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In an educational context characterised by globalisation, reputation constitutes a crucial issue for today’s higher education institutions. Internationalisation of higher education is often seen as a potential response to globalisation and, consequently, higher education has become increasingly internationalised during the past decade. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between internationalisation and reputation in top higher education institutions. Results reveal that internationalisation positively influences a university’s reputation but also moderates the relationship between the institution’s reputation and its institutional performance with regard to research quality, teaching quality and graduate employability.  相似文献   

Quality is a multi-dimensional concept and embraces all functions and activities of higher education (academic programs, research, and community services) in all their features and components. Traditionally quality was a measure of resources and reputation. In recent years there has been a shift in emphasis to institutional best practices such as setting high expectations, providing involving settings, inclusive learning environments and forms of pedagogy that enhance student learning and development. The concept of student engagement is thus receiving increased attention globally as it is viewed as an important element in assessing and improving institutional effectiveness. Trend and longitudinal analyses, as employed in this study, allow an institution to monitor change or stability in performance over time. They assist in determining whether a certain policy or initiative prompted desirable change and in assessing the impact of improvement initiatives such as accreditation.  相似文献   


Quality is a multi-dimensional concept and embraces all functions and activities of higher education (academic programs, research, and community services) in all their features and components. Traditionally quality was a measure of resources and reputation. In recent years there has been a shift in emphasis to institutional best practices such as setting high expectations, providing involving settings, inclusive learning environments and forms of pedagogy that enhance student learning and development. The concept of student engagement is thus receiving increased attention globally as it is viewed as an important element in assessing and improving institutional effectiveness. Trend and longitudinal analyses, as employed in this study, allow an institution to monitor change or stability in performance over time. They assist in determining whether a certain policy or initiative prompted desirable change and in assessing the impact of improvement initiatives such as accreditation.


制度移植作为现代制度构建中的一种重要手段,在教育界被广泛应用。被移植的教育制度是外生的,它会受本土环境和内生制度等因素的影响而失去在原本教育制度中的意义,原本的教育制度在被移植的过程中必然会发生一定的改变或出现一些问题。如果不能有效地解决这些问题,势必会影响教育制度本身的价值,使之无法落实和实施,那么移植来的教育制度就会成为无本之木,不能生存和发展,更无法得到充分应用。在分析教育制度的意义和阐述教育制度移植的概念的基础上,提出了教育制度移植过程中须注意的四个问题,旨在为我国教育制度变迁的实践提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

For a future faculty member the choice of which graduate programme and institution to attend is considered to have important implications for securing academic employment, developing skills to succeed in academia, and yielding positive returns on investment of time and money in education. Yet does it matter where a faculty member attends graduate school – and if so, is it the reputation of the programme or the institution that matters most for his or her labour market outcomes? In this study, we used nationally representative data from the U.S. to estimate the relationship between a faculty member’s graduate programme and institution and their institution of first academic employment, research productivity, and salary. Our findings suggest that the reputation of one’s graduate department may factor more heavily than reputation of institution in the type and level of institution at which he or she is first employed, while graduate institution reputation has notable marginal, positive benefits associated with research productivity and salary. We discuss implications for the influence of graduate education on academic careers.  相似文献   

国际合作:印度理工学院的一流大学之路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文考察了印度理工学院各分校通过国际合作,在联合国教科文组织、前苏联、德国、美国等援助和帮助下,大力提升教学和科研水平,迅速成为印度和世界一流理工大学的过程,从而揭示出借助世界最先进的高等教育的经验和支持,走国际合作的道路是创建世界一流大学的捷径之一.本文还就印度经验对中国的启示作了分析.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the reputation or prestige of universities. We first develop a model of university behaviour which indicates how the decisions made by university officials would be chosen in order to maximize their respective reputations. In doing so, we assume that reputation is enhanced by the quality of students produced, the caliber of research and the service provided to the community in terms of the provision of publicly funded education services. We argue that the relative weights placed on these intermediate outputs may vary by university type as well as the means of producing them. Using the results of the reputational survey – a ranking of the institution in terms of reputation – conducted as part of the Canadian magazine Maclean’s overall ranking exercise, we then estimate an Error Correction—Ordered Probit Model of the rankings of Canadian universities to determine the factors that influence the change in reputation or “prestige” of the university as viewed by the external community. We find evidence that the change in reputation of a university is based on what might be considered the appropriate “signals” that one might use in estimating the respective quality of the institution given the respective differences in mission.  相似文献   

The main focus of this research is on perceptions of accounting employers of those individuals obtaining their accounting education online. An online survey of accounting professionals was conducted, and the findings suggest that a candidate with a traditional education is more suitable for employment than a candidate with an online education. Also, the reputation of the candidate’s institution, as well as the candidate’s grade point average and work experience, all have an impact on an employer’s hiring decision. However, the perception of respondents is that online education is becoming more acceptable. Further, the online education experience of recruiters does not impact their hiring decisions.  相似文献   

Although there is lack of agreement as to what constitutes teaching excellence, there remains a steady effort to make an intangible, ambiguous, multifaceted concept incarnate in the form of ‘student-led’ teaching awards schemes within higher education institutions. What teaching staff say about such schemes have largely been ignored. This article attempts to address this gap in knowledge by accounting for the extent that academic teaching staff at one higher education institution in the UK value and perceive their teaching awards scheme. At the same time, this article presents some challenges in implementing a student-led teaching awards scheme for higher education institutions.  相似文献   

德国职业教育发展之社会结构及文化传统探原   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对德国社会结构的分析和关于职业的文化传统的论述,试图剖析德国年轻人选择双元制职业培训的深层原因。初步发现,德国的许多年轻人之所以选择双元制职业培训,一方面由于其进入大学学习的可能性不高,而双元制所带来的教育回报属于中等水平;另一方面是因为双元制的培训能够帮助年轻人较好地融入社会,并培养人们对于相关职业的认同感。  相似文献   

Higher education is being encouraged to provide the graduates needed by commerce and industry in order to ensure economic development and enhance competitiveness. Throughout Europe and America, recent findings indicate that employers show a preference for teamwork, communication, and self-skilIs above knowledge, degree classification, intelligence, and reputation of the institution the graduate attended. Progressively less emphasis on traditional degrees and more on the validation of competence is clearly discernible. But the question persists: Are our higher education institutions meeting the challenge? Employing a large-scale extensive questionnaire, this study explores student and academic staff views within a higher education institution in the U.K. Results indicate that while staff and students ascribe equal importance to key generic skills, they differ in their views of the extent to which a number of such skills are currently being developed through course content. It is time for higher education to address explicitly the issue of the place of transferable skis in the curriculum. This problem is not unique to Europe. Indeed, the need for a concerted effort by teachers and policymakers in higher education to help rebuild American workforce competence has been repeatedly highlighted. Development work in this area should be a priority.  相似文献   

近几年来,成人高等学历教育的质量问题益加突出,严重损害了成人高等学历教育的社会声誉。本文分析了成人高等学历教育质量下降的主要原因及其危害,并从生源质量、教学过程及质量监控等方面提出了解决这一问题的一些建议。  相似文献   

Student Engagement is the investment of time, effort and other relevant resources by both students and their institutions intended to optimise the student experience and enhance the learning outcomes and development of students, and the performance and reputation of the institution. As such, it has affective, behavioural and cognitive dimensions, which may manifest congruently or oppositionally. The current popularity of the concept derives from a large body of evidence suggesting that student engagement improves a range of desirable outcomes. A study funded by the Leadership Foundation to uncover leadership practices that enhanced student engagement revealed the importance of climate, resourcing, communication and values. The article concludes with some suggestions of how the findings might usefully be applied in a higher education setting.  相似文献   

我国大学本科教学管理制度的反思与重建   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文从教学管理制度是协调与规范教学管理者与学生之关系的准则这一逻辑出发,运用访谈调查、问卷调查、制度文本分析等多种方法,深刻反省了现行本科教学管理制度制约学习自由的缺陷,分析了导致大学学习自由缺失的主要原因,并在解剖制度建设中教学自由与教学控制的矛盾的基础上,提出了建构以学生为中心的本科教学管理制度的若干建议。  相似文献   

Achieving change in assessment practices in higher education is difficult. One of the reasons for this is resistance among those responsible for teaching and assessing. This paper seeks to explore this resistance through an analysis of staff dialogue during a major attempt to change the assessment practices at one institution. An institution-wide intervention to pilot new assessment practices was initiated, involving 35 academics across 12 departments. This paper reports on patterns emerging in dialogue about this among academics, and between academics and educational development personnel. Findings suggest that resistance is not a unitary concept, but that different stakeholders under varied circumstances express it differently; and that resistance to assessment change is particularly resilient. Implications are discussed in terms of relevance to current theories of higher education assessment and learning change management, as well as the practical considerations of attempts by institutions to engage in assessment change.  相似文献   

Before a higher education institution can develop international impact and reputation, it must first have developed its regional impact and reputation. Universities can contribute to the creation of wealth in given regions in a number of ways, not the least of which is technology transfer, the creation of firms and other spin‐off activities, and the furtherance of the their reputations for excellence. Staff and students spend a good deal of money in such regions, thus increasing regional wealth, and if given institutions pursue entrepreneurial policies in regard to the course programmes that they offer, their graduates will not only find nearby employment but will create employment for others. The “Innova” Project of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia is an illustration of how a major regional university is attempting to apply new teaching models to enhance entrepreneurial culture in the Barcelona area of Spain and thereby to increase regional human capital.  相似文献   

考生对中等职业学校和专业的选择是一个复杂的过程,通过考察辽宁省中等职业学校招生数据,能够确定辽宁省不同背景生源的流向。实证结果表明,影响中职生源流向的有生源地、城乡等背景因素以及院校地理位置、院校声望等客观因素。因此,提出辽宁中等职业学校应围绕市场和区位优势创办特色专业,建立基于生源多样性的质量保障体系,分区域推进辽宁中等职业教育协调发展等建议。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国劳动教育政策经历了渐进性制度转换、探索性制度置换、建构性制度微调等三个阶段。基于历史制度主义的分析视角可以发现,政府决策和社会市场需求等宏观性因素影响着我国劳动教育政策的变迁,学习效应、协调效应、适应效应及高昂的运行成本等阻碍性因素使劳动教育政策变迁产生路径依赖。劳动教育政策变迁的内在动力来源于政府、市场、学校三方的权力博弈。如何抓住制度创新的重要契机,不断突破路径依赖,是我国劳动教育改革和发展的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

在职人员继续教育的顺利进行不仅取决于个人学习状况,还与办学机构和施训教师所提供的支助服务质量息息相关。为使办学机构和施训教师及时了解在职人员继续教育情况,帮助他们以主动积极态度参与继续教育活动,笔者采用问卷调查法,以曲阜师范大学职业与成人教育学院为个案,对办学机构、施训教师支助服务和在职人员接受继续教育情况分别进行了调查,找出了各自所存在的问题。最后,笔者从较微观角度提出了办学机构应该注重确立以人为本办学理念、施训教师应注重助学导学、在职人员应注重提升自主学习能力的观点。  相似文献   

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