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目的了解国际范围内运动干预老年人跌倒风险领域研究进展,为我国未来相关领域研究提供一些建议。方法以Web of Science等外文期刊平台相关领域的研究为数据,采用CiteSpace5.7软件对运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究进行知识图谱的绘制以及可视化分析。结果1)运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究领域,2014年之后进入突增期,并在此之后至今仍然保持一个较高的研究热度;2)发文机构排名前3的分别为:卡罗林斯卡研究所、悉尼大学以及香港中文大学;不同研究机构、学科之间的交叉联系紧密,涉及了医学、神经科学、社会学、人口学、统计学等多个领域;3)主要关注老年人跌倒发生的主要因素,并通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的肌肉力量、下肢稳定性来降低老年人跌倒风险。结论运动干预老年人跌倒风险强调以预防为主,通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的下肢肌肉力量、下肢稳定性、改善老年人平衡能力及步态,降低老年人跌倒发生率,提升老年人生活质量,有效降低增龄性变化产生的不良影响,共同促进老年群体健康。在未来研究中,可尝试关注不同类型运动对提升老年人神经灵活性以及提升肌肉质量效果方面的研究。  相似文献   

从老年人跌倒事件、老年人跌倒的生物力学和老年鞋的止滑性能3个研究方面的成果和进展进行概述,跌倒的原因主要是老年人平衡能力随年龄增大而下降,本体感受器发生改变和肌肉、足底脂肪垫萎缩,使老年人行走时整足接触阶段、离地阶段过长,前脚掌处压力中心密集,产生了长期大负荷刺激,导致足部疲劳,使得老年人跌倒的风险增大。而合理舒适的鞋底可有效缓解疲劳,进而降低跌倒风险。为有效降低老年人跌倒风险,促进老年健康的发展,有关部门须根据影响老年人跌倒的因素,发布相关老年防滑指南,呼吁老年人适当进行有氧运动,辅之以规律性的抗阻训练。在进行老年鞋设计时要充分考虑鞋底的防滑作用,注意鞋底花纹的角度、深浅,同时,还要优化老年生活环境等来降低老年人跌倒的风险。  相似文献   

目的:在全面分析我国2000、2005和2010年老年人体适能水平变化趋势的基础上,探讨影响老年人跌倒的体适能因素,为老年人跌倒的预防提供科学依据.方法:(1)通过文献题录信息统计分析工具SATI 3.2软件、UCINET 6.0软件、可视化软件NETDRAW构建老年人跌倒原因的知识图谱,透析老年人跌倒的体适能影响因素.(2)通过我国2000、2005和2010年老年人体质健康监测中体适能指标的比对分析,总结其水平变化趋势.结论:与老年跌倒相关的体适能测试指标主要呈现3类变化特点,一些指标3次测试逐次提高:男性65-69岁、女性60-64岁的选择反应时;一些指标3次测试逐次下降,女性的握力、男性60-64岁的坐位体前屈、所有老年人的闭眼单脚站立;一些指标3次测试呈现曲线变化趋势,所有老年人肺活量、男性60-64岁、女性65-69岁的选择反应时、女性的坐位体前屈均呈现"∨"变化趋势,男性握力呈现"∧"变化趋势,这些变化应该引起有关部门的重视,并采取相应的健康促进干预策略,以期全面提高老年人体质健康水平,减少跌倒现象的发生.  相似文献   

跌倒严重威胁到老年人的健康及生活质量。老年人跌倒的原因比较复杂,在诸多危险因素中,身体和心理因素已成为主要诱因。对国内、外老年人跌倒的身心因素,即身体功能下降、抑郁症等方面进行归纳和逻辑分析。结果表明,老年人跌倒是由多维因素相互作用而致。相对于身体因素方面的研究而言,心理因素的研究甚少。希望能为该领域的研究提供借鉴,并为有效地预防和减少老年人跌倒的发生提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的通过对比研究有无跌倒史的老年人平衡能力控制差异,为预防老年人跌倒的研究提供理论依据。方法 26名有跌倒经历和25名无跌倒经历的受试者分别进行平衡能力测试。动态平衡能力测试主要为"起立-行走"测试;静态平衡能力测试包括:单腿站立时间测试和压力平板平衡能力测试。结果跌倒组受试者的"起立-行走"测试时间、闭眼单腿站立时间、左右移动最大位移量、压力中心动摇径总长、包络面积均显著大于未跌倒组。结论相比于无跌倒史老人,有跌倒史老年人的动态平衡能力较差,老年人在日常生活中应降低步行速度保持身体重心稳定性;动态平衡能力较差特别是左右方向平衡控制能力较差,提示有跌倒经历的老年人发生侧向摔倒的几率较大。建议老年人应通过规律的运动来提高平衡能力,预防跌倒的发生。  相似文献   

静立平衡COP晃动参数能有效反应老年人姿势控制能力,但老年人跌倒风险的敏感预测指标并不确定,存在争议。本研究通过对34名65岁以上老年女性的跌倒史和跌倒风险指数与其静立平衡COP晃动速度和距离的关系进行统计分析。研究认为:对于65岁以上的老年女性,静立平衡测试中,COP在单脚站立的左右晃动(速度和位移)和Tandem步站立的前后晃动(速度和位移)能有效评价老年女性的平衡能力、预测跌倒风险;一定难度站立姿势的静立平衡测试更有利于评价普通健康老年女性的平衡能力、预测跌倒。  相似文献   

通过动态观察跌倒预防运动过程中社区老年人的反应速度、平衡能力,位移速度,以期探讨长期的规律性运动干预对社区老年人运动能力的影响以及自主参与体育锻炼意识的效果。采用先干预后跟踪的实验法与前瞻性调查法对60名60岁以上社区老年人运动能力的比较发现,运动干预即后实验组与对照组的三项运动能力指标均有显著性提高;但运动干预1年后的实验组与对照组间运动能力变化值仅平衡能力下降明显。提示,跌倒预防运动干预对于非自主参与运动的社区老年人来说,并未起到提高体育锻炼意识的作用。  相似文献   

石家庄市60-80岁老年人健身现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白雅丽 《精武》2013,(21):81-83
本文通过访谈、问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计相结合的研究方法,对石家庄市部分社区的老年人健身活动的项目、场所、动机、健身器材及健身指导情况等进行了调查研究,并针对调查结果整理分析。其研究结果显示,大部分老年人都会进行体育锻炼,并以强身健体为主要目的。但是,由于旧社区的拆迁,新社区建设尚不完善,相关部门对老年人健身设施建设的重视程度不够,导致老年人参加健身活动的场地及健身设施不足,使老年人在选择健身项目上受到限制。另外,本文通过研究分析发现,多数老年人希望社区开展健身指导服务,并渴望获得更多的科学健身知识。建议相关本门在逐步完善老年人健身设施的同时,还应注重社会指导的培养,大力发展老年人健身指导的服务项目。从多方面为老年人健身锻炼创造良好环境,为老年人健身活动的开展提供了科学的指导和理论依据。  相似文献   

随着社会进步与教育环境诸多变化,中小学体育运动会风险管理亟需实现积极安全态度与现代技术防范并举。基于新时期中小学体育运动会风险评估是含有多重判断的复杂体系,该文引入层次全息建模HHM风险识别分析工具,构建包括运动会本体、组织管理、人员素质、场地设施、环境5大类别24个层次全息子系统的适用中小学体育运动会风险识别的全息模型,重点阐释了"组织管理——人员"风险识别的主场景,并通过HHM全息框架的指标转换、推演与扩展,统计中小学体育运动会风险清单全息模型配对的发生数目,运用层次分析法和帕累托分析法进行量化和评级,为中小学体育运动会风险量化评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着社会进步与教育环境诸多变化,中小学体育运动会风险管理亟需实现积极安全态度与现代技术防范并举。基于新时期中小学体育运动会风险评估是含有多重判断的复杂体系,该文引入层次全息建模HHM风险识别分析工具,构建包括运动会本体、组织管理、人员素质、场地设施、环境5大类别24个层次全息子系统的适用中小学体育运动会风险识别的全息模型,重点阐释了"组织管理——人员"风险识别的主场景,并通过HHM全息框架的指标转换、推演与扩展,统计中小学体育运动会风险清单全息模型配对的发生数目,运用层次分析法和帕累托分析法进行量化和评级,为中小学体育运动会风险量化评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   


We examined the measurement properties of fall-related psychological instruments with a sample of 133 older adults (M age = 74.4 years, SD = 9.4). Measures included the Comprehensive Falls Risk Screening Instrument, Falls-efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC), modified Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly (mSAFFE), Consequences of Falling (CoF), Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE), and 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). The FES-I, ABC, mSAFFE, and CoF were significantly correlated with each other, with SF-36, and with mobility. The ABC and mSAFFE were significantly correlated with PASE. The ABC differentiated between fallers and nonfallers and predicted total falls risk. Findings can assist with the selection of psychological instruments in a falls risk screening context.  相似文献   

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The consequences of falls can be considerable for elderly people. They often lead to fractures or other injuries, immobility, curtailed independence, need for long-term care, and even death. They decrease the quality of life and can exert a negative influence on self-esteem, activity level, and the number of social contacts. The annual rate of falls in people over 65 is approximately 30%. This number increases to about 50% up to the age of 80 years and almost half of those who fall do so more than once during the course of a year. More than 90% of all falls occur in everyday situations, mostly resulting from movement errors. All studies demonstrated a significant correlation between muscle weakness and the incidence of falls, thus representing a major risk factor for a fall. Gait disorders, hip fractures, and the loss of functional autonomy are closely related to falls and associated with age to a similar extent. Almost 90% of hip fractures in Germany are the result of a fall. From the individual and economic points of view, a fracture near the hip has serious consequences in old age. Based on research findings to date, vibration training could constitute an interesting alternative to classic methods of strength training in fall prevention programs. The aim of this contribution is to provide fundamental facts regarding epidemiology and prevention and to present a potential approach to implementing vibration training in multimodal programs designed to prevent falls.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Over the last few decades, demographic change has affected the German population in terms of a decreasing proportion of young people and an increasing proportion of elderly people. Both age groups have deficits in motor performance in common, either due to maturation and secular declines (children and adolescents) or due to biologic aging (seniors). As a consequence, deficits in postural control and muscle strength can be observed in children, adolescents, and seniors. Given these functional limitations, it is not surprising that risk of falling and, thus, medical care is particularly high in these age groups. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to investigate whether resistance or balance training have an effect on intrinsic fall risk factors (i.e., deficits in balance and strength) in children, adolescents, and seniors.


Healthy prepubertal, adolescent, and elderly subjects participated in a series of longitudinal studies. Muscle strength of the lower extremities was assessed by means of an isokinetic device and/or force plates. Postural control was determined during quiet and perturbed stance on a balance platform, during unperturbed multitask walking on a pressure sensitive walkway, as well as during perturbed walking on a treadmill. In addition, activity of lower extremity muscles was recorded.


Balance training significantly improved postural sway, the ability to compensate for stance and gait perturbations, and strength performance of the lower extremities in adolescents, and seniors, however not in prepubertal children. Resistance training significantly enhanced strength performance, but not performance in biomechanic tests assessing postural control in adolescents and seniors.


The investigated effects of balance and resistance training on postural control and strength together with data from epidemiologic studies imply that the combination of balance and resistance training is best suited for fall prevention, because it effectively counteracts a large number of intrinsic fall risk factors.  相似文献   

Wrist injuries are frequently observed after falls in snowboarding. In this study, laboratory experiments mimicking forward and backward falls were analysed. In six different falling scenarios, participants self-initiated falls from a static initial position. Eighteen volunteers conducted a total of 741 trials. Measurements were taken for basic parameters describing the kinematics as well as the biomechanical loading during impact, such as impact force, impact acceleration, and velocity. The effective mass affecting the wrist in a fall also was determined. The elbow angle at impact showed a more extended arm in backward falls compared to forward falls, whereas the wrist angle at impact remained similar in forward and backward falls. The study results suggest a new performance standard for wrist guards, indicating the following parameters to characterize an impact: an effective mass acting on one wrist of 3–5 kg, an impact angle of 75° of the forearm relative to the ground, and an impact velocity of 3 m/s.  相似文献   

We examined the measurement properties offall-related psychological instruments with a sample of 133 older adults (M age = 74.4 years, SD = 9.4). Measures included the Comprehensive Falls Risk Screening Instrument, Falls-efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC), modified Survey ofActivities and Fear ofFalling in the Elderly (mSAFFE), Consequences of Falling (CoF), Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE), and 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). The FES-I, ABC, mSAFFE, and CoF were significantly correlated with each othe, with SF-36, and with mobility. The ABC and mSAFFE were significantly correlated with PASE. The ABC differentiated between fallers and nonfallers and predicted total falls risk. Findings can assist with the selection of psychological instruments in a falls risk screening context.  相似文献   

Wrist injuries are frequently observed after falls in snowboarding. In this study, laboratory experiments mimicking forward and backward falls were analysed. In six different falling scenarios, participants self-initiated falls from a static initial position. Eighteen volunteers conducted a total of 741 trials. Measurements were taken for basic parameters describing the kinematics as well as the biomechanical loading during impact, such as impact force, impact acceleration, and velocity. The effective mass affecting the wrist in a fall also was determined. The elbow angle at impact showed a more extended arm in backward falls compared to forward falls, whereas the wrist angle at impact remained similar in forward and backward falls. The study results suggest a new performance standard for wrist guards, indicating the following parameters to characterize an impact: an effective mass acting on one wrist of 3-5 kg, an impact angle of 75 degrees of the forearm relative to the ground, and an impact velocity of 3 m/s.  相似文献   

在系统梳理衰弱概念及理论模型、衰弱风险评估工具的基础上,着重分析目前体力活动和衰弱的剂效关系及干预效果。结果表明:1)依据衰弱循环模型、累积健康缺陷模型、整合概念模型等理论框架,国际上提出了衰弱的概念。2)衰弱身体表型和衰弱指数是最常用的衰弱评估工具。3)体力活动对衰弱具有较好的干预效果,能延缓并逆转衰弱发展进程,其中多组分的综合运动类型、团体训练的运动组织形式和中等强度运动能有效地改善衰弱。4)横断面和纵向追踪研究显示,体力活动和衰弱之间存在"剂量-效应"关系,中高强度体力活动(moderate to vigorous physical activity,MVPA)和衰弱呈负相关,从事MVPA的时间越久,衰弱的发生风险越低。5)为深入开展和加强我国衰弱领域的研究,建议:开发适合我国老年人的衰弱评估工具;多学科协作,开展衰弱的运动干预实践;基于我国传统健身功法,探寻运动干预衰弱的中国方案。  相似文献   

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