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屠格涅夫以哲人的智慧透彻理解大自然,感悟人生,把自然和人生联系起来加以思考。但由于泛神论思想的作用,他始终没能摆正自然与人生的关系,因此,他膜拜大自然,同时又悲怨大自然。  相似文献   

人生美学一直是中国现代美学所关注的话题。当代人生美学的研究已经从人生美学的基本理论、审美形态向学科层面推进。在已有的研究中,似乎较少关注自然与人生美学的关系。本文提出人生美学的自然之思,其基本观点是,人生即是"向死之生"的自然过程,人生美学的研究似乎应该首先关注人在这个自然过程中的审美需要。从自然出发来审视人生与自然的审美关系是人生美学研究的主要内容。或者说,人生美学的自然之思的中心问题是建造起审美的自然人生,在顺应天地万物运行规律和社会法则的过程中最大限度地追求人生的自由和超越,以满足人生的审美需要。  相似文献   

老子并没有另一套美学主张,把美作为手段、方法去服务于某个宗旨。他的审美观、人生观完全融合在他的自然本体论的内容之中。可以说老子在说自然,也是在说人生,也是在说美。最高的存在是自然,人生的最高法则是合于自然,美也就在人心悦诚服地合于自然之时而显现。自然而然地“无为”,无意识而又合目的,正是老子“自然美”体系的真谛。  相似文献   

以道思考人、感悟人生是老子大美学观的基本内涵。老子从本体义、发生义出发,把道与人的生命活动联系起来,把道作为思考人生的本体。道既是自然之道,又是人生之道。  相似文献   

唐代山水诗是唐人崇尚自然的一种文化现象。唐代山水诗中表现出来的人与自然的关系,是唐人接受自然、崇尚自然,并以自然观照人生追求的独特的审美情怀。  相似文献   

散文是一种自由、灵活的抒写见闻感受的文体,它独特的美质就在于:能够让我们通过一个十分精粹、亲切的形式,读到作者对于人生或自然的感悟。阅读和欣赏散文,既要细心领会作者对人生或自然的感悟,又要认真分析作者用以表达这种感悟的形式。  相似文献   

张炜是个大自然的歌者,长期思考人生与自然,是一位最具生态意识的小说家。特别是《刺猬歌》,渗透着浓郁的生态思想。他通过描绘自然的灵秀以及与人的和谐关系,讴歌自然;通过工业技术批判和欲望批判,探索生态危机的根源;通过回归自然,建构诗意的人生。  相似文献   

文章说明道家哲学人生观主要特征是现实社会人的异化、追求个体生命的价值和自然超越的人生理想,在这个哲学基础上指出了道家美学思想的主要特点是崇尚“道法自然”的审美理想,追求的是一种与不脱离现实而超越现实功利世界的精神的自由、美的人生。  相似文献   

陶渊明重视保持自己的自然之性,热爱自然之景,毅然辞官归田。其诗表现了他对理想、自由、自然与和谐人生的追求,同时,我们也可以看到魏晋时代的人们不同于传统的独特的人生态度。  相似文献   

杨金运 《学子》2004,(5):6-7
一个人受教育的目的就是培养和掌握人生幸福和成功的能力。如果把教育的内容分为自然学科和人文学科,那么,自然学科教会我们做事,人文学科则教会我们做人,一个人只有先学会做人,才会做事,人生才会成功,才会幸福,才会有意义。  相似文献   

提出了刻画函数凸性的几个新概念,研究了它们的若干性质,获得了这些新概念之间的蕴含关系,给出了这些新概念在可靠性理论中的几个应用.  相似文献   

Beneath discussions about race and ethnic relations is an unease, ‘a whispering in our hearts’ these debates that need to be understood ‘otherwise’. In more recent times, they seem increasingly complex and dangerous as the essential differences that underpin modern notions of identity appear negotiated, contingent, and disjunctive. In this paper, I examine the ways in which teachers and parents in one Melbourne secondary school spoke about these notions in 1988 and 1998. Taking up suggestions in the postcolonial and race literatures, the article argues that the normalised notions which make up these conversations need to be made explicit, and the near silences that negotiate the parameters of these discussions should also be the focus of analysis. While at one level teachers and parents discussed their unease and their excitement about the ways their school had changed, their conversations remained underpinned by taken-for-granted understandings about the ways people belong differently within the school community.  相似文献   

This study examined how task context and task difficulty may affect the nature of mother-child instructional interactions. It also assessed the role of maternal views about these two factors. Mothers interacted with their 3-year-olds on a matching task tapping spatial relation concepts. Sixty-four dyads received either an easy or difficult version of the matching task presented either as a school-readiness task or as a board game. Mothers' awareness of the task concepts, their notions about task difficulty, and their ideas about their child's task-related abilities had as strong an effect on their teaching, and thus on their child's successful task completion, as did the actual task difficulty or task context. Thus, how and what mothers teach may well be influenced in significant ways by their judgments of task difficulty and child competence as well as the actual task requirements. These results have implications for how educators structure programs designed for adult-child dyads. Mothers will teach in accordance with their views of a task; however, they may be mistaken in their views. Thus, educators need to explicate task requirements so that mothers' notions are congruent with their own.  相似文献   

In the last few years an increasing number of researchers has started to investigate children’s conceptions of the economic world. However, complex notions, such as those concerning the overall functioning of an economic system, have hardly been considered. In post-elementary schools children encounter some of these notions in history, geography or social studies. An investigation on this topic should therefore consider both children’s conceptions and misconceptions and the relevant information furnished at school. The present study examines how 7th graders understand two complex economic notions: capitalism and socialism. Two groups of children (N =40) were interviewed, one who had studied a geography textbook containing a large quantity of relevant information, the other one a more traditional book in which these notions were only touched on. The interview was about:
  1. the characteristics of capitalist and socialist system;
  2. how it is decided what to produce, and at what prices to sell goods in each of these systems.
It was found that, on the whole, children’s knowledge of capitalism and socialism was rather poor. Those who had studied the look containing more information showed some advantages over the other group; however, these did not appear substantial: the children mentioned the words «market» and «plan» more often, but failed to explain what a plan is and how the market works, and their replies to the other questions were similar to those given by the second group.  相似文献   

Within the current methodological debate, notions successful in the natural sciences are rallied by social sciences researchers to support their own methodological approaches. However, problems of understanding the physical principles have often clouded the issue. One such notion under discussion is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the derivative notions of indeterminacy, uncertainty, precision, and observer–observed interaction. This article discusses these notions and their applications to social science research. Implications are drawn for research in science education.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a study investigating Norwegian lower secondary English teachers’ reasoning about their classroom reading practices in English as a foreign language (EFL). What notions of EFL reading do these teachers express? How do they explain their priorities? Based on perspectives from critical discourse analysis, the article shows how teachers negotiate their notions of reading at the intersection of past and present understandings and their everyday school realities. Specifically, it illustrates how features of their discursive practices may help maintain understandings of what is perceived as intrinsic and less relevant to EFL reading.  相似文献   

18世纪,在法国的启蒙运动中,启蒙思想家高举理性大旗,对人们进行思想启蒙,"自由、民主、平等、博爱"的理念逐渐深入人心,这使教育有了"普及和世俗"的倾向.同时,欧洲的民族国家纷纷建立起来,民族意识开始觉醒,国家的观念开始进入人们的头脑,人的行为要为所属的民族国家负责,这又使教育有了"民族和国家"的意识.以上这些都对18世纪的法国国民教育思想产生了巨大影响,使国民教育事业在法国得到了快速发展.  相似文献   

Over the last decade universities across the world have been grappling with quality and quality assurance issues. In several countries national policies on higher education quality assurance have been evolving, mostly with the purpose of putting external systems of quality assurance in place. In many instances, these policies and systems had less effect on the quality of teaching and learning than had been expected. This paper serves as a comparison of national quality policy developments in two countries, Australia and South Africa, and goes on to investigate the emerging tensions in quality policy processes in these countries. Whereas a number of similarities were discerned, differences were as evident, verifying the underlying assumption of the authors that notions of quality, and quality policies and their implementation are very much dependent on the particular localised contexts in which they exist.  相似文献   

本文通过对中小学生诚信观的实证研究发现,中小学生诚信观的发展具有阶段性、习俗性、交往的优先性和认知不一致性的特点。  相似文献   

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