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长期以来,师范院校培养中学英语教师的课程分为通识教育课程、学科专业课程、教育专业课程、实践技能课程四块。但教育专业课程模块所开设心理学、教育学、学科教学法、班级管理、三笔字、普通话、现代教育技术、教育见习、教育实习等课程,除了学科教学法(学科教育学)之外不分学科,严重影响英语教师培养质量。因为英语教师培养有其特殊性,而开设心理学、教育学、现代教育技术、班级管理等课程的教师往往缺乏英语学历学位背景,难以结合英语学科专业特点教学,且这些课程的教学内容又往往与英语学科相距太远。为此,需要结合执行《教师教育课程标准》,认真研究教师教育课程教师的专业化问题。最好要求学校选派英语水平比较高的教师开设这类课程,或者培养英语和教育学双重学位背景的师范院校教育专业课程教师。  相似文献   

美国教师教育中,长期以来存在着任教学科与教育学科分离与对立的现象,20世纪80年代后,二者出现明显的融合趋势,它主要是通过学科间的整合实现的。在教育学科与任教学科的关系上,出现了学科课程、学科教学法、学科教育学等课程;在教育学与  相似文献   

美国教师教育课程变迁与教师专业化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
19世纪的教师培训主要限于任教学科的内容;20世纪早期,教师教育课程结构基本形成,但强调教育学科是这一时期的特点;五六十年代,强调学术学科,削减教育学科又带来了新问题,如何保持两类课程的平衡仍然是课程改革的重点;80年代后,两类课程内容上的融合改变了过去的对立。教师教育课程结构表现出新的特征。  相似文献   

洪希 《教师》2008,(22):7-9
设置创新型、研究型、开拓型的教师教育课程,是培养和造就21世纪合格教师的重要前提,研究影响教师教育课程设置的理论因素很有必要,本文从哲学、心理学、教育学等学科的相关理论出发,对此做了探讨。  相似文献   

19世纪的教师培训主要限于任教学科的内容 ;2 0世纪早期 ,教师教育课程结构基本形成 ,但强调教育学科是这一时期的特点 ;五六十年代 ,强调学术学科 ,削减教育学科又带来了新问题 ,如何保持两类课程的平衡仍然是课程改革的重点 ;80年代后 ,两类课程内容上的融合改变了过去的对立 ,教师教育课程结构表现出新的特征。  相似文献   

一、我国本科高等师范教育课程设置存在的主要问题 第一,重学科专业课,轻教育基础课。师范院校重学科专业课、轻教育基础课的现象有其历史根源。早在20世纪60年代,就出现了“师范性”与“学术性”之争,且争论一直持续至今。总的来说,虽然目前大家都非常强调“师范性”,但从当前的课程结构来看,还是学术性课程占了上风。主要表现在教育类课程门类少、课时少,只有教育学、心理学、教学法三门课程。全部教育学科包括教育实习的课时仅占总课时的10%左右,个别学校仅占7%。当前发达国家,为了加强教师素质和能力的培养,纷纷增加教育类课程,  相似文献   

案例教学法在学科教育学课程中的运用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文对教师教育中案例教学法的含义、发展概况做了简要叙述,主要探讨了将案例教学法运用于学科教育学课程的基本实施方法、意义和需注意的问题。  相似文献   

我院“教育科学·教育经济与管理”学科创建于 2 0世纪 80年代初期 ,是我院最早建立、重点发展的学科之一。在老中青学者的努力下 ,经过 2 0多年的建设 ,为该学科跨越式发展奠定了良好的基础 ,2 0 0 3年被学院确定为首批拟建院级重点学科 ,由教育系承担建设任务。专业与课程 :开办有公共事业管理 (“教育经济与管理”、“人口管理”方向 )、教育学 (“教育管理”、“学校教育”方向 )、小学教育、心理学等专业 ;开设的课程主要有 :管理数学、管理思想史、管理原理、科研方法论 ,教育学原理、德育论、教学论、心理学、管理心理学、教育心理学…  相似文献   

一、我国本科高等师范教育课程设置存在的主要问题第一,重学科专业课,轻教育基础课。师范院校重学科专业课、轻教育基础课的现象有其历史根源。早在20世纪60年代,就出现了“师范性”与“学术性”之争,且争论一直持续至今。总的来说,虽然目前大家都非常强调“师范性”,但从当前的课程结构来看,还是学术性课程占了上风。主要表现在教育类课程门类少、课时少,只有教育学、心理学、教学法三门课程。全部教育学科包括教育实习的课时仅占总课时的10%左右,个别学校仅占7%。当前发达国家,为了加强教师素质和能力的培养,纷纷增加教育类课程,据统计,各…  相似文献   

正20世纪80年代,舍恩(SchonDA)在《反思性实践——专家是如何思考的》一书中指出":教师的专业是具有不稳定性、不确定性,同时又是充满许多潜在的价值冲突的专业。在这类专业中,执业者的知识隐藏于艺术的、直觉的过程中,是一种行动中的默会知识。"舍恩的思想引发了人们对教育理论与教学实践性的融合研究。笔者所在的四川师范大学文理学院的汉语言文学教育专业的教育类课程至今仍保留着"教育学"、"心理学"、"语文学科教学法"三门课程,开设的教育类课程理论  相似文献   

我国师范大学教育学院现有的本科专业基本上是在传统的“混合式”教师培养模式下以培养大中专院校教育学科师资为目标而设置的,主要包括教育学、公共事业(教育)管理、心理学、学前教育等专业。这种专业设置存在与基础教育阶段各级学校层次不相吻合、教学科目不相匹配的弊病,难以适应新时期基础教育发展的需要,最终会导致教育学院所培养的本科生与基础教育阶段学校所需的人才相脱节问题。在强化专业化教师的“分离式”教师培养模式下,师范大学教育学院本科专业的设置应逐步进行调整,主要转向以培养基础教育阶段各学科师资为目标,根据不同的教育层次和中小学教学科目设置学前(幼儿)教育、小学教育、中学教育、教育技术、心理学等不同专业。  相似文献   

公共教育学课程与教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范生学习过程中的研究、体验和感悟是形成自己的教育观点,建树教师人格和生成教育智慧的基础。教育学课程与教学改革必须对课程进行整合,纳入丰富的课外教育资源,转变传统的以教师传授为中心的课堂教学,鼓励学生自主地进行学习和研究。  相似文献   

依据关于教师知识基础的理论研究,结合我国基础教育阶段英语课程标准对教师提出的要求,笔者认为中小学英语师资培训课程可划分为六种基本的知识类别:语言技能、学科知识/基础理论、教学理论和教学技能与技巧、现代教育技术及应用、背景知识和科研方法知识,前三类是教师所必须掌握的知识,而后三类是教师应该掌握的辅助教学实践、完善教学过程的相关知识。  相似文献   

Strengthening links between school and community is critical for improving people’s participation in environmental issues. However, Mexican education programmes are generally unrelated to rural students’ life experience and are planned without considering either teachers’ or students’ opinions. This article describes the participatory construction of a preparatory school environmental education (EE) programme in Ixtlan de Juarez, a Mexican indigenous community internationally recognised for sustainable forest management. The qualitative research methods used are based on the action research methodology. Results from interviews conducted with the preparatory school’s headmaster, the coordinator, and nine teachers provided the needed documentation of the school site for contextualising learning activities. Feedback during focus groups with six students, three teachers, five local communal authorities, and two researchers highlighted that all participants perceived the need for creating an educational programme focused on local forest management. The contents and activities of the programme were designed by the focus group’s participants. The programme has been continuously taught by teachers and forest workers since 2005 and was officially integrated with the preparatory school science curriculum in 2006. This participative educational experience has thus transformed the mandatory school curriculum in Ixtlan.  相似文献   

我国师范大学教育学院现有的本科专业基本上是在传统的混合式教师培养模式下以培养大中专院校教育学科师资为目标而设置的,主要包括教育学、公共事业(教育)管理、心理学、学前教育等专业。这种专业设置存在与基础教育阶段各级学校层次不相吻合、教学科目不相匹配的弊病,难以适应新时期基础教育发展的需要,最终会导致教育学院所培养的本科生与基础教育阶段学校所需的人才相脱节问题。在强化专业化教师的分离式教师培养模式下,师范大学教育学院本科专业的设置应逐步进行调整,主要转向以培养基础教育阶段各学科师资为目标,根据不同的教育层次和中小学教学科目设置学前(幼儿)教育、小学教育、中学教育、教育技术、心理学等不同专业。  相似文献   

小学教师的教育评价能力,是初等教育师范生执教的基本素养之一。初等教育师范生评价能力的培养模式可以分为三个模块——知识的学习、技能的掌握、价值观的确立,并依据此模式对初等师范教育的课程设置和教学方法提出合理化建议,以有效提高初等教育师范生的评价能力。  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which teachers integrate environmental education and local environmental knowledge into the curriculum of a secondary school in the Okavango Delta of Botswana. In doing so, the study explored the potential value of place-based education in redressing concerns brought to light in postcolonial critiques of education in southern Africa. The study found that teachers sought to integrate environmental education into the curriculum through lessons that included references to local place names and local flora and fauna, lessons addressing issues related to environmental resource management in the region, and the acknowledgment and celebration of traditional lifestyle activities in the schools. The study also found that efforts to integrate environmental education into the curriculum were limited by a lack of educational resources needed to support these endeavors as well as a lack of adequate teacher training promoting this educational goal. The results also illustrate the potential value of place-based education in redressing the legacy of southern Africa’s colonial past in schools in Botswana and southern Africa.  相似文献   

论学科教学论的范式转换   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着教师教育形势的发展和基础教育课程改革的推进,学科教学论必须实现范式转换。从教师专业发展的全程审视,学科教学论具有与以往不同的地位、作用及构成:它为教师职业之旅奠基;培养目标应由教学技能型教师向反思型教育实践专家转换;在课程体系内应强化课程知识、学习知识和实践性知识;在研究方法上应倡导案例分析法、叙事法等;在话语选择上应从课程论、专业学科及教育实践中吸收新鲜的话语,改变陈旧过时的言说方式。  相似文献   


As was true for many school districts across the United States during the early decades of the twentieth century, Houston Independent School District sought modernization through a multimillion dollar building program and curricular reform. Houston's new course of study, heavily influenced by the theories of child-centered pedagogy, received widespread praise from curricular experts at the nation's top schools of education. In the 1920s, Houston was a segregated, southern city that, in many ways, shared the conservatism of the region. Nevertheless, Houston's superintendent, E.E. Oberholtzer, was able to overcome resistance from taxpayers and teachers to successfully implement his program. Corporate élites from the petroleum industry, among the biggest boosters of progressive educational reform in Houston, believed that a child-centered curriculum would develop the leadership skills and creative ability needed to train white-collar workers for the expanding economy. Those left behind, primarily students of color, were further disadvantaged in the changing job market. Jim Crow was an essential component to the success of the reform policies in Houston. As twenty-five per cent of the population, African-American students deserved twenty-five per cent of the district's revenues. Segregation allowed the district to use almost one hundred per cent of the money for curriculum reform on only seventy-five per cent of the population. Nevertheless, Houston manufacturers were dependent on unskilled black labor and were hit hard by the exodus of the Great Migration. Thus, corporate élites could not be too blatant in their discrimination against African-Americans. The pro-industry school board responded to the threats of migration and the demands of Houston's vociferous black press by building two new modern African-American high schools, refurbishing "Old Colored High School," and vastly improving the number and condition of elementary schools for black children. Yet, although these new schools did represent a vast improvement over black education before Oberholtzer's arrival in Houston, in the face of massive expenditures and dramatic improvements in white education, the material gains of black students lagged far behind the educational opportunities for white students. While the new, child-centered curriculum excluded black students (except for the heroic efforts of individual black educators), curriculum development excluded the vast majority of teachers. White teachers lost considerable power over pedagogical decisions in their own classrooms as they faced onerous, top-down directives. The district maintained control over teacher education by opening a junior college in 1927 to train white teachers according to the new pedagogy. Many white teachers resented the district's efforts to tie salary raises to increased educational qualifications, even for experienced teachers. In 1928 conflicts with the superintendent contributed to the growth of new memberships in the all-white Houston Teachers Association. In response, the school district passed a significant salary increase for white teachers that was funded partially by reducing the automatic annual increases in black teacher salaries. Intense job competition within African-American schools kept black teachers from protesting their discriminatory salaries and treatment. Ironically, many black teachers, excluded from training in child-centered pedagogy, welcomed additional educational opportunities. Black teachers themselves fought for the creation of Houston Junior College for Negroes, although the new college failed to receive adequate funding. Thus, the school administration modernized white schools by denying new educational opportunities to black students and teachers. While many scholars have criticized the supposed "advantages" of progressive education, in Houston, at least, progressivism operated as another form of unearned white privilege.  相似文献   

创新教育是培养人的创新精神和创新能力的教育实践 ,搞好创新教育的关键是教师。为培养讲创新、重实践、能不断用新的理论、新的知识、新的技术武装自己的高素质新型教师 ,教育学院教育改革必须以创新教育为核心 ,以教育思想观念的改革为先导 ,不断深化课程设置、教学内容、教学管理、教学方法、教学手段上的改革  相似文献   

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