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一个(图灵)理想I是满足两个封闭条件的图灵度集合:向下封闭;任意I中一对图灵度的上确界也在I中.可数理想不仅在图灵度整体性质的研究中有着重要意义,而且在对哥德尔可构成集合L精细结构的早期研究中也发挥过重要作用.研究可数理想的两个重要概念是:恰对和一致上界.借助这两个概念,我们可以将可数理想简化为一个(一致上界)或者一对(恰对)图灵度.通过前人的研究,我们可以发现这两个概念是紧密相连的,同时我们也可以对它们的关系提出进一步的问题. 在本文中,我们证明以下定理:任给一个可数理想I,都存在两个I的一致上界a0和a1,同时a0和a1构成I的一个恰对.此定理从正面回答了Lerman提出的关于算术图灵度构成的理想的一个问题.此定理的证明实际上是经过小心修改的、典型的恰对构造.我们在典型恰对构造的过程中,加入一些微妙的限制,使得形成恰对的两个图灵度a0和a1可以各自独立地在一定程度上用逼近的办法还原整个构造,从而分别给出可数理想I的一致枚举.在a0和a1分别的逼近中,我们引入了有穷损坏方法.本文的最后指出a0和a1的图灵跃迁的一些性质.  相似文献   

本文简单讨论了图灵模型机、冯·诺依曼机和计算机语言之间的关系。他们之间有逻辑联系,冯·诺依曼机是图灵模型机的物理化,计算机语言的元计算模型是图灵模型机,计算机语言可视为冯·诺依曼机的符号化表示。  相似文献   

Results of the Boston University Mellon Sawyer seminar 2016–2019 ( www.mellophilemerge.com ) reveal that social and philosophical drives are increasingly central to our uses of technology, including AI. This raises critical challenges for democracy, especially in a hyper‐connected world where social media shapes human conduct in ways we are only beginning to appreciate. A history of the mutual impact of Turing and Wittgenstein on one another points to the contemporary foundational significance of our artful capacity to embed everyday words in forms of life. Wittgenstein's mature focus on forms of life, interlocutory drift, and rule‐following, with its play between the ‘I’ and the ‘we’, was an informed critical response to Turing's idea of a ‘Turing machine’, his analysis of the very idea of taking a ‘step’ in a formal system. Wittgenstein's characterisations of our drive to evade a responsibility in speech, especially by appealing to ‘machines’ or ‘algorithms’ as pure mathematical objects, are invaluable warnings for us. The enduring importance of mutually‐attuned ‘phraseology’ to education may be formulated as a humanistic challenge to the very ideas of ‘computational foundations’ and ‘Big Data’ in our hyper‐connected world.  相似文献   

随着人工智能技术的发展,(技术)人工物道德行为体(AMAs)日益呈现出高度的"自主权"和"感受性",使得机器(人)走出科幻小说的窠臼。由于世界需要善建AMAs、必要的道德"图灵测试"、强人工智能成为必然趋势,这些成为善建AMAs的时代性要求。瓦拉赫与艾伦提出了"三重区分"理论对AMAs进行了伦理定位,并提出了"自上而下式(TD)"和"自下而上式(BU)"两条伦理设计方法。瓦拉赫与艾伦立足于"未来场景"所进行的AMAs伦理设计思想为未来机器(人)的发展奠定了道德性根基。  相似文献   

Parallel machine scheduling problems, which are important discrete optimization problems, may occur in many applications. For example, load balancing in network communication channel assignment, parallel processing in large-size computing, task arrangement in flexible manufacturing systems, etc., are multiprocessor scheduling problem. In the traditional parallel machine scheduling problems, it is assumed that the problems are considered in offline or online environment. But in practice, problems are often not really offline or online but somehow in-between. This means that, with respect to the online problem, some further information about the tasks is available, which allows the improvement of the performance of the best possible algorithms. Problems of this class are called semi-online ones. In this paper, the semi-online problem P2|decr|lp (p>1) is considered where jobs come in non-increasing order of their processing times and the objective is to minimize the sum of the lp norm of every machine's load. It is shown that LS algorithm is optimal for any lp norm, which extends the results known in the literature. Furthermore, randomized lower bounds for the problems P2|online|lp and P2|decr|lp are presented.  相似文献   

There are two main claims in this article. First, that the classic pillars of engineering education, namely, traditional mathematics and differential equations, are merely a particular, if not old-fashioned, representation of a broader mathematical vision, which spans from Turing machine programming and symbolic productions sets to sub-symbolic orderings such as artificial neural nets. Second, that the paradigm of equivalence ought to be extended to those non-traditional engineering disciplines that require at least the same dedication, such as music and its science, musicology, because they broaden the search and identification of structures, one of the most important tasks of creative engineering. Furthermore, an example of contemporary advanced technology will be given that favours these very claims.  相似文献   

In a test of safety signal and preparatory response explanations of the preference for signaled vs. unsignaled shock, three groups of rats were exposed to a different light-tone-shock contingency on each of the two sides of a shuttlebox. One contingency (S/P) provided both a safety signal and a warning stimulus, another (NS/NP) provided neither, and a third (S/NP) provided a safety period but no warning stimulus. Rats preferred either the S/P or the S/NP side of the shuttlebox when the alternate side provided neither safety signal nor warning stimulus. When the safety signal was available on both sides, the side without the warning stimulus was preferred. Results are interpreted as supporting the safety signal hypothesis.  相似文献   

通过小组访谈和问卷的方式对江苏电大参加新教学模式改革试点的学生进行调查,从教学环境和教学资源、教学方式、教学理念及教学效率四方面对新旧教学模式进行比较,研究表明新教学模式在教学环境和教学资源、教学方式和教学效率三方面获得成功,但在教学理念的方面,特别是师生角色的转换存在一些问题,影响了学生个性化学习方式和自主学习能力的培养,有待改善。  相似文献   

讨论了NP法静电复印原理,介绍了佳能NP型模拟静电复印机的工作过程及相关的维护技术,并提出了静电复印技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

0/1背包问题是一个典型的NP难题,具有重要的理论研究价值,也具有广泛的应用基础。借鉴北京大学关于烟花算法的新近成果,尝试考虑二者的结合,初步设计并实现了求解0/1背包问题的烟花算法,开展了较为充分的实验,并作了相关分析与探讨。  相似文献   

After escape training in an alley, rats received either nonpunished (NP) or punished (P) extinction, During extinction, NP and P groups received (a) a novel tone in the startbox, (b) a tone in the start- and goalboxes (the tone had been presented in the goalbox to these subgroups during acquisition—safety signal condition), or (c) no tone. Punishment produced greater resistance to extinction than nonpunishment (self-punitive effect) only under no-tone conditions. The elimination of self-punitive behavior with novel tone and safety signal treatment is consistent with the hypothesis that self-punitive running is motivated by excessive fear.  相似文献   

为了讨论数字地面模型的应用,利用理论研究方法结合工程案例研究了插值理论在DTM高程计算中的应用;研究表明:采用高次多项式插值、线性插值、曲面重叠插值和最小二乘法插值等差值算法均可完成DTM模型的插值计算.把该算法应用于工程领域可以完成规划设计和工程施工中的面积计算、体积计算、路线对比和方案优化等,作用巨大.  相似文献   

对NP难问题建立按需最优计算方法,提出了按需最优计算方法的理论框架,搭建了基于该方法的算法设计策略,主要分析了问题的复杂性与算法的有效性之间的匹配关系。基于该框架的研究对重要的NP难问题的结构研究以及处理方法提供了新的方向。  相似文献   

具有长度约束的简单路径问题具有较高的应用价值。在一般图中,它是一个NP完全问题,除非NP=P,否则没有多项式时间算法。而对于一些特殊的图,如有向无环图,可以找到多项式时间算法。因此对有向无环图中具有长度约束的简单路径问题进行研究。首先根据有向无环图的特点,建立递归方程,然后根据递归方程给出一个在有向无环图中求解具有长度约束的简单路径问题算法,同时给出一个有向无环图中具有长度约束的简单路径构造算法。为证明算法正确性,进行相应实例验证,把求解该问题的时间复杂度由O(N×T×L)改进为O((N+|E|)L),空间复杂度改进为O(|E|+N)。  相似文献   

旅行售货员问题是一个著名的组合优化问题,已经被证明是NP-完备问题。提出一个新问题:瓶颈旅行售货员问题,并给出两个多项式时间算法。  相似文献   

随着信息化的普及和数据库的大量建立,如何从数据中提炼出有用的信息已成为亟待解决的问题。机器学习是人工智能研究的核心问题,文章阐述了机器学习的概念、发展和分类及其应用,提出了机器学习的研究目标,指出了机器学习的发展趋势。  相似文献   

双数量词包括"双、对、副"三个.这三个双数量词在对表人NP、表动物NP、表肢体器官NP、表抽象事物NP以及表具体事物NP的语义选择上都存在着一些规则性或倾向性的差异.这些差异与"双、对、副"的基本语义有关,也与一些认知因素有关,如主观和客观、常态和异态、同质和异质等.  相似文献   

文[6]中,我们对非线性混合整数规划的解法进行了探讨,利用罚函数把有约束非线性混合整数规划问题化为等价的无约束非线性混合整数规划问题,然后把离散整变量连续化,从而非线性混合整数规划化为与之等价的无约束非线性规划。本文弱化了文[6]中定理1的条件,并得到了相应的结论。  相似文献   

"一斤+NP"是现代汉语中的常用结构,它在句子中可以作主语、谓语、宾语、定语、中心语。正是在句子中有着不同的作用,才构成了它的灵活运用,同时在不同的位置中"一斤+NP"对"的"的接纳度也不同,"NP"的隐现频率也不同。  相似文献   

以优化形式描述的集合覆盖问题是一个NP难问题,设计快速有效的近似算法,具有重要的理论与现实意义.基于贪心算法思想,提出了一种求解带权集合覆盖问题的近似算法,并讨论了该算法的相对近似比.  相似文献   

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