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论奥运会志愿服务与大学生青年志愿者协会发展建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京奥运会赛会志愿者工作采用"馆校对接"模式.高校大学生青年志愿者协会肩负着招募、选拔、培训和管理赛会志愿者的重任.高标准的奥运志愿服务对大学生志愿者的综合素质和大学生青年志愿者协会的管理水平提出了高要求.大学生青年志愿者协会要借鉴奥运会志愿服务管理模式,完善管理机制,提高志愿者服务技能,做好北京奥运会志愿服务工作.  相似文献   

本选题结合珠海市大型体育赛事,以珠海市WTA超级精英赛为例,采用文献资料法,问卷调查法和逻辑分析法,对珠海市大型体育赛事志愿服务模式进行具体分析,得出:精英赛志愿者分为核心志愿者和赛期志愿者,是由珠海华发体育运营管理有限公司发动组织与管理,主要来源是高校学生,专业分布较为广泛,体育类专业人数较少,男女比例严重失调,个别岗位对英语有要求,三分之一的赛期志愿者先前有过志愿服务经历,赛期志愿者服务动机主要为自我发展动机,而社会责任动机较弱;赛期志愿者招募主要是通过学校组织的方式,岗位满意度高,岗位工作量的分布呈不科学的两极分化状态;培训时间比较短,方式以集中面授方式为主,网络培训的远程教育为辅;大会对赛期志愿者提供了满意度高的多样化激励措施和后勤保障,对赛期志愿者的考评方面做得稍有欠缺,赛期志愿者在参与服务活动中的收获颇多,且没有明显的指向性偏重,但也遇到各种各样的问题或不足。根据参考国内外对于大型体育赛事志愿服务的文献,提出可行的建议:建立珠海大型体育赛事志愿服务长效机制,提高社会参与程度;完善珠海市大型体育赛事志愿者管理体制;增强志愿者的社会责任动机培养,提升价值观。以求对我国及珠海未来大型体育赛事的举办和推动发展有所贡献。  相似文献   

近日,在奥运与亚运志愿服务合作交流会上,联合国志愿人员组织、中国国际经济技术交流中心、北京市志愿者联合会等组织相关人员组成的考察团成员就广州亚运会的志愿服务工作与广州亚组委志愿者部展开了深入的交流。  相似文献   

为使助残志愿组织更好的运作,有效的弥补国家政策所顾忌不到的地方,以福建师范大学bridge助残志愿服务队为调查对象,运用文献资料调研法、调查法以及数据统计法对bridge助残志愿服务队的志愿组织管理现状进行剖析,发现助残志愿服务队的组织管理存在管理架构、管理宗旨、管理资源及管理手段的不足。提出组织结构建设方案、相关骨干志愿者的培养与选拔策略及建立一套客观、多维度的评价体系等对策来完善和推进整个服务队的发展。  相似文献   

刘滨 《冰雪运动》2015,(2):43-45
通过对我国申办冬奥会、冬奥会志愿服务和冬季体育志愿服务之间的关系进行深入分析,阐述了申办冬奥会志愿服务具有的社会价值、文化价值、教育价值和经济价值,对在申办冬奥会过程中完善冬季体育志愿服务体系,做出培育冬季体育志愿者的社会资本,形成冬季体育志愿服务的持久化、常态化,建设专业化、制度化的冬季体育志愿服务队伍等一系列前瞻性思考,以期推动冬季体育运动在我国有一个新的更大的发展,成功申办和举办冬奥会.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,深入研究了国外发达国家志愿服务及体育志愿服务的发展经验,为我国建立全民健身志愿服务长效机制提供一定的借鉴。研究发现以美国为代表的发达国家志愿服务的主要经验:(1)志愿精神有着深厚的文化积淀,参与志愿服务具有广泛性和自觉性;(2)政府高度重视,提供强有力的法规、政策支持;(3)建立了完善的表彰激励机制;(4)建立完善的志愿者管理体系。提出从四个方面建立全民健身志愿服务长效机制:(1)建立全民健身志愿服务宣传机制;(2)建立健全全民健身志愿者组织管理机制;(3)建立全民健身志愿服务激励机制;(4)建立完善志愿服务保障机制。  相似文献   

随着社会文明的不断发展和进步,志愿服务越来越得到社会的需要,志愿服务工作经历了几十年的发展,也得到了社会各界的普遍认可,青年志愿者精神已经成为当代青年喜爱和接受的精神时尚,青年志愿者行动已经成为动员青年参与经济社会建设的重要载体,青年志愿者工作已经成为新时期共青团的重要品牌.本文就制度化、信息化、项目化三个方面,深入探讨如何树立青年志愿服务工作品牌.  相似文献   

王译 《体育风尚》2021,(5):281-282
本研究运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和调查法对其进行研究。本研究对传承中华体育精神和弘扬志愿精神,完善全民健身工作机制,推进体育社会组织改革具有重要意义。现状分析显示高校体育志愿者管理体系不完善;参与体育锻炼地区情况出现两极分化,城镇居民接受体育锻炼专业指导极少。建议完善高校体育志愿者管理体系和服务体系;建立高校体育志愿者与社会体育指导员和城镇文化服务中心的有效衔接长效机制,规划高校体育志愿者在城镇开展志愿服务的可持续发展方案,社区文化事业相关单位做好居民体育锻炼实施方案和社区宣传。  相似文献   

以辽宁省社区体育志愿者为调查对象,采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对社区体育志愿者的基本情况、服务现状及影响其服务的关联因素进行调查研究,结果表明:辽宁省社区体育志愿者的年龄偏高,职业以离退休人员为主,文化程度属于高水平结构,收入在省内处于中高层次;志愿服务内容属于维系社区体育活动开展的基础性服务,服务意识的利己性角度明显;志愿服务时间、频率与锻炼时间、频率相关,集中与早晚进行。影响因素最为突出的是物质因素中的场地、设施等刚性需求;自身影响因素中,经验、兴趣明显,期望得到物质、精神方面的激励,得到相关部门、家人的重视与支持。  相似文献   

推荐理由一群有开阔进取精神,创新思维能力,卓越领导意识的优秀领导者组成的志愿者团队北京语言大学志愿服务总队是一支颇具规模的团队,自2008年12月5日正式成立以来,就开始了紧锣密鼓的筹备与服务活动。他们积极开展志愿服务系列活动进社区,走进圆明园义务解说,首都机场服务,哈佛北京书院志愿者招募,姚明基金会服务,中非工业论坛解说,中外跨国公司CEO圆桌会议,中国网球公开赛服务等活动,传递了团结,奉献,互助,进步的志愿者理念,得到了师生的广泛认可和一致好评。北京语言大学志愿服务总队融合了青年志愿者协  相似文献   


This article analyses the conditions influencing volunteering in sports clubs. It focuses not only on individual characteristics of volunteers but also on the corresponding structural conditions of sports clubs. It proposes a model of voluntary work in sports clubs based on economic behaviour theory. The influences of both the individual and context levels on the decision to engage in voluntary work are estimated in different multilevel models. Results of these multilevel analyses indicate that volunteering is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as lower workloads, higher income, children belonging to the sports club, longer club memberships, or a strong commitment to the club. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions; volunteering is more probable in rural sports clubs whereas growth-oriented goals in clubs have a destabilising effect.  相似文献   

志愿服务的道德实践推动了大学生志愿者道德情感的培养与道德习惯的内化,形成了道德提升的良性循环,影响该循环正常运行的主要因素有内在动机、角色扮演、保障激励以及团队文化,并从主观因素、客观因素两方面对大学生志愿者的道德提升提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

As volunteerism occurs in an organizational context, both individual factors and organizational characteristics affect (potential) volunteers in sports clubs. Whereas a number of researchers have studied individual-level determinants, knowledge on the role of organizational-level factors is limited. Based on the concept of organizational capacity, in the present study, the authors investigate whether and how human resources, financial, and structural capacities of sports clubs influence individual voluntary engagement. Using data from German football and track and field clubs (n = 296) and their members (n = 1222), the effects of organizational capacity on voluntary engagement within two subsamples, adult members and parents of underage members, are examined. The results of multi-level mixed effects regression analyses show that all capacity dimensions are significantly associated with voluntary engagement of both adult members and parents of underage members. A larger number of members and a greater share of volunteers reduce the amount of time a volunteer devotes to voluntary work; adult members are less likely to volunteer when their club has a balanced budget; and strategic planning increases the likelihood of individuals to volunteer informally. Overall, the results support the notion that the organizational context is more relevant to volunteering of adult members than individual characteristics and equally relevant to parents of underage members. Managerial implications to facilitate volunteering, such as shifting club goals towards youth development and sports for all provision, are discussed.  相似文献   

曹可强 《体育科研》2012,33(6):43-46
摘要:运用文献资料法,通过对上海市城乡公共体育服务供给现状的分析,发现城乡居民享有的公共体育服务存在差距;为了增加公共体育服务供给,政府在促进农村地区公共体育服务自我发展的基础上,应该建立公共体育服务的财政保障制度、城乡一体化公共体育服务制度、城乡社区对口支援制度和公共体育服务志愿活动制度等,以尽快实现城乡公共体育服务均等化。  相似文献   


The Millennium Volunteers (MV) is a nation-wide government initiative designed to encourage citizenship in young people by providing opportunities to volunteer their time in the community for the benefit of themselves and others. This paper examines an MV programme focused solely on sport that sets out to provide training and support for young sport leaders to do volunteer work in their schools and the community. The rationale behind this study is to describe the psycho-social characteristics of young sport leaders (males = 138; females = 168; mean age = 16.6 years) from across England who were involved in the programme. Assessments were made on their motives and attitudes to volunteer work and their perceptions of leadership skills over a nine-month period. Overall results showed that leadership skills and volunteer motivations increased while the importance of and attraction to volunteering also changed over time. Providing a profile of young sport leaders and a measure of the impact of their volunteer activity may be of benefit to sporting organisations, educators and community administrators who wish to increase interest and opportunities in volunteer work by young people. This study demonstrates the advantage of using sport and volunteering as a means for encouraging pro-social behaviour and citizenship among young people and the positive impact this combination can have personally on the volunteer.  相似文献   

In the social science literature, various motives for volunteering are discussed. However, so far little is known about the specific relationship between these motives and the time invested in voluntary work. Hypotheses derived from consumer goods theory concerning this association were examined. The results show (1) that altruistic motives increase the amount of engagement, and (2) that selfishly motivated volunteerism is an experience good.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):498-508
The authors report on findings from part of a larger research project ‘Gender in Volunteering Research’ (GiVR). Data were collected from 24 women volunteers in 3 contexts—cycling, parkrun, and the broader field of leisure to explore the ways these women volunteer— including a consideration of the key challenges they face and how they overcome them. By taking a gendered analysis and drawing on feminist middle ground thinking, the authors extend current qualitative research within volunteering. Findings suggest the en/gendering of volunteering is evident within volunteer organisations through the ways in which gender influences the roles and volunteering experiences within these settings. Personal circumstances also mediate the en/gendering of volunteering and the women in this study were aware of how they needed to negotiate these so they could continue their volunteer activities. The authors highlight the need for sport organisations to be more caring and interested in their volunteers’ lives and circumstances.  相似文献   

The UK government’s Big Society vision is a source of fierce debate and controversy, particularly when set alongside severe austerity measures. This has revealed a glaring disconnect between rhetoric of empowered, inclusive communities and the burgeoning reality of cuts to publicly funded community provision. This puts pressure on organizations that rely on or promote volunteering as a means of participatory community inclusion, not just financially through loss of funding, but also potentially on ideological grounds. To explore this, research was conducted within the community projects of FC United of Manchester, a not-for-profit, cooperative, fan-owned, non-league English football club. Findings reveal extremely positive perceptions of its community and inclusivity work, with volunteering and the club’s ownership structure being seen as major factors in that success. Despite clear opposition to the coalition government’s policies, from a community inclusion perspective and on wider ideological grounds, the club aims to increase its capacity as a community provider, acknowledging the potential contradictions and conflicts this may bring.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(3):448-463
Using a heterodox economic approach, the purpose of this paper is twofold: to analyse the determinants of (1) volunteering in organised sports, and (2) time committed to that volunteering. By means of regression analysis of secondary data from a nation-wide volunteer survey with two waves (2004: n = 15,000; 2009: n = 20,005), it was established that human capital, female gender and the motive of shaping society had a negative influence on the decision to volunteer while the number of engagements in other volunteering had a positive effect. Time committed to volunteering was determined by male gender, having children, meeting people, club membership, shaping society and number of voluntary engagements. The volunteer workforce is thus very heterogeneous; however, sport club managers should recruit volunteers in particular amongst existing members.  相似文献   

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