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目的:探讨南京市40~59岁中老年社区居民体质健康状况、体力活动情况以及两者之间的相关关系.方法:分别采用<中国成年人体质健康标准>和<居民健康及体力活动量调查表>,对社区居民进行体质测试和体力活动量调查.共1993人参加测试,其中男性960人,女性1033人.结果显示:1)南京市社区40-59周岁的中老年居民的体质综合得分仅达及格水平;女性居民的体质健康优秀率和良好率均高于男性.2)75.98%的男性居民体重处于超重或肥胖状态,女性居民超重或肥胖率为63.16%;正常体重组体质综合得分最高,低体重和超重肥胖组较低;体重过重或过轻均会对身体机能和素质产生负面影响.3)南京市城市社区居民体力活动以中低强度为主,女性居民每周体力活动能量消耗显著高于男性(P<0.01);居民体力活动的主要构成来源为职业劳动、家务劳动和交通出行的体力活动.4)居民体力活动每周消耗MET-min均值和体质综合得分呈显著正相关(P<0.01),体力活动是体质健康的保护性因素;有规律地参加体育锻炼活动越多,体质健康收益越大.5)居民超重或肥胖与大、中等强度体力活动不足密切相关.  相似文献   

目的:调查江苏省各地区人群体力活动量现状并对其特征进行研究分析。方法:采用国际体力活动短问卷在省内104个县/区按照PPS抽样原则进行抽样调查。结果:江苏省常住人口的体力活动水平高度活跃率为40.9%;男性高度活跃率为43.0%,女性为38.6%,男性每周总体力活动量、每日MVPA时间高于女性,男女间差异显著(p<0.01);20-39岁年龄组高度活跃率为36.8%,40-59岁年龄组为45.6%;站立走动为主人群的体力活动水平高度活跃率最高(51.4%),但是该人群的经常锻炼人群比例最低(16.4%);城镇人群的高度活跃率低于农村人群,但是经常锻炼人口比例高于农村人群;学历高的人群体力活动水平高度活跃率低,但是经常锻炼人口比例较高。结论:1江苏省常住人口的体力活动高度活跃率为40.9%,低于我国上海地区,也低于主要发达国家的水平;2江苏男性的体力活动水平高于女性,40岁以后的成年人体力活动水平高于年轻人群,农村人群体力活动水平高于城镇人群;3本研究还发现,与工作方式相关的体力活动量对日常体力活动量的影响较大,体重超重人群表现出更加强烈的锻炼积极性。  相似文献   

目的:调查银川市居民体力活动现状并对其进行分析。方法:采用IPAQ-长卷对银川市社区居民进行调查。结果:高水平体力活动者为55.3%,中等水平者为36%。男性的一周VPA显著高于女性(P<0.05);大专及以上教育程度者TPA、MPA和WPA都显著低于其他教育程度者(P<0.05);85%的居民达到了世卫组织推荐的身体活动量。结论:银川城市居民体力活动水平较高,中等强度体力活动和步行体力活动的比例大;男性在VPA上显著高于女性,但在其他方面与女性无显著差异;受教育程度对体力活动的影响较大;大多数社区居民达到了世卫组织推荐的身体活动量。  相似文献   

目的通过加速度计测量、评价中年女性体力活动水平现状,探讨不同水平的体力活动对机体糖脂代谢的影响。方法选取71名年龄在40~59岁的女性,采集空腹静脉血测试血糖、血脂,并让其佩戴7 d的加速度计,根据测试结果计算静坐、低强度、中等强度、较大强度体力活动的时间,比较40~49岁、50~59岁两组女性体力活动的现状,分析体力活动水平与糖脂代谢各项指标之间的相关性。结果 40~59岁女性中52.11%属于体力活动不足,其中40~49岁女性体力活动不足人数达到67.86%;超重肥胖女性中72.73%存在体力活动不足的现象,而正常体重的女性只有34.21%是体力活动不足者;体力活动不足组的血糖、TC、TG均高于体力活动活跃组,两组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),LDL-C明显高于体力活动活跃组(P<0.01),HDL-C较体力活动活跃组低(P<0.05)。结论约有50%的中年女性存在体力活动不足,尤其是每周进行较大强度体力活动的时间几乎为0 min;40~49岁的女性体力活动水平明显低于50~59岁的女性,超重肥胖女性体力活动水平低于正常体重的女性;体力活动不足会引起机体糖脂代谢紊乱,增加发生心血管疾病的危险因素。  相似文献   

王奎  宁克 《福建体育科技》2010,29(5):4-5,17
目的:对长沙地区居民的日常体力活动情况进行调查统计,了解地区内人群的体力活动现状和变化规律。方法:采用分层随机抽样方法,在长沙地区城乡居民中抽取样本851人,入户并运用国际体力活动调查问卷(IPAQ)进行调查。结果:中等强度的体力活动是主要的活动方式;交通领域是体能消耗的主要领域;从事低、中、高活动等级的人口比例分别为26.9%、37.8%和35.5%,男性与女性在活动等级的分布上差异明显。结论:用于闲暇时间的体能消耗是下阶段开展工作的重点;家务活动的体能消耗有待加强;应提高中青年人中等强度及高强度体力活动的参与程度。  相似文献   

国家公务员体力活动与健康问题的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用问卷调查等方法,对全国1112名公务员进行了调查。结果表明:公务员整体缺乏足够的体力活动,尤其是中年人;公务员群体存在有应酬多、坐着工作时间长等不利于健康的工作和生活方式;男性参加体育锻炼的次数明显多于女性;30岁以上者对体力活动有着比较正确的认识,但参加体力活动的欲望和行为明显滞后,其中30~49岁组尤甚;文化程度高者参加体力活动的欲望强,但在行为方面却表现出相反的趋势。建议:完善公务员体力活动的保障、考核机制,大力开展适宜的体育锻炼活动。  相似文献   

运动传感器(SWA)在测量青少年日常体力活动水平中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用运动传感器SWA测量青少年日常体力活动的能量消耗,了解青少年日常体力活动状况,探讨SWA在体力活动测量中的应用价值.方法:随机抽取上海市30名中学生作为调查对象,男女各半.受试者佩带SWA,固定于优势侧上臂肱三头肌处,每天早晨起床后戴上,一直到晚上睡觉前摘下,连续佩戴7 d,记录体力活动的能量消耗和活动时间.结果:男生1周总能量消耗和平均每天进行的中等强度、大强度体力活动能量消耗和时间高于女生(P<0.01);在平均每天的能量消耗构成比中,男生从事大强度的体力活动能耗为10%,中等强度的能耗为14%,女生从事大强度的体力活动能耗为4%,中等强度的能耗为12%.个体间体力活动能耗为10.44%-46.03%.结论:目前青少年的体力活动水平参差不齐,存在着明显的性别差异,并且随着年龄的增长,体力活动水平下降.SWA具有较好的客观性、可靠性和实用性.  相似文献   

目的调查湘西地区大学生群体的体力活动量及静态生活方式现状对提高大学生的体质健康水平具有重要的现实意义。方法采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、和数理统计法,分层整群随机抽取湘西地区张家界学院、吉首大学和怀化学院的大一至大四非体育专业的1 019名本科学生进行体力活动的抽样调查。结果湘西地区大学生体力活动活跃度达到适宜及活跃水平的活跃率最高(75.6%);男生体力活动活跃度达到适宜及活跃水平的活跃率为80.6%,女生为70.9%,男女生差异显著(p<0.01);80%以上的调查对象缺少不同强度职业性体力活动时间,其职业性和交通性体力活动方式主要是步行;并且女生的各强度职业性和交通性体力活动代谢当量均值高于男生,男女生差异显著。结论湘西地区大学生体力活动不足状况较严重;每天平均静坐的时间超过4h,长时间的静坐方式对湘西地区大学生日常体力活动的影响较大。建议完善职业性体力活动;丰富大学生休闲时间及日常生活的活动方式;引导大学生进行适量的运动锻炼,减少静坐时间;均衡体力活动时间及活动强度。  相似文献   

体力活动是提高人体健康水平的基本手段之一,对体力活动评估一直是运动健康领域的研究热点.目的:以职业分类角度,探讨环卫工人一日体力活动及能量消耗特征.方法:采用型号为LivePod imate R3的三维人体运动能量消耗监测仪,对男、女环卫工人各20名进行连续7天的体力活动监测.结果:环卫工人体力活动每日动作数工作日男性每天平均为27 066.0次,女性每天为22 789.4次.在工作日的工作时间体力活动动作数则是女性高于男性.在能量消耗方面,工作日男性、女性每天平均分别为635.8kcal、546.7Kcal,二者不存在显著性差异.结论:环卫工人工作日体力活动动作数较高,并且男性每日动作数高于女性.但在工作时间内则是女性动作数高于男性.工作日每日能量消耗男、女差异的不显著,提示环卫工作是一项性别差异不明显的工作.环卫工人每日较高的动作数并没有伴随较高的能量消耗,提示该类人群需进行适当强度的健身锻炼提高身体机能.  相似文献   

运用2010年第三次国民体质监测调查数据对国民体力活动水平进行分析.结果显示:幼儿人群体力活动表现为:每周5天身体活动人数比例随年龄增加呈减少趋势,城镇高于乡村.成老年人群特征:成年人约有1/3、老年人约有2/3的人一周中没有中、重度体力活动;体力活动活跃度在40-54岁进入最高平台期;体力活动高度活跃的成年人群随学历的增加,人数比例呈现出降低的态势;体力活动活跃类成年人群呈现出“倒U型”结构.将交通行程、职业、家务和闲暇时间四项体力活动指标结合起来看,各性别组人群的职业体力活动活跃达标率普遍比其他三项体力活动高.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between meeting recommendations on physical activity for health in leisure-time and the ability to work among Polish white-collar workers. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design with a convenience sample of 360 white-collar workers. Participants recorded 7-day physical activity logs, including form, duration and intensity of leisure-time physical activities. The results were compared to health recommendations. A standardized Work Ability Index (WAI) questionnaire was used in assessing the ability to work. Results: Participants who met health recommendations achieved higher scores of the WAI (mean score?=?41.93) in comparison to those who were not sufficiently physically active (mean score?=?39.35) (p?Conclusions: Meeting leisure-time physical activity recommendations (especially the criterion of vigorous physical activity) is significantly related to higher self-assessed ability to work among white-collar workers.  相似文献   

Despite females consistently reporting greater social physique anxiety (SPA), previous literature has yet to demonstrate whether SPA gender differences are linked to the way males and females perform physical activity. This study investigated an association between SPA and physical activity frequency, history of exercise, and physical activity intensity. Participants were represented by currently active users (N?=?33 males; N?=?31 females) of an on-campus university-run gym and completed a background physical activity questionnaire and the nine-item Social Physique Anxiety Scale. Participants also performed an exercise session at a self-selected level of exertion, with the intensity of each session measured via heart rate monitor. SPA was not associated with physical activity frequency, history of exercise (length of gym membership), or intensity for male and female exercisers. With respect to male participants, females reported higher SPA and a preference for performing higher intensity physical activity. Females and males also indicated a preference for performing aerobic and anaerobic physical activity respectively. Our findings suggest the experience of SPA does not deter body-conscious individuals from the performance of regular physical activity. Findings also suggest the discrepancy in male and female SPA is not linked to differences in the way physical activity is performed.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study aimed to compare the energy expenditure and intensity of active video games to that of treadmill walking in children and adolescents. Method: Seventy-two boys and girls (aged 8–13 years) were recruited from local public schools. Energy expenditure and heart rate were measured during rest, during 3-km/hr, 4-km/hr, and 5-km/hr walks, and during active games (Adventure, Boxing I, Boxing II, and Dance). During walking and active games, we also assessed physical activity using an accelerometer. Results: The energy expenditure of the active games Adventure, Boxing I, Boxing II, and Dance was similar to that of treadmill walking at 5 km/hr in boys and girls. Heart rate was significantly higher for the game Adventure compared with walking at 3 km/hr, 4 km/hr, and 5 km/hr and the game Dance in both genders. The heart rate of girls during the games Adventure and Dance was significantly higher compared with boys. There was a statistically significant difference (< .05, with an effect size ranging from 0.40 to 3.54) in the counts·min?1, measured through accelerometry, between activities. Conclusion: XBOX 360 Kinect games provide energy expenditure and physical activity of moderate intensity for both genders. The use of active video games can be an interesting alternative to increase physical activity levels.  相似文献   

瑜珈练习对女大学生CK、SOD、GPX及MDA的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过16周的瑜珈锻炼,观察20名女大学生锻炼前后血清中CK、SOD、GPX活性及MDA含量的变化。结果显示:实施瑜珈运动可以明显降低女大学生的MDA含量(P<0.05),显著提高SOD、GPX的活性(P<0.05,P<0.01);对CK无明显影响(P>0.05)。提示瑜珈练习可以降低女大学生机体内自由基水平,提高机体的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

大学生体质与体力活动的相关分析和研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用《学生体质健康标准》和体力活动概念研究大学生体质、体力活动现状及相互关系。从南京大学、南京理工大学等11所院校共抽取研究对象2 614人,其中男生1 313人,女生1 301人。体质测试采用《学生体质健康标准》,体力活动调查采用国际体力活动问卷。结果显示:大学生体质总体良好,男生体质综合得分、体质健康达标优秀率均优于女生;男生超重或肥胖发生率为9.5%,女生低体重发生率为24.5%,身体成分不合理对体质健康构成负面影响;大学生大中强度体力活动主要来源于体育课,课余时间体力活动偏少,女生活动比男生少,大学生每天静坐时间较长;每周有规律地参加大中强度体力活动,尤其是大强度活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

山东省济、烟、滨三地区成年人肥胖现象的现状调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对山东省2005年济南、烟台、滨州三地区成年人部分国民体质监测数据进行分析,以身体质量指数法为评定标准,探讨肥胖者的现状及特点。结果表明:山东省三地区成年人总肥胖率达15.4%,其中成年男性肥胖率为17.0%,女性肥胖率为13.8%。三地区成年人肥胖率存在性别、地区、年龄组的显著性差异(P〈0.01)。男性高于女性,发达地区高于欠发达地区,随年龄的增加,肥胖率发生显著性增加。城乡间无差异(P〉0.05),但城男与乡男、城女与乡女之间存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

夏秀祯  窦喆 《体育科学》2005,25(9):24-28
就奥林匹克教育计划对香港、北京两地学生作用的效果进行比较研究。结果显示:经12周的实验后,无论香港还是北京的活动实验组,在奥林匹克知识方面都获得了极大的提高。同时,教师也在体育课上越来越多地讲授相关的奥林匹克知识(P<0.01)。在培养学生公平竞争和行为的道德观念方面,香港地区的理论实验组和活动实验组在道德理性和行为方面的得分远远高于对照组(P<0.01)。北京的活动实验组在道德取向方面的得分远远高于对照组和理论实验组(P<0.01),而活动实验组和理论实验组在道德行为方面的得分远远高于对照组(P<0.01)。实验后两地区间的所有变量并不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between physical activity and several health parameters in German adolescents. We predicted that the association between physical activity and physical and psychosocial health resources (physical and psychosocial characteristics that tend to enhance coping and well-being) would be stronger than the association between physical activity and health deficits. This research is based on a large representative, cross-sectional study (the German Health Interview and Examination Survey [KiGGS] and the Motoric-Module [MoMo]). Health was assessed using medical parameters, motor fitness data, and questionnaire data for various health-related parameters. To assess physical activity, the participants answered questions regarding the duration and intensity of weekly physical activity in leisure and organized sports. We tested our assumptions using a representative sample (N=2291; 50.5% boys) of German adolescents aged 11–17 years. Participants were classified as physically inactive (16.7%), somewhat active (24.7%), medium active (19.8%), active (14.4%) or highly active (24.4%), based on the duration and intensity of their weekly physical activity. In support of our hypothesis, the data revealed that the amount of physical activity explains up to 12.6% in the variance of physical and psychosocial health resources, but only 2.5% of the variance in physical and psychosocial health deficits. We conclude that the relationship between physical activity and health among adolescents should not only be viewed as a way of reducing health deficits, but should also focus on the enhancement of physical and psychosocial resources.  相似文献   

Background: Developmental theorists suggest that physical activity during early childhood promotes fundamental motor skill (FMS) proficiency; and that differences in FMS proficiency are largely related to children's experiences.

Aim: To examine associations between participation in different types of recreation/leisure and FMS proficiency of boys and girls in their first year of school. We hypothesized that there would be positive associations between FMS proficiency and participation in organized sport, physical activities, and active physical recreation; but not for other types of recreation/leisure.

Method: Participants (n?=?74) were kindergarten children (Mage?=?5y11?m; boys?=?55%). Parents completed the diversity dimension of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) survey. The CAPE measures children's participation in everyday activities outside of mandated school activities in the past four months in five types of formal and informal activities, specifically: Recreational activities, Physical activities, Social activities, Skill-Based activities, and Self-Improvement activities. Two categories of activities were also reported: Organized Sport and Active Physical Recreation. Locomotor and object control skills were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and static balance was assessed using a stork stand. Sex-based differences in motor skills and participation were examined using chi-squared analyses. Correlation coefficients were used to examine relationships between motor skills and CAPE sub-domains and categories. Linear regression was used to examine whether the type of activity predicted motor skill proficiency and the reverse.

Results: There were no sex-based differences in locomotor skills; whereas boys' object control skill scores were significantly higher than girls, and girls' stork stand scores were higher than boys'. Although there were no sex-based differences in the more active categories of recreational pastimes; girls participated in significantly more formal and informal dance and the prevalence of participation in team sports was significantly higher for boys. For boys, participation in physical activities predicted both locomotor and object control skill scores, organized sport predicted object control skills, and active recreation predicted stork stand times and object control skill scores. These relationships were not evident among the girls.

Conclusions: These findings illustrate that young children participate in a narrower array of physically active recreational pursuits compared with less active pursuits. There were notable sex-based differences in the relationships between participation and motor skill proficiency. For girls, none of the associations between recreational pastimes and motor skill proficiency were significant. This suggests that the motor proficiency of girls, as assessed in this study, is neither a precursor to, nor an outcome of, participation in active recreational pastimes. Contrastingly, the findings for boys support theory that suggests that physical activity is driving the acquisition of particular types of motor skills. Less active recreational activities were not associated with motor skill levels of boys, whereas each of the more active categories of recreational pastimes (active recreation, physical activities, and organized sport) predicted at least one sub-type of motor skill. It also seems clear from our findings that more light needs to be shed on how to optimally portray young girls' motor skill proficiency; as well as the relationships between their participation and motor skills.  相似文献   

BackgroundMultiparous women are at a higher risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) than primiparas. Physical activity during pregnancy has been shown to be beneficial for GDM, but there is little evidence on the association between physical activity and glycemic control among women with GDM, whether primiparas or multiparas. Thus, the objective of the present study was to examine the association between physical activity and glycemic control in women with GDM and to determine what, if any, effects result from number of parous events.MethodsA prospective cohort of 1162 women with GDM was recruited, with 604 multiparas (51.98%). The general linear model was used to calculate the risk difference and its 95% confidence interval (95%CI) to quantify the impact of parous events on glycemic control in pregnancy as well as the association between physical activity time and glycemic control.ResultsAmong 1162 women with GDM, the median daily activity time was 65 min (interquartile range (IQR): 45–90 min), and the abnormal plasma glucose (PG) percentage, calculated as number of abnormal PG tests divided by the total number of PG tests, was 40.00% (IQR: 22.22%–66.67%). The percentage of abnormal PG was stabilized and statistically lower with daily physical activity time exceeding 60 min among primiparas (IQR: 30.89%–44.43%) and exceeding 90 min among multiparas (ranged from 27.76% to 38.82%). After adjusting for potential confounders, primiparas tended to have a lower percentage of abnormal PG than do multiparas (rate difference = –0.39, 95%CI: –3.61 to 2.84). The same amount of physical activity time was significantly less effective for multiparas than for primiparas (trend p-value < 0.01).ConclusionIn women with GDM, being multiparous is associated with less effective glycemic control through physical activity, such that multiparas need more physical activity to achieve glycemic control at a similar level to primiparas.  相似文献   

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