界》被誉为可与埃德加·斯诺的《西行漫记》相提并论的一部新闻巨作,然而,长期以来,新闻界对于《中国震撼世界》和杰克·贝尔登的了解和关注却远远不如《西行漫记》和埃德加·斯诺。《中国震撼世界》的典范性主要表现在:客观公正的职业精神、描绘世界的广阔细腻、刻画人物的丰富多姿、深沉独到的问题分析,然而由于政治权力、教育机制、媒介批评等因素的影响,《中国震撼世界》这部杰出的新闻巨作被埋没了。  相似文献   

Objectivity has been regarded as a central ideal of American journalism in the early twentieth century. The concurrent emergence of photography in the press is rarely associated with this development. The article explores the photographic legacy of journalistic objectivity by discussing a crucial phase in the development of reproduction media for images, the transition from wood engravings to halftones. The former was the dominant mode of ‘illustrated journalism’, the latter became the dominant mode of reproducing photojournalism in print in the twentieth century. The halftone process introduced an equivalence between photographs and their reproductions, obliterating the mediation that had taken place in a code of reproduction that was almost imperceptible. In the contested adoption of the halftone process, it is argued, a shifting valuation of photographs can be observed that prefigures the formulation of objectivity as a transparent code of mediation in journalism.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):100-117
This article examines newsmaking practices and professional cultures in the Zimbabwean press. It explores the extent to which journalists make independent professional choices in the context of organisational, occupational, and wider contextual demands that shape and promote specific newsmaking cultures. The paper argues that the country's polarised political terrain and journalists' struggles for economic survival in the context of a severe economic crisis have spawned practices that provide context for (re)examining the relevance of the predominant Anglo-American epistemological imperatives of journalism in Africa. Thus, while on the surface daily journalistic practices in the Zimbabwean press typify the prevalent and somewhat universal professional normative ideals such as balance, impartiality and fairness, a deeper analysis reveals discrepancies that counter these established ideals. To this end, the claim that professional journalists subscribe to the generic normative ideals of objectivity and associated journalistic notions perhaps generalises what in fact are differentiated newsmaking cultures.  相似文献   

Despite the current insecurity within the journalistic profession, there is still some common ground uniting news workers: a shared perception of the role of journalism in Western societies—a social agreement between journalists, media owners and audiences as to what is good journalism. Research has shown that this role rests heavily upon notions of journalists as watchdogs of democracy, and sometimes as pedagogues and interpreters of complex events. However, this role is not static in any sense; it changes along with the news industry and the surrounding society. The question is, how? This article addresses this question by examining the case of Swedish journalists. Empirical support is drawn from the Swedish Journalist Survey, which has been conducted on five occasions between 1989 and 2011, thus providing a unique opportunity to follow changes to a journalistic community over time. The results indicate the far-reaching adaptability of Swedish journalists to new conditions; a liberalization of ideals, such that ideals of objectivity and neutrality are strengthening at a rather quick pace. However, the results also show how they close ranks behind the watchdog ideal, which could be interpreted as an act of resistance.  相似文献   

Established during the Sudeten crisis in September 1938, the BBC German Service played an important role in Chamberlain's appeasement policy and warfare towards Nazi Germany. Yet the BBC's employment for official propaganda, especially in peacetime, raised delicate issues of its independence from government control and of the objectivity and credibility of its broadcasts. This paper discusses, first, the origins of the BBC German Service and its role within Chamberlain's policy. Second, it analyses the relationship between the BBC and Whitehall. Third, it traces the evolution and development of the British propaganda strategy towards Germany and investigates how the concepts of ‘truthfulness’ and ‘objectivity’ were internally understood and employed by the BBC and Whitehall in their propaganda campaign. Finally, the paper argues that Chamberlain's propaganda strategy towards Germany collapsed during the Allied campaign in Norway in April 1940 precisely because it no longer conformed to its self-proclaimed principles of ‘truth’ and ‘objectivity’. As a result, the credibility of the BBC German Service suffered a significant, if ultimately temporary, setback.  相似文献   

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