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对我国甲级足球职业俱乐部引进外籍球员状况的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法,对我国职业足球俱乐部引进外籍球员的状况进行分析。结果表明,我国职业足球俱乐部引进外援的人数逐渐稳定,外援主要来自欧洲和美洲;场上分布主要是核心位置:总体层次较低。充分肯定了引进外援对促进技战术水平、增强球队实力等的积极作用。指出引进外援的负面效应以及外援质量不高、俱乐部资金不足等问题。  相似文献   

Football clubs are recruiting progressively more foreign football players, in particular from developing countries. For this purpose, clubs establish football academies in foreign countries or buy foreign players on the transfer market. We examine the economic rationale behind these two recruitment strategies and discuss how a club’s optimal recruitment strategy depends on the characteristics of the country, which it recruits players from. We argue that a country’s economic development affects the trade-off between the different costs and benefits of the two recruitment strategies. We provide empirical support for our argument by drawing on semi-structured qualitative interviews to describe and compare the transfer markets and football academies in two developing countries with different levels of economic development, namely Senegal and South Africa.  相似文献   

职业足球运动本质上是市场经济的商业行为,职业足球主要利益主体是处于法律平等地位的职业足球俱乐部、球员、行业管理协会等社会组织团体和自然人主体。在我国,职业足球俱乐部与球员之间是劳动合同的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部之间是合伙型联营的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部与足球协会之间既可能表现为平等主体之间的民事法律关系,又可能是不平等主体之间的行政管理关系。  相似文献   

吴炜 《体育科研》2012,33(6):28-31-35
擅要:国际足坛每年发生大量的球员合同纠纷。近年来,随着中国足球整体环境的改善,多家俱乐部加大投入,引进高水平外援,大大提升了中国足球职业联赛的水平。但与此同时,中国足球职业联赛中球员与俱乐部之间的合同纠纷也不断升级。球员合同属于劳动合同,中国的劳动合同争议有专门的管辖机关,即劳动争议仲裁委员会,并可上诉至法院,适用的法律为中国的《劳动合同法》。而在足球领域,球员工作合同纠纷是由国家足协、国际足联乃至国际体育仲裁院进行管辖,适用的规则为国家足协或国际足联相关规则。因此,当球员合同纠纷发生在中国职业联赛中时,如何结合我国当前的立法及国际足联关于足球行业的内部规定,选择恰当的纠纷管辖机构,是实践和理论中一个具有挑战性且意义深远的课题。文章结合笔者在处理这些足球运动员合同纠纷过程中积累的实务经验,分析中国足球职业联赛中不同类型的球员合同纠纷的解决方式及管辖权,以保护中国职业联赛中球员及俱乐部的利益,促进中国足球与国际足球在法律制度层面上的融合与接轨。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):536-547
The identification and development of players in English professional football has become an increasingly significant topic of debate given the historical perceived underperformance of the English national team at international tournaments. To enhance understanding of the challenges and barriers experienced by English youth footballers, the authors explore the developmental experiences of English professional football players from different levels of the English football pyramid. Professional players (N = 11) from football clubs in the top four professional divisions in England took part in individual semi-structured interviews, which were analysed inductively using thematic analysis. The data revealed three interrelated themes that were perceived to mediate player identification and development pathways at professional clubs. Pathways for young players to progress and experience first-team competitive football differed when the level of the league that the players operated within was considered, with significant issues also raised relating to the suitability of the under 21 league structure, the importance attached to the educational welfare of young players, and variations in the identification of player attributes. This study sheds new light on the priorities and processes of talent development and education provision in English football.  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员薪酬问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从经济学和管理学的角度对球员的薪酬问题进行了分析,指出由足协直接干预球员薪酬问题做法的不合理性.目前造成我国球员超高薪酬的主要原因是,后备力量的严重不足和俱乐部国有企业背景的存在.建议迅速组成中超职业联盟来管理球员薪酬这一问题.在球员薪酬管理上,可借鉴NBA工资帽的做法.  相似文献   

基于国际足联颁布"艾尔顿法则"的基础上,对卡塔尔足球"归化+青训"模式的发展历程进行研究,探讨出一条适合于中国足球现状的"中国足球特色归化之路",旨在为我国归化外籍球员及青训的道路提供启示,也为我国足球事业发展提供参考。结果显示:直接归化国外实力强劲球员为本国出战,在短时间内可能会提高成绩,但由于缺少了本国民族认同感,对我国足球的长远发展并无明显促进作用;而归化阿拉伯地区的精英小球员,经本国青训培养,可增加球员的归属感以及文化认同感,在球队实力提升的基础上,还会使归化球员与本土球员之间的关系变得紧密不可分。  相似文献   

欧足联“本土球员规则”的竞争法分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为足球运动最发达的地区,欧盟各成员国聚集了众多顶级俱乐部,并吸引了大量的外籍球员。虽然外籍球员的大量涌入促进了欧洲足球运动的发展,但是也导致俱乐部所在国家本土球员的数量在不断减少。为解决这一问题,促进欧洲本土青年球员的成长,欧足联制定了"本土球员规则"。从欧足联"本土球员规则"制定的背景、具体内容、适用范围和目标入手,探讨该规则是否属于欧盟法的调整范围及是否属于纯粹体育规则,分析其与欧共体条约第81(1)条、第39条存在的冲突,且不能享受第81(3)条的豁免。虽然与欧盟竞争法存在诸多冲突,但因的确会促进欧洲各国后备球员的培养,仍然得以稳步实施。  相似文献   

职业足球运动员与俱乐部、足球协会等主体之间法律关系的特殊性,决定了此类体育纠纷解决机制的多样性。分析英国、德国足球运动员纠纷案例及其纠纷解决机制的特点,结合中国职业足球运动员在合同型和技术型纠纷等领域的实践,从纠纷性质、法律适用以及执行等方面进行探讨。认为:目前中国职业足球运动员纠纷解决机制缺乏独立体育仲裁机构与相应的监督和审查,内部仲裁、外部仲裁、调解与诉讼之间衔接不畅。基于中国职业足球现状和《体育法(修改草案)》,提出根据不同类型纠纷建立相应解决机制,并建立独立体育仲裁机构,完善程序衔接整合:(1)运动员与俱乐部的劳资纠纷,双方适用普通仲裁程序;(2)技术型和管理型纠纷由足球协会内部仲裁庭裁决;(3)运动员的纪律处罚以及不服内部仲裁的纠纷,在穷尽足球协会的内部救济后适用上诉仲裁程序;(4)运动员与赞助商的合同纠纷,在确定违约或侵权的合同责任后,可直接向法院提起诉讼或向独立体育仲裁机构提起普通仲裁。  相似文献   

Spain, for long considered the glorious underachievers of world football, have in the last five years made a spectacular transition. From having a solitary European Championship win in 1964, they have won the last three major international tournaments they have appeared in. This achievement has evoked comparisons with some of the world’s greatest teams. Yet, it was not always so good for Spain; ravaged by the civil war and with infighting amongst different regions, Spain struggled on the international arena despite two immense clubs in Barcelona and Real Madrid. In recent years, the football team has risen above these divisions and ironically, given the long-standing tensions between Catalonia and Spain, the core of their success has been through players from FC Barcelona, the Catalan-based powerhouse. A major catalyst in Spain’s stunning rejuvenation as an international football powerhouse has been midfielder Xavi Hernandez. The interesting fact about Xavi is that not only is he a fabulous player who would have surely won more accolades if he were not in the shadow of Lionel Messi, but also that he is a born and bred Catalan. It is of great interest that the region, with which Spain has had its most bitter relationship, has provided Spain the core of players that has driven them to glory for the last five years.  相似文献   

归化外籍球员是诸多国家发展本国足球的重要手段。中国足球归化外籍球员既是建设体育强国、发展体育产业、构建中国特色足球文化的需要,也是适应国际足坛发展趋势、借鉴亚洲足球强国成功经验“冲出亚洲”的需要。归化球员可在短期内提升中国足球的国际竞争力,逐步补齐体育强国建设中竞技体育项目的结构性短板,推动中国联赛走向繁荣,促进体育产业发展,同时,产生一定的“鲇鱼效应”,刺激本土老球员的“求生”本能,带动本土年轻球员成长,吸引更多青少年投身足球运动,夯实中国青训体系。在归化外籍球员过程中,应维护《国籍法》的安定性,坚持“一人一籍”的基本原则不动摇,同时推动3种归化模式协同并进,注重培养归化球员的文化认同,加强顶层设计,谨慎选择归化对象。  相似文献   

足球运动与欧盟法律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博斯曼案件在加快欧盟足球法律化进程的同时,亦加剧了足球运动传统的制度和规则与欧盟法律的冲突,欧盟现已提出了指导体育法律实践的基本原则,但该原则在欧盟范围内足球界转会问题、队员与球队的国籍问题、关联俱乐部球队之间的比赛问题以及电视转播权问题等等,还有待实践检验。欧盟足球运动必须接受欧盟法律的指引,但有关方面同时在具体法律实践中也必须考虑到足球运动的特殊规律。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the place of early development in a sample of Danish male elite and youth handball and football players. The sample included 366 handball and football players from the elite Danish league in the season 2011–2012 and a comparison sample of youth players under the age of 12 from 2003, including 147,221 football and 26,290 handball players. Odds ratio analysis showed that both population size and density significantly affected the proportional number of youth players per community and the odds of athletes reaching an elite level in football and handball. The odds for youth player registrations in both handball and football increased in rural in contrast to urban communities. However, elite football players primarily came from communities of high density (>1000 pop./km2), whereas elite handball players primarily came from less densely populated communities (100 to <250 pop./km2). Furthermore, there seems to be a relation between representation of elite and talent clubs in different communities and the probability of becoming an elite player in both sports. The limited number of elite players in both sports from rural communities may be due to national talent development strategies that do not incorporate development support for clubs in rural areas. Additionally, the results of the study clearly suggest the need to include the youth player population to advance research findings in birthplace effect studies.  相似文献   

Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior’s transfer fee of 222 million euros clearly indicates that the lifeworld of professional football proves the well-known ideal of eleven friends, all from the same hometown, to be a romantic notion of the past. When players are measured by their market value, when clubs are capital investments and when football matches are marketed as spectacular events, the question arising no longer is whether amateur football and professional football have moved apart, but rather how big the gap has become. Is there still any connection between the lifeworld of amateur football and professional football or are these now disparate worlds? To answer this question it is essential to determine whether, despite the obvious invariants between amateur football and professional football, there is still a common core of the game that connects the two worlds. This core may be in the contingency of playing football as a specific form of result uncertainty and uncertainty in action, which are sought voluntarily and intentionally. The reward for the players is not to be found in the intended result (i.e. the victory) but in experiencing that the means taken to reach the aim (generally the movement actions of the players) gain in value to the extent where achieving the aim of the action is unpredictable. In 1995, Seel called this aesthetic value of actions in sport “a celebration of inability”. In conclusion, it is the telic of the autotelic that represents the constitutive prerequisite for the special fascination of football, and in this respect it is possible from a cultural perspective to assign educational value to the game of football. Football will continue to fascinate players as well as the spectators as long as its core—the telic of the autotelic—can be experienced in football’s various lifeworlds.  相似文献   

Professional European football clubs have been hypothesized to maximize sporting or financial objectives. The authors analyze the impact of various ownership structures on the realized management efficiency in maximizing profitability and national sporting success. Therefore, they apply the time-varying stochastic frontier model by Battese & Coelli (1995) to an unbalanced panel from England and France between 2006 and 2012. French professional football is characterized by a shift towards private investors. Results show that clubs majority-owned by private investors are less efficient than other clubs in French Ligue 1. In English professional football, the majority of takeovers is pursued by foreign investors. Although previous researchers have shown that foreign investors increase financial resources and team investments, the authors demonstrate that foreign investors reduce both financial and sporting efficiency. The analysis of survival and financial team efficiencies of club ownership structures indicates that clubs tend to compete by investments rather than efficiency.  相似文献   

中外职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,对中外职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养进行比较.结果显示,中外足球俱乐部后备人才培养上存在较大差距,国外俱乐部具有多种后备人才选拔方式、较科学的训练机制、较多样的竞赛类型和较多的比赛场次、切实加强年轻球员的文化教育、多层次的运动员出路,而我国职业运动员选拔面小、训练不够科学、竞赛种类少、比赛场次少、对球员的文化教育重视程度不够、可供其选择的出路少,这些问题制约了我国职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养的质量.  相似文献   

This paper explores competitive balance in top-tier English league football from its inception in 1888. It examines the extent to which finishing in the top four positions in successive seasons is the preserve of a small number of clubs. Using a range of statistical measures, the analysis shows that the current high levels of competitive imbalance are not new phenomena. The overall pattern approximates a ‘U curve’: current patterns parallel those in the 1890s. In the early years of English league football, differences in resources between clubs soon became apparent. Clubs from the larger conurbations generated consistently larger revenues than their counterparts in the smaller industrial towns. The introduction of the maximum wage in 1901 and the transfer system helped to stem these increasing inequalities between clubs. This coincided with a massive wave of new stadia construction which enabled all the clubs to compete on an increasingly level playing field. These conjunctural changes to English football before 1915 produced the era of relatively competitive football during the inter-war years. This continued until the abolition of the maximum wage in 1961. Since that time, competitive balance has reversed and become increasingly restricted. English top-tier football has re-entered an era of extreme competitive imbalance.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, a number of prominent British and Irish footballers – the likes of which included Gordon Banks, George Best, Bobby Charlton, Geoff Hurst and Bobby Moore – played as ‘guest players’ on a short-term basis for various clubs in South Africa's National Football League (NFL), a ‘whites-only’ professional league that spanned the period 1959–1977. Coupled with this, NFL clubs from the outset also secured the services of additional foreign players of lesser standing on longer term contracts in an attempt to improve the standard of play. The strategy of importing high-profile ‘guests’ during the 1970s ultimately proved unsuccessful in sustaining the league as it disbanded after the 1977 season. Utilising archival documentation, contemporary media reports and existing football works, this essay aims to establish the reasons behind the NFL's demise. Two particular factors under consideration are the erosion of the league's entertainment value and the deteriorating economic conditions within South Africa at the time. These elements are juxtaposed with additional factors such as the rise in popularity of multiracial football, the resulting drain of sponsorship away from the white professional game, as well as political machinations within South Africa during this period.  相似文献   

The growing popularity and developments in football/soccer have affected the football/soccer industry dramatically. The popularity and developments have increased the interest of companies in the last two or three decades. Companies have started to invest and become a sponsor of football/soccer clubs. Jersey sponsorship has emerged as a result of the increasing interest and investments. Nowadays, the jersey sponsorship is popular and has become an important type of revenue source for football/soccer clubs. As a result of popularity of jersey sponsorship, jersey sponsors must be investigated and analysed. This paper deals with the industry classification of the main jersey sponsors which have names and logos on the front of the football/soccer clubs home jerseys. A total of 1147 football/soccer clubs in 79 countries top leagues, as of 31 December 2012, have been investigated. The Industry Classification Benchmark is used to classify the industries of the main jersey sponsors of football/soccer clubs.  相似文献   

我国职业足球俱乐部利益群体的特征和利益诉求   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以我国职业足球利益群体的特征与利益诉求分析为主线,将构成我国职业足球俱乐部的利益群体分为俱乐部、职业球员和行业管理者,并在此基础上分析不同利益群体的特点及其利益诉求的差异性,以及我国职业足球俱乐部各利益群体在职业联赛中的稳定性目标.  相似文献   

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