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近代浙江的高等教育自清末以来虽不断有所发展,但与较为发达的基础教育相比,一直处于滞后的状态.1927年蔡元培任大学院院长后,将浙江作为试行大学区制的省份,成立了国立浙江大学,使停办多年的浙江高等学堂得以恢复和提升;并倡导发展高等艺术教育,在杭州筹划创办了国立艺术院.这两所国立高等院校的恢复和创办夯实了浙江现代高等教育发展的基础.  相似文献   

优化高等教育结构是实现由高等教育大省向高等教育强省转型的重要途径。文章分析了浙江高等教育发展面临的新背景与新形势,检视了浙江高等教育在地域结构、层次结构、水平结构、体制结构和投资结构等方面存在的问题,并提出了优化浙江高等教育结构的相应对策。  相似文献   

中国高等教育近代化的本质规定性是科学化,科学与人文之争是中国高等教育近代化历程的文化主线.中国高等教育近代化存在三种典型的文化心态:偏激、折中与功利心态.科学与人文在近代中国高等教育中的斗争轨迹为:课程由经史大一统到西方近代科技为主;力量对比由落后到先进;科学教育由弱到强,由传统到近代;斗争图式由分立到并立到融合.  相似文献   

湖南高等教育 10 0年的历程经历了从分科院校到综合性院校的合并 ,再将综合性院校拆分为分科院校 ,最后又合并为综合性院校的过程。在这一过程中 ,湖南大学是湖南近代高等教育由分到合 ,再由合到分的重要关节点。这一过程也是湖南近代高等教育由粗放型办学向集约型办学发展的曲折过程  相似文献   

书院是我国古代高等教育的重要形式,到了清末由于特殊的历史、社会因素,书院由衰败转而变革,通过不同的变革方式,发展出近代高等教育的因素,在教学、课程、机构、体制诸方面对中国近代高等教育的发展产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   

在介绍了近代高等教育发展的历史背景的基础上,阐述了德、法、英、美、日、俄等国近代高等教育的发展概况,深入分析了近代高等教育的发展特点,即近代高等教育层次确立、外延扩大、职能拓展、受到国家的普遍干预.  相似文献   

自熊明安的《中国高等教育史》问世以后,中国近代高等教育史也逐渐形成了一个专门的研究领域。时至今日,中国近代高等教育史在研究上主要表现为四种模式:中国近代高等教育史的宏观研究,近代中国大学的个案研究.区域高等教育发展研究以及大学与区域社会互动发展研究。由于中国近代不同区域发展状况各异.从大学与区域社会互动发展的角度对中国近代高等教育进行研究,可以更加明晰地了解影响中国近代高等教育发展中很多具体的区域性人物和事件,并为当代中国高等教育发展提供更加具体和客观的借鉴。  相似文献   

高等教育的发展是历时的,其机构的演进也总是呈现出一定的历史脉络.在古代中国社会,高等教育机构往往由官学与私学交替主导,承担着"养士"的职责,形成松散联合的高等教育系统.进入近代,西学东渐,传统高等教育机构随之而变,新式学堂逐渐兴起,传统书院相继改革,书院与学堂相互融会,生成传授科学知识与传统学问的近代高等学堂系统.南京临时政府成立,变学堂为学校,在高等教育领域逐步建立并确立契合时代发展需求、秉承高深学问理念、坚持民主管理制度的现代大学,完成中国传统高等教育机构的现代转型.中国高等教育机构在演进中坚持回应时代特征和社会需求的内在逻辑,在近代中国展现了高等教育机构发展的激进态势和优先特性.  相似文献   

经过不懈的努力,浙江教育实现了"两大跨越":一是实现了由普及九年义务教育到普及十五年教育的跨越;二是实现了由高等教育精英化到高等教育大众化的跨越.进入新时期,随着一系列新情况、新要求的出现,浙江教育需要思考和解决的问题比以往有所增加.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,学术界逐渐重视对中国近代高等教育进行研究,并取得了一些研究成果,但对中国近代高等教育的一些问题还存在不同观点。了解中国近代高等教育主要观点和研究状况,对于进一步研究中国近代高等教育具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

在线教育已经成为美国高等教育体系中的一个重要组成部分。在斯隆基金会的资助下,斯隆联盟自2003年至2008年发表了一系列关于美国高校在线教育的调查报告。本文以这些报告的内容为基础,分析了美国高校在线教育发展的现状与机遇以及面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

陶行知作为中国现代教育的奠基人之一。他在金陵大学期间形成了学、教合一的共和教育思想和基督教现代教育家主体人格,到留美期间发展为道、教一体的国民教育思想;但在1917年—1927年陶行知开始现代转型,陶先是以基督教教育实现反中国传统教育,然后主要在1922—1917年非基运动中,实现了反西方传统。陶以民族主义实现了主体人格转型为民族本位主义的现代教育家,对于基督教教育思想的超越,其本质是基督世界主义与普世价值的民族适应。  相似文献   

This article sets Dorothy Bass' Christian practices movement in critical dialogue with U.S. Latina/o popular religion in order to explore ways that these distinctive sets of practices could enrich one another. Then, it focuses on shaping communities as a Christian practice and correlates it with the U.S. Latina/o popular religious practices enacted by a predominantly Mexican-American congregation in East Los Angeles, California. It concludes by examining the implications for U.S. Latina/o religious education in light of José Irizarry-Mercado's concepts of bilingual aesthetic and inter-cultural experience.  相似文献   

In this wide-ranging review essay, the author engages Christian Higher Education: A Global Reconnaissance, a book edited by J. Carpenter, P. L. Glanzer, and N. S. Lantinga (2014). His remarks focus especially on the five chapters of the book that survey Christian higher education in nations where he has direct experience: Brazil, Kenya, India, South Korea, and the United States. An extended reflection, both philosophical and practical, is then offered on a common task of Christian higher education across many cultures: how to develop and sustain a holistic education that promotes Kingdom prospering, above and beyond national and commercial purposes. He makes the case for a liberating education that seeks to instill a dynamic combination of integrative thinking and character formation. The essay ends with practical advice as the author encourages fellow educators to focus their efforts on faculty development, general education, and cross-cultural partnerships as the keys to building and sustaining a liberating education.  相似文献   

Christian religious educators in the Religious Education Association are challenged to reclaim their theological nerve and their partnership in public conversations about the educational practices of U.S. society. Beginning with the work of Randolph Crump Miller in the 1950s, this essay traces through the pages of Religious Education the dialogue about the partnership of education and theology. A practical theology of education is offered where the teaching and forming of Christian identity is complemented with a public theological examination of educational practices and meanings in the wider culture.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of Bob Jones University (BJU), a fundamentalist Christian institution located in South Carolina that is known within the context of U.S. higher education for its conservatism on multiple levels. Our analysis traces the beliefs of the institution's founder and subsequent leaders, in addition to particular religious, cultural, and social influences, all of which shaped BJU's institutional policies, including the university's racial practices. We believe that BJU's policies can best be understood from the contexts of two primary influential forces: its Southern cultural heritage (specifically, the culture-of-honor that has existed within the Deep South of the United States) combined with its fundamentalist moorings. Although BJU's policies have historically differed markedly from other Christian institutions regarding racism, we believe that the present study may be helpful in illustrating important historical lessons that possess potential contemporary applications for higher education policy and prac-tices.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a longitudinal study investigating current marketing practices at selected church-related, private, four-year compared to those in place in 1997. The role that institutional selectivity plays in the use of marketing activities was also investigated. The researcher surveyed the admissions directors or enrollment management officers at all U.S. institutional members of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Implications for marketers in higher education as well as recommendations for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The full identity of Asian heritage children growing up in Canada and the U.S. includes the Judaeo-Christian biblical tradition, the Euro-Anglo tradition of the dominant culture, and the traditions of their heritage culture. This article makes a case for including culture-specific stories from learners' own heritage for more holistic identity formation for younger members of immigrant Christian faith communities. The author examines obstacles that stand in the way, and discusses strategies to carry out this religious education endeavor. While examples are drawn mainly from East Asian culture (particularly Chinese), the discussion is intended to apply to most non-Euro-Anglo Christian faith communities of the North America diaspora.  相似文献   

美国高等教育本土化发展对我国高等教育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作为当今世界高等教育最发达的国家,其高等教育其实也是在不断的借鉴和创新中逐渐发展起来的。在历史与现实的全球化背景下,对美国高等教育本土化的发展历程、本土化的理念和本土化的政策进行研究发现,美国高等教育本土化的成功经验对我国当前情况下高等教育改革提出了新的启示。  相似文献   

Founded in 1930 and awarding Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees, the U.S.S.R. Financial and Economic Institute for Distance Education is one of 14 specialized distance teaching institutions at higher education level in the country. Its structure and contribution to the provision of higher education in the U.S.S.R. are analysed. Distance teaching methods, use of media and proposals for the future of distance education in the U.S.S.R. are presented.  相似文献   

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