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对近50所高校618名体育组织员工进行了调查,采用验证性因素分析和多元回归分析对变革型领导的理论结构及其与领导有效性的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:变革型领导是一个四维结构,包括领导魅力、感召力、智能激发和个性化关怀;变革型领导各维度对领导有效性有一定的预测力。  相似文献   

当前,由于全球化经济竞争的加剧,组织变革已成为组织面临的首要问题,而组织变革需要变革型的领导,因而变革型领导及其研究受到业界和学界的双重关注。文章对体育组织情境下变革型领导的研究现状和特点进行了分析,并对其未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

运用体育管理心理学和社会心理学的相关理论,对竞技体育领域中教练员领导行为理论观点及应用研究成果等问题进行了评析。结果表明,国内外学者对教练员领导行为的研究多集中在教练员的关系行为上;对教练员领导行为测评方法、教练员领导行为特征对运动员行为的影响、教练员执教行为与关系行为的和谐发展缺乏系统的研究成果。  相似文献   

教练员领导行为的"多元领导模式"研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
领导的理论基础包括科学管理的领导理论、人群关系的领导理论、组织行为的领导理论和权变的领导理论。多元领导模式分为前因变项、领导行为以及结果变项3个主要部分。对多元领导模式的测量采用运动领导行为量表,针对40个教练行为5个维度进行研究。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,以山西省部分高校体育社团(51个、21种)的组织建设为研究对象,对社团干部组织领导进行研究,旨在高校体育社团干部领导方式的健康发展模式,完善高校体育社团组织建设,促进山西省高校体育社团发展。  相似文献   

我国足球甲级队主教练领导行为对其队员影响力的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
运用管理心理学和社会心理学的研究方法,对我国足球甲级队主教练的领导行为进行了深入的研究。结果发现:我国足球甲级队主教练对其队员影响力的主要因素是,道德品质因素、资历因素、感情因素。而宽容精神、创新精神和体育基础知识因素对队员影响较小。同时还发现,教练员对自身的评价并不客观,在影响力各因素的得分与队员理想得分相差甚远。由于教练员的管理能力、足球业务能力、感情因素、体育基础知识、创新精神诸因素的得分较低,影响了足球队的凝聚力和训练水平的提高。  相似文献   

领导理论是管理心理学的研究内容之一。长期以来,国外心理学家进行了大量的调查和研究,得出了具有代表性的四种领导理论,即品质理论、作风理论、行为理论及情景理论。教练员是运动队中的领导者,介绍上述四种领导理论和研究成果,也包括体育方面的研究成果,无疑会给教练员的心理及行为的进一步研究以及教练员进行有效的领导工作提供参  相似文献   

教练员领导行为研究进展述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对有关教练员领导行为研究文献的回顾,介绍了迄今国外教练员领导行为5个方面的研究成果,即多维度体育运动领导模式、领导者行为模式、教练员领导方式和决策方式,教练员与运动员的共容,教练员行为的评估与培训;同时介绍了国内有关教练员领导行为的研究,包括教练员的领导功能与作用、教练员的领导职责与素质、教练员的影响力与权威体系、教练员的领导方式与效果;提出了国内外研究存在的不足及改进建议。  相似文献   

本论文是以上海市少体校的教练员、运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料、调查访问、访谈、逻辑分析、数理统计等研究方法,以体育行为学、组织行为学为理论基础并结合国内外相关研究成果,从行为科学的角度,对上海市少体校的教练员领导行为的状况进行调查研究。  相似文献   

领导概念及行为是随着社会进化而发展的。马克思主义认为,领导就是指挥、率领并引导和影响被领导者在一定条件下实现任务和目标的行为过程。领导者主要作用于领导对象而不是作用于组织目标。领导者的活动必须与被领导者的活动紧密结合。领导必须贯穿于实现组织目标的全过程。领导活动包括领导者、被领导者、客观环境条件三个要素。领导者必须研究三者之间相互关系、各自特征,必须抓好对被领导者的宣传、教育、管理,必须审时度势。及时根据客观环境条件的变化而采取相应的对策,必须广泛听取各方面意见,坚持民主领导、集体领导。在领导工作中必须抓好科学决策、组织施实、检查指导、总结评价等四个环节。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to develop an observational coding system that examines coaches’ leadership behaviours in sport. Drawing from an integration of the dimensions emphasized within the full-range leadership model, and particularly, transformational leadership (TFL), the Coach Leadership Assessment System (CLAS) was designed to examine coaches’ real-time leadership behaviours. Behavioural categories were developed through an iterative combination of literature review, qualitative interviews, and video observation. The CLAS consists of five higher-order dimensions: transformational, transactional, neutral, laissez-faire, and toxic coaching, which assess coaches’ leadership across 18 distinct behavioural categories. Overall, results provided preliminary support for the reliability and validity of this instrument. The CLAS provides a detailed and contextualized account of coaches’ leadership behaviours in sport and may have important implications for theory development and applied practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and explore a working conceptualisation of collective board leadership in a federal sport network. In this paper, the authors examine the relationship between collective leadership and governance systems specifically within the non-profit sport organisation context, bringing together notions of collective board leadership and collaborative governance. Neither concept has yet been presented in tandem for the benefit of developing sport governance knowledge and practice. As an outcome of the conceptualising, the authors make explicit the multiple levels of the sport governance system and pose two broad research directions that will help advance theory and drive a better understanding of collective board leadership within these types of governance systems. A central premise of this paper is that the sport management field is lacking literature that brings together leadership and governance, and that collective leadership is a topic where the intersection of leadership and governance renders advancement for both bodies of work. The authors offer implications for future work in collective leadership for sport governance.  相似文献   


We draw on the concept of the shared mental model to explain the cross-level direct and moderating effects of team trust on the relationship between coach transformational leadership and cohesion. Using hierarchical linear modelling, we analysed 597 national level high school and university volleyball players to test our research model. Our results revealed that, (a) at the individual level, coach transformational leadership has a positive effect on athletes’ perceptions on cohesion and (b) team trust, a group-level construct, is positively related to social cohesion and moderates the coach transformational leadership-cohesion relationship. The moderating effect demonstrates that the positive effect of coach transformational leadership on cohesion could be enhanced when high levels of team trust are shared within the group. Implications for coach education and sport psychology in terms of theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

教练员领导问题的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育运动领域中教练员领导问题的研究是运动心理学和管理心理学中一个具有交叉性的重要研究领域。通过对以一般领导理论为基础发展起来的体育运动领域中教练员领导问题的理论、测评方法和研究成果的综述,旨在推动我国运动心理学者对教练员领导问题的研究。  相似文献   

旨在探讨我国CUBA联赛教练员领导行为特征。以参加2011年第十四届中国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)的1575名运动员为调查对象,利用《大学篮球队教练员领导行为问卷》为研究工具进行问卷调查。结果表明:大学篮球运动员在训练过程中对教练员的领导行为的感知程度高低依次为技术指导行为、训练行为、正向反馈行为、民主行为、关怀行为。不同水平、组别、年级、训练年限及参赛经验的大学篮球运动员感知的教练员领导行为有显著差异,但不同性别运动员感知的教练员领导行为无显著差异。  相似文献   

探讨我国高水平手球队凝聚力是否对教练员领导行为、运动员角色投入与运动员满意度具有中介作用。赛前使用群体环境问卷对160名参加全国女子手球锦标赛的运动员进行凝聚力测试,赛后使用运动领导行为量表、运动员角色投入问卷、运动员满意度问卷对上述运动员进行了测试。运用Baron和Kenny(1986)线性回归分析方法对凝聚力的中介作用给予检验。结果表明,运动员所知觉到的领导行为和角色投入对团队成绩满意度、团队一致满意度影响显著,但该影响由于凝聚力的加入而变小或变得不显著。说明凝聚力对领导行为、角色投入与团队成绩满意度、团队一致性满意度具有中介作用。  相似文献   

Background: The field of physical education (PE), overlapping as it does with the field of sport, has been critiqued for marginalizing those positioned as ‘different’. This difference is typically conceptualized in regard to a white, masculine, heterosexual, and able-bodied norm. Students who do not identify as white are not represented in any significant way in physical education discourses, culture, or the demographics of PE teachers in many international contexts.

Purpose: This article explores links between the literature in critical leadership and physical education. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of transformational leadership, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory, we draw links between the field of PE and applied critical leadership.

Design and analyses: Drawing on the theoretical tools of Bourdieu, we argue that physical education can be conceptualized as a field of practice. As such, the field values contain certain practices and norms. We argue that disrupting these norms relies on leadership in the field and may require insights from other fields, in this case applied critical leadership.

Conclusion: We conclude that leaders (both teachers and teacher educators) in the field of PE have a responsibility to take up practices which work against racialization and challenge current norms. This is both a theoretical and pedagogical challenge but can begin in classrooms.  相似文献   

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