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近10年来,英国政府通过高校管理机制创新,使英国高等教育在21世纪持续保持世界领先地位.英国高等教育领导力基金会,通过对中层以上高校领导者的人力资源开发,采用领导力培训、个性化训练、管理经验分享及战略管理思维训练等方法,有效地提升了学校校长的领导力,使英国高校在战略管理、提高教学和科研质量等方面不断创新机制,呈现出新成就和新水平.通过与我国高校领导人培训的比较,提出我国高校领导人培训的建设性思路.  相似文献   

大数据时代学校教育发生深刻的数据化转型,当下学校数据的使用正在逐渐转为一种有领导的组织行为,这亟须学校领导者提升内在的数据领导力。研究基于数据素养和教育领导力的双重理论源流,廓清了数据领导力的内涵特质,通过对文献的关键词共现分析和德尔菲法构建了涵盖数据规划力、数据建设力、数据决策力和数据引领力4个一级要素和19个二级指标的数据领导力结构模型。结合美国Chase Bluff学校的案例分析发现,数据领导力的实践路径主要包括营造“拥抱风险”的学校数据文化氛围、完善数据体系与数据制度的双向创生、组建多元共生的核心数据团队、彰显数据领导者的个人行动哲学。数据领导力的提质发展则可以依托如下路径实现:制订数据领导力标准,明确数据领导者的培育规格;基于项目制形式,开展多向度的数据领导力提升课程;通过数据使用的现场学习,增进领导者的实践智慧。  相似文献   

<正>北京华北电力大学教育基金会于2010年4月在北京市民政局注册成立,在学校领导的亲切关怀和理事会各位理事的共同努力下,教育基金会各项工作取得了长足的进步:社会筹资渠道进一步拓宽;内部管理制度化、规范化工作趋于成熟;发展项目内容丰富、参与广泛、公益性强;基金会行业知名度稳步提升。为华北电力大学建设高水平大学的持续、稳定、快速发展提供了良好的资金保障。但同时我们也注意到,我校教育基金会成立时间短,人员队  相似文献   

新时代对学生领导力培养提出了新要求。基于浙江省杭州高级中学和杭州第二中学的实践,提出培养高中生领导力的思考与策略。一是聚焦个体成长,通过引导学生提升自我认知、学会自我决断、做好自我规划,培养学生的自我领导力;二是立足团队实践,通过打造特色学堂、建设实践课程等方式,为学生搭建多元平台,培养学生的群体领导力;三是依托项目学习,通过融通资源确定项目主题、创设情境推进项目执行等内容,培养学生的融创领导力;四是赓续精神血脉,通过涵养文化情怀、历练文化担当、拓展文化交际等途径,培养学生的文化领导力。  相似文献   

为了让社会、学校、教师对教育信息化领导力的培养方式有全面认识,使校长信息化领导力提升有更具体可参照的方案,本研究通过网络等方式获取文献资料,分析美国乔治华盛顿大学的教育信息化领导力项目、美国肯塔基大学教育领导力研究院的学校信息化领导力项目及美国教育信息化领导力认证考试项目,发现其特点包括:多层次培养目标,满足学习者个别化选择;灵活的入学形式和网络授课,便于学习者安排学习活动;多学科交叉的课程设置,体现教育、技术和管理的融合;参照国际标准,培养和构建世界一流师资队伍。我国校长信息化领导力提升项目应该根据国家标准,体现校长信息化领导力的特点;根据学校发展战略,发挥校长信息化领导力的宏观作用;选择适当院校,开展校长信息化领导力水平认证;凸显课程的交叉融合特征,探讨校长信息化领导力的学位授予。  相似文献   

2010年,上海市教委启动了“上海市提升中小学(幼儿园)课程领导力行动研究项目”(以下简称“课程领导力项目”)。上海市教委教研室主任徐淀芳在《基于问题解决——上海市提升课程领导力行动研究项目实施回顾》一文中详细阐述了项目背景、顶层设计、实践探索、特色和成效等。学科课程建设是课程领导力行动研究项目的九个子项目之一。本文重点阐述学科课程建设与学校课程领导力提升之间的关系。  相似文献   

德国汉斯·赛德尔基金会(简称“赛会”)1997年在甘肃启动,由甘肃省职业技术教育中心组织实施。近十年来,先后为甘肃省培训了汽修、电气焊、旅游管理等专业人员1 640人(次)。同时,“赛会”在培训过程中,采用了“培训+教具”的办法,先后在金塔职中、陇东职中、成县职中等10所学校建起了汽修、焊接、钳工等实训室,大大改善了项目学校的实训条件。摘编自《甘肃职教简讯》2006年第11期德国汉斯·赛德尔基金会项目在甘肃遍地开花  相似文献   

促进学校领导者的专业发展,是澳大利亚维多利亚省学校系统变革中的重要向度.实践中,维多利亚省基于领导力资本形成理论,透过与领导者专业发展阶段相适应的辅导者支持项目,形成了融通理论与实践、关注发展层次性与具有情境适用力的学校领导力发展形式.透过对项目质量全过程的基于标准的监控,学校领导者发展的有效性得到了保障.  相似文献   

在兰州石油学校建校40周年之际,根据广大校友提议,学校决定成立兰州石油学校校友基金会。兰州石油学校校友基金会是广泛联系和团结全国各地校友的群众团体,是密切母校与校友关系的纽带。基金会的宗旨是:团结和组织全体校友,关心和支持学校建设与发展,沟通校友和母校的联络渠道,开展技术交流和技术合作,激发师生教与学的积极性,资助特困学生完成学业,促进培养合格人才,为把学校办成名副其实的国家重点中专做出贡献。  相似文献   

英国在学校改进运动中,十分注重通过教师领导力的开发来促进学校的发展。许多中小学校通过构建共同的目标和价值观、积极促进教师参与学校决策、构建专业的学习型团队等策略来开发教师领导力。其中重要经验在于来自国家的学校发展理论研究与实践项目的鼓励与推进、学校主动寻求教师领导理论的支撑、学校结合自身具体情境进行开发实践中的创新等。我国可从其发展策略与发展经验得到有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article uses the lens of self-leadership to understand the leadership practice of school principals in the Kavango region of Namibia. Self-leadership emphasises the focus on leading the self to enhance one's leadership in the organisation. Self-leadership will always function with other leadership styles; hence, the article uses instructional and distributed leadership styles to understand the possibility of principals having an influence on the improvement of academic quality in schools. This article explores how six secondary school principals in the Kavango region have employed self-leadership styles to improve and sustain the performance of learners. The study adopted a qualitative method that examined the selfleadership of the six school principals in the Kavango region. The data were collected from the six principals and two teachers of each school by using semi-structured interviews. The findings showed that school principals unknowingly employ self-leadership in their schools and in the process use distributed leadership together with instructional leadership to collaborate and share their leadership with teachers.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to identify the leadership practices and qualities of school principals engaged in implementing a curriculum reform in Hong Kong. Based on interview data of school principals, this paper shows that the types of instructional leadership practices that school principals adopt and the contextual conditions in which these practices occur are key factors explaining the differential effectiveness of implementation efforts. Six efficacious instructional leadership practices and two contextual conditions critical to their development were identified. This paper reconceptualises instructional leadership as a collective and transformational endeavour, functioning in communities of practice to support school development at different levels.  相似文献   

This article outlines the findings from a contemporary study of principals' leadership practices in Malaysia as part of the 7 System Leadership Study. Recent policy developments within Malaysia have increased principals' accountability and have underlined the importance of the role of the principals in transforming school performance and student learning outcomes. This article draws upon emerging empirical evidence about principals' leadership practices and highlights some of the challenges associated with the new accountability expectations and demands placed upon principals in Malaysia. It provides a contemporary insight into the way in which principals in Malaysia view their leadership practice. The article proposes that despite the pressure on them to secure better school and student outcomes, principals in Malaysia increasingly view their leadership practices as transformational and distributed.  相似文献   

A growing body of research has emphasised the importance of school leadership practice for quality improvement in schools. Yet, little attention has been paid to the investigation of how principals reshape their leadership role and leadership practices when schools reorganise the leadership team with the purpose of increasing the number of formally assigned leaders. As such, this study provides additional insight into how moments of transitions may reshape institutional logics regarding principal leadership practice. Drawing on interviews and contextual observations of five principals in lower secondary schools, framed within a distributed perspective and theory of sense-making, we address this issue by demonstrating that regulative changes influence the normative and cognitive aspects of institutions. We argue that principals re-conceptualise leadership when they move from being solo leaders to sharing leadership, and this allows for subjective interpretations. We have identified two approaches for principal leadership practice which the reorganised leadership team can provide – the exchanging information – and collaborative discussion approaches.  相似文献   

As school systems strive to support students with special education needs in inclusive schools, there has been a persistent lack of scholarly literature that addresses the ways in which school principals are engaged in this process. This article is a response to this gap and aims to examine the question: What types of experiences do school principals identify as formational in their support of students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools? Based on the analysis of data collected from 285 school principals from six provinces in Canada, four key themes are identified including: relationships, modelling behaviours, communication and principal isolation and lack of preparation. These themes are examined with consideration for how to support principals’ professional leadership in fostering inclusive schools. As a result, this article’s significance is in its examination of the experiences of principals and how these influence their leadership practice for supporting students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools.  相似文献   


The instructional leadership approach expects school leaders to give top priority to ongoing improvement of teaching quality and academic outcomes. Researchers have found that despite the top-down pressures to assume an instructional leadership role, school principals demonstrate limited direct involvement in such leadership. The current qualitative study, based on semi-structured interviews, aimed to expand inquiry into inhibitors of instructional leadership in Israeli principals. Data analysis uncovered that Israeli principals’ perceptions served as key inhibitors of instructional leadership, identifying three main perceptual inhibitors: (1) perceptions regarding principal-teacher relationships; (2) perceptions regarding the role of the principal; and (3) perceptions regarding the goal of schooling. These findings expands the available knowledge by illustrating how for Israeli principals, the inhibitors of instructional leadership did not only involve the constraints and capabilities of school principals but also deep disagreements with the conceptual framework that underpins instructional leadership. Implications and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):674-689

The article examines the professional development of secondary school principals in Nigeria. Drawing from vast review of literature on professional development and appointment of school principals in other countries, the article canvasses the position that secondary schools in Nigeria should be administered by skilled personnel who have the appropriate training and competencies for school management and leadership, rather than the present practice of using years of teaching experience as a major yardstick for the appointment of principals. It advocates systematic professional development programmes for prospective and practicing school principals, and concludes that professional development of principals is a means to maintain and enhance the effectiveness of secondary school administration in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with the practice of school leadership and the realities principals confront on a daily basis. This is partly because researchers have tended to ignore multiple facets of justice in their empirical investigations as well as how larger forces outside the school associated with historical, political, social and economic injustices marginalize students and communities. This article explores three cases of challenging school–community contexts that confound and partially subdue the efforts of well-intentioned principals. Each case highlights a dedicated principal committed to their school and community, and documents the significant progress made in addressing particular social justice issues, but also how they confronted justice dilemmas that they believed required them to prioritize certain social justice issues over others. These findings have important implications for how principals view their communities and engage in critical reflection about the leadership decisions and actions they take on a daily basis. This article concludes with implications for future research and a discussion of how aspiring principals can be better prepared to lead for social justice and effectively address justice dilemmas without ignoring or putting off other injustices.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine primary and middle school principals’ evaluations of their own instructional leadership behaviours, and thereby pay closer attention to the ideal instructional leadership behaviours suggested in the related literature and the realities of principals’ instructional leadership behaviours. Although studies in the instructional leadership literature have vastly examined instructional leadership and its relationship with various variables, few studies have focused on school principals’ evaluations of their instructional leadership behaviours using a qualitative approach. This study was framed to contribute to gain an insight into the essential characteristics of instructional leadership in Turkey and to suggest some educational implications for school leadership in a Turkish context. The researchers conducted a qualitative case study in a large city in South-eastern Turkey in the academic year of 2012–2013. The study group consisted of 11 primary and middle school principals chosen via a maximum variation sampling technique. It was found that some of the school principals painstakingly tried to improve school-related factors which may potentially increase positive student outcomes. However, they were not able to display some instructional leadership behaviours such as change management, promoting teachers’ professional growth, collaborating with teachers and forming a positive learning environment due to multifarious reasons. The study concludes by presenting implications for the development of school principals as instructional leaders in Turkey.  相似文献   

Currently educational research literature demonstrates wide discussion and endorsement of ‘distributed’ leadership while concurrently traditional, hegemonic forms prevail in practice. This article investigates understandings about educational leadership held by Australian school principals. The article describes the contradictory conceptions about educational leadership currently in circulation. It interrogates underlying assumptions and questions how both hegemonic and newer leadership conceptions and assumptions serve educational leaders. Data from principals around the country and across education systems reinforced the predominance of un-theorised or under-theorised notions about leadership, with similar assumptions found in important policy artefacts and practices. This article emerges from interviews with 100 principals focusing on their professional learning needs, which revealed interesting ideas, issues and dilemmas concerning ‘leadership’. It fills a gap in research on distributed leadership by exploring contradictions inherent in policy, practice and understandings in this area. The article is structured into four sections. First, extant literature on this topic and the research are explained. Second, the article focuses on principals' conceptions about leadership and those inherent within important policy and practical artefacts. A discussion of the findings focuses on the discrepancy between theory and policy endorsement and the views of practitioners. Finally, the article canvasses the implications of the research.  相似文献   

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