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人文素养包括人文知识和人文精神,对理工科大学生的专业能力有很重要的影响。人文素养影响理工科大学生的学习态度和学习动力,进而影响专业能力的获取;人丈素养影响理工科大学生未来工作中的协作能力,进而影响他们专业能力的发挥;另外,人丈素养还影响理工科大学生的思维能力,进而影响他们在专业上的创新能力和长远发展。  相似文献   

班主任作为班级的组织者、管理者和领导者,必然会通过各种方式影响学生。班主任对学生的影响,主要体现在权力性影响和自然性影响两个方面。传统的教育观念比较重视班主任的权力性影响,对班主任的自然性影响则关注不足。  相似文献   

李娥 《考试周刊》2010,(52):177-178
在学校教学和体育活动中,特别是学校体育活动,经常受到天气等环境的影响和限制,给学校教学秩序、学生身体健康和人身安全带来严重的影响和安全隐患。本文从天气对体育场地的影响、对学生人身安全危害的影响、对学生身体健康的影响、对学生情绪的影响四个方面进行了探讨,有针对性地提出了应对不利天气对学校体育活动影响的措施。  相似文献   

影响一个人成长发展的凶素是多方面的,有遗传和环境的影响,有家庭教育和社会教育的影响。教师在这些影响中起着主导作用。教师按照预定的教育目的和严密的计划,遵循教育的规律,通过一定的组织,对学生进行系统的影响和引导,促进学生的全面发展。因此,进一步加强教师师德师风建设,努力提高教师队伍职业道德水平,促进教师专业化发展十分必要和紧迫。  相似文献   

危机状态下的角色划分及影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危机状态下危机的影响,根据不同的组织及个人在危机状态下受到的影响和做出反应的不同可划分为9种角色,各个角色之间主要涉及到16种危机影响流。不同影响流的表现形式差异较大。这种基于危机角色和影响流来解释危机影响的方法,考虑了不同角色在危机事件中的付出与接受,易于解释危机影响的作用机制和计算危机所带来的各种影响。  相似文献   

WTO对技工教育的影响与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、加入WTO对我国技工教育的影响我国加入WTO后 ,教育发展的经济基础会得到明显改善 ,有利于教育服务体制的改革 ,有利于加快科教兴国战略的实施 ,教育和人才的重要性将被提到有史以来的最高地位。对我国技工教育的影响 ,具体可分为直接影响和间接影响 ;近期影响和长远影响 ;有利影响和不利影响等等。1 直接影响和间接影响。我国加入WTO后 ,按照《服务贸易总协定》中最惠国待遇原则、市场准入原则和国民待遇原则等 ,将逐步对国外开放我国的教育服务市场。因此 ,技工教育的国际化将是大势所趋 ,而且国际化趋势将随着时间的推移日…  相似文献   

通过问卷考察了留守状态和体育活动对品行的影响,性别和体育活动对品行的影响,年龄和体育活动对品行的影响,结果表明年龄、参加体育活动的程度均对留守儿童品行有着较为明显的影响。性别及留守状态则对留守儿童品行影响不显著。经常参加体育活动对留守儿童的品行有着积极的影响,同时儿童越早进行体育锻炼,积极影响越深刻。  相似文献   

对中国当代作家产生过影响的20世纪西方作家可以排列出一个很长的名单,但卡夫卡的影响无疑是十分突出和深刻的,并且这种影响还有进一步扩展和深入的趋势。马尔克斯影响了莫言,而卡夫卡又影响了马尔克斯。卡夫卡不仅间接地影响了莫言,而且还直接地影响了莫言的创作观念和方法。卡夫卡影响了中国当代很多作家,其影响主要体现在四个方面:荒诞而真实的艺术世界;新颖而独特的创作观念;独立特行的业余作家;陌生而熟悉的文化传统。  相似文献   

郝秀花 《成才之路》2013,(17):94-95
学习动机是影响学生活动的重要因素,它不仅影响学习的发生,而且影响学习的进程和学习的结果,更影响教师的教学工作。激发和培养小学生的学习动机,将是一项重要的教学研究工作。  相似文献   

歌唱是表达思想感情,反映社会现实的一种表演艺术,因此,它是音乐教学中的重要组成部分,尤其歌唱心理学的研究更是音乐教学中不可缺少的课程。歌唱心理在音乐教学中主要有如下五种影响:一是感觉和知觉的影响;二是意识和意志的影响;三是记忆、思维和想象的影响;四是情绪和情感的影响;五是个性与气质的影响。  相似文献   

文革期间的版权现象主要是废止与剥夺,它体现在有的作者的生存权利被剥夺;许多作者的作品所有权被剥夺;有些作者的创作权被剥夺;一些作家作品的发表权被剥夺;大多数作者的署名权被剥夺;大多数作者的报酬权被剥夺;一些作者对作品的改编权和修改权被侵害;一些作品的转载权被剥夺等方面。  相似文献   

明末清初的“宁都三魏”是以魏禧为首的宁都魏氏三兄弟。游历是他们的重要活动之一。他们在外游历时间长达几十年,游历范围遍及大半个中国。在游历过程中,他们目睹了战争和自然灾害带给人民的苦难,听到了许多可歌可泣的事迹,交结了许多文人豪士。他们的游历活动丰富了他们的创作源泉,提高了他们的创作水平和声誉。  相似文献   

Mothers' and fathers' sex role orientations and employment situations were examined in connection with their involvement in child-oriented activities using a longitudinal research design. During interviews that took place within 3 months of their wedding dates, 34 couples completed questionnaires that measured their sex role attitudes, masculinity-femininity, and their skills and role preferences for performing a number of child-oriented activities. Approximately 1 year later, after the couples had become parents, they were interviewed about their employment situations and again about their child-care skills and role preferences for performing certain child-care tasks. During the 2- to 3-week period following the second interview, the couples were telephoned on 9 occasions and asked to report on the household tasks, leisure activities, and child-oriented activities they had performed during the 24-hour period that preceded each call. The findings showed that mothers' sex role attitudes before their infants' births predicted their role preferences after their babies were born, and these two factors, as well as mothers' involvement in the paid labor force, were related to the extent of their involvement in child-oriented activities. Mothers' masculinity and femininity, however, were unrelated to their parenting behavior. In contrast, fathers' work involvement was related only to the extent of their leisure activities with children. In addition, fathers' role preferences for performing child-care tasks and their perceived skill at such tasks (as measured both before and after their children's births) were related to the overall extent and the nature of their involvement in child-oriented activities. Fathers' role preferences were somewhat stable from before to after children's births, and fathers' preferences before their children were born predicted the mothers' preferences afterward. Neither fathers' sex-role attitudes nor their masculinity or femininity, however, predicted their activities with infants.  相似文献   

In this case study, the professional mathematics teacher identity (PMTI) of final year mathematics education students is investigated in terms of their self-perceived and actualised identity. These prospective teachers were required to discuss and describe their own PMTI in terms of three aspects: mathematics specialisation, teaching-and-learning specialisation, and caring. Subsequently, they were observed in the classroom, where the actualisation of their PMTI was considered in terms of the same three. The participants’ perceptions of their own PMTI and the actualisation of that PMTI in the classroom were found not to be congruent. While their self-perceptions regarding their prowess as Mathematics Specialists were accurate, since this is concretely tested as part of their studies, their self-perceptions as teaching-and-learning specialists and particularly as Carers, were not verifiable in their classroom practice. Espoused theory, theory that the individual perceives as true and valid, and which may thus be seen as intrinsic to their PMTI’s, is not necessarily enacted.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study draws on data from a larger project and examines how students’ perceptions of their opportunities to influence their study environment may be enacted in approaches aimed at influencing their studies, and whether this changes during the course of their studies. Ten students from a 4.5‐year Master’s programme in Engineering were studied throughout their education by means of semi‐structured in‐depth interviews, which were analysed thematically. The results indicate that students’ perceptions of their study environment were enacted in three approaches aimed at influencing their study environment: (i) to adapt to the environment and to study alone; (ii) to try to change the programme, to create an individual curriculum and to interact with teachers; and (iii) to cooperate with their peers. The thematic analysis suggests that students’ perceptions of their study environment were enacted in the different approaches and that these changed along with external demands in the programme.  相似文献   

柳宗元与马致远虽处不同时代,但却有着相似点。二人都曾热切期望建功立业,却都由于种种原因在现实中碰壁,内心当然都会有理想难以实现之悲。怀才不遇都曾渴望在出世中寻求解脱,但二人的解脱结局却大不相同。文章主要从他们对愤懑的书写,对解脱的寻求及最终的不平与放旷三方面去解读。  相似文献   

The Teachers of Promise study has followed the work histories of 57 primary and secondary teachers who had been identified at the beginning of their third year of teaching as having the potential to make a significant contribution to the profession. Using data from surveys and interviews, this paper reports on what sustained or inhibited their initial commitment to and enthusiasm for ‘making a difference’, six years later, both in the classroom and in broader school leadership roles. Satisfaction with their day-to-day experiences in their schools was a particularly strong driver of teachers’ career decisions over time. Thirty-four teachers responded to survey items that were used to identify three different groups of teachers: a group of 10 primary school teachers with the highest levels of job satisfaction who were ‘fulfilling their promise’; a group of 21 primary and secondary teachers who were ‘persevering and coping’; and three teachers who were ‘detached and disengaged’. The group with the highest levels of job satisfaction taught in primary schools where they felt respected and valued, and supported to develop their teaching and leadership expertise. School leadership practices and school cultures in the other two groups diminished teachers’ overall job satisfaction and contribution to collective knowledge building in their schools. Almost all of the teachers had retained their commitment to students, to their current schools and to teaching as a career, including those with lower levels of satisfaction. Although these teachers reported ‘collegial’ relationships with their peers, individualistic school cultures, most often in secondary schools, impacted on their opportunities to learn with and from their colleagues. Few secondary school teachers felt appreciated, and included in school decision-making or had found it possible to combine high standards of classroom teaching with management responsibilities. The study indicates that while most promising teachers were still satisfied with teaching after nine years, relatively few were in schools where they were able to make the impact that had been predicted for them early in their careers.  相似文献   

Study abroad programmes for teacher education students are increasingly being evaluated to determine their effectiveness in achieving intended outcomes. There is a danger, however, that such evaluations will ignore valuable but unintended and serendipitous outcomes of such programmes. This paper investigates an example of such an outcome, the development of a critical perspective towards media constructions of ‘otherness’. In 2002 a group of Australian teacher education students undertook an intensive in‐country Indonesian language programme. The course included mornings of formal immersion language classes and afternoons of cultural experiences with local students. Throughout and following the programme the students were interviewed and wrote about their changing perceptions of Indonesia and the implications of the experience for their professional development. Soon after their return Indonesian–Australian relations were challenged by the terrorist attack in the tourist heart of Bali. Two hundred and two people, including many Australian tourists, were killed in the bomb blast. In some cases the students were personally acquainted with Australian victims. As part of their reflection upon their in‐country experience the students were asked to comment upon whether, and in what ways, the Bali bombings might have affected their perceptions of Indonesia. The students were highly critical of the ethnocentric and stereotyped way in which the Australian media depicted Indonesians in their reporting of the bombing. These students were concerned with the effect that such media constructions might have upon Australian attitudes towards Indonesia and were prepared to challenge such media constructions in the classroom.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The present study explored the relationships of preservice teachers’ levels of commitment to teaching and their beliefs and perceptions of teaching as a career. Participants were undergraduate students enrolled in a teacher education program at a major university in the southeast. Sixty‐seven preservice teachers completed a survey in which they rated the importance of 20 factors for influencing their choice of career. Additionally, among the survey respondents, nine students were selected from three groups of preservice teachers for in‐depth interviews: (1) students who were currently considering teaching as a career choice, (2) students who were undecided about their future teaching career, and (3) students who were no longer considering teaching as a career. Overall, findings from this study revealed that preservice teachers’ understanding of their goal of becoming teachers and interpretations of their motivation for teaching were unique, yet the types of influences on their career choices were similar across participants’ stories.  相似文献   

福建是西方基督教在中国传教的重点省份之一.作为五四新文学运动中三名家的冰心、林语堂、许地山,都是与基督教有着种种联系的有特色有影响的闽籍作家.他们接受基督教的方式、角度和程度各有不同,对基督文化的体验与思考也有区别,这种不同的影响必然在他们的文学创作中鲜明地表露出来.本文将他们的思想、作品尤其是审美价值取向进行比较分析,试图去发掘那些蕴涵着基督教文化精神的艺术思考与某种新的文化特质,以期更深层次地去理解闽籍作家对于中国现代文学的贡献.  相似文献   

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