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教育政策议程是不同政治立场、不同价值观和不同利益取向的主体之间博弈的过程及结果,动态上表现为将教育政策问题提上政府及教育行政部门议事日程,政府及教育行政部门对问题进行商讨、研究和规划,并准备制定相应教育政策的步骤、程序等过程;静态上则表现为教育政策问题的集合及一些计划和安排。教育政策议程可以分为综合性政策议程和政府政策议程两种类型。教育政策问题进入教育政策议程主要受三种因素的影响,即:教育问题或价值诉求的性质、主体因素、大众传媒和突发(偶发)事件等中介因素。  相似文献   

在新时代我国校园欺凌治理政策议程中,指标警示、焦点事件以及实践反馈等构成问题源流,执政党的执政理念、国民情绪以及公众舆情等构成政治源流,国家层面的政策共同体对于治理政策的自觉建构与第三部门、企业、学术界的广泛关注和积极行动以及国际校园欺凌治理行动等构成了政策源流。我国校园欺凌治理议程政策之窗开启的耦合机制以政治源流为主导,以问题源流为推动,以政策源流为支持,其中政策企业家发挥了重要作用。未来需要进一步协调并发挥多元社会主体力量,加强政策顶层设计,加快校园欺凌防治专门立法。  相似文献   

随着社会主义民主政治的发展,外在创始型政策议程成为决策民主化发展的必然趋势,公众议程与政府议程良性互动是实现这一模式的内在要求.从这一背景出发,分析了我国公众议程与政府议程良性互动的意义,指出了我国公众议程与政府议程互动机制存在的问题,并基于湖南省“三问”活动的启示,对其良性互动的机制的构建途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   

教育政策议程是由教育问题上升到教育政策议题的过程。这一过程既体现着延续发展的简单性,又体现着各种要素相互作用的复杂性。教育政策议程集中体现在时间向度和空间向度两个层面,教育政策议程是一个按照不同层面排列的多维结构。因此,教育政策制定者应综合考虑各个维度的因素,以让教育政策效果最优化。  相似文献   

公共议程包括"实质性议程"和"象征性议程"两方面。前者涉及利益格局的调整和大批量财政资源的拨付,后者关注价值甚于资源,在形式上带有隐喻性、仪式性。二者的适用应依据决策情景的不同而权变。象征性议程多适用于危机决策情境,譬如国际政治层面的贸易摩擦、地缘冲突等,国内治理层面的群体事件、自然与社会灾害等的处理,因为在对这些事件的处理中,"价值"问题来得更为紧迫。因此,象征性议程主要针对象征性政策问题,在实质性、混合性政策问题的处理上其用武之地是有限度的,超出这些限度就会导致政策议程的功能失效。  相似文献   

由于体制封闭等因素的影响,我国教育政策议程的设置往往与其公共利益价值取向相背离,社会排斥问题显著。我国教育政策议程中的社会排斥主要表现为媒介排斥、制度排斥和自我排斥,这是由媒体自身话语系统的局限性、制度的封闭性以及公众自身等因素造成的。鉴于此,就需要强化媒体在教育政策议程设置中的公众性导向,逐步加大政府决策体制的开放性,不断提高社会公众参与的积极性,以消解或弱化政策议程设置中的社会排斥。  相似文献   

以1982—2022年我国颁布的52份老年教育政策文本为研究对象,采用多源流模型分析框架,结合NVivo11 plus等软件分析了政策文本属性和影响政策议程设置的动因因素,分别从问题源流、政治源流和政策源流及政策之窗开启,考察了中国老年教育政策的议程设置,发现政策法规体系不完善、多元政策主体权责边界不清晰、政策制定机制权力配置不明等问题极大影响老年教育政策议程设置。建议加快国家终身教育立法,构建三位一体政策制定机制,确保畅通的利益表达渠道,并通过政治社会化培育体制外政策主体的民主参与意识。  相似文献   

“两会”报道是一个“议程设置”的过程,也是公众议程(舆论)、媒介议程和政策议程相互作用的过程。“议程设置”研究与我国的舆论导向研究之间有一定的理论连接点。大众传播媒体的“议程设置”作用会受到各种因素的影响;“两会”报道中的“议程设置”研究对详细考察传媒的舆论导向过程具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

"高校去行政化"已成为公众的教育舆论热点。以议程设置过程为视角,可以分析"高校去行政化"议题的提出过程及其成为公众舆论焦点的原因。在"高校去行政化"议题形成中,政策议程和政府官员起着决定性作用;媒介议程主要起着上情下达的宣传作用并且引导公众议程;公众议程在此过程中影响力相对较弱,更多受到政策议程和媒介议程的影响。  相似文献   

蒋建华  崔彦琨  王鐘 《教育研究》2021,42(11):132-137
教育政策环境在政治、经济、文化及媒介等方面的新变化对进一步推进教育治理现代化提出了新课题.教育政策是实现教育治理现代化的基本工具,通过跨越舆论学、教育学和政策学的学科界限,研究舆论与教育政策的关系,构建新的教育政策议程,有助于推进教育治理现代化进程.为此,教育政策需要开辟新的视域,以应对教育政策议程中单向控制面临的新挑战.以新的教育政策要素为基础重构教育政策议程,建立舆论与教育政策之间"二维双向互动"的良性关系,即建立政府议程、传媒议程以及公众议程在专业议程帮助下的良性互动,有助于进一步推进教育治理现代化."二维双向互动"有利于让科学引导教育,让教育引导社会,让社会舆论成为教育健康发展的精神动力.  相似文献   

A number of papers have focused on UN policy formulation processes, but little is known about how particular issues come to policy-makers’ attention in the first place. This very early stage of policy formulation, called agenda setting, remains under-researched and more so in multilateral contexts. Applying Kingdon’s multiple streams model to the example of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), this study analyses the trajectory of the policy from being just an idea to the point of being placed on the UN agenda. This paper goes on to argue that there are three conditions that supported the successful trajectory of DESD: a funding-backed policy entrepreneur, policy oligopoly, and a highly predictable policy window. Its theoretical contribution is to fill the gap between current studies and theories by presenting an analysis of one policy in a multilateral context.  相似文献   

已有研究围绕思想政治教育政策的内涵、变迁、内容、制定和执行等方面初步展开,取得了一些成就。但已有的成果政策研究意识不强,研究内容缺乏体系,研究方法缺乏专业的政策分析。实现思想政治教育政策创新,提高政策有效性和针对性,发挥政策解释力和约束力,需要增强政策研究动力,明确研究目标和对象,构建系统的研究体系,形成具有思想政治教育政策特点的研究方法,并从理论层面解决好思想政治教育政策科学发展问题。  相似文献   

网络媒体议程设置功能的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定量的研究方法。选择最具代表性的媒体网站人民网作为分析对象,从经济发展、社会主义民主建设、社会保障、教育、科技等11个方面研究网络受众议程与网络媒介议程之间的关系.从而考察网络媒体是否具有议程设置功能?其作用有多大?提出利用网络媒体的议程设置功能,充分发挥网络媒体的舆论导向作用。  相似文献   

The Science Summit reinforced a question upon which many of us in science education are focused: How can we, the science education community of researchers, practitioners, and consumers, lead policy? We include a brief review of the No Child Left Behind Act and its implications for teachers, and elaborate about one ongoing and growing effort to answer the concerns about the paucity of research expressed at the Summit. We describe a unique and growing collaboration across professional science education and science organizations and societies that focuses on the development of a research agenda. The term ‘consilience’ refers to the “jumping together of knowledge” that leads to scientific advancements, progressive, creative, fluid scientific research and intellectual capacity to move a research community toward an enlightened research agenda. A coherent research agenda enables us to specify what we know, what we need to know, and how research can be employed for creating and implementing policy. The use of a dynamic organizer (such as Pasteur’s Quadrant) for a research matrix of topics provides a possible structure for organizing and cataloging research questions, designs, findings from past studies, needed areas for research, and policy implications. Through this unique collaboration, the science education community can better focus on needs and priorities and ensure that teachers, policy makers, scientists, and researchers in education at local through national levels have an important stake in research priorities and actions.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with exploring some of the changes in governance which are taking place at global, national and local levels and which directly affect the work of professionals located in both policy and research communities. These changes are explored at the level of institutional relationships and premised on the view that groups and individuals are positioned differently in relation to policy and research. Professionals bring with them their own personal values and world views of education which exist alongside those of the institution in which they carry out their professional activities, and both individual and institution are located within wider political frameworks and structures. The article focuses on one agenda which is operating within the modernising government, that of 'joined-up policy'. Drawing on my experiences as a researcher working within the policy community, I examine the ways in which this particular agenda is working and what it means in practice for those working in policy and research communities.  相似文献   

青年教师是高职院校发展的主力军,为提高学校的可持续发展能力,必须培养青年教师的科研能力,根据目前青年教师科研工作中存在的问题,分析出影响青年教师科研能力的因素有:缺乏政策支持和激励机制;教学任务重,开展科研的精力和时间不足;缺乏合作意识,组织实施能力差;总结并提出了培养青年教师科研能力的措施和方法。  相似文献   

A future-perfect global education agenda is currently being designed. Much extant research investigates the past-imperfect implementation of successive waves of global education goals. This article is based on a study that investigated the ways in which formal policy commitments in a post-MDGs agenda may be constrained by contemporary global policy practices. Using narrative analysis of interview data from key global policy actors, I argue that future policy will be constrained by: first, the assumptions that currently underlie global policy actors’ narratives of quality and equity; and second, new consensual aid implementation mechanisms that monitor narrow definitions of quality.  相似文献   

通过对商丘市社区体育现状调查分析发现:商丘市社区居民参加健身活动的意识增强;散步、慢跑、有氧健身操等体育项目深受老年人青睐;体育人口老年人居多,中年、青少年所占比例偏小;公共体育设施匮乏,体育场所单一;社会体育活动指导力量发展不均衡等.为此,主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等多种研究方法,对河南省商丘市社区健身活动现状进行了调查与分析,并提出合理的对策和建议.  相似文献   

A narrative review was developed to add to the discussion and dissemination of research on community colleges. The review adds to existing work by synthesizing and critiquing the empirical research to date specific to three of the most prevalent programmatic efforts presently seen on community college campuses: (a) learning communities, (b) student success courses, and (c) supplemental instruction. Empirical investigations or evaluations of student success programs from academic journals, conference presentations, dissertations, unpublished policy reports, and book chapters were identified, summarized, and critiqued. The review concludes with a proposed research agenda to advance research on program effectiveness at community colleges and implications for practice.  相似文献   

This short article broadly characterizes the complex forces that shape the special education research agenda in the United States. Special education research is described as a national project involving a loosely linked community of researchers working under the umbrella of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, the national special education mandate. The momentum of normal science, changes in social values, public policy, imports from other disciplines, the power of advocacy groups, and changing methodologies all contribute to the creation of what appears roughly as a research agenda. Special education research, as a mission-directed endeavor, has been effective in generating a new knowledge base but has been less successful in influencing public school personnel to use validated methods. The need to move from instructional research to more systemic analyses also is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

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