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教育中的榜样:伦理的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对教育中榜样的研究,涉及事实与价值两个层面.以往大多基于事实层面进行讨论,而忽视了相关价值问题的探讨.事实上,榜样因具有符合主体价值取向的优秀品质而被选取为学习的目标.在教育中,他们可以将品质具体化并激励学生的成长.以关注"我应该成为什么样的人"为中心的美德伦理学启发我们,为有效地发挥榜样的教育意义,应以"成为榜样那样的人"为目标,注重人的品质与理性,选取涵盖履行了责任的主体与践行超责任的主体两种人为榜样.具体讲:了解学生"想成为的人",建立"榜样库"供其自主选择;重视学生的理解与反思;提供践行机会;注重"品质中心"的评价与反馈.  相似文献   


Initiatives to cultivate character and virtue in moral education at school continue to provoke sceptical responses. Most of those echo familiar misgivings about the notions of character, virtue and education in virtue – as unclear, redundant, old-fashioned, religious, paternalistic, anti-democratic, conservative, individualistic, relative and situation dependent. I expose those misgivings as ‘myths’, while at the same time acknowledging three better-founded historical, methodological and practical concerns about the notions in question.  相似文献   

德性论与规范论   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
德性论的基本问题是:应当做一个什么样的人?规范论的基本问题是:一个人应当做什么以及应当怎样做?前者把道德落实于人的内在品质,后者把道德落实于人的外在行为。德性论关注的是人的内在品质,以人的道德品质作为道德评价的中心,是实质主义的;规范论关注的是人的外在行为,它不再强调人的内在品质,而以行为是否符合普遍的规范形式作为道德评价的中心,是形式主义的。社会的道德评价体系从德性论到规范论的转型,其积极的意义是肯定了个人在成为一个什么样的人这一领域内的自我决定的权利,即肯定了个人的自由和自主,而将普遍性的规范限制在共同的社会生活领域,也就是人的外在行为的领域。但是,由于规范论仅仅关注对个人外在行为的约束和限制,而在关于个人追求自我完善方面保持沉默,就容易导致个人追求自我完善这一要求的丧失,而这也就意味着人本身的丧失。  相似文献   

关于德性与德行的一种思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中西方伦理思想中,德性与德行是一对既有联系又有区别的重要概念。然而,自古以来中西方伦理学界对德性与德行的具体使用及其相互关系的理解却始终存在着很大的差异。西方传统伦理学家们一般用"德性"这个概念,到了亚里士多德那里才出现了"理智德性"和"道德德性"等说法。而中国传统伦理学家们一般则用"德"这个概念,但也出现了"德性"和"德行"等说法并存的现象。名词术语上的这种差别不是没有原因的,它集中体现着中西方伦理思维方式的根本性问题。在西方传统伦理学家的逻辑里面,"德性"(理智德性)是人及其实现活动的终极目的本身,"德行"(道德德性)则只是完成这种人及其实现活动的一种过程和手段而已。在中国传统伦理学家的逻辑里面,"德"或"德性"(理智德性)只是人及其实现活动的一种过程或手段;而"德行"(道德德性)才是人及其实现活动的目的本身。一个人只知道"德性"不等于他有道德;同样,一个人也不是先成为道德的人然后再去做有"德行"的活动。"德性"是人的内在品质;而"德行"则是人的外在品行。内在品质要通过外在品行来表现;外在品行是内在品质的影像。因此,人们获得德性与德行的具体途径是不同的。我们只有在理论上弄清楚德性与德行的联系及区别,才能够充分认识和找到获得德性与德行的具体途径。  相似文献   


This article seeks to rekindle a version of the age-old view that aesthetic education can contribute to the development of virtue. It proceeds as follows. First, it introduces the moral beauty view, whereby the moral virtues are beautiful, and the moral vices ugly, character traits. Second, two ways in which moral beauty and ugliness can manifest themselves are considered: in people and in artworks. Third, it is argued that character education couched partly in aesthetic terms, and coupled with the cultivation of a sensitivity to moral beauty and ugliness, promise a solid and motivationally robust anchor for moral character development. It is suggested that introducing the notions of moral beauty and ugliness in our conceptual repertoire, coupled with the presence of moral beauty in our surroundings, can undergird more traditional pathways to virtue, whilst being congenial to the maintenance of virtue. Before closing, three objections against these suggestions are addressed, and some avenues for exploring the notion of moral beauty vis-à-vis moral motivation and education are proposed.  相似文献   


Recent critics have suggested that character education (either in and of itself or certain instantiations of it) is overly individualised and, as a result, fails to engage adequately with the political. In this paper, I offer an account of character education which takes issue with such criticisms, and seeks to make clear connections between the moral and the political necessary for character formation and expression. Drawing on an Aristotelian understanding of the political, I argue that individuals are intimately connected with their social associations, which in contemporary plural, westernised democracies include the sort of engagement with the political advocated by critics of character education. Through a focus on civic virtue and deliberative engagement, it is argued that an Aristotelian-inspired account of character addresses the precise concerns, including recognising and challenging social injustices and deliberative engagement with difference, which critics suggest are lacking from character education.  相似文献   

This article explores what it means for teachers to engage in and evaluate students’ character education, by examining the connections between action research and Aristotelian virtue ethics. These connections are explored in two ways. Firstly, the article examines what perspective action research has on how moral education, understood in an Aristotelian way, can be implemented and evaluated. While character education may be hot in educational theory, academic advances have not always reached teachers, heads of school, policy-makers and politicians. Secondly, a specifically Aristotelian approach to action research is explored that may help teachers to understand how action research about character education in schools can best be conducted. After a comparison of the three major action research paradigms, ‘Aristotelian action research’ is described as a kind of dialogical enquiry that contributes to the growth of teachers’ practical wisdom, which, in turn, has an effect on children’s character development. The article ends with suggestions as to how research about character education could be improved if we shift our attention from making character programmes more ‘effective’ to extending and refining teachers’ own practical wisdom and virtue.  相似文献   

康德的道德哲学中包含有丰富的德性理论,德性论是其道德哲学研究的目的,具有最重要的地位。康德德性理论的核心问题包括:德性专属于人这种"有限的理性存在者",只有人才能够拥有德性;从德性与义务、内在自由、准则的关系中才能准确把握德性概念;德性是幸福的前提和条件,德性与"配享的幸福"的一致才是人类道德实践应当追求的目的。当代人们的道德实践应注重道德原则与品格担当的统一,反思个体幸福实践。  相似文献   

德性就是一种品质,是指任何事物的特长、用处和功能。德性对于人而言视为品质,而对于物而言可视为性质。在休谟以前,西方伦理学家们一般强调德性之"因其自身的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的意义,即德性的内在善。但是休谟的观点与此不同,他认为德性的真正价值在于它的外在善,即品质对他人或社会的作用。因而他不再把德性之善,仅仅看作"因其自身的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的东西,而是更喜欢把德性之善看作"因其结果的缘故"成为人们所普遍追求的东西。正因为如此,休谟改变了西方伦理学的传统,把德性之事实判断与价值判断相应地分开,从而把讨论的重点引向了德性之"效用"或"有用"。  相似文献   

对知识性质的追问导致了当代认识论中对知识定义的争论。争论的焦点在于如何理解知识与价值的关系问题。德性认识论对这个问题给出了一种解决方案,试图用道德的规范性说明知识的规范性,甚至试图用认识的客观性说明道德的客观性。然而,这种方案的主要困难在于没有看到知识作为一种规范性概念如何与人类的价值发生联系。中国传统哲学中的认识论可以为我们理解这个问题提供启发。"德性所知"、"格物致知"的认识论模式是从德性出发讨论认识问题。只有当我们把知识理解为由德性和心性所生发出来的对特殊事物的理解,我们才能理解知识所包含的真实内涵。只有在对人类灵魂的普遍理解中,我们才能真正把握知识的内在价值。如果必须放弃把知识理解为得到证明的真信念这个定义,我们更需要论证知识定义中除了得到证明和真理之外还应当包含的更多的内容。我们首先需要考虑的是价值问题在知识构成中的作用,其次还要考虑认识活动中的价值客观性问题。我们不再否定知识构成中的主观因素的影响,而是更多地关注这些主观因素在多少程度上会最终进入客观的领域。只有从这个角度出发,我们才能真正理解知识与价值之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

Positive psychology has significantly influenced studies in the fields of moral philosophy, psychology and education, and scholars in those fields have attempted to apply its ideas and methods to moral education. Among various theoretical frameworks, virtue ethics is most likely to connect positive psychology to moral educational studies because it pursues eudaimonia (flourishing). However, some virtue ethicists have been concerned about whether the current mainstream concept of positive psychology can apply directly to moral education because it focuses on subjective aspects of happiness, but not its objective and moral aspects. Thus, I will consider whether the concept of purpose, which was investigated recently by a group of psychologists and emphasizes both subjective and objective aspects of happiness, can address this issue. I will examine whether purpose is a moral virtue contributing to flourishing, consider if its nature is possibly a second-order virtue and whether it is distinguishable from other second-order virtues.  相似文献   

张洋 《林区教学》2020,(4):8-10
德性养成是学校德育的重要使命,是中学生树立正确世界观、人生观和价值观的重要基础。加强中学生的德性养成教育,对他们的人生具有奠基的重大意义。在知情意行视域下,对德性探源、德性的内涵以及中学生德性的养成作初步探讨,以促进中学生道德品质的发展和德性的养成。  相似文献   

十七大报告首次将加强“个人品德建设”同加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德一起确立为社会主义道德建设的重要内容,道德建设由“三德”建设变为“四德”建设;强调个人品德建设,丰富了社会主义道德理论体系,完善了社会主义道德建设的内涵;个人品德是道德建设的基础,具有“自尊自强、宽容礼让、勤劳节俭、孝悌诚敬、文明谦恭”的内在要求;加强个人品德建设,要不断加强学习、营造良好的社会氛围和充分开发传统美德教育资源。  相似文献   

亚里士多德的德性观坚持了道德的理性本质,反对道德学说中的反理性倾向;主张“教化理性”,即与情感感受、行为相交融的理性,认为在道德上,理智德性表现在它能为行为提供正确的原理,能进行实践的思考、推理、谋划;伦理德性则表现为由风俗熏陶而成的情感的中和和行为的合宜。  相似文献   

个体德性是外塑和内生共同作用下生成的,但是随着主体性的高扬,德性更加注重个体的自主生成。文章从哲学、心理学、教育学等角度考察了德性自主生成的理论根源,并提出了德性自主生成的具体实践策略。  相似文献   

界定品德与德性概念的关键,在于善待自我的德性是不是道德上的德性.如果善待自我的德性不是道德德性,那么亚里士多德便是正确的,"德性"便是"优良"、"可赞赏性"等中性的概念;如果善待自我的德性是道德德性,那么亚氏便是错误的,德性便是品德,亦即道德品质、即道德人格德性与品德、道德德性是同一概念.  相似文献   

王翠  苗良 《培训与研究》2007,24(5):83-85
美德性伦理教育的可能性包含着两个问题:第一,“美德”是可以通过教而学会的么;第二,德育对象为什么需要接受美德教育。本文首先分析美德性伦理教育及其面临的困惑和挑战,从孔子的“性相近,习相远”和苏格拉底的“知识即美德”回答了美德是可以通过教而学会的,并从人性的本质需要方面回答了人需要接受美德教育。  相似文献   


Recent reflection on the professional knowledge of teachers has been marked by a shift away from more reductive competence and skill-focused models of teaching towards a view of teacher expertise as involving complex context-sensitive deliberation and judgement. Much of this shift has been inspired by an Aristotelian conception of practical wisdom (phronesis) also linked by Aristotle to the development of virtue and character. This has in turn led recent educational philosophers and theorists – inspired by latter-day developments in virtue ethics and virtue epistemology – to investigate the contribution of various forms of virtue to the effective practice of teaching. In this light, the present paper undertakes further exploration of the logical geography of virtue, character and practical deliberation in teaching.  相似文献   

罗伯特·C·所罗门成功地建构了德性经济伦理学。他以亚里士多德的德性论看待商业活动,通过提出有关商业美德的理论,使人们能够更加准确地认识到商业活动的真实的应有的面貌:诚实、公平、信任、坚韧等基本的商业美德和友善、荣誉、忠诚、廉耻等企业自身的美德,从而成功地将德性伦理与经济活动相结合。在德性论经济伦理学看来,商业美德有助于普遍向善,能够带来商业利益,使商业交易成为可能,也使商业的运行更有效率、更为成功;但美德有效地作用于商业活动需要具备实践、需要个体改变商业无道德的观念、需要尊重美德的社会环境以及相关的制度安排等条件。德性论的经济伦理能使人们正确地理解商业中的竞争、自我利益、文化差异以及经济伦理中的规范伦理的价值。  相似文献   

从伦理学的视角看,作为美德的自尊是主体对待自身存在的适宜的态度。与心理学上的自尊比较,美德自尊强调的是人的德性品质而不是心理体验。它以人性尊严为其依据,不依赖外界的评价。它的养成有赖于个体的道德修养。厘清自尊的内涵,对深入研究自尊有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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