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为了解当前大学生网络游戏成瘾对攻击行为倾向的影响,采用网络游戏成瘾量表和攻击行为倾向量表对775名大学生进行测试.结果显示:(1)大学生网络游戏成瘾指数、攻击行为倾向总体处于中等偏下水平.大学生网络游戏成瘾总分、身体攻击、言语攻击存在显著的性别差异,男生得分显著高于女生;大学生网络游戏成瘾、言语攻击和敌意存在显著的年级差异,大二年级得分显著高于大一年级.(2)大学生网络游戏成瘾和攻击行为倾向存在显著正相关.(3)大学生网络游戏成瘾对攻击行为倾向有显著的正向预测作用,网络游戏成瘾得分越高,攻击行为倾向的总分就越高.  相似文献   

探讨沉浸感与中学生网络游戏成瘾的关系,采用网络游戏沉浸感问卷,网络游戏认知偏差问卷,同伴网络游戏使用状况问卷和网络游戏成瘾量表对初一至高三1406名中学生进行调查.研究认为:网络游戏成瘾与沉浸感、认知偏差、同伴玩家比例呈显著正相关;沉浸感显著正向预测中学生网络游戏成瘾;认知偏差在沉浸感与中学生网络游戏成瘾中起部分中介作...  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生大五人格、社交焦虑和手机成瘾倾向的关系,采用中国大五人格简式版(CBF-PI-B)、社交焦虑量表(IAS)和大学生手机成瘾倾向量表(MPATS)对325名大学生进行调查,运用统计软件SPSS16.0对数据进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)大学生大五人格在性别、生源地上存在显著差异;(2)大学生社交焦虑在性别上存在显著差异;(3)神经质、社交焦虑与手机成瘾倾向存在显著正相关,严谨性、宜人性、外向性与手机成瘾倾向存在显著负相关;(4)社交焦虑、宜人性、外向性、神经质对大学生手机成瘾倾向有显著预测作用。表明人格的培养和完善,以及社交焦虑的缓解有助于降低大学生手机成瘾的可能性。  相似文献   

通过对372名青少年进行调查,采用自我报告法,收集感觉寻求、社会印象、情感联结和网络游戏成瘾的数据,运用层次回归方法考察社会印象、情感联结在青少年感觉寻求与其网络游戏成瘾关系间的可能作用机制。结果发现:(1)感觉寻求正向影响青少年网络游戏成瘾;(2)正面社会印象和情感联结在青少年感觉寻求与其网络游戏成瘾之间起着链式中介作用,即感觉寻求通过提升青少年对网游玩家的正面社会印象促进其对网络游戏的积极情感联结的形成,进而影响网络游戏成瘾。  相似文献   

中职生网络游戏成瘾的现状调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江237名在校中职生问卷调查发现,中职生网络游戏成瘾比率高于同龄青少年;男生上网游戏成瘾的比率高于女生;学业成绩差的网络游戏成瘾率高于成绩一般的,而成绩一般的高于成绩优秀的;二年级学生网络游戏成瘾率高于一年级,一年级高于三年级;网络游戏成瘾者的社会支持低于非成瘾者,在社会支持利用度上二者存在显著差异。解决中职生网络游戏成瘾问题,需要国家、社会、学校、家庭多管齐下,加以预防,以促进他们的成才。  相似文献   

为探讨父母心理困扰、亲子关系、青少年基本心理需求与青少年网络游戏成瘾的关系,采用凯斯勒心理困扰量表、亲子亲合问卷、基本心理需求量表与网络游戏成瘾量表对816名中学生及其父母进行问卷调查.结果显示:父母心理困扰会正向预测青少年网络游戏成瘾;亲子关系与青少年基本心理需求在父母心理困扰对青少年网络游戏成瘾的影响之间有链式中介作用.基于以上结果,父母应注重对自身心理健康的维护,并在积极改善亲子关系的基础上进一步找出满足青少年心理需求的方法,以有效预防和干预青少年网络游戏成瘾.  相似文献   

网络游戏以新奇性、互动性、参与性特点在大学生中风靡,并使部分学生成瘾。本文结合问卷调查和访谈两种方法,调查了503名大学生的网络游戏成瘾情况。结果显示网络游戏成瘾者占10.32%。  相似文献   

中学生网络依赖程度、内容偏好及社会性发展的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用自编的上网行为调查问卷及网络成瘾筛查问卷、特质应对方式问卷、家庭亲密度和适应性量表、社交回避及苦恼量表对上海某中学154名学生进行测试。结果表明:(1)154人中有24人存在网络成瘾倾向,检出率为15.6%;(2)中学生在网络依赖程度方面存在显著的性别差异;(3)中学生在网络内容偏好方面存在显著的年级和性别差异;(4)与网络使用正常学生比较,有网络成瘾倾向的中学生表现出更多的消极应对和社交回避;(5)逐步回归分析表明,上网时间、消极应对、游戏偏好、聊天偏好、社交回避对中学生网络依赖程度有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

当前,我国青少年网络游戏成瘾呈现低龄化趋势。调查发现三至六年级小学生群体中网络游戏成瘾倾向的比例很高,占总人数的20.6%;家庭环境因素中家庭关系,尤其是家庭矛盾性与家庭亲密度对小学生网络游戏成瘾倾向有预测作用。该结果说明,小学三至六年级阶段是预防青少年网络游戏成瘾的一个关键时期,良好的家庭关系是预防小学生网络游戏成瘾倾向的积极因素。  相似文献   

网络成瘾大学生的感觉寻求人格特征研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本研究以武汉地区5所高校的733名大学生为对象,用自编的《大学生网络成瘾类型量表》对网络成瘾问题进行了调查,分析了网络成瘾大学生的感觉寻求人格特征。结果表明,大学生中存在网络游戏成瘾、网络人际关系成瘾及网络信息成瘾等3种类型的网络成瘾者,网络成瘾者与非成瘾者在感觉寻求人格特征上存在着显著差异。  相似文献   

Gamification is the use of game mechanics to drive game-like engagements and actions. It applies game mechanics, dynamics and frameworks to promote desired learning behaviours. Positive and effective gamification could enhance learning and engage learners in more social and context-rich decision-making for problem-solving in learning tasks. Effective gamification design should understand the game personalities of learners, social engagement styles, and intrinsic- and extrinsic-motivated user styles initially and evaluate and select appropriate game mechanics, game dynamics, to create ideal gamification instructions. The research question this study investigated is: How will four types of gaming personalities (i.e. Explorer, Socialiser, Killer and Achiever) predict the level of game dynamics in online discussion environments? This study concluded that examining how gaming personalities relate to game dynamics in a gamified online discussion instruction is not sufficient to design effective gamification. It suggests future studies in game instructions should focus on the relationships between game dynamics, gamification contexts, gaming personalities or preferences, dynamic gaming engagement styles, etc.  相似文献   

人格是人们在适应环境的过程中所表现出来的一种稳定的行为模式或倾向性,其形成与发展既有来自遗传的因素,也受到后天环境的影响。按照人格的特质分类研究,王登峰等人得出了中国人“大七”人格结构,并编制了中国人人格量表(QZPS)。人格研究中国化应当成为我国人格心理学研究的方向。  相似文献   

Based on a significant increase in correspondence to the author from parents, teachers and psychologists concerning “addiction” to online video games like World of Warcraft, this paper provides a brief overview of the main issues surrounding excessive video game playing among adolescents. As an aid to educational psychologists, and based on two decades of the author’s own research in this area, this paper briefly overviews: (i) online gaming addictions, (ii) the differences between online and offline video gaming, and (iii) video gaming benefits. The paper ends with some practical advice that educational psychologists can give to parents about the safe playing of video games.  相似文献   

南宋词人姜夔与元代曲家张可久,有诸多可比之处,尤其是二者的人格与文格方面,有突出的相通点,可以一“清”字概括。但二者之“清”在人生境遇、人格操守、作品风格和文化底蕴等方面又表现出不同的文化内涵。  相似文献   

采用大学生性态度问卷和中国人人格七因素量表(QZPS-SF)对455名在校大学生进行测查,了解大学生性态度的基本状况及其与大七人格因素的关系。结果显示,不同性别大学生性态度的开放倾向、情感倾向、需求倾向和回避倾向4个维度上得分差异均具有统计学意义;大一和大二年级大学生开放倾向得分差异具有统计学意义。专业、城乡类别、父亲文化程度、父亲职业和母亲职业对大学生的性态度无明显影响。大学生"大七"人格结构的人际关系、处世态度、行事风格、才干和情绪性与性态度具有相关关系;大学生"大七"人格的人际关系、处世态度和情绪性因素对性态度具有正向预测效应。  相似文献   

对“八荣八耻”与良好人格之间的关联进行分析,指出践行“八荣八耻”是完善大学生人格的途径之一。  相似文献   

采用整群随机取样的方法,抽取680名大学生完成“中文网络成瘾量表”、“青少年生活事件量表”、“艾森克个性问卷”的调查,以期探讨生活事件、人格特质与网络成瘾的关系及其预测性。结果表明:不同程度网络成瘾的大学生在生活事件的总分和各因子上存在显著差异;不同程度网络成瘾大学生在神经质、精神质人格特质上存在显著差异,内外向与网络成瘾没有显著的关系;生活事件、人格特质可以直接预测网络成瘾,人格特质可以通过生活事件间接预测网络成瘾。  相似文献   

Assessment of the personalities of medical students could enable medical educators to formulate strategies for the best development of academic and clinical competencies. In this article, we focus on the experience of students in the anatomy dissecting room. While there have been many attempts to evaluate the emotional responses of medical students to human cadaveric dissection, there has been no investigation into how different personality traits affect the responses. The main hypothesis tested was that there is a relationship between personality traits and attitudes toward the dissection room. For the present study, a group of French medical students (n = 403; mean age 21.3 ± 1.6; 65.3% female) completed a "Big Five" personality inventory and a questionnaire to assess their attitudes in regard to human dissection. The findings are consistent with our hypothesis, in that we found a relationship between reporting anxiety and four of the "Big Five" dimensions (all except openness). The rated level of anxiety was positively correlated with negative affectivity, more strongly at the beginning than at the end of the course. There were significant gender differences in attitudes toward dissection. The findings are discussed in relation to the possibility of preparing students for the dissecting room experience and also in relation to the students' understanding of mortality issues.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between game addiction and academic achievement. The secondary aim was to adapt a self-report instrument to measure game addiction. Three hundred and seventy high school students participated in this study. Data were collected via an online questionnaire that included a brief explanation of the aim of the study, demographical questions, game addiction scale (GAS) and the grade point average of the current year. The GAS had two forms: (i) 21-item and (ii) 7-item. Game addiction and academic achievement were negatively correlated but this correlation was not supported by regression and structural equation modelling analyses. The present study primarily suggests that there may be a negative correlation between game addiction and academic achievement; however, this correlation may be qualified as negligible. In addition, the two forms of the GAS were adapted for Turkish language with reliability and validity to measure computer and video game addiction in adolescents as promising instruments.  相似文献   

The growing interest in video gaming is matched by a corresponding increase in concerns about the harmful effects on children and adolescents. There are numerous studies on aggression and addiction which spark debates on the negative effects of video gaming. At the same time, there are also studies demonstrating prosocial effects. This paper focuses on how video games, particularly massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMOs and MMORPGs for short) that allow interaction with other players, can play a part in players' moral and character development. Although there are many games with moral content, the MMO game World of Warcraft (WoW for short) is used as an illustrative example because of its popularity, to demonstrate how players, through game content and game play, are confronted with moral dilemmas which demand decision-making, social obligations and responsibilities, perspective-taking and empathy, perseverance and delayed gratification.  相似文献   

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